Suzanne van Gils, PhD, is professor in communication. She is also the Associate Dean for the new MSc program in Digital Communication Management. Her research interests focus on (im)moral behavior in organizations, (digital) incivil behavior, identity processes, and leader-employee interactions. Recent projects focus among others on the leadership communication and ethical behavior in (digital) teams. She is the section co-editor of the section quantitative leadership for the Journal of Business Ethics.
Suzanne's teaching focuses on communication for leadership, ethics, business communication, as well as quantitative and qualitative digital methods at the MSc and PhD level.
Before joining BI in 2019, Suzanne has worked as an assistant professor at Maastricht University, and as a post-doctoral research fellow at Kühne Logistics University in Hamburg. Suzanne's work has been published in journals such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Human Relations, Leadership Quarterly, and Journal of Business ethics. An overview of recent publications can be found on or on
Meurer, Madeleine; Bucher, Eliane & van Gils, Suzanne (2024)
Defending your own or trolling the haters? A configurational approach to incivility in online communities
MIS Quarterly Doi:
This study explores the emergence of incivility in online communities, challenging the traditional perspective that attributes incivility to individual elements of sociotechnical systems. We argue that this narrow focus fails to recognize the complex interactions between these elements, leading to a rudimentary understanding of how incivility originates and evolves. To address this gap, our research employs fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA), examining approximately 4.3 million posts from 100 diverse online communities on Reddit. Through this analysis, we identified five distinct paths that converged into two primary community configurations: close-knit and scattered communities. Each configuration exhibits unique affordances whose activation fosters incivility in different ways. Based on these findings, we expand the understanding of incivility to include subtle, indirect behaviors beyond overt forms such as trolling or hate speech and show how the interplay of multiple community elements produces affordances, avoiding the narrow view of individual affordances and shedding light on variations of social systems. Finally, we demonstrate that within the same digital platform, different social systems can impact user behaviors, including incivility.
The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research
Journal of Business Ethics, 193 Doi:
Online crowdsourcing platforms have rapidly become a popular source of data collection. Despite the various advantages these platforms offer, there are substantial concerns regarding not only data validity issues, but also the ethical, societal, and global ramifications arising from the prevalent use of online crowdsourcing platforms. This paper seeks to expand the dialogue by examining both the “internal” aspects of crowdsourcing research practices, such as data quality issues, reporting transparency, and fair compensation, and the “external” aspects, in terms of how the widespread use of crowdsourcing data collection shapes the nature of scientific communities and our society in general. Online participants in research studies are informal workers who provide labor in exchange for remuneration. The paper thus highlights the need for researchers to consider the markedly different political, economic, and socio-cultural characteristics of the Global North and the Global South when undertaking crowdsourcing research involving an international sample; such consideration is crucial for both increasing research validity and mitigating societal inequities. We encourage researchers to scrutinize the value systems underlying this popular data collection research method and its associated ethical, societal, and global ramifications, as well as provide a set of recommendations regarding the use of crowdsourcing platforms.
Manara, Muhammad Untung; Nübold, Annika, van Gils, Suzanne & Zijlstra, Fred R H (2023)
Exploring the path to corruption-An informed grounded theory study on the decision-making process underlying corruption
PLOS ONE, 18(9) Doi:
Past corruption research at the individual level has mainly focused on demographics, personality, attitudes, or morality related variables. Until now, only a few studies have focused on the intra-individual psychological mechanisms of corruption. Building on normative decision-making theory, the present study attempts to shed further light on the internal mechanisms that lead to the decision that corruption is a viable path. Following an informed grounded theory approach, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 38 Indonesian prisoners who have been convicted of corruption. Guided by a multi-step decision-making process, including problem recognition, information search, and evaluation of the information, our results revealed unique insights into individuals’ considerations that led to corruption. We elaborate on interrelations between these stages and explore new forms of corrupt decision-making elements within this process. Theoretical implications for corruption research and the practical implications for anti-corruption programs of these findings are discussed.
van Gils, Suzanne & Van Quaquebeke, Niels (2022)
Ethical Leadership
Braddick, Oliver (red.). Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology
Nübold, Annika; van Gils, Suzanne & Zacher, Hannes (2022)
Daily Work Role Stressors and Dark Triad States: Results of Two Diary Studies
Zeitschrift f眉r Psychologie, 230(4), s. 311- 320. Doi:
Organizational research on the dark triad has, so far, focused on individual differences in employees’ stable tendencies to act in manipulative, grandiose, or callous ways (i.e., dark triad traits). Research on momentary expressions of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy (i.e., dark triad states) and the work situations that may trigger them is still in its infancy. Based on the conservation of resources theory, we hypothesized that daily role ambiguity and role conflict deplete employees’ daily self-control resources which, in turn, is related to the daily expression of dark triad states. To test our hypotheses, we conducted two daily diary studies across 5 and 10 workdays. Consistent with expectations, on days when employees experienced more role conflict than usual, they were more likely to express their darker side of personality. In contrast, hypotheses about the detrimental effects of daily role ambiguity and the mediating role of daily self-control depletion were not supported.
Gläser, Daniel; van Gils*, Suzanne & Van Quaquebeke, Niels (2022)
With or Against Others? Pay-for-Performance Activates Aggressive Aspects of Competitiveness
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Doi: -
While paying employees for performance (PfP) has been shown to elicit increased motivation by way of competitive processes, the present paper investigates whether the same competitive processes inherent in PfP can also encourage aggressiveness. We tested our hypothesis in three studies that conceptually build on each other: First, in a word completion experiment (N = 104), we find that PfP triggers the implicit activation of the fighting and defeating facets of competitiveness. Second, in a multi-source field study (N = 94), coworkers reported more interpersonal deviance from colleagues when the latter received a performance bonus than when they did not. In our final field study (N = 286), we tested the full model, assessing the effect of PfP and interpersonal deviance mediated by competitiveness: Employees with a bonus self-reported higher interpersonal deviance towards their co-workers, which was mediated by individual competitiveness. These findings underscore that PfP can entail powerful yet widely unstudied collateral effects
Van Trijp, Catharina Petronella Johanna; Lekhal, Ratib, Drugli, May Britt, Rydland, Veslemøy, van Gils, Suzanne, Vermeer, Harriet J & Buøen, Elisabet Solheim (2021)
The Association between Toddlers’ Temperament and Well-Being in 黑料专区 Early Childhood Education and Care, and the Moderating Effect of Center-Based Daycare Process Quality.
Frontiers in Psychology, 12 Doi: -
Children who experience well-being are engaging more confidently and positively with their caregiver(s) and peers, which helps them to profit more from available learning opportunities and support current and later life outcomes. The goodness-of-fit theory suggests that children’s well-being might be a result of the interplay between their temperament and the environment. However, there is a lack of studies that examined the association between children’s temperament and well-being in early childhood education and care (ECEC), and whether this association is affected by ECEC process quality. Using a multilevel random coefficient approach, this study examines the association between toddlers’ (N = 1,561) temperament (shyness, emotionality, sociability, and activity) and well-being in 黑料专区 ECEC and investigates whether process quality moderates this association. Results reveal an association between temperament and well-being. Staff-child conflict moderates the association between shyness and well-being, and between activity and well-being. Moreover, high emotional behavioral support moderates the association between activity and well-being. Extra attention should be paid by the staff to these children’s needs.
Wong, Sut I & van Gils, Suzanne (2021)
Initiated and received task interdependence and distributed team performance: the mediating roles of different forms of role clarity
AI & Society: Knowledge, Culture and Communication Doi: -
Distributed agile teams are increasingly employed in organizations, partly due to the increased focus on digital transformation. However, research findings about the performance of such teams appear to be inconsistent, calling for more research to investigate the conditions under which distributed agile teams may thrive. Given that task coordination is particularly challenging when team members are not co-located, the present study investigates the roles of the two types of task interdependence, i.e., initiated versus received task interdependence. Survey results from 191 participants working in distributed agile teams within three companies in Norway confirm our hypotheses. Specifically, we show that high initiated task interdependence is associated with higher role clarity of others, while received task interdependence is associated with higher role clarity of self, and that both subsequently result in higher team performance in distributed agile teams. Thus, we argue that each type of task interdependence contributes in a unique way to team performance in distributed agile teams.
Vogt, Catharina; van Gils, Suzanne, Van Quaquebeke, Niels, Grover, Steven & Eckloff, Tilman (2021)
Proactivity at work: The roles of respectful leadership and leader group prototypicality
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 20(3), s. 114- 123. Doi: -
We propose that two aspects of leadership, perceived respectful leadership and the degree of leaders’ prototypicality, positively affect employee proactivity. A multisource and multilevel field study of 234 employees supervised by 62 leaders shows that respectful leadership relates positively to employee proactivity in terms of personal initiative and that leader group prototypicality diminishes this effect. Moreover, perceived respectful leadership and prototypicality substitute for one another in their relation to follower proactivity. This study contributes to previous research that shows leader–follower relationships enhance proactivity by showing the impact of perceived respectful leadership and leader group prototypicality.
Manara, Muhammad Untung; van Gils, Suzanne, Nubold, Annika & Zijlstra, Fred R.H. (2020)
Corruption, Fast or Slow? Ethical Leadership Interacts with Machiavellianism to Influence Intuitive Thinking and Corruption
Frontiers in Psychology Doi: -
Ethical leadership has been suggested as an organizational factor that could reduce unethical behaviors in an organization. We extend this research by examining how and when ethical leadership could reduce followers’ corruption. We examined the moderating role of followers’ Machiavellianism and the mediating role of intuitive thinking style in the negative effect of ethical leadership on corruption. Across two different studies (field study and experiment), we found that ethical leadership decreases followers’ corruption (Studies 1 and 2) and that this negative effect is mediated by followers’ intuitive thinking style (Study 2). Furthermore, followers’ Machiavellianism moderated the direct negative effect of ethical leadership on corruption. However, the pattern of this moderation was not consistent. In Study 1, we found that ethical leadership has the strongest direct negative impact on corruption when followers’ Machiavellianism is high, whereas in Study 2, we found that ethical leadership has the strongest direct negative effect on corruption when followers’ Machiavellianism is low. The theoretical implications for corruption, ethical leadership, and information processing research, as well as practical implications for corruption prevention, will be discussed.
Hülsheger, Ute; van Gils, Suzanne & Walkowiak, Alicia (2020)
The regulating role of mindfulness in enacted workplace incivility: An experience sampling study.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(8), s. 1250- 1265. Doi: -
van Gils, Suzanne; Otto, Tobias & Dinartika, Niken L (2020)
Better together? The neural response to moral dilemmas is moderated by the presence of a close other
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics (JNPE), 13(3), s. 150- 163. Doi: -
Árnadóttir, Augusta; Kok, Gerjo, van Gils, Suzanne & Ten Hoor, Gill (2019)
Waste separation: a study among university students in the Netherlands.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH), 16(1), s. 93- 103. Doi: -
Recycling waste is important to reduce the production of greenhouse gasses. The aim of this project was to understand determinants of cafeteria waste separation behavior among university students. First, the determinants of waste separation behavior among university students (n = 121) were explored using an online questionnaire. In study 2 (pre-/post-test design), the effect of a small intervention (based on study 1) on actual waste sorting behavior was observed. Finally, a semi-qualitative study in 59 students was conducted as process evaluation of the intervention. The following results were revealed: (1) Students have limited knowledge about waste separation, have a high intention to separate waste, are positive about waste separation in general, and believe that they can separate waste correctly. (2) Just over half of the waste is correctly recycled. An intervention with extra information had no significant effect on improving recycling behavior. (3) Students evaluated the intervention positively. Some students suggested that more information should be available where the actual decision making takes place. Ultimately, this paper concludes that although students have a positive attitude and are willing to behave pro-environmentally, there is a gap between intention and actual behavior. These results may also apply to other organizations and members of those organizations. New interventions are needed to trigger students to make correct waste separation decisions where the actual decision making takes place
van Gils, Suzanne & Horton, Kate (2019)
How can ethical brands respond to service failures? Understanding how moral identity motivates compensation preferences through self-consistency and social approval
Journal of Business Research, 95, s. 455- 463. Doi:
We examine how the two dimensions of moral identity - internalization and symbolization - impact on customers' relationships with ethical brands, as well as their satisfaction with different types of (private versus public) compensation and apologies following service failures. We propose and find in a field study of customers of a green social enterprise (N = 159) and in an online scenario study (N = 214) that high moral identity internalization is associated with higher satisfaction with private apologies, but not with public apologies and compensation, while high moral identity symbolization is associated with higher satisfaction with public compensation and apologies, but not with private apologies and compensation. Study 2 extends these findings by confirming that self-consistency mediates the relationships between moral identity internalization and private apologies and compensation, while social approval mediates the relationships between moral identity symbolization and public apologies and compensation. Unexpectedly self-consistency also mediated the effect of symbolization on public compensation. Implications of these findings are discussed.
van Gils, Suzanne; Van Quaquebeke, Niels, Borkowski, Jan & van Knippenberg, Daan (2018)
Respectful leadership: Reducing performance challenges posed by leader role incongruence and gender dissimilarity
Human Relations, 71(12), s. 1590- 1610. Doi:
van Gils, Suzanne; Hogg, Michael, Van Quaquebeke, Niels & van Knippenberg, Daan (2017)
When organizational identification elicits moral decision making: A matter of the right climate.
Journal of Business Ethics, 142, s. 155- 168. Doi:
Glaeser, Daniel; van Gils, Suzanne & Van Quaquebeke, Niels (2017)
Pay-for-Performance and Interpersonal Deviance: Competitiveness as the Match That Lights the Fire
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 16, s. 78- 91. Doi:
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(6) Doi:
Giessner, Steffen R.; Van Quaquebeke, Niels, van Gils, Suzanne, van Knippenberg, Daan & Kollee, Janine (2015)
In the moral eye of the beholder: The interactive effects of leader and follower moral identity on ethical leadership and leader-member exchange
Frontiers in Psychology, 6 Doi:
van Gils, Suzanne; Van Quaquebeke, Niels, van Knippenberg, Daan, van Dijke, Marius & De Cremer, David (2015)
Ethical leadership and follower organizational deviance: The moderating role of follower moral attentiveness
Leadership Quarterly, 26(2), s. 190- 203. Doi:
Alm, Kristian & van Gils, Suzanne (2014)
Etisk kommunikasjon. Å kommunisere om etiske problemer og avgjørelser på en etisk måte
Br酶nn, Peggy Simcic & Arnulf, Jan Ketil (red.). Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner
3rd edition! Dette kapittelet utforsker forholdet mellom etikk og organisasjonskommunikasjon. Vi diskuterer begrepet «etiske dilemmaer» og illustrerer typer dilemmaer som kan oppstå i organisasjoner. Kapittelet redegjør for ulike etiske teorier, inkludert konsekvensetikk, pliktetikk og dydsetikk, og gir en omfattende forståelse av etisk beslutningstaking som ligger til grunn for kommunikasjon. Derunder diskuteres kort Sokratisk dialog som en metode for etisk utforskning av kommunikasjon. Etisk ledelse blir fremhevet, med vekt på hvordan ledere kan utnytte etisk kommunikasjon. Dette blir diskutert basert påvia Jürgen Habermas’ diskursetikk, som kaster lys over betydningen av etisk ledelse i etiske diskusjoner, og av velbegrunnet enighet. Kapittelet avsluttes med en diskusjon av det som kan oppstå som et godt alternativ; velbegrunnet uenighet, med henvisning til John Rawls’ tenkning. Til slutt utforskes den institusjonaliserte ytringsfriheten som et verktøy for etisk kommunikasjon innen organisasjoner.
van Gils, Suzanne (2014)
Digital kommunikasjon, Nye former for kommunikasjon i tradisjonelle og fremvoksende arbeidsmiljøer
Br酶nn, Peggy Simcic & Arnulf, Jan Ketil (red.). Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner
In 3rd edition! Den økende digitaliseringen av kommunikasjon har hatt betydelig innvirkning både på intern og ekstern organisasjonskommunikasjon. Denne endringen, akselerert av covidCOVID-19-pandemien, har påvirket hvordan, når og hvor ansatte utfører oppgaver, utfordret ledelseskommunikasjon og fremmet nye former for organisasjonskommunikasjon. Digitalisering muliggjør fjernsamarbeid, transformerer tradisjonelle teamstrukturer, og krever en annen fokus fra ledere. Videre har det gitt opphav til gig-arbeid, der enkeltpersoner bruker digitale verktøy for oppgaver, fremmer fleksibilitet, men reiser også bekymringer om jobbsikkerhet. Digitale nomader, høyt kvalifiserte fagpersoner som adopterer en nomadisk arbeidsstil, illustrerer en unik side ved denne digitale tidsalderen. Mens tilhengere fremhever fleksibilitet og tilgjengelighet skapt av digitalt arbeid, påpeker kritikere problemstillinger knyttet til redusert jobbsikkerhet, mangel på ansatte goder og økningen av maktforskjeller. Generelt sett krever den digitale fremtiden at kommunikasjonsfagfolk utstyres med varierte ferdigheter, med vekt på digital kompetanse, strategisk planlegging, etiske hensyn og tilpasningsevne. Påvirkningen av digitalisering strekker seg ut over organisatoriske innstillinger, og påvirker det bredere landskapet av arbeid og kommunikasjon.
van Gils, Suzanne (2014)
Digital kommunikasjon, Nye former for kommunikasjon i tradisjonelle og fremvoksende arbeidsmiljøer
Br酶nn, Peggy Simcic & Arnulf, Jan Ketil (red.). Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner
van Gils, Suzanne; Van Quaquebeke, Niels & van Knippenberg, Daan (2010)
The X-Factor: On the Relevance of Implicit Leadership and Followership Theories for Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Agreement.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 19, s. 333- 363. Doi:
Bringing Excitement to Empirical Business Ethics Research: Thoughts on the Future of Business Ethics
[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Journal of Business Ethics, s. 903- 916. Doi: -
To commemorate 40 years since the founding of the Journal of Business Ethics, the editors-in-chief of the journal have invited the editors to provide commentaries on the future of business ethics. This essay comprises a selection of commentaries aimed at creating dialog around the theme Bringing Excitement to Empirical Business Ethics Research (inspired by the title of the commentary by Babalola and van Gils). These editors, considering the diversity of empirical approaches in business ethics, envisage a future in which quantitative business ethics research is more bold and innovative, as well as reflexive about its techniques, and dialog between quantitative and qualitative research nourishes the enrichment of both. In their commentary, Babalola and van Gils argue that leadership research has stagnated with the use of too narrow a range of perspectives and methods and too many overlapping concepts. They propose that novel insights could be achieved by investigating the lived experience of leadership (through interviews, document analysis, archival data); by focusing on topics of concern to society; by employing different personal, philosophical, or cultural perspectives; and by turning the lens on the heroic leader (through “dark-side” and follower studies). Taking a provocative stance, Bal and Garcia-Lorenzo argue that we need radical voices in current times to enable a better understanding of the psychology underlying ethical transformations. Psychology can support business ethics by not shying away from grander ideas, going beyond the margins of “unethical behaviors harming the organization” and expanding the range of lenses used to studying behavior in context. In the arena of finance and business ethics, Guedhami, Liang, and Shailer emphasize novel data sets and innovative methods. Significantly, they stress that an understanding the intersection of finance and ethics is central to business ethics; financial equality and inclusion are persistent socio-economic and political concerns that are not always framed as ethics issues, yet relevant business policies and practices manifest ethical values. Finally, Charles Cho offers his opinion on the blurry line between the “ethical” versus “social” or “critical” aspects of accounting papers. The Journal of Business Ethics provides fertile ground for innovative, even radical, approaches to quantitative methods (see Zyphur and Pierides in J Bus Ethics 143(1):1–16,, 2017), as part of a broad goal of ethically reflecting on empirical research.
van Gils, Suzanne & Buhmann, Alexander (2019)
Leadership communication can improve work: The effects of ethical value communica-tion on meaningful work, employee identification, and levels of stress
[Academic lecture]. EUPRERA Annual Congress.
Alm, Kristian & van Gils, Suzanne (2014)
Etisk kommunikasjon
Br酶nn, Peggy Simcic & Arnulf, Jan Ketil (red.). Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner
van Gils, Suzanne (2014)
Digital kommunikasjon, Nye former for kommunikasjon i tradisjonelle og fremvoksende arbeidsmiljøer
Br酶nn, Peggy Simcic & Arnulf, Jan Ketil (red.). Kommunikasjon for ledere og organisasjoner
Academic Degrees
Academic Department
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University