Vi studerer samvariasjon mellom internettbruk og internasjonal handel. Vi finner at i mange mellom- og lavinntektsland er bedrifter mer tilbøyelige til å eksportere eller importere hvis de bruker internett som et kommunikasjonsmiddel. Effektene er store: probit-regresjoner indikerer at deltakelse i internasjonal handel er ca. femti prosent større for bedrifter som bruker internett sammenlignet med de som ikke gjør det. Dette er tilfelle både for eksport og import. Funnene har viktige implikasjoner. Bedrifters evne til å delta i internasjonal handel er viktig i en globalisert økonomi. Dermed kan politikk rettet mot å bedre internettinfrastrukturen potensielt være spesielt viktig for lands utviklingsmuligheter.
Andvig, Jens Christopher & Maurseth, Per Botolf (2023)
Intellektuell eiendomsrett og global fordeling – TRIPS, fotball og farmasøytisk industri
Internasjonal Politikk, 81(3), s. 435- 464. Doi:
Artikkelen tar for seg for to former for intellektuell eiendomsrett: patentrettigheter i farmasøytisk industri og internasjonale TV-senderettigheter i fotball. I begge tilfeller utvikles globale markeder som også krever global regulering. Inntektene som skapes, blir høye og veldig konsentrert. Samtidig kan selv en mindre omfordeling av rettigheter bidra til kraftig utjevning av inntekter og muligens økt global velferd.
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Medin, Hege (2020)
Utenlandsinvesteringer i sjømatnæringen og norsk tilknytning til EU
Melchior, Arne & Nilssen, Frode (red.). Sj酶matn忙ringen og Europa: E脴S og alternativene
I kapittelet drøfter vi utenlandsinvesteringer i sjømatnæringen og Norges forhold til EU. Mens eierskap i fangst hovedsakelig er nasjonalt, er oppdrettsnæringen preget av multinasjonale selskaper. Norge og mange EU-land har begrensninger på utenlandsk eierskap i fangst. Derimot er det ikke tilsvarende begrensninger på utenlandsk eierskap i foredling eller i oppdrett. Alternative tilknytningsformer til EU kan påvirke investeringsstrømmer i fiskerisektoren.
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Svensson, Roger (2020)
The Importance of Tacit Knowledge: Dynamic Inventor Activity in the Commercialization Phase
Research Policy, 49(7) Doi: -
Inventors generally know more about their inventions than what is written down in patent applications. Because they possess this tacit knowledge, inventors may need to play an active role when patents are commercialized. We build on Arora (1995) and model firm-inventor cooperation in the commercialization of a given invention. Tacit knowledge warrants inventor activity. However, imperfect IPRs may reduce inventors’ incentives to engage in the commercialization process. We analyze when first-best inventor activity is achieved in a two-stage contract. In the empirical part, we analyze when inventor activity is important for the successful commercialization of patents by using a detailed patent database. The database contains unique information on inventor activity, patent commercialization modes and the profitability of commercialization. In the empirical estimations, we find that inventor activity has a strong positive correlation with profitability when a patent is sold or licensed to another firm. When a patent is sold or licensed in the second phase, it is still inventor activity in the first phase that matters for profitability. Thus, our interpretation is that tacit knowledge and close cooperation between inventors and external firms are often crucial for the successful commercialization of patents.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2019)
ICT, Growth and Happiness
Maiti, Dibyendu; Castellacci, Fulvio & Melchior, Arne (red.). Digitalisation and Development: Issues for India and Beyond
This chapter reviews two strands of literature. The first is on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and growth. The increasing role of ICTs came together with stagnating growth rates in many countries. This has been denoted the Solow paradox. During the dot-com era from the mid-1990s, many believed that the paradox was solved. Growth rates increased, and the Internet became pervasive. The great recession has been followed by lower growth in Europe and the USA and a return of the Solow paradox. Evidence indicates that the share of Internet users in countries' populations had a positive effect on growth in the 1990s, but that this effect vanished for developed countries after 2000. The second strand of literature is a heterogeneous research tradition that relates ICT not to income and growth, but to human well-being. That literature indicates positive (as well as some negative) effects of ICT and the Internet on people's happiness. Some new evidence indicates that the share of Internet users in populations in a panel of countries is positively related to average happiness.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2018)
The effect of the Internet on economic growth: Counter-evidence from cross-country panel data
Economics Letters, 172, s. 74- 77. Doi: -
Choi and Yi (2009) found evidence that the Internet stimulated economic growth in the 1990–2000 period using cross-country panel data. When extending the period to 2015, similar regressions indicate negative and significant effects of the Internet on growth
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Medin, Hege (2017)
Market-specific Sunk Export Costs: The Impact of Learning and Spillovers
The World Economy, 40(6), s. 1105- 1127. Doi: -
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Svensson, Roger (2014)
Micro evidence on international patenting
Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 23(4), s. 398- 422. Doi:
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Frank, Björn (2009)
The German information and communication technology (ICT) industry: spatial growth and innovation patterns
Regional studies, 43(4), s. 605- 624. Doi:
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Medin, Hege (1)
Innledning: Festskrift til Arne Melchior
Internasjonal Politikk [Kronikk]
Maurseth, Per Botolf (1)
Magma forskning og viten [Kronikk]
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2019)
Patenter og offentlig innovasjon
[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Agenda Magasin
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2019)
NATOs opprustning
[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Agenda Magasin
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2019)
Er eiendomsskatt en fornuftig skattetype?
[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Agenda Magasin
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2019)
The impact of patent citations on patent renewal
[Academic lecture]. EPIP.
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Medin, Hege (2019)
Internet use, intermediaries and international trade
[Report]. 黑料专区 Institute of International affairs.
This study of the relationship between internet use and international trade finds that firms in many developing countries are more likely to engage in export and/or import if they use the internet as a communication tool. An ordered probit regression indicates that internet use is positively associated with direct participation in trade, as well as with indirect participation via trade intermediaries. Data on countries’ aggregate trade do not give support for the micro-findings, however: no significant association emerges between the share of internet users in a given country and that country's openness to trade.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2019)
Brain Drain or Brain Gain? The International Mobility of Talent and Innovation: New Evidence and Policy Implications - book essay
[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Forum for Development Studies Doi: -
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2018)
Globalization of intellectual property rights
[Report]. Norsk Utenrikspolitisk institutt.
Recent decades have witnessed a strong globalization process. This has been so for international trade and international capital markets, but also in the field of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs). IPRs were formerly in the domains of nation states. International treaties have dictated convergence in IPR institutions across the world. This paper gives a short overview of these developments. Incentives for IPRs are stronger for more innovative countries. Therefore, innovative countries traditionally had stronger IPR than less innovative countries. A negotiated global treatment (like the TRIPS agreement) is likely to be a compromise between the needs in innovative and less innovative countries. Such agreements may therefore be complemented with additional agreements among innovative countries. The European Patent Office (EPO), and the planned European unitary patent are examples. IPRs are also incorporated into new preferential trade agreements. Many believe that this trend will result in convergence of stronger IPRs across countries, to the benefit of innovative countries, but at the cost of less innovative countries.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2017)
ICT, growth and happiness
[Report]. Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt.
This paper reviews two strands of literature. The first is on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and growth. The increasing role of ICTs came together with stagnating growth rates in many countries. This has been denoted the Solow paradox. During the dot-com era from the mid-1990s, many believed that the paradox was solved. Growth rates increased and the internet became pervasive. The great recession has been followed by lower growth in Europe and in the United States and a return of the Solow paradox. Evidence indicates that the share of internet users in a population had a positive effect of growth in the 1990s, but that this effect vanished for developed countries after 2000. The second strand of literature is a heterogeneous research tradition that relates ICT not to income and growth, but to human well-being. That literature indicates positive (as well as some negative) effects of ICT and the internet on people’s happiness. Some new evidence indicate that the share of internet users in populations in a panel of countries is positively related to average happiness.
Maurseth, Per Botolf; Holmen, Rasmus Bøgh & Løge, Tori Haukland (2015)
Den norske IKT-næringens verdiskapingsbidrag
[Report]. Menon.
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Medin, Hege (2015)
Market-specific sunk export costs: The impact of learning and spillovers
[Academic lecture]. Seminar at IFN, Stockholm.
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Svensson, Roger (2015)
Tacit Knowledge and the Dynamics of Inventor Activity
[Academic lecture]. EPIP.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2015)
Retorikk uten politikk?
Slagstad, Rune (red.). Till酶p til offentlighet
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2015)
Frihandelsavtalen mellom EU og Canada : Virkninger for Norge og norsk eksport av fisk
[Report]. NUPI.
I 2016 er det ventet at ferdigforhandlet frihandelsavtale mellom EU og Canada vil tre i kraft. Avtalen innebærer at de fleste tollsatser mellom EU og Canada fjernes. Det tas også sikte på å redusere andre handelshindre. Den samlede utenrikshandelen til EU og Canada representerer om lag 34 prosent av den totale verdenshandelen. Handelen mellom EU og Canada er mindre og representerer 0.25 prosent av verdens totale handel. Avtalen er likevel viktig og den er ventet å øke handelen mellom EU og Canada. Avtalen får også virkninger for andre land. En virkning av frihandelsavtaler er handelsvridning. Import fra tredjeland erstattes av import fra avtalepartnerne. For Norge kan dette være av betydning siden Norge i utgangspunktet har frihandelsavtaler både med EU og Canada. Norges handelspreferanser i EU og Canada blir mindre med frihandelsavtale mellom EU og Canada.I notatet beregnes slike virkninger for Norges eksport til EU og til Canada. Virkningene på norsk eksport avhenger av handelshindrene iutgangspunktet og av markedsandelen til henholdsvis EU i canadiske markeder og Canada i europeiske markeder. De samlede virkningene av frihandelsavtalen mellom EU og Canada beregnes å være små. Men for enkelte varer og varetyper kan virkningene være betydelige.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2015)
Norway and the BRICS (III): Trade, Ivestments and Opportunities
[Report]. Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institutt.
Maurseth, Per Botolf; Medin, Hege & Melchior, Arne (2014)
TTIP - Economic Consequences and Possibilities for Third Countries: the Case of Norway
Forhandlingene om et handels- og investeringspartnerskap (TTIP) mellom EU og USA er svært ambisiøse og har som mål å fjerne tollbarrierer samt en rekke regulatoriske hindringer mellom de to partene. Avtalen er ment å dekke handel i både varer og tjenester samt investeringer. I rapporten analyserer vi konsekvensene av et TTIP for Norge. Vi ser også på konsekvenser av en egen handels- og investeringsavtale mellom Norge og USA.
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Medin, Hege (2013)
Market specific fixed and sunk export costs: The impact of learning and spillovers
[Report]. Norsk utenrikspolitisk institutt.
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Svensson, Roger (2012)
International patenting
[Report]. NUPI.
Maurseth, Per Botolf & Medin, Hege (2012)
Market specific fixed and sunk export costs – Learning and spillovers
[Report]. 黑料专区 Institute of International Affairs.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2012)
With Roger Svensson, Microevidence on International Patenting (2012) IFN Working Paper 934
[Report]. Research Institute of Industrial Economics.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2010)
Regional Convergence and Divergence in Europe. Patterns and regularities
[Report]. Micro-DYN.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2010)
Trade and growth - again
[Report]. NUPI.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2010)
Trade and Growth - again
[Academic lecture]. 32. Nasjonale forskerm酶te for 酶konomer.
Olsen, Øystein; Bolland, Olav, Christiansen, Bente, Nyborg, Karine, Hoel, Michael Olaf & Maurseth, Per Botolf (2009)
Globale miljøutfordringer – norsk politikk: Hvordan bærekraftig utvikling og klima bedre kan ivaretas i offentlige beslutningsprosesser.
[Report]. Finansdepartementet.
Hvordan bærekraftig utvikling og klima bedre kan ivaretas i offentlige beslutningsprosesser. Utredning fra utvalg oppnevnt ved kongelig resolusjon 30. mai 2008. Avgitt til Finansdepartementet 22. juni 2009.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2008)
Governance Indicators: A guided Tour
[Report]. NUPI.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2006)
Utenlandsinvesteringer i fiskeri- og havbruksnæringen - resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse
[Report]. NUPI.
Notatet gjengir en undersøkelse blant norske fiskeribedrifters investeringer i utlandet. Undersøkelsen er basert på dybdeintervjuer med 10 bedrifter. Bedriftene omfatter store konsern og små bedrifter innenfor flere deler av fiskerisektoren. Svarene i undersøkelsen peker i retning av at markedsadgang er et vesentlig motiv for norske fiskeribedrifters investeringer i andre land. I noen sammenhenger er dette kombinert med motiver om billig arbeidskraft og om tilgang til fiskeressurser. Undersøkelsen viser også at bedrifter både driver oppkjøp av eksisterende bedrifter og investeringer i ny produksjon. Teknologiske faktorer, som at norske bedrifter er spesielt konkurransedyktige på sine felt, bidrar også til investeringer i andre land. I fiskerisektoren er politiske reguleringer mer omfattende enn i mange andre næringer. Derfor skjer utenlandsinvesteringer i denne næringen i hovedsak innenfor oppdrett og fiskeforedling, og i mindre grad i fiske. Det norske virkemiddelapparatet for norsk næringsliv har bare i begrenset grad hatt betydning for de bedriftene som har deltatt i undersøkelsen.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2005)
Norway's trade with developing countries
[Report]. NUPI.
This paper presents some characteristics of Norway’s trade with developing countries. 黑料专区 trade with low and low middle-income countries has increased in recent years. Imports have increased more than exports. This is partly because a large part of 黑料专区 exports is petroleum sold to other OECD countries. 黑料专区 trade with the least developed countries, on the other hand, is stagnant and constitutes only a minor share of 黑料专区 foreign trade. This pattern is similar to other OECD countries: Developing countries increase their share in world trade while least developed countries are marginalized. By adjusting for size and geographical position of 黑料专区 trade partners it is found that 黑料专区 trade with developing countries is as expected as compared to other OECD countries.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2005)
Trade and development - a selective review
[Report]. NUPI.
This paper reviews parts of the recent literature on trade and growth. The relationships between trade and growth have been extensively studied in recent research. Many studies indicate that trade stimulates income and growth. The literature is controversial and many studies are criticised for weaknesses in methodology. Despite the methodological controversies, most evidence gives support for the view that trade stimulates growth. It is argued that major deficiency in the literature is that it does not discriminate between the impact of market access in other countries and the impact of liberal domestic trade policies.
Frank, Björn & Maurseth, Per Botolf (2005)
The German ICT industry : Spatial employment and innovation patterns
[Report]. NUPI.
This paper documents recent developments in German ICT industries. In particular we report results on spatial patterns in innovation and employment in these industries. The paper is motivated by previous studies that have found that ICT industries seem to cluster geographically and having spatially clustered growth rates. In this study, we discriminate between production of ICT devices and production of ICT services. In Germany, production of ICT devices is concentrated in clusters of innovating regions (in terms of patents). ICT service production, on the other hand, is concentrated in larger urban areas. Growth rates in ICT-related employment show different spatial patterns. The data show that negative spatial effects are present for several sectors, which might give support for the so-called backwash effect described by Gunnar Myrdal (1957). For other sectors, positive spatial spillover effects may be present. For overall economic development (in terms of gross regional product per habitant) we find weak positive growth effects ICT, but these growth effects stem more from innovation than from production or use of ICT.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2004)
Tollnedtrapping for industrivarer i WTO - Virkninger for Norge
[Report]. NUPI.
Notatet diskuterer mulige virkninger av tollreduksjoner gjennom forhandlinger i WTO for eksport av norske industrivarer. Ulike forslag om tollreduksjoner, som bruken av den såkalte Girards formel diskuteres. Det vises at reduksjoner i tråd med Girards formel kan gi økt norsk eksport på i underkant av to prosent for et utvalg av land. Virkningene er ulikt fordelt over handelspartnere og sektorer. For land Norge har preferanseavtaler med gir tollreduksjoner gjennom WTO ingen økning i eksport. For andre land vil tollreduksjoner gi til dels betydelig effekt.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2003)
Norsk utenrikshandel, markedspotensial og handelshindre
[Report]. NUPI.
Dette notatet drøfter norsk eksport og virkninger av toll som legges på norsk eksport til andre land. Notatet viser at uavhengig av toll er økonomisk størrelse og geografisk avstand viktige forklaringsvariable for norsk eksport. Derfor kan ofte betydningen av handelspolitikk overdrives. Analysen av virkningene av toll mot norsk eksport viser likevel at tollsatser bidrar til redusert eksport. Et disaggregert datasett viser klare og signifikante effekter av tollsatser i andre land. For enkelte land kan effekten av å fjerne toll være at eksporten øker med mer enn 20 prosent. Resultatene må likevel tolkes med forsiktighet: Ulike varer har ulik følsomhet for tollsatser.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2002)
Geography and growth - some empirical evidence
[Report]. NUPI.
Income in the world does not distribute randomly in space. There are geographic clusters of rich and poor countries. Also growth rates tend to be spatially clustered. Spatial regression analyses indicate that geographical clustering may be an inherent ingredient in growth mechanisms: Growth in one country stimulates growth in surrounding countries. A simple exogenous growth model with technology diffusion through trade in capital goods can account for some, but not all of these empirical patterns of growth and income distribution.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2001)
Recent Advances in Growth Theory. A Comparison of Neoclassical and Evolutionary Perspectives
[Report]. NUPI.
Research on economic growth has experienced remarkable progress the last decade. The neoclassical perspective has benefited from development of new mathematical methods and new approaches to market structure, economics of scale and spillover effects. At the same time evolutionary theories on economic development have appeared, partly competing but also complementary to neoclassical theorising. In this paper, the development of the two perspectives on economic growth is reviewed and they are compared with each other. Despite evident differences there seems to be convergence between the two traditions. The two perspectives therefore do not belong to different paradigms in the Kuhnian sense and they can hardly be categorised as two isolated research programmes in the sense of Imre Lakatos. Evolutionary and neoclassical growth economics draw inspiration from similar sources, they are overlapping and to some extent complementary. The two traditions also interact with each other.
Maurseth, Per Botolf (2001)
Lovely but dangerous: The impact of patent citations on patent duration
[Report]. NUPI.
What is the impact of patent citations on patent renewal behaviour? Patent citations are commonly used as an indicator of technology spillovers. For cited patents therefore, patent citations have a potentially ambiguous impact. On the one hand, patent citations may indicate a scientific breakthrough, a high value of the cited patent and therefore a long survival period. On the other hand, patent citations may indicate competing innovations that render the cited patent obsolete. By discriminating patents by technology field, it is demonstrated that patents that receive citations across technology fields survive longer than other patents. Patents that receive citations within the same technology field lapse earlier.
Academic Degrees
Academic Department
University of Oslo, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences
Ph.D Dr. Polit.
University of Oslo, Department of Economics
Master Cand. Oecon
Work Experience
Job Title
2017 - Present
Høyskolen i Innlandet
Associate professor (part time)
2009 - Present
BI 黑料专区 Business School, Department of Economics
Associate professor
2009 - Present
黑料专区 Institute of International Affairs
Adjunct Researcher (part-time)
2007 - 2008
黑料专区 Institute of International Affairs
Senior researcher, Department for International Economics
2006 - 2007
Ministry of Education and Research
State secretary for Minister of Research and Education, Øystein Djupedal
2005 - 2006
黑料专区 Institute of International Affairs, Department for International Economics
Senior researcher and head of department
2001 - 2005
黑料专区 Institute of International Affairs
Senior Researcher
1997 - 2001
黑料专区 Institute of International Affairs
Research scholar (PhD candidate)
1995 - 1997
黑料专区 Institute of International Affairs
Research assistant
1993 - 1993
Foundation for Research in Economics and Business Administration, SNF