
Employee Profile

Peder Inge Furseth

Professor - Department of Communication and Culture


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I am a leadership innovation researcher and lecturer with 20+ years of experience. Leadership is about producing useful change; innovation is about coming up with something new that has economic or non-economic value.

At the Department of Communication and Culture at BI, I am a member of the Nordic Centre for Internet and Society, and the BI Centre for Creative Industries.

My speciality is to integrate executive education with research, workshops and professional networks. My main topics in are responsible organizational transformation driven by new technologies, business models, innovation culture, and value creation. My main teaching is the master of management program called Digitization, Innovation, and New Business Models, a 150 hour course that has modules both in Oslo and in the San Francisco Bay Area. Please take a look at my daily twitter feeds at twitter.com/PIFurseth, and you will also find me on LinkedIn:

Research areas
Responsible organizational transformation, innovation ability, service innovation, business models, innovation culture, and value formation.

Teaching areas
Digital transformation; business model innovation, service innovation, innovation culture.


Furseth, Peder Inge (2023)

Innovasjonsevne og digital transformasjon i norske bedrifter

Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Hvordan kan bedrifter ledes slik at de skaper større verdier i en stadig mer digitalisert økonomi? INNOVASJONSEVNE OG DIGITAL TRANSFORMASJON I NORSKE BEDRIFTER gir deg nye verktøy og innsikter som kan brukes til å skape verdier på en smart, bærekraftig og ansvarlig måte. Digital transformasjon innebærer å endre bedriften slik at den skaper økt verdi for kunder og brukere gjennom nye tjenester basert på digitale teknologier. Mange bedrifter mislykkes i denne prosessen fordi de mangler innovasjonsevne, og denne evnen må bedriftene utvikle på egen hånd - den kan ikke kjøpes.I boken viser forfatteren hvordan dette kan gjøres. Forfatteren bruker resultater fra en ny studie om to konsern innen mediebransjen i Norge til å vise hvordan innovasjonsevne og digital transformasjon virker inn på verdiskapingen. Målgruppen for boken er personer med lederansvar, forskere innen ledelse, medier og innovasjon, og politikere og studenter som er opptatt av ny verdiskaping gjennom digitalisering.

Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine & Furseth, Peder Inge (2023)

Service Innovation and Value Creation in Local Journalism During Times of Crisis

Journalism Studies, 24(4), s. 496- 514. Doi: -

Journalism innovation, according to service innovation theory, is about providing new journalistic services that create value for audiences, society, and the news organisation itself. This study explores how local news media responded to the Coronavirus crisis in terms of service innovation. Based on interviews with editors and top management representatives at two local newspaper groups in Norway (N = 20), we show how local newspapers developed new digital services in response to audiences’ need for guidance, overview, and a sense of togetherness, and how the media operations generated revenues in the process. Theoretically, the study identifies two key innovation dynamics in local journalism during a crisis: A social-economic value creation dynamic which captures how local newspapers appropriate their business model to accommodate new service offerings and balance social and economic value creation considerations; and a service system-audience experience dynamic which captures how innovation in journalistic offerings are linked to concurrent innovations in journalistic production processes. This research enhances the understanding of journalism innovation as a value-creating phenomenon and the factors that stimulate such value creation during crises.

Cuthbertson, Richard & Furseth, Peder Inge (2022)

Digital services and competitive advantage: Strengthening the links between RBV, KBV, and innovation

Journal of Business Research, 152(November 2022), s. 168- 176. Doi:

Research into the Resource-Based View (RBV) and Knowledge-Based View (KBV) of firms has evolved over the last 30 years from being focused on the control of physical resources, through knowledge-based digital resources, to innovation. This paper considers a service perspective of RBV-KBV to help explain differences in the competitive advantage attributable to digital and physical resources. Such an understanding helps explain the evolution of RBV-KBV research over the last 30 years and strengthens the links between the established research themes of RBV, KBV, and innovation. Competitive advantage can be created and retained through digital resources but sustainable competitive advantage for digital service firms relies on those physical resources that provide the dynamic capabilities to innovate, and so continually develop the digital resources.

DeMello, Steven & Furseth, Peder Inge (2016)

Innovation and Culture in Public Services: The Case of Independent Living

Edward Elgar Publishing.

The primary goal of this book is to improve the level and success of innovation in public services by developing and applying an integrated model of public sector service innovation. As a test of that premise, and as a contribution to current public policy, we have developed and applied such a model to one case, the subject of in-home care services for independent living. We have chosen this subject and focus based upon three premises: • Public services, whether funded and/or managed by government or the private sector, are an important and growing part of all advanced societies. Populations are becoming older, technology provides new solutions, and citizens are becoming more demanding. • Independent Living for seniors and the disabled is a crucial social and economic issue for the foreseeable future in the developed world • Existing theories and tools for innovation, while competent, display “gaps” in their ability to include and integrate the range of social, strategic and tactical considerations at play in public services.

Furseth, Peder Inge & Cuthbertson, Richard (2016)

Innovation in an Advanced Consumer Society: Value-Driven Service Innovation

Oxford University Press.

This book aims to develop innovation theory by focusing on innovation in a consumer society. In an advanced consumer society, services dominate and are provided through digital as well as physical channels by local, national and global firms. This book aims to identify the ways in which value can be increased for all stakeholders through both incremental and disruptive innovation. When interacting with leading businesses, there is a common acceptance that we need a better understanding of how to innovate in a service economy. Today, most advanced economies are service and knowledge based, accounting for about 70 percent of GDP. OECD reports document a considerable knowledge gap related to service innovation. Specifically they state: “Innovation policy has been slow to adapt to the needs of the service sector, which accounts for growing share of output and employment in OECD economies” (OECD, 2005). It is a challenge for both societies and firms that future economic growth will increasingly be based on services rather than manufacturing and products. Failing to understand innovation issues in this context as an engine for growth is somewhat alarming. This raises the question: do we know how to innovate successfully in a consumer driven society? In our approach to this book, we develop the concept of Value Driven Service Innovation, alongside a methodology for applying this approach in practice: the Service Innovation Triangle. We develop a better understanding of innovation based on the uniqueness of services in order to develop the theory of service innovation suitable for a consumer society.

Cuthbertson, Richard; Furseth, Peder Inge & Ezell, Stephen (2015)

Innovating in a Service-Driven Economy: Insights, Application and Practice.

Palgrave Macmillan.

The global digital revolution has changed consumer society, service expectations and funding models forever. New companies, such as Amazon, have risen quickly to dominate sectors, processes and markets. There is a digitally enabled global consumer society emerging where new services dominate ubiquitous and quickly copied products through new channels. It is an Amazon economy. Consumers now inform one another, bypassing traditional marketing channels; companies integrate vertically and horizontally, breaking down old structures; new ventures push out traditional players; long-term value replaces short-term profit, and so value driven service innovation becomes the new driver of economic growth and social change. Innovating in a Service-Driven Economy explores these changes from the perspectives of leading thinkers and practitioners in the field of innovation today including David Teece, Erik Kiaer, Henry Chesbrough, Jon H. Pittman, Jose Avalos, and Steven Vargo

Furseth, Peder Inge & Cuthbertson, Richard (2014)

The service innovation triangle: Moving to an alternative business model

Alsos, Gry Agnete; Eide, Dorthe & Madsen, Einar Lier (red.). Handbook of research on innovation in tourism industries

Berridge, Clara; Furseth, Peder Inge, Cuthbertson, Richard & DeMello, Steven (2014)

Technology-based innovation for independent living: Policy and innovation in the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, and the United States

Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 26(3), s. 213- 228. Doi:

Furseth, Peder Inge; Cuthbertson, Richard & Reynolds, Jonathan (2013)

How retailers drive value through innovation

The Retail Digest, 20(1), s. 30- 33.

Furseth, Peder Inge & Cuthbertson, Richard (2013)

The Service Innovation Triangle: A tool for exploring value creation through service innovation

International Journal of Technology Marketing, 8(2), s. 159- 176. Doi:

Furseth, Peder Inge (2010)

Integrasjon av salgskanaler: Serviceinnovasjon og strategi


Furseth, Peder Inge (2009)

Betydningen av sømløshet for lojalitet til nettkanalen

Magma forskning og viten, 12(4), s. 45- 55.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2008)

Service innovasjon: Nye perspektiver og anvendelser

Magma forskning og viten, 11(5), s. 64- 74.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2007)

Innovasjonens hvem, hva, hvordan: broen mellom idé og marked

Innovasjonsprosesser. Om innovasjoners odyss茅, Hernes og Koefoed (red)

Furseth, Peder Inge (2005)

Innovative Opportunities and Strategies for Online Transactions

Kornum, Niels & Bjerre, Mogens (red.). Niels Kornum and Mogen Bjerre, editors: Grocery E-Commerce: Consumer Behaviour and Business Strategies

Furseth, Peder Inge (2005)

Håndtrykkenes sosiologi. Hvordan vennskap mellom ledere påvirker konkurranse og prissetting

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS), 46(4), s. 435- 466.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2001)

Competition in 黑料专区 Retailing

?, 31(september), s. 29- 31.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2022)

La sosiologer sette renten.

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]

Furseth, Peder Inge & Solem, Lars Kristian (2021)

En liten merkelapp kan endre fremtidens butikker. Snart kan du gå gjennom kassen uten å betale.

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge & Fanghol, Tor Arne (2021)

BI-professor: Ga opp å invitere Grønbech og Google.

Khrono.no [Fagblad]

Aune, Oddvin & Furseth, Peder Inge (2020)

Amazons etablering i Sverige kan føre til butikkdød i Norge.

NRK Nyhetsmorgen 5. august 2020, kl 0737-0740 [TV]

Intervju om betydningen for norske forretninger av Amazons etablering i Sverige. Dette kan føre til butikkdød både i store og små byer. Det at Amazon etablerer seg fysisk i Norden samtidig med pandemien, kan føre til sjokk-digitalisering; bedre priser for forbrukerne, men konkurser for forretninger i en del næringer.

Lian, Truls & Furseth, Peder Inge (2020)

Det er lite nyskaping

Fredrikstad Blad [Avis]

Artikkelen peker på hvorfor det er lite nyskaping i den store Fredrikstad-regionen, og hva som kan gjøres med det.

Fredø, Tobias Linnerud & Furseth, Peder Inge (2020)

Amazon - et veiskille i handelen i Norge og Norden

Kampanje [Fagblad]

Jakobsen, Karl Martin & Furseth, Peder Inge (2020)

Derfor holder gigantene seg unna

Drammens Tidende [Avis]

Drammen er en av Norges største handelssted. Området klarer ikke å få de største norske og internasjonale kjedene til å opprette forretninger der. Intervjuet peker på grunner og konsekvenser til dette.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2020)

Er Elkjøp det neste Kodak?

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Mange store norske bedrifter er lite innovative. I møtet med Amazon kan de tape. Innlegget ble skrevet etter at Elkjøp i DN hadde gått ut og ønsket Amazon velkommen til Norden og Norge.

Solgård, Jonas & Furseth, Peder Inge (2020)

Amazon åpner i Sverige - professor mener norske bedrifter må gjøre seg klare: De har sovet i timen

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Avis]

Intervjuet tar opp de mulige konsekvensene for norsk varehandel når Amazon nå etablerer seg fysisk i Sverige.

Aune, Oddvin & Furseth, Peder Inge (2020)

Frykter butikk-død etter Amazon-etablering

nrk.no [TV]

Lundgaard, Hilde & Furseth, Peder Inge (2020)

Askeladden som ville vinne de norske byene

A-magasinet [Avis]

Firmaet Askeladden oppretter en rekke nye kjeder i Norge. Artikkelen tar opp hvordan dette påvirker konkurranse og bybildene i Norge.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2020)


Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Norske gründere sparker i gang - det blir en synlighetskonkurranse. (Dagens næringsliv 4. mai 2019).

DN, Oslo, Norway [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Fem kjennetegn ved "Amazon" økonomi. (I BI Business Review 28.08.2019)

BI 黑料专区 Business School, Oslo, Norway [Internett]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Innovasjon for morgendagens problemer. (Kronikk i Nordlys og Nord-Norsk Debatt 6. september 2019).

Nordlys, Troms酶, Norway [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Gårsdagens løsninger for morgendagens problemer. (Kronikk i ROmsdals Budstikke 31. august 2019, side 38).

Romsdals Budstikke, Molde, Norway [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Schibsted vil komme Amazon i forkjøpet - lanserer tjeneste for hjemlevering fra nettbutikker. (Dagens Næringsliv 17.09.2019)

DN, Oslo, Norway [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Pakkereiser er døde slik vi kjenner dem. Dagbladet og DinSide.no 23.09.2019

Oslo, Norway [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Pakkereiser er døde slik vi kjenner dem. Dagbladet og DinSide.no 23.09.2019

Oslo, Norway [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Thomas Cook er konkurs - hva skjedde? Interview direct on NRK P2 on September 23rd 2019.

NRK Marienlyst, Oslo [Radio]

This was the main topic during the afternoon news program at NRK P2 on September 23, 2019.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Sviktende forretningsmodeller i reiselivsbransjen

TV2, Oslo, Norway [TV]

The segment was one of the three major ones on September 27, 2019. I was being interwieved about the need for new business models and innovation in a traditional business like the travel business.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Manglende innovasjon i reiselivsbransjen - Thomas Cook er konkurs

Oslo, Norway, TV2 [TV]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Låser seg inne med pakker hvis du ikke er hjemme.

Oslo, Norway [Avis]

Bach, David & Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Kjeder vil dø uten nettbutikk

VG papir side 17, og nett [Avis]

Helland, Marit & Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Selger legehjelp uten kø

Asker pog B忙rum Budstikke [Avis]

Bjellvåg, Silje & Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

På tre år har klesbutikken seksdoblet lokalet til nettbutikken

Adresseavisen [Avis]

Haug, Otto & Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Amazon.com kommer til Norden - hvordan møte konkurransen?

NRK P2, Studio 2 [Radio]

Asvall, Halldor & Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Intervju på Kveldsnytt26.09.2018, om betydningen for arbeidsledigheten av netthandelen.

NRK Kveldsnytt [TV]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Må være til stede på sosiale medier

P4 [Radio]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

En gang var Amazon en elv. Nå er det et jordskjelv

Amagasinet [Tidsskrift]

Furseth, Peder Inge & Lund, Joacim (2018)

Tinder for nordmenn som vil møte utlendinger

Aftenposten [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Må øke vår egne til innovasjon

VG [Avis]

Moe, Sigrid & Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Jeg ser ingen revolusjon i netthandelen

e24.no [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Apple melker kundene så lenge de kan

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Avis]

Apples nye Iphone-modeller er dyrere enn noensinne. – De gambler på at folk ikke orker å bytte, men det vil ikke vare evig, skriver jeg.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Vi har mye å lære av Silicon Valley.

Ukeavisen Ledelse [Avis]

Dette er en kommentar til kritikk som har kommet frem at Silicon Valley ikke lenger er så innovative. Jeg mener kritikken er feil, og begrunner dette.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2018)

Jeg tror de største oppfinnelsene ligger foran oss

Aftenposten [Avis]

Dette er en kommentar til en forsker som Aftenposten presenterte noen dager før, som mente at de største oppfinnelsene ligger bak oss. Jeg er helt uenig. 90 prosent av alle ingeniører og forskere gjennom historien lever i dag. Vi har mye godt i vente.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2017)

Advarer mot kopiering av nettmat

Asker og B忙rum Budstikke [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2017)

Debatt i NRKs program Dagsnytt 18 den 15. juni 2017, med Innovasjon Norge. Det gjelder kritikken jeg fremsatte mot Innovasjon Norge i Aftenposten (papir) samme dag.

NRK Dagsnytt 18 [Radio]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2017)

Innovasjon Norge peker i feil retning.

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2017)

Innovasjon Norge bryter med sin egen visjon

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2017)

Innovasjon Norge bryter med sin visjon

Romsdals Budstikke. [Kronikk]

Innovasjonsmidler i Norge burde heller gå til å bistå bedrifter for å øke deres innovasjonspotensial enn å skape mer innovasjon i offentlig sektor.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2016)

Tjenester må stå i sentrum for omstilling, også i industribedrifter

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2016)

Hvordan omstille best?

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2016)

Hvordan drive omstilling?

Romsdals Budstikke. [Kronikk]

Furseth, Peder Inge & Jakobsen, Siw Ellen (2014)

Starter ofte med mer enn to tomme hender

Forskning.no [Internett]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2014)

Regjeringens forslag er næringsfiendtlig

e24.no [Internett]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2014)

Jack Ma: Nettgambleren

Dagens n忙ringsliv Magasinet [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2014)

Staket ut kursen da hun var 15 år

Aftenposten http://www.aftenposten.no/okonomi/Staket-ut-kurs [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2014)

Skal gjøre andre butikkers mareritt til butikk-konsept

Dagens n忙ringsliv http://www.dagensit.no/article2742694.ece [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2014)

NRK P2 Kulturnytt, intervju om netthandel. Intervjuet av Maria Pile Svåsand

NRK P2 Kulturnytt og Alltid nyheter [Radio]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2013)

Eldrebølgen: - Teknologi er ikke synonymt med roboter

http://www11.nrk.no/nyheter/norge/1.11051809 [Internett]

Furseth, Peder Inge & Busterud, Kjersti (2011)

Gjør en god netthandel

Byavisa Trondheim [Internett]

Furseth, Peder Inge & Rønningsbakk, Iselin (2011)

Julehandelen tok seg opp

Aftenbladet, og i 54 andre nettaviser over hele Norge [Internett]

Furseth, Peder Inge & TV2, Nyhetskanalen (2011)

Dobbel økning i julehandel på nett enn i forretninger

TV2 Nyhetskanalen, kl 0900 [TV]

Furseth, Peder Inge & TV2, Nyhetskanalen (2011)

Netthandel øker mest hos unge

TV2 Nyhetskanalen, Karl Johans gate 14, Oslo, kl 14 [TV]

Furseth, Peder Inge & Arntsen, Erlend Ofte (2011)

Gjør nettkupp nå

VG [Avis]

Furseth, Peder Inge & Stokke, Ole Petter B. (2011)

Bransjen raser mot innovasjonskutt

Computerworld [Internett]

Busterud, Kjersti & Furseth, Peder Inge (2011)

Slik sparer du penger på nettet

Moss Avis, Varden, Drammens tidende, Fredrikstad blad m.fl. [Internett]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2011)

"Sprer behagelige priser"

abctv.no [TV]

Furseth, Peder Inge (1)

Hvem kaller bankene grådige?

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]

Furseth, Peder Inge (2023)

Researching National Innovation Ecosystems for Startup Success: Insights from Brazil, Israel, and Norway

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Conference.

As global economic competition becomes increasingly innovation-driven, governments are intensely searching for ways to increase innovation activities at all levels of society. This is happening in both developed and developing nations as well as across industry and economic sectors (Aokhin & Wincent, 2012; Cusolito & Maloney, 2018; Powell & Snellman, 2004). A review of the innovation policy literature, however, reveals that past research tends to take a piece-meal investigative approach with focus on a single or narrow set of explanatory variables (e.g., funding and tax incentives), leading to limited or ineffective policy recommendations. This research practice needs to be corrected if we are to advance knowledge and inform policy for better outcomes.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2021)

Legg ny strategi for 2022.

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Sport, 2, s. 44- 45.

Olsen, Ragnhild Kristine & Furseth, Peder Inge (2021)

Innovation capacity and ability among local newspapers during the corona crisis

[Academic lecture]. Emma Conference 2021.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Fra digitale drømmer til digital domino?

Rolstad氓s, Asbj酶rn; Krokan, Arne, Schiefloe, Per Morten, Sand, Gunnar & Dyrhaug, Lars Thomas (red.). Det Nye Digitale Norge

Gran, Anne-Britt; Kampen Kristensen, Linn-Birgit, Røssaak, Eivind, Furseth, Peder Inge, Sverdljuk, Jana Bentze, Alm, Kristian & Moreno, Valentina (2019)

Bokforbruk, bibliotek og lesing i digitale tider. DnD-rapport nr. 4

[Report]. BI Centre for Creative Industries.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2019)

Norsk handelsnæring i 2019: Fra digitale drømmer til digital økonomi

Rolstad氓s, Asbj酶rn; Krokan, Arne, Schiefloe, Per Morten, Sand, Gunnar & Dyrhaug, Lars Thomas (red.). Det Nye Digitale Norge

Furseth, Peder Inge & Cuthbertson, Richard (2018)

The right way to spend your innovation budget

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Harvard Business Review

Is there a way to increase the success rate without spending more? We think there is. Innovation projects often fail because the resources are spent on the wrong kind of innovation. Too much money is spent on attention-grabbing activities that are straightforward to do, like hiring new people, procuring new technologies, and buying more facilities. It is much less obvious, and usually harder, to change the design of a current service system, introduce new customer experiences, or build a better business model — but the return on those investments may be much higher.

Furseth, Peder Inge & Cuthbertson, Richard (2017)

The Amazon Economy - Value Driven Service Innovation-

[Academic lecture]. Presented at the International Society for Professional Innovation Management, ISPIM, Vienna, Austria, June 20th, 2017, session 4.2 鈥楶latforms & Ecosystems for.

Furseth, Peder Inge & Richard, Cuthbertson (2017)

Service Dominant Markets.

[Academic lecture]. Naples Forum on Service. 鈥淪ervice Dominant Markets鈥. Presented at the Naples Forum on Service, Sorrento, Italy, June 7th, 2017, in a parallel session named 鈥楽ervice Innovation鈥..

Cuthbertson, Richard; Furseth, Peder Inge & Reynolds, Jonathan (2013)

How retailers drive value through innovation

[Popular scientific article]. The Retail Digest, Winter issue, s. 30- 34.

Furseth, Peder Inge & Cuthbertson, Richard (2012)

Service Innovation Triangle: The Building Blocks of Innovation

[Popular scientific book]. Oxford Institute of Retail Management, University of Oxford.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2011)

Introductory remarks on service innovation and business models

[Academic lecture]. 2nd Annual Workshop on Value Driven Service Innovation.

Furseth, Peder Inge; Cuthbertson, Richard & Reynolds, Jonathan (2011)

Value driven service innovation: A framework for identifying the potential drivers of innovation

[Academic lecture]. XXI International RESER Conference.

The field of innovation is developing a strong focus in services (Chesbrough & Spohrer, 2006; Vence & Trigo, 2009; Gallouj & Dhilal, 2010; Ostrom et. al., 2010). Most value creation, as well as employment, in developed economies occurs in the service sector. However, innovations in manufacturing are more frequently documented. Hence, there is a strong need for the better understanding of innovation in services, both for thinkers and practitioners. Although there has been considerable growth in developing service innovation theory in the last decade, researchers start from the absence of an agreed model of service innovation (Howells, 2000; Hauser, Tellis, & Griffin, 2006), and have struggled explaining practical developments. In this paper we bring the theory and practice of service innovation together in a coherent framework so that theory and practice may be developed further. Innovation comes in degrees, from incremental to radical. Companies need to work on both kinds at the same time, to avoid structural and cultural inertia. Usually an older and/or larger company experiences more inertia (Tushman & O’Reilly, 1996). Companies with such inertia typically focus on incremental innovations, if they carry out any innovation activity at all. If one translates this to a service context, incremental innovation is about improving the core service offering through successive service or product enhancements. This is necessary on an ongoing basis, but does not transform an industry or a company. The more radical kind of service innovation is to find new ways of doing things that changes the whole service environment. The focus needs to be on the overall customer experiences rather than on the products or services themselves (Vandermerwe, 2003). The framework developed in this paper is to include elements from a core range of academic and practitioner developments. We identify nine drivers of consumer value. The framework starts from the premise that successful innovation is driven by the value created, or potentially created, where value may be defined in both economic and social terms (Sweeney & Soutar, 2001; Berry et. al., 2006). We consider value as the worth of goods of services as determined by the market and the users or consumers. The framework is summarized in this paper and emphasizes the value-driven nature of service innovation. We apply the framework to case companies in the mobile phone and the grocery sectors, explaining in a new way why some companies are successful and others fail. We identify two innovation journeys typically initiated through a focus on the network of providers or customer segments, resulting in radically changing the context of the market. Companies that do not limit themselves to incremental innovation but initiate infrastructure changes accessible to all, within controlled bounds, will have the highest likelihood for success.

Furseth, Peder Inge; Cuthbertson, Richard & Reynolds, Jonathan (2010)

The dynamics of value-driven service innovation

[Academic lecture]. The XXI ISPIM Conference: The Dynamics of Innovation.

Furseth, Peder Inge; Cuthbertson, Richard & Reynolds, Jonathan (2010)

The dynamics of value-driven service innovation

[Academic lecture]. 20th International RESER conference 2010: The Resilience of the Global Service Economy.

Furseth, Peder Inge; Cuthbertson, Richard & Reynolds, Jonathan (2010)

Towards a research agenda for service innovation

[Academic lecture]. Neon-dagene 2010.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2009)

Value-driven service innovation

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Retail Digest, s. 4- 5.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2009)

Bør vi høre på økonomene?

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Dine Penger

Furseth, Peder Inge (2008)

Increasing Online Customer Satisfaction in a Multi-channel Environment

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Retail Digest, s. 36- 41.

Furseth, Peder Inge & Samuelsen, Elisabeth (2008)

Utvikling av multikanal-strategi: Betydning av sømløshet og samspill mellom distribusjonskanaler. Forskningsrapport 5/20108.

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2006)

Internett som innovativ salgskanal: Utfordringer og løsninger belyst av ledere i Oslo, London og San Francisco

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2005)

Online Transactions: Innovative Opportunities and Strategies

[Academic lecture]. International Conference on eBusiness.

Furseth, Peder Inge (2004)

Social Influences on Competition: A Study of Retailing inNorway

[Scientific book]. Unipub forlag.

Furseth, Peder Inge (1994)

Consumer research as economic sociology

[Report]. Statens institutt for forbruksforskning.

Furseth, Peder Inge (1994)

Konkurranse i detaljhandelen. En forstudie

[Report]. Statens institutt for forbruksforskning.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1999 University of Oslo PhD
1992 University of Oslo Master Cand. Sociol.
1989 University of Oslo Master Cand. Oecon
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2018 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Full Professor
2023 - 2023 University of California at Berkeley (UCB) Professor
2022 - 2022 Saïd Business School, University of Oxford Professor
2000 - 2018 BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate professor
2014 - 2017 Molde University College Associate Professor (2-er stilling)
1994 - 2000 黑料专区 School of Trade and Retail Management Associate Professor
1989 - 1994 National Institute for Consumer Research Research Assistant