
Annual report 2023


BI's sustainability efforts are reflected in our teaching, research projects, and organizational operations.

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BI contributes to sustainable development and social responsibility by aligning with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the UN's principles for responsible management education (PRME). We aim to integrate these into our research, teaching, operations, and stakeholder collaboration.

We have a particular focus on the UN's sustainability goals SDG 4 (Good education), SDG 5 (Equality between the sexes), SDG 13 (Stopping climate change) and SDG 17 (Cooperation to achieve the goals).

Through BI's research and teaching, we will contribute knowledge and understanding of how organisations and businesses can contribute to more sustainable development. In 2023, BI had:

  • 7 electives for bachelor's students and 3 electives for full-time master's students with a focus on sustainability.
  • 18 Executive courses and programmes, as well as almost all courses on the Executive Master of Management in Energy, had an explicit sustainability focus.

In line with our goal of excellent operation of BI 黑料专区 Business School, we are developing our campuses to support the ambition to follow international climate and environmental goals.

  • BI prepares climate accounts for our campuses to map our emissions every year.
  • BI's overall sustainability goal is to reduce its emissions by 50% by 2030. As of 2023, emissions have been reduced by 15.4% since 2017.
  • BI's four largest emissions sources are travel, commuting, food and drink, and energy. These accounted for 94% of BI's emissions in 2023, an increase of 4% from 2022.
  • The emissions related to travel, both for students and employees, increased by 67% compared to 2022. In 2022, there were still travel restrictions on international travel due to the pandemic.
  • The recycling rate for materials for all campuses was 51% in 2023, compared to 48% in 2022.
  • The sorting rate on all four campuses, i.e. the proportion of waste sorted apart from residual waste, was 56% in 2023 compared to 62% in 2022.

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