Dreyer, Lars Willas; Eklund, Anders, Rognes, Marie Elisabeth, Malm, Jan, Qvarlander, Sara, Støverud, Karen-Helene, Mardal, Kent-Andre & Vinje, Vegard (2024)
Modeling CSF circulation and the glymphatic system during infusion using subject specific intracranial pressures and brain geometries
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, 21(1) Doi: -
Vinje, Vegard; Zapf, Bastian, Ringstad, Geir, Eide, Per Kristian, Rognes, Marie Elisabeth & Mardal, Kent-Andre (2023)
Human brain solute transport quantified by glymphatic MRI-informed biophysics during sleep and sleep deprivation
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, 20(1), s. 1- 15. Doi: -
Gómez-Vargas, Bryan; Mardal, Kent-Andre, Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo & Vinje, Vegard (2023)
Twofold Saddle-Point Formulation of Biot Poroelasticity with Stress-Dependent Diffusion
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Poulain, Alexandre; Riseth, Jørgen Nilsen & Vinje, Vegard (2023)
Multi-compartmental model of glymphatic clearance of solutes in brain tissue
PLOS ONE, 18(3) Doi: -
Causemann, Marius; Vinje, Vegard & Rognes, Marie Elisabeth (2022)
Human intracranial pulsatility during the cardiac cycle: a computational modelling framework
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Hornkjøl, Martin; Valnes, Lars Magnus, Ringstad, Geir, Rognes, Marie Elisabeth, Eide, Per Kristian, Mardal, Kent-Andre & Vinje, Vegard (2022)
CSF circulation and dispersion yield rapid clearance from intracranial compartments
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Vinje, Vegard; Bakker, Erik N. T. P. & Rognes, Marie Elisabeth (2021)
Brain solute transport is more rapid in periarterial than perivenous spaces
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Sleep deprivation impairs molecular clearance from the human brain
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The mechanisms behind perivascular fluid flow
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Intracranial pressure elevation alters CSF clearance pathways
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, 17(29) Doi: -
Vinje, Vegard; Ringstad, Geir, Lindstrøm, Erika Kristina, Valnes, Lars Magnus, Rognes, Marie Elisabeth, Eide, Per Kristian & Mardal, Kent-Andre (2019)
Respiratory influence on cerebrospinal fluid flow – a computational study based on long-term intracranial pressure measurements
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Vinje, Vegard; Brucker, Justin, Rognes, Marie Elisabeth, Mardal, Kent-Andre & Haughton, Victor (2018)
Fluid dynamics in syringomyelia cavities: Effects of heart rate, CSF velocity, CSF velocity waveform and craniovertebral decompression
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Praksisfellesskap i skolen
Bj酶rnsrud, Halvor (red.). Skolebasert kompetanseutvikling - organisasjonsl忙ring for delingskultur