BI work in line with the UN's sustainability goals. That is a binding commitment, both when it comes to teaching and our operations.
BI work in line with the UN's sustainability goals. That is a binding commitment, both when it comes to teaching and our operations.
BI supports the UN climate goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees. That means that BI must reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 compared to 2018. The work with sustainability is reflected in research, teaching and how we work internally in our organisation.
Of the SDGs, BI has chosen to focus primarily on the following four:
- No 4 - Quality Education
- No 5 - Gender Equality
- No 13 - Climate Action
- No 17 - Partnership for the goals
Sustainability in research and teaching
Through the UN network PRME, BI follows six principles for leadership education. These principles help ensure that future leaders have the knowledge and tools to balance financial and sustainability goals in a way that positively impacts society.
Through BI's research, we will contribute to an increased understanding of the important role of companies, business and the economy in creating sustainable solutions. In 2022, BI published the Report on sustainability research at BI 黑料专区 Business School. This report provides insight into research from BI that is relevant to achieving the UN sustainability goals.
In 2022, a new model for BI's bachelor's programmes was approved. From autumn 2023, new students will follow a further developed bachelor's programme where ethics and sustainability will be consistent themes in all the programmes. In addition, it has been decided that the course Doing sustainable business should be compulsory for everyone and that sustainability will be integrated into at least three subjects in each bachelor's programme.
Every other year, PRME members prepare a report that explains the institutions' sustainability work, focusing on teaching, research and operations. In 2022, BI published the latest edition of the PRME report, which describes BI's work with sustainability, the challenges we face and the goals we have set for the work from now on towards 2024.
Open access to research is central to achieving the UN sustainability goals. Therefore, BI actively participates in national and international collaborations on open access to research results (Open Access) and requires self-archiving all research articles in our science archive. BI also encourages our researchers to share research data openly when there are no legal, financial or ethical considerations that prevent this.
Environmental and climate work
Every year BI prepares climate accounts for our campuses to map our emissions. The work on sustainability was strongly affected by the pandemic in 2020 and 2021, while 2022 was the first year of regular operation since 2019. BI is Environmental Lighthouse certified. In autumn 2022, the work to re-certify BI's four campuses was completed, and BI is now certified until the end of 2025.
We have been working on several environmental measures for a long time, yielding results. Since 2017, BI has reduced CO2 emissions by 65%. BI's four largest emissions sources are commuting, travel, food and drink, and energy. These accounted for 84% of BI's emissions in 2021.
To build on BI's adopted target of a 50% reduction of its emissions by 2030, and decided a reduction in the budget for business trips of 28% in 2022 compared to 2019. The budget reduction will be continued in 2023 and now amounts to 33% compared to 2019.
In 2022, it was decided to implement artificial intelligence to control the ventilation system on campus Oslo. The majority of the work is expected to be completed in 2023. The aim is to achieve a 15% annual reduction in energy consumption that goes to heating and cooling.
BI will work for increased consumption of renewable energy. At Campus Oslo, the possibilities for establishing solar panels on the roof are being investigated, with the desire for realisation in 2024. For the D-block, solar panels will be installed in 2023.
BI decided that all conferences should be certified as green conferences in 2022. This is an ongoing process, and the goal is for all campus conferences to achieve the Environmental Lighthouse's criteria for green conferences during 2023.
We work to reduce the unnecessary use of plastic and single-use items and have set a target of 65% material recycling by 2022. Due to the pandemic and the effect this had on BI's activity on the campuses, this target has been moved to 2024. We are also concerned with the continuous reuse of fixtures and materials to extend the life of our buildings and furniture in this way.
BI works for green mobility solutions and encourages employees to choose transport alternatives with the lowest possible climate emissions.
Sustainability on the alum agenda
Sustainability was raised as an important topic when BI's Alumni Advisory Board met to discuss sustainability and the importance of this as an integral part of BI's study programmes, as well as what the business world expects of BI students' competence in sustainability. By maintaining close contact with the business world via our alums, BI gains important insight and good input that we can take with us in the development of the school.