
Employee Profile

Christian Riis

Professor - Department of Economics


Gilbert, Richard; Riis, Christian & Riis, Erlend S. (2023)

Innovation, Antitrust Enforcement, and the Inverted-U

Akcigit, Ufuk & van Reenen, John (red.). The Economics of Creative Destruction: New Research on Themes from Aghion and Howitt

Lu, Jingfeng; Lu, Zongwei & Riis, Christian (2021)

Perfect bidder collusion through bribe and request

Games and Economic Behavior, 129, s. 1- 14. Doi: -

We study collusion in a second-price auction with two bidders in a dynamic environment. One bidder can make a take-it-or-leave-it collusion proposal, which consists of both an offer and a request of bribes, to the opponent. We show that there always exists a robust equilibrium in which the collusion success probability is one. In the equilibrium, for each type of initiator the expected payoff is generally higher than the counterpart in any robust equilibria of the single-option model (Esö and Schummer (2004)) and any other separating equilibria in our model.

Seljom, Liselotte; Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth, Riis, Christian, Petkovic, Gordana & Berg, Hallvard (2021)

Klimatilpasning av vårt bygde miljø og utfordringer ved dagens kost-nytteanalyser

Praktisk 酶konomi & finans, 37(01), s. 63- 82. Doi: -

I løpet av dette århundret vil klimaet endre seg så betydelig i Norge at vi risikerer at vårt eksisterende bygde miljø ikke vil tåle endringene. Bygg og infrastruktur har et planlagt livsløp som strekker seg langt frem i tid, til et klima som er våtere, villere og varmere enn det vi har i dag. For å sikre at våre hjem, skoler, sykehus, arbeidsplasser, veier og annen infrastruktur er robuste på lengre sikt, må vi allerede i dag planlegge for det fremtidige klimaet. All samfunnsplanlegging og investering skal være velbegrunnet og gjennomtenkt. Samfunnsøkonomiske analyser er ofte et krav og en viktig del av beslutningsgrunnlaget til våre forvaltningsorgan. Men, dagens kost-nytteanalyser fanger verken opp kostnadene av klimaendringene godt nok eller nyttene ved ulike klimatilpasningstiltak. Kost-nytteanalyser generelt er heller ikke velegnet til å sikre helhetlig klimatilpasning og samordning på tvers av sektorer. Til dette trenger vi nye metoder og verktøy.

Gilbert, Richard; Riis, Christian & Riis, Erlend S (2018)

Stepwise innovation by an oligopoly

International Journal of Industrial Organization, 61, s. 413- 438. Doi:

Moen, Espen Rasmus & Riis, Christian (2017)

Regulating the 黑料专区 Telecommunications Market in 2016: How Much is Necessary?

Bj酶rndal, Mette Helene; Gjesdal, Fr酶ystein & Mj酶s, Aksel (red.). Finance in Society: An Anthology in Honour of Thore Johnsen

Riis, Christian (2016)

An equilibrium characterization of an all-pay auction with certain and uncertain prizes.

Games and Economic Behavior, 100, s. 431- 436. Doi:

Osmundsen, Petter; Emhjellen, Magne, Johnsen, Thore, Kemp, Alexander & Riis, Christian (2015)

Petroleum Taxation Contingent on Counter-factual Investment Behaviour

Energy Journal, 36(adelman S.I.) Doi:

Osmundsen, Petter; Emhjellen, Magne, Johnsen, Thore, Kemp, Alexander & Riis, Christian (2014)

Petroleum taxation and investment behaviour

IAEE International Conference Doi:

Proceedings, 14th IAEE European Conference 2014, Rome, October 28-31.

Riis, Christian (2010)

Efficient Contests

Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 19(3), s. 643- 665.

Moen, Espen R. & Riis, Christian (2010)

Policy Reversal

The American Economic Review, 100(3), s. 1261- 1268. Doi:

Clark, Derek J. & Riis, Christian (2008)

Rational benevolence in small committees

Public Choice, 134(3/4), s. 139- 146.

Clark, Derek John & Riis, Christian (2008)

Rational benevolence in small committees

Public Choice Doi:

Riis, Christian (2007)

Contingent Payments in Selection Contests

Review of Economic Design, 11(2)

Clark, Derek John & Riis, Christian (2007)

Contingent payment in contests

Review of Economic Design, 11(2), s. 125- 137. Doi:

Fjeldstad, Øystein; Moen, Espen R. & Riis, Christian (2006)

Regulation and competition in the 黑料专区 telecommunication market

Competition and Welfare: The 黑料专区 Experience, Lars S酶rgaard (ed)

Dalen, Dag Morten; Moen, Espen R. & Riis, Christian (2006)

Contract renewal and incentives in public procurement

International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24(2), s. 269- 285.

This paper explores how the government's choice of renewal policy in public procurement programs can be used as a mechanism to provide firms with incentives to supply quality. A public service is produced by several firms. The firms participate in a tournament where they are ranked according to the quality of their services, and rewarded in terms of contract renewals. We analyse the firms' incentives to produce high-quality services, and find that they are maximised if 50% of the contracts are renewed. The optimal renewal policy trades off incentive provision (which requires that a relatively large fraction of the firms are replaced each period) against the entry costs of new firms. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Clark, Derek J. & Riis, Christian (2001)

Rank Order Tournaments and Selections

Journal of Economics, 73(2)

Bævre, Kåre; Riis, Christian & Thonstad, Tore (2001)

黑料专区 cohort emigration

Journal of Population Economics, 14(3), s. 473- 491.

Dalen, Dag Morten; Moen, Espen R. & Riis, Christian (2001)

Public Ownership as a Signalling Device

Nordic Journal of Political Economy (NOPEC), 27(1), s. 3- 12.

Clark, Derek & Riis, Christian (2000)

The Role of Asymmetry in a Competitive Bribery Game

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 42

Riis, Christian & Clark, Derek John (1998)

Clark, Derek J., and Christian Riis. "Competition over more than one prize." The American Economic Review 88.1 (1998): 276-289

The American Economic Review, 88(1), s. 276- 289.

Riis, Christian & Clark, Derek (1998)

Influence and the Discretionary Allocation of Several Prizes

European Journal of Political Economy, 14(4)

Riis, Christian & Clark, Derek (1998)

Contest Success Functions: An Extension

Economic Theory, 11(1)

Riis, Christian & Clark, Derek (1998)

Competition Over More Than One Prize

?, 88(1)

Riis, Christian & Rødseth, Asbjørn (1998)

Markeder, ressurser og fordeling

Ad Notam Gyldendal.

Moen, Espen R. & Riis, Christian (1998)

Investeringer i kunnskap

Markeder, ressurser og fordeling

Riis, Christian & Moen, Espen Rasmus (2017)

Skattelette? Hvilken skattelette?

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Moen, Espen Rasmus & Riis, Christian (1)

Husholdningene bør få strømstøtte

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Thomassen, Maria Kristina Kollberg & Riis, Christian (2020)

Temasamling. Samfunnsøkonomiske aspekter ved klimatilpasning

[Report]. SINTEF akademisk forlag.

Rønning, Helge; Holmen, Rasmus Bøgh, Grünfeld, Leo Andreas & Riis, Christian (2017)

Avanseregulering i ny boklov.

[Report]. Menon.

Bull, Hans Jacob; Flyen, Cecilie & Riis, Christian (2017)

Forslag til finansierings- og forsikringsordninger for kommunal infrastruktur. Forslag og prosessrapport

[Report]. KS.

Heggedal, Tom-Reiel; Moen, Espen Rasmus & Riis, Christian (2015)



Heggedal, Tom-Reiel; Espen R, Moen & Riis, Christian (2015)



Heggedal, Tom-Reiel; Moen, Espen R & Riis, Christian (2014)

Samfunnsøkonomiske virkninger av fergefri E-39 Stavanger-Bergen

[Report]. CREAM.

Bjørnenak, Trond; von der Fehr, Nils-Henrik M., Moen, Espen R & Riis, Christian (2013)

Plan eller marked? Om reguleringsregimet for markedet for videreforedling av melk

[Report]. Hovedorganisasjonen Virke.

Riis, Christian & Moen, Espen R (2011)

Moderne mikroøkonomi

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Dalen, Dag Morten & Riis, Christian (2010)

Konkurranse for innovasjon

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Dalen, Dag Morten; Moen, Espen R & Riis, Christian (2010)

Regulering av fjernvarme

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Riis, Christian & Moen, Espen R (2010)

Efficient Exclusion

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Moen, Espen R; Riis, Christian & Fjeldstad, Øystein D. (2010)

Competition with local network externalities

[Report]. Centre for Economic Policy Research.

Riis, Christian & Moen, Espen R. (2010)

Moderne mikroøkonomi - kompendieutgave

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Riis, Christian (2009)

Cumulative Innovation and Exclusive Patent Policy

[Academic lecture]. Presentasjon p氓 Universitetet i Oslo.

Dalen, Dag Morten; Moen, Espen R. & Riis, Christian (2007)

Regulering av fjernvarme: Utredning for Olje- og energidepartementet

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Dalen, Dag Morten; Lædre, Ola & Riis, Christian (2004)

Statlig styring av prosjektledelse

[Report]. Frischsenteret.

Clark, Derek John & Riis, Christian (2004)

Rational Benevolence in Small Committees

[Academic lecture]. WZB Conference "Advances in Auction Theory".

Moen, Espen R.; Dalen, Dag Morten & Riis, Christian (2003)

Privat arbeidsformidling

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørgard, Lars; Bye, Torstein, Fehr, Nils-H. M. Von der & Riis, Christian (2003)

Kraft og makt. En analyse av konkurranseforholdene i kraftmarkedet

[Report]. Arbeids- og administrasjonsdepartementet.

Moen, Espen R. & Riis, Christian (2002)

Matvaresektoren i et makroøkonomisk perspektiv

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Riis, Christian (2000)

Klyngedannelser og økonomisk politikk

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Riis, Christian (2000)

Competitive Bidding and Incentives to Provide Quality

[Academic lecture]. ASSET 1999.

Bay, Ann-Helén; Hagen, Kåre, Riis, Christian & Sørensen, Rune (1999)

Konkurranseutsetting av velferds-staten? Konsekvenser av anbudskonkurranser og fritt forbrukervalg

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1992 University of Oslo Ph.D Dr. Polit.
1984 University of Oslo Master Cand. Oecon
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2010 - Present University of Oslo Adjunct professor
2001 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Professor
1996 - 2005 University of Tromsø Adjunct professor
1998 - 2001 BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate professor
1991 - 1998 SNF-Oslo Researcher
1996 - 1997 University of Oslo Associate professor (temporary position)
1985 - 1990 University of Oslo Research Scholar