
Annual report 2023

Organisation and employees

By the end of 2023, BI had 1001 employees.

At the end of 2023, BI had 1.001 employees, divided into 504 administrative employees and 497 faculty.

  • BI is an independent foundation, led by a board of eight members.
  • The Supervisory Committee reviews the profit and loss account and balance sheet, selects an auditor, and checks that the board's administration follows statutory provisions and articles of association. The control committee consists of three members, all external.
  • The BI Senate is BI's highest scientific body and has authority per the board's mandate.
  • BI's Management Team is composed of eleven people and is led by rector Karen Spens.
  • BI has a Programme Committee for each programme area: Bachelor, Master, Executive and Doctorates.
  • The appeals committee deals with appeals about individual decisions and, according to the board's determination, other appeals for the candidates.
  • BAMU is BI's working environment committee. BAMU work for the implementation of a responsible working environment.

At BI, we facilitate an inspiring working environment that promotes the individual's well-being, health, learning and development. The environment must be characterised by diversity, equality, consideration, and respectful and open communication.

  • 1.001 employees divided into 497 faculty and 504 administrative employees, a decrease of 2.2% from 2022.
  • In addition, 322 students worked as student employees, corresponding to 61 full-time equivalents.
  • Number of employees by gender:
    - 36.5 % of faculty were women
    - 65 % of the administrative employees were women
    - 27.7 % of BI's professors were women
  • Share of international staff:
    - 38 % of BI's faculty were international
    - 7 % of BI's administrative employees were international
    - 17 % of BI's student employees were international
  • 62 nationalities represented
  • BI had 906 FTEs, a reduction of 17 FTEs compared with 2022
  • 301 hourly lecturers worked at BI, a reduction of 22 hourly lecturers compared to 2022

At BI, we want to facilitate a good working environment, prevent bullying and harassment, and reduce sick leave.

  • In 2022, BI's employees' total sick leave with a doctor's note was 3.27 %. This is an increase of 0.27% compared to 2022.
  • No serious incidents, injuries or accidents have been registered in connection with the performance of work at BI in 2023.