
Employee Profile

Guri Hjeltnes

Professor emerita - Department of Communication and Culture


As of May 2004 I have been a Professor of Journalism, at the Department of Communications, Culture and Languages, at the 黑料专区 Business School BI. In the years 1.1.2008-1.8.2010 I was a provost (prorektor) at BI, being responsible amongst other the quality of the studies and BI's accreditation processes. After a year of sabbatical, I am now back as a professor, as of August 1, 2011.

In the years 1999-2004 I was a research fellow at the Institute for Defence Studies in Oslo. During that period I was a Visiting Scholar at the United Nations Studies at Yale, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, July 2000-July 2002, working on a major biography of Trygve Lie (1896-1968), the first UN Secretary-General (1946-1953). In the spring of 2004 I was editor, op-ed pages, Verdens Gang, Norway's largest circulation daily, Oslo, before starting at BI.

In my professional life I have pursued two carriers, first a journalistic one, then an academic. My professional experience as journalist/columnist: In the early 1970ies I was a reporter in Miljømagasinet (a magazine specializing on ecology and the environment); freelancing in Universitas (The Oslo university student paper) and Østlendingen (an Agrarian Party Newspaper in the Elverum area), from 1979-85 staff reporter in Arbeiderbladet, then the Oslo social democratic daily. For some years I was also working freelance in NRK-TV (The 黑料专区 Broadcast Service, non-commercial, public television). From 1985 on I was back on the academic track, however still writing for a broader public, being a book reviewer in Verdens Gang since 1991 and between June 2004 and November 2009 also a weekly columnist in Verdens Gang, op-ed page. For the time being I am also reviewing books in Dagens Næringsliv and write a column in Dagsavisen.

Research areas
My research interests have developed over the years and include modern history: WWII, social history, press history, media history, recently switching also to multimedia challenges, media convergence and the use of social media.

Over the years I have co-edited books on feminism, 黑料专区 fascism, the German attack on Norway on April 9, 1940, on everyday life during the occupation, pictures from private albums, on the Oslo liberal daily Dagbladet, and been co-editor of Norsk krigsleksikon (1995), an encyclopaedia on the Nazi occupation of Norway 1940-45. In 1984 I co-authored a book on a 黑料专区 family extradited to Germany during WWII, Hver fredag foran porten ("Every Friday in front of the gate"), dealing with the efforts of the Hjort family to aid 黑料专区 prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps Sachsenhausen and the rescue operations following the Nazi defeat. In 1986 I published the book Hverdagsliv ("Every day life in Norway during the occupation"), volume 5 in a large series on Norway during WWII. My M.phil. Thesis was published in the book called Avisoppgjøret ("The Reckoning: The Purges of the Press in Post-war Norway") 1990. In 2010 the major historical work, "Norsk presses historie 1660-2010" was published, I was editor of volume III, "Imperiet vakler".

In the years 1988-95 I was commissioned by the 黑料专区 Ministry of Trade and the 黑料专区 Research Council (NAVF) to write two volumes on "Handelsflåten i krig", "The 黑料专区 Merchant Marine during the War", Sjømann - lang vakt, (Sailor - extended duty) vol. 3, published 1995, and Krigsseiler - krig, hjemkomst, oppgjør, (War-time sailor - war, return, confrontation with the past) vol. 4, published 1997. These two books were part of my thesis becoming a Dr. philos in History, 2002, at the University of Oslo.
From August 1995 until October 1998 I was Project Co-ordinator for the University of Oslo History project planning a complete history of the University of Oslo on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the University of Oslo.

At the moment I am working on a scientific biography on Trygve Lie (1896-1968), the first Secretary-General of the United Nation. Also I am conducting a smaller research project on multimedia leadership and media convergence, preparing the new Master of Management-program called "Flermedial ledelse", strting at BI in the fall of 2007.


Hjeltnes, Guri & Warmedal, Morten Møller (2012)

Gravende journalistikk : Metode, prosess og etikk

Gyldendal Akademisk.

Hvordan bør du gå fram for å bli en god gravende journalist? I denne boka gis det en grundig innføring i undersøkende journalistisk metode. Dette gjøres med gode praktiske eksempler, teknikker som virker og presseetiske avveininger. I boka vises hvilke verktøy du kan bruke, hvilke utfordringene du møter og prosessene du må gjennom.

Hjeltnes, Guri (2010)

Imperiet vakler : 1945-2010


Ijäs, Arne Johansen; Dahl, Hans Fredrik, Hjeltnes, Guri & Hjeltnes, Guri (2010)

Samisk presse på hugget

Dahl, Hans Fredrik (red.). Norsk Presses historie 1-4 (1660-2010)

Roalsø, Else-Beth; Hjeltnes, Guri & Eide, Elisabeth (2010)

Kvinnenes langsomme inntog

Dahl, Hans Fredrik (red.). Norsk Presses historie 1-4 (1660-2010)

Hjeltnes, Guri & Høst, Sigurd (2010)

Epilog: Imperiet fra øst til vest, fra nord til sør

Hjeltnes, Guri & Dahl, Hans Fredrik (red.). Norsk presses historie : 1-4 (1660-2010) : B. 3: Imperiet vakler 1945-2010

Bastiansen, Henrik G.; Hagtvet, Bernt, Hjeltnes, Guri, Lundby, Knut & Rønning, Helge (2009)

Det Elegante uromoment : Hans Fredrik Dahl og offentligheten : festskrift på 70-årsdagen

Pax Forlag.

Hjeltnes, Guri (2008)

Tapte horisonter - nordisk eller atlantisk. Striden om Atlanterhavspolitikken 1940-1945

Roald Berg (red.), Selvstendig og beskyttet. Det stormaktsgaranterte Norge fra Krimkrigen til NATO

Hjeltnes, Guri (2006)

"San Francisco revisited." Talen som ikke ble holdt

Fredrik Engelstad m.fl (red), Demokratisk konservatisme : frihet, fremskritt, fred : festskrift til Francis Sejersted p氓 70-氓rsdagen

Hjeltnes, Guri (2005)

Et vellykket kupp

Anden忙s, Ivar (red.). Ivar Anden忙s (red.) I journalistikkens tjeneste. Et 30-氓rs blikk p氓 journalister og medier

Hjeltnes, Guri (2005)

Nine eleven og avistegninger

脜rbok fra Norsk Redakt酶rforening

Brurås, Svein; Hjeltnes, Guri & Flikke, Gunnar (2011)

Ja til medieansvarslov

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]

Mamre, Mari O.; Moe, Lars, Heidar, Knut Martin, Grytli, Dag, Tennes, Nordis, Blom, Kjetil, Dahl, Martin Anders, Hjeltnes, Guri, Langerød, Per Anders & Nesheim, Britt-Ingjerd (2010)

Studenter slåss om professorer

Universitas [Internett]

Olsen, Ragnhild; Bech-Karlsen, Jo & Hjeltnes, Guri (2010)

Kanalvalgets kvaler

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Olsen, Ragnhild; Bech-Karlsen, Jo & Hjeltnes, Guri (2007)

Kommer nett og papir til å møtes?

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Hjeltnes, Guri (2012)

Fra Hamarøy til erobring av verden. Den nye norske gravejournalistikken

Hjeltnes, Guri & Warmedal, Morten M酶ller (red.). Gravende journalistikk : Metode, prosess og etikk

Olsen, Ragnhild; Bech-Karlsen, Jo & Hjeltnes, Guri (2010)

Mediehusrapporten 2010. Rapport fra ti norske mediehus.

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI og Institutt for Journalistikk.

Hjeltnes, Guri (2005)

From Mama's Boarding House to Manhattan and the World

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Scandinavian Review

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2002 University of Oslo Ph.D Dr. Philos.
1989 University of Oslo Master Cand. Philol.
1978 University of Oslo Bachelor
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2012 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Adjunct professor
2010 - Present Center for Studies of the Holocaust and Religious Minorities Director
2004 - 2012 BI 黑料专区 Business School Professor
2008 - 2010 BI 黑料专区 Business School Vice-Rector
1999 - 2004 黑料专区 Institute for Defence Studies (IFS) Researcher
2000 - 2002 Yale University, UN Studies Researcher (guest)
1995 - 1998 University of Oslo Project coordinator
1988 - 1995 The Research Council of Norway Researcher
1985 - 1988 Aschehoug forlag Researcher