
Employee Profile

Ide Katrine Birkeland

Associate Professor - Department of Communication and Culture


Recieved my PhD in Organizational Psychology and Leadership from BI 黑料专区 Business School in 2014. Currently working as Associate Professor of Communication and Leadership and Academic Program Director of Educational Leadership.

Curious about how we disseminate academic knowledge into organizational improvement. Very focused in understanding exactly what people do, not just what they say they do.

Key words: Organizational learning, continous improvement, challenging conversations


Meyer, Frauke; Birkeland, Ide Katrine, Emstad, Anne Berit & LeFevre, Deidre (2020)

Leaders’ collaborative problem-solving behavior in conversations in Norway and New Zealand

International Journal of Leadership in Education Doi: -

Solving complex problems is critical to educational leaders’ ability to achieve improvement in schools. Much of this problem-solving is carried out in conversations with staff. This paper draws on theories of collaborative problem-solving and interpersonal effectiveness to examine the behavior of leaders in such conversations – in Norway and New Zealand. Analyses of conversation transcripts of 17 黑料专区 and 18 New Zealand leaders revealed that only half of the leaders overall engaged in advocacy, inquiry, and collaborative planning behaviors. Slightly less 黑料专区 leaders tended to engage in open and collaborative problem-solving behaviors compared to their New Zealand colleagues. New Zealand leaders, however, seemed less open and more directive in proposing solutions. Overall, we observed a lack of deep, critical inquiry and discussion of problems and their causes, which is likely to stand in the way of effective problem-solving and school improvement.

Emstad, Anne Berit & Birkeland, Ide Katrine (2020)

Lærende ledelse Skolelederes rolle i å utvikle en profesjonell læringskultur


Birkeland, Ide Katrine (2019)

Passion for Work and Interpersonal Relationships

Vallerand, Robert J. & Houlfort, Nathalie (red.). Passion for Work - Theory, Reseach, and Applications

This chapter focuses on how passion for work influences the interpersonal relationships the employee forms both at work and outside work. It reviews the research and theoretical underpinnings for why passion for work matters for interpersonal relationships. This part particularly describes research on overall relationships, citizenship behaviors, as well as counterproductive work behaviors. It also separates between cognitive, affective, and behavioral manifestations of passion for work. Furthermore, this chapter considers how passion can spill into the relationships employees form outside of work, particularly the romantic relationships. Finally, the status of the research on passion for work and interpersonal relationships is discussed along with some suggestions for future research avenues and practical implications.

Birkeland, Ide Katrine; Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Dysvik, Anders (2018)

The role of passion and support perceptions in changing burnout: a Johnson-Neyman approach

International Journal of Stress Management, 25(2), s. 163- 180. Doi: -

This study explored the relationship between obsessive and harmonious passion for work and burnout, as well as the moderating roles of perceived supervisor support and perceived coworker support. A longitudinal, 3-wave study was conducted among 1,263 members of a large 黑料专区 workers’ union across a 10-month time span. Harmonious passion for work was related to a decrease in exhaustion and cynicism over time, whereas obsessive passion for work was stably and positively related to exhaustion and cynicism. Furthermore, we suggested that a situational contingency in the form of support perceptions may reduce the negative outcome of obsessive passion but found that this attenuation may depend on the level of the obsessive passion. By applying the Johnson-Neyman statistical technique, we showed that the level of obsessive passion is important in understanding when a supporting environment is actually helpful in protecting against burnout. We still recommend careful selection of coworkers who are genuinely caring and considerate of others, as well as facilitating good relationships at work. However, we also discuss how high levels of obsessive passion might prevent certain employees from gaining from the effects of coworker support

Birkeland, Ide Katrine & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2016)

Incivility Is (Not) the Very Essence of Love: Passion for Work and Incivility Instigation

Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 21(1), s. 77- 90. Doi:

Birkeland, Ide Katrine & Buch, Robert (2014)

The dualistic model of passion for work: Discriminate and predictive validity with work engagement and workaholism

Motivation and Emotion, 39(3), s. 392- 408. Doi:

The purpose of this paper was to investigate the discriminant and predictive validity of the dualistic model of passion for work. Harmonious and obsessive passion was compared to work engagement and workaholism in two studies. Study 1 was cross-sectional and supported convergent and discriminant validity of the dualistic model using exploratory structural equation modeling and con- firmatory factor analysis. Study 2 was cross-lagged and applied confirmatory factor analyses, as well as hierarchi- cal linear modeling to test discriminant, convergent, and predictive validity of harmonious and obsessive passion for work. Predictive validity was supported for obsessive and harmonious passion with respect to wellbeing, but not with respect to performance. When controlling for work engagement and workaholism, harmonious passion was negatively related to burnout and positively related to life satisfaction. In contrast, obsessive passion related posi- tively to burnout and negatively to life satisfaction. Only workaholism predicted variance in supervisor rated orga- nizational citizenship behaviors (negatively related), and none of the included variables were associated with supervisor rated in-role performance.

Kvalnes, Øyvind & Birkeland, Ide Katrine (2021)

Aktiv lytting

Ytringsklima (podkast) [Internett]

Meyer, Frauke; Birkeland, Ide Katrine, Emstad, Anne Berit & Le Fevre, Deidre (2019)

Comparing leaders' collaborative problem-solving behavior in conversations in Norway and New Zealand

[Academic lecture]. AERA.

Emstad, Anne Berit; Birkeland, Ide Katrine & Robinson, Viviane (2019)

School leaders developing effective conversations with teachers about data use

[Academic lecture]. AERA.

Kuvaas, Bård & Birkeland, Ide Katrine (2018)

Undersøkelse om lokale lønnstillegg i barnehage og skole

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Birkeland, Ide Katrine; Kuvaas, Bård & Dysvik, Anders (2017)

Forpliktende HR i skolen – Hvordan skoleledere kan utvikle læreres prestasjoner og indre motivasjon gjennom evidensbasert HR

Aas, Marit & Paulsen, Jan Merok (red.). Ledelse i fremtidens skole

Birkeland, Ide Katrine & Kuvaas, Bård (2017)

Hvordan påvirker lokale individuelle lønnstillegg lærernes motivasjon og arbeidsmiljø?

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Birkeland, Ide Katrine; Adamska, Katarzyna & Naustdal, Sissel (2017)

Increasing Students’ Growth Mindsets – the Role of the Teacher in a Digital Intervention

[Academic lecture]. AERA.

Birkeland, Ide Katrine (2015)

Obsessive Passion for Work and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Curvilinear Investigation

[Academic lecture]. AoM 2015.

Birkeland, Ide Katrine (2013)

For Better or Worse: The Role of Passion on Employee Outcomes – A Behavioral Perspective

[Academic lecture]. 10th International Conference on Occupational Stress and Health.

Birkeland, Ide Katrine (2010)

Passion and its Relations to Engagement, Self Determined and Non-Self Determined Work Motivation

[Academic lecture]. 4th International Self-Determination Theory Conference.

Richardsen, Astrid Marie & Birkeland, Ide Katrine (2009)

Passion and its relationships with engagement and workaholism

[Academic lecture]. APA's Work, Stress and Health Conference.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2014 BI 黑料专区 Business School PhD
2007 黑料专区 School of Sport Sciences Master of Science
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2018 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor
2015 - 2018 BI 黑料专区 Business School Assistant Professor
2012 - 2018 黑料专区 School of Sport Sciences Associate Professor