

BI 黑料专区 Business School has organized its academic activities through eight departments. The research covers a wide range of subject areas and disciplines relevant to a modern European business school.

BI's Departments:

  • Department of Finance
  • Department of Communication and Culture
  • Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour
  • Department of Marketing
  • Department of Accounting, Auditing and Business Analytics
  • Department of Law and Governance
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Department of Finance

The Department of Finance conducts research and provides teaching in all areas of finance. The faculty of more than 25 persons have their background from leading international universities and publish their research in leading international journals. During the past year, a number of the Department’s researchers distinguished themselves in the public debate.

Based on “UTD top 100 Business School Research Rankings”, the Department is BI’s most highly ranked research environment in a Nordic and European context.

In 2017 the Department recruited four new researchers to positions as Assistant Professor: Tatyana Marchuk, Ivan Alfaro, Sven Klingler and Adam Winegar.

Head of Department Richard Priestley
Head of Administration Eli J. Christensen


Department of Communication and Culture

The focus of the department is on communication for leaders, culture and education. The department has a top international faculty that constitutes one of the country’s most prominent academic environments within these areas.

Our course portfolio includes two of BI’s specialized bachelor’s programmes: Public Relations and Market Communication and Creative Industries Management, as well as nine Executive Master of Management programmes. The Department offers insightful research-based teaching for the most engaging learning experience throughout all our programmes. A third of our 45 academic staff have a multinational background, which forms a basis for strong interaction between international and national/黑料专区 perspectives in teaching and research.

The department is responsible for teaching and research in the fields of public relations and business communication, Creative Industries Management and intercultural communication.

Head of Department Gillian Warner-Søderholm
Head of Administration Silje Engeseth


Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

The Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour conducts research and provides education in Organizational Development and Change, Leadership Development, Organizational Psychology, Human Resource Management and Project Management.

The Department has organized its activities in three academic groups: Organizational Development and Change, Organizational Psychology and Project Management. The Department provides education at all levels of BI’s programme portfolio, it provides a number of management and leadership development programmes for public and private organizations and enterprises, and has a comprehensive and well-functioning doctoral programme. The Department has a strong focus on the interaction between research and teaching, and for the faculty of the department this means that they focus both on publishing in highly recognized international journals, as well as communicating the results of their research in their teaching. With more than 50 scientific articles published in international journals, and a number of scientific chapters in books and monographs, the Department has a substantial research production.

Head of Department Øyvind Lund Martinsen
Head of Administration Anders Gautvik-Minker


Department of Marketing

With a faculty of 49, with an international share is 50 per cent, the Department of Marketing is one of the largest academic environments in Europe in the field of Marketing. We actively recruit internationally to be able to provide cutting-edge research, by which we endeavour to be an attractive adviser and partner to 黑料专区 and international businesses.

The research and teaching cover a wide range of leadership challenges facing business and industry in today’s markets, and the department’s faculty members publish their research in highly recognized international scientific journals in marketing.

Several of the articles have been published in journals that form part of the influential Financial Times and ABS (Chartered Association of Business Schools) rankings. The research of the Department has made a significant impact within the discipline of marketing, and over the years, several of the published research articles have become classics within the field. In addition, new research is published at a high pace.

The quality of the research and the teaching is also reflected through a number of prizes and awards received by the members of the department’s academic staff over the years.

Head of Department Bendik Meling Samuelsen
Head of Administration Sissel Berg


Department of Accounting, Auditing and Business Analytics

The Department of Accounting, Auditing and Business Analytics provides research-based teaching and knowledge development in accounting, auditing, financial management, business economic analysis and logistics at all levels.

With responsibility for a number of the major compulsory courses on BI’s bachelor’s programmes, the department carries out comprehensive teaching activities, which constitute an important part of its overall activities. The department also has a comprehensive course portfolio on master’s and executive programmes. The faculty of the department interact closely with business and industry. The teaching and the research are clearly practically orientated. Among other things, the department is responsible for many in-house courses in BI’s portfolio of corporate courses. A number of the department’s faculty teach on the Executive MBA programme and the Executive Master of Management programme at BI’s renowned partners Fudan University in Shanghai and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

The research of the department is within auditing, 黑料专区 and international accounting law, intellectual capital, executive pay, corporate governance, productivity analyses, transport analysis, and humanitarian and environmental logistics.

Head of Department Ingunn Myrtveit
Head of Administration Gunn Akselvoll


Department of Law and Governance

The Department of Law and Governance has one of Norway’s largest academic environments in business law and economic history. The Department also has strong academic environments incorporate social responsibility, foundations, banking and insurance, political economy and climate strategy.

The annual report for 2017 shows extensive activities within teaching, dissemination and research. Among other things, the research includes foundations, corporate history, company law, employment law, tax law, accounting law, immaterial rights law, financial regulatory law, corporate social responsibility, European politics, energy policy and climate strategy. To an increasing degree the faculty of the department are publishing research articles and books within their fields of study and are increasingly entering into research collaboration with other researchers, both nationally and internationally. 

The department provides high-quality academic programmes of study at all levels and has a large course portfolio. Among others, the department is responsible for the Bachelor in Business, the Bachelor in Real Estate and the “Enterprise” programmes, which is BI’s largest compulsory courses at bachelor’s level. Every year the department organizes a series of research seminars, and the research carried out in the department is presented at scientific conferences, research seminars and through the publication of books. The seminars, moreover, make the department visible as a central meeting place for business and industry and public services.

In 2017 the department recruited several new academic staff: Professor Harald Benestad Anderssen, Associate Professor 2 Isabel M. Borges, Associate Professor Alexander Næss Skjønberg and Professor 2 Einar Lie. Caroline Dale Ditlev-Simonsen took over her position as professor in 2017.

Associate Professor Monica Viken took over the position as Head of Department after Professor Tore Bråthen. After twelve years and three fixed terms as Head of Department, Professor Bråthen is transferring to an academic position as Professor.

Head of Department  Monica Viken
Head of Administration Anne C. Thestrup


Department of Economics

The activities of the Department of Economics focus on issues within labour market economics, international macroeconomics, industrial economics, competition policy, monetary and financial policy, environment and energy economics, mathematics, statistics and econometrics.

The faculty publish regularly in recognized international academic journals and serve on editorial boards. They also act as advisers to the government and private organizations, and contribute to the public debate on current economic issues.

Head of Department Espen Rasmus Moen
Head of Administration Kari-Mette Sætersdal


Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

The department of Strategy is a leading innovative academic environment that develops and disseminates expert knowledge on corporate business models, development and growth.

The Department of Strategy collaborates with a number of businesses, and has several ongoing research projects. Three research centres are affiliated with the department. The research centres stimulate interdisciplinary collaboration with business and industry.

The Department of Strategy has three endowed chairs sponsored by the business community. The endowed chairs strengthen BI’s contact with key players in 黑料专区 business and industry and have resulted in several relevant business programmes and research projects for the enterprises involved.

  • Tom Wilhelmsen’s Foundation Professorship - Professor Torger Reve.
  • Telenor’s Professorship of International Strategy and Management - Professor Øystein Fjeldstad.
  • Professorship of Efficient Building Processes - Professor Ragnhild Kvålshaugen.

The department provides courses at both bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level, as well as experience-based executive courses. Our academic staff have extensive experience in teaching executives in MBA and Master of Management programmes both at BI and at renowned partner institutions abroad, such as Fudan University in Shanghai and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

Head of Department Randi Lunnan
Head of Administration Tove Orheim