Welcoming family business in the accounting family
Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 14(2), s. 106- 110. Doi:
Breunig, Karl Joachim & Roberts, Hanno (2017)
Money Talks: Communication Patterns as Knowledge Monetization
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI), 13(3), s. 71- 94. Doi: -
Roberts, Hanno & Breunig, Karl Joachim (2016)
Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth is: Communication Patterns as Knowledge Monetization
Proceedings of the Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference, 13
Breunig, Karl Joachim & Roberts, Hanno (2015)
Money Talks: The role of communication in monetizing knowledge value
Spender, J.-C.; Schiuma, G & Albino, V (red.). Culture, Innovation and Entrepeneurship: connecting the knowledge dots
Breunig, Karl Joachim & Roberts, Hanno (2014)
Putting your money where your mouth is: monetizing knowledge using communication roles
Vivas, Carla & Sequeira, Pedro (red.). Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management
Breunig, Karl Joachim & Roberts, Hanno (2013)
Caught off balance: managing knowledge value creation through boundary spanning roles
International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 10(3/4), s. 258- 275. Doi:
Roberts, Hanno & Bagnoli, Carlo (2013)
Governing strategy and knowledge: tools and methodologies
Journal of Management and Governance, 17(3), s. 535- 540. Doi:
Westin, Olle & Roberts, Hanno (2010)
Interventionist research - the puberty years: an introduction to the special issue
Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management, 7(1), s. 5- 12.
Bjurstrøm, Erik & Roberts, Hanno (2007)
Reinventing the University as driving force of Intellectual Capital
Chaminade, Cristina & Catas煤s, Bino (red.). Intellectual Capital Revisited: paradoxes in the knowledge intensive organization
Roberts, Hanno & Bjurström, Erik (2007)
The Principle of Connectivity: networked assets, strategic capabilities, and bundled outcomes
Chaminade, Cristina & Catas煤s, Bino (red.). Intellectual Capital Revisited: paradoxes in the knowledge intensive organization
Roberts, Hanno (2006)
Making Management Accounting Intelligible
A. Bhimani (ed.), Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting
Roberts, Hanno & Chaminade, Cristina (2004)
De las palabras a los hechos: un análisis comparativo de la implantación de modelos de gestión de capital intelectual en España y Noruega [What it means is what it does: a comparative analysis of implementig intellectual capital in Norway and Spain]
L. Ca帽ibano and M.P. Sanchez (eds.): Lecturas sobre Intangibles y Capital Intelectual [Readings on Intangibles & Intellectual Capital]
Roberts, Hanno & Bhimani, A. (2004)
Management Accounting and Knowledge Management: in search of intelligibility
Management Accounting Research, 15(1), s. 1- 4.
Roberts, Hanno & Chaminade, Cristina (2003)
What it means is what it does: a comparative analysis of implementing intellectual capital in Norway and Spain
European Accounting Review, 12(3), s. 733- 751.
Roberts, Hanno & Bhimani, A. (2003)
Management accounting and the knowledge production process
Welcoming family business into the accounting family: an introduction to the special issue
Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management [Kronikk]
Roberts, Hanno (1)
Intellektual Kapital, aktiva eller passiva?
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]
Roberts, Hanno (1)
Kommunikasjon - like viktig som kompetanse
Expressen [Kronikk]
Roberts, Hanno; Oliveira, Joao Pedro & Skowronska, Emilia Luiza (2019)
Creativity, Control, and Communication in New Product Development
[Academic lecture]. 24th Workshop "Raymond Konopka" on Accounting and Management Control.
Roberts, Hanno; Xu, Tingting, Lu, Lucy & Zhang, Jason (2018)
The In-Between Domain of Art and Business
[Academic lecture]. 6th EIASM Workshop on Managing Arts and Cultural Organizations.
Roberts, Hanno & Erik, Bjurström (2017)
Feed-forward Control in the Design of Management Control System Practices: The ‘Positive Deviance’ Approach
[Academic lecture]. 14th Annual Conference for Management Accounting Research.
Roberts, Hanno & Erik, Bjurström (2017)
The ‘Positive Deviance’ Approach and Community-based Design of Management Control Systems: an examination of connections
[Academic lecture]. 22nd Workshop on Accounting and Management Control "Memorial Raymond Konopka".
Roberts, Hanno (2016)
How to make innovation perform? Entrepreneurship: start-ups and young firms
[Academic lecture]. International Conference on Entrepreneurship (IConEnt) 2016.
Roberts, Hanno (2016)
Designing and Doing Qualitative Management Accounting Research
[Academic lecture]. 12th International Accounting Research Symposium.
Roberts, Hanno & Breunig, Karl Joachim (2016)
Putting Your Money Where Your Mouth is: Communication Patterns as Knowledge Monetization
[Academic lecture]. 13th EIASM Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference (MAR) 2016 "Using Cost and Performance Management Systems to Drive Innovation鈥.
Roberts, Hanno & Grønlund, Rolf-Henry (2015)
Thai boxing as a metaphor for SE-Asian entrepreneurship: an auto-ethnography
[Academic lecture]. 5th Asian Management and Entrepreneurship Workshop.
Revenue Management as a Strategic Choice for SME Hotels; experiences from Chiang Mai, Thailand
[Academic lecture]. 4th International Conference on Tourism Management and Related Issues.
Breunig, Karl Joachim & Roberts, Hanno (2014)
Putting your money where your mouth is: monetizing knowledge using communication roles
[Academic lecture]. 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM).
Roberts, Hanno & Feranita, Feranita (2014)
Striking a balance or striking a match? Enabling or coercive MCS design following the financial turnaround of an Indonesian family business
[Academic lecture]. 19th Workshop on Accounting and Management Control Raymond Konopka Memorial.
Roberts, Hanno (2014)
The ions of accounting for knowledge: identification, location, and combination
[Academic lecture]. International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge, and Capabilities.
Ülle, Pärl; Roberts, Hanno, Breunig, Karl Joachim & Lääts, Kertu (2013)
Network orchestration in open innovation business models (OIBM): the case of 黑料专区 and Estonian organizations
[Report]. Estonian Business School.
Breunig, Karl Joachim & Roberts, Hanno (2013)
Money Talks: The role of communication in monetarizing knowledge value
[Academic lecture]. 73d annual meeting of the Academy of Management.
Roberts, Hanno & Feranita, Feranita (2013)
Balancing MCS and Strategy Using Business Turnaround as Lens: evidence from an Indonesian family-owned business
[Academic lecture]. 7th conference on Performance Measurement and Management Control.
Roberts, Hanno & Feranita, Feranita (2013)
Turning a Coercive Control system into an Enabling Control System: the case of an Indonesian family business
[Academic lecture]. 9th European Network for Research in Organisational & Accounting Change (ENROAC) conference.
Roberts, Hanno & Wonchan, Vanlapa (2012)
Revenue Management as an Emergent Management Routine: a research proposal
[Academic lecture]. 4th Asian Management and Entrepreneurship Workshop.
Roberts, Hanno & Wonchan, Vanlapa (2012)
Revenue Management as an Emergent Management Routine
[Academic lecture]. 17th Conference of the Asian-Pacific Decision Science Institute.
Breunig, Karl Joachim & Roberts, Hanno (2012)
Money talks: the role of boundary spanners in accounting for knowledge
[Academic lecture]. 8th conference on new directions in management accounting.
Roberts, Hanno; Arnulf, Jan Ketil & Zhao, Weitao (2011)
The Process is the Bridge: using online student collaboration to indigenize MBA teaching
[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management.
The workshop will specifically address the creation of an MBA course design with an emphasis on the course delivery process as that is where indigenization starts. Focus will be on three aspects: (1) pre-course casework collaboration and the introduction of MBA teaching by electronic means, (2) the in-course feedback and evaluation, and (3) the post-course learning consolidation and course conclusion. The workshop will use Google Wave as key vehicle to illustrate and practice with the PDW participants how to design and implement the course delivery process aspect. These insights have been developed gradually since 2003 when the joint MBA program between Fudan University’s School of Management and the 黑料专区 School of Management was initiated. Our main aim is to engage participants in developing pre-course engagement, ensure group processes of exchange and reciprocal learning, and visualize the teaching outcomes along the progress of the course, all from an indigenous perspective.
Roberts, Hanno; Lobo, A. & Escobar, Bernabé (2010)
The Role of Management Control Systems in Post-Merger Integration
[Academic lecture]. Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association.
Roberts, Hanno & Pärl, Ülle (2010)
Communication and Structuration in Management Accounting and Control Processes: a semiotics alternative
[Academic lecture]. 3d workshop on Management Accounting as Social and Organisational Practice.
Sheehan, Norman T. & Roberts, Hanno (2010)
Management Control as a Meso-Fundation Organisational Capability
[Academic lecture]. Annual Conference of the AAA.
Roberts, Hanno; Arnulf, Jan Ketil & Weitao, Zhao (2010)
The process and the beast: using IT tools to indigenize and contextualize MBA teaching
[Academic lecture]. Professional Development Workshop (PDW).
Pärl, Ülle & Roberts, Hanno (2010)
Connecting the Talk to the Walk: a semiotics-based communications process model for MACS
[Academic lecture]. 33d Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association (EAA).
Lobo Gallardo, Antonio; Escobar Perez, Bernabé & Roberts, Hanno (2009)
The Role of Management Control Systems in Post-Merger Integration: a longitudinal case study
[Academic lecture]. Cross-cultural Mergers and Acquisitions.
VandeMaele, Sigried; Vergauwen, Philip & Roberts, Hanno (2009)
Determining the Value of Business Partnerships: an intellectual capital approach to value drivers of partnership performance
[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Accountancy en Bedrijfskunde, 29(10), s. 20- 34.
Roberts, Hanno & Westin, Olle (2008)
Up around the bend: actually making new practice
[Academic lecture]. XIII Workshop in Accounting and Control 鈥淢emorial Raymond Konopka".
Roberts, Hanno (2007)
Time Intensity and Connective Capacity: managing knowledge-based capabilities
[Academic lecture]. 3d EIASM Workshop on Visualising, Measuring, and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital.
Brønn, Peggy Simcic; Roberts, Hanno & Breunig, Karl Joachim (2004)
Intangible Assets, Communication and Relationships
[Academic lecture]. 11th Annual Public Relations Research Symposium.
Roberts, Hanno & Breunig, Karl Joachim (2004)
Communicating Intellectual Capital: Putting your resources where your mouth is
[Academic lecture]. the International IC Congress: I & C about IC 鈥 Interpretation and Communicating of Intellectual Capital.
Roberts, Hanno; Brønn, Peggy Simcic & Breunig, Karl Joachim (2003)
Intangible Assets and Communication
[Academic lecture]. the IABC conference.
Roberts, Hanno; Brønn, Peggy Simcic & Breunig, Karl Joachim (2003)
Intangible Assets and Communication: Knowledge Resources and Communication
[Report]. International Association of Business Communicators Research Foundation.
Intangible Assets and Communication: Knowledge Resources and Communication Prepared and researched by Hanno Roberts, Ph.D., Peggy Simcic Brønn, Ph.D. and Karl Joachim Breunig Find and present the value of your organization's intellectual capital. Readers explore the direct links between communication and human resources, relationship, and structural capital, as well as other highly-valued intangible assets. Specific tools assess the financial value of your intellectual capital and measure how your organization shares knowledge and builds relationships with stakeholders. http://iabcstore.com/IABCRFRpts/intassetscomm.htm
Roberts, Hanno; Brønn, Peggy S. & Breunig, K. J. (2003)
Intangible Assets and Communication
[Report]. International Association of Business Communicators Research Foundatio.
Roberts, Hanno (2003)
Social capital and Innovation in SMEs: a new modell of innovation? Evidence and Discussion
[Academic lecture]. 10th Latin-American seminar on Technology Management.
Roberts, Hanno (1999)
Bedriftens skulte verdier: Intellektuell kapital
[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. ?, s. 4- 5.
Academic Degrees
Academic Department
University of Maastricht, Netherlands
Rotterdam School of Management
Master of Business Administration
Erasmus University of Rotterdam
B.A. in Economics
Work Experience
Job Title
1996 - Present
BI 黑料专区 Business School
2014 - 2020
Universitas Pelita Harapan
Guest lecturer
2011 - 2017
Singapore Management University
Guest lecturer
2011 - 2012
Instituto de Estudios Cajasol, Seville, Spain
Guest lecturer
2010 - 2012
Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Guest lecturer
2011 - 2011
Nanyang Business School, Singapore
Guest lecturer
2010 - 2011
Nanyang Business School, Singapore
Visiting Professor
2009 - 2009
University of Seville
Guest lecturer
2001 - 2007
HHL Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, Germany
Guest lecturer
2006 - 2006
Universidad del Pacifico, Lima, Peru
Visiting Professor
2005 - 2005
DEUSTO-ESTE Business School, Campus San Sebastian, Spain
Guest lecturer
2003 - 2004
Institute for Executive Development (IEDE), Madrid, Spain
Guest lecturer
2001 - 2001
Groupe HEC, Paris, France
Guest lecturer
1999 - 2000
Örebro Business School, Sweden
Visiting professor
1998 - 2000
University of Vaasa, Finland
Guest lecturer
1996 - 1996
黑料专区 School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH), Bergen, Norway