
Annual report 2023


BI aims to be an international, leading European business school.

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BI aims to be an international and leading European business school. Our research, teaching, recruitment, and collaborations with other universities and colleges reflect this ambition.

An exchange is a unique experience during your studies. BI increased the focus on facilitating this in our studies and programmes, in line with the authorities' clear expectations of increased mobility and work-life relevance in education. In 2023:

  • 388 BI students went on exchange. This was a reduction of 29% compared to 2022, a year where many more wanted to go on exchange after two years of COVID-19 and closed borders.
  • 725 students from 43 different countries chose to study at BI, a reduction of 0.2% for bachelor's students and 2% for master's students compared to last year.
  • 332 third-year students in the bachelor's programme in International Management had their last year abroad.
  • 1133 students with an international background studied at BI in spring 2023, and 1152 students with an international background in autumn 2023.

As a leading European business school, we are keen to look beyond Norway's borders. We are proud of our international collaborations and the opportunities we offer our students. In 2023, we had:

  • Collaboration with 240 international partner schools
  • 5 master programmes with the possibility of a Double Degree.
  • 11 full-time master programmes with the option of a stay abroad.
  • 20 executive courses and programmes with the possibility of a stay abroad.
  • 3 bachelor programmes and 11 full-time master programmes taught in English.
  • 5 executive courses and 2 executive programmes taught in English.
  • 144 students in our BI Fudan MBA programme in China.
  • 1 meeting of the BI International Advisory Board.

BI want to recruit employees with an international background. This helps to develop attractive studies and candidates. In 2023 were:

  • 62 nationalities were represented among BI's employees.
  • 38% of BI's professional staff were international, while 7% of BI's administrative staff were international.

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