
Employee Profile

Rune Jørgen Sørensen

Professor - Department of Economics


Personal homepage: https://www.runesorensen.org/

Rune Jørgen Sørensen (b. 1955) is professor of political economy and political science. His research interests includes studies of public governance, local and central government policies, health and education economics. He has published extensively, including in Health Economics, Journal of Health Economics, Education Economics, Public Choice, Public Administration, Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Journal of Theoretical Politics, European Journal of Political Science, European Journal of Political Economy, and British Journal of Political Science.

Sørensen has teached at all levels, both ordinary education courses and executive education programs.

He has served on a number of government boards and committees, as department chair in two periods and as provost at the 黑料专区 Business School.


Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & Geys, Benny (2025)

The Causal Effect of Affluence on Voter Turnout: New Evidence from Lottery Winnings

British Journal of Political Science -

Geys, Benny & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2024)

Transitory Income Windfalls and Charitable Giving: Evidence from 黑料专区 Register Data, 1993-2021

Economic Journal, s. 1- 21. Doi: -

This paper studies the impact of unearned, transitory income shocks on charitable giving using 黑料专区 administrative data. We exploit the random timing and size of lottery wins and our long time-period (1993-2021) to estimate both short- and longer-term impacts. We find no meaningful effect of small windfalls. Yet, windfalls exceeding $10,000 induce a long-lasting increase in the likelihood to donate, the absolute level of donations, and the share of annual income donated (conditional on donating). We show that this is consistent with individuals thinking of large transitory income shocks as a long-term addition to their annual income.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2024)

Are politicians more generous? Evidence from charitable giving

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 227, s. 1- 15. Doi:

This paper analyzes the relationship between charitable giving and political candidacy. It uses individual-level 黑料专区 register data, which is combined with data on the universe of candidates running for local elections (2003–2021). These data include information on tax-deductible donations to approved organizations. Existing and new evidence suggest these gifts are a valid marker of pro-social preferences, with charitable contributors also displaying a positive correlation with competence. The average politician is more generous than the general population both before, during, and after their election to public office. An event study indicates that while contributions remain predominantly stable; they increase modestly when candidates are standing for election and decrease afterward.

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Skau, Irene & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2024)

Fertility and immigration: Do immigrant mothers hand down their fertility pattern to the next generation? Evidence from Norway

Economics and Human Biology, 52 Doi: -

We examined whether the fertility pattern of immigrant mothers is handed down to the next generation. Our analyses were carried out on population register data. These data contained information on all immigrants to Norway from 123 countries during the period 1935–1995. We examined whether there was a relationship between the fertility rate in the country of origin and the number of children for generations 1.5 and 2 in Norway. We estimated three models: fixed effects for country of origin, fixed effects for region, and no fixed effects. The three specifications yielded estimates with overlapping confidence intervals. We interpret the estimates from the models with fixed effects for region, and the model with no fixed effects as upper-bound estimates. They show that an increase of 1.00 in the fertility rate in the country of origin leads to an average increase in the number of children of 0.12 (no fixed effects) or 0.14 (fixed effects for region) for immigrant women in generations 1.5 and 2. The estimate from the model with fixed effects for country of origin was small and not statistically significant at the conventional level. We interpret this as a lower-bound estimate. Our upper-bound estimates for generations 1.5 and 2 are smaller than the estimates for generation 1, i.e. there has been a decrease in the fertility rate from the first to the second generation. As a result, if the proportion of the population with an immigrant background continues to increase, it may increase at a slower rate in the future.

Geys, Benny & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2024)

A Post-politics Earnings Penalty? Evidence from Politicians’ Life-time Income Trajectories (1970-2019)

Kyklos (Basel), 77(1), s. 57- 76. Doi: -

Politicians are commonly believed to gain financially from holding and/or having held office. We argue that there may often also be economic downsides to pursuing a political career, and investigate whether and when politicians can(not) capitalize on their political experience. We thereby study both entry into and exit from political office, and directly compare the returns to politics across government levels and types of politicians. Empirically, we build on detailed information from 黑料专区 administrative register data over the period 1970-2019 to study individual-level income developments before, during and after a political career at the national and local levels (covering nearly 22,000 individuals and 700,000 person-years). Using an event-study methodology, we show that politicians on average witness a significant income boost during their time in office. In sharp contrast, leaving political office is on average associated with a substantial drop in income, which generally outweighs the income gain from entry into office. These findings suggest that most politicians face a net present value loss from holding office.

Geys, Benny; Murdoch, Zuzana & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2023)

Public Employees as Elected Politicians: Assessing Direct and Indirect Substantive Effects of Passive Representation

Journal of Politics, 86(1), s. 170- 182. Doi: -

In many countries, public sector employees are eligible to hold political offices during their employment as civil servants. This often triggers conflict-of-interest concerns that elected public employees might sway policies to their professional benefit. In this article, we build on representation scholarship in political science and public administration to assess such substantive effects of public employees’ political representation using detailed 黑料专区 administrative register and survey data (2003–19). Our main results indicate that public employees differ little from other members within their party in terms of ideology and policy preferences. They do, however, appear to move their party slightly toward the left of the political spectrum, consistent with preference spillover effects induced by heightened public sector representation. Finally, using an instrumental variable approach exploiting close elections, we find that political representation of public employees is associated with at best modest public spending, employment, and wage effects at the local level.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2023)

Educated politicians and government efficiency: Evidence from 黑料专区 local government

Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 210, s. 163- 179. Doi: -

The paper studies the effect of politicians’ education levels on government efficiency. Using data on 黑料专区 local government, the paper measures efficiency by DEA-productivity indicators and comprehensive indicators of service production. The identification of causal effects exploits close (within-list) elections to design an instrumental variable for council shares with higher education. Consistent with survey data, the estimates show that better-educated politicians induce higher levels of efficiency, particularly for old-age care services. A similar empirical strategy indicates that political experience has small efficiency effects. Educational misrepresentation has modest effects on fiscal allocations and is mostly canceled out by the efficiency gains.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen; Iversen, Jon Marius Vaag, From, Johan & Bonesrønning, Hans (2022)

Parenting styles and school performance: evidence from second-generation immigrants in Norway

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research Doi: -

We study the effects of parenting style on students’ school performance, assuming that immigrant parents’ child-rearing strategies derive from their country of origin. Following Doepke and Zilibotti [2017. Parenting with style: Altruism and paternalism in intergenerational preference transmission. Econometrica, 85(5), 1331–1371. https://do.org/10.3982/ ECTA14634], we measure patterns of parenting using data from the World Value and European Value Surveys. We combine these data with 黑料专区 register data on students’ test scores and exam results. Non-authoritarian parenting styles that encourage hard work (authoritativeness) or allow students to develop their independence and imagination (permissiveness) yield the better educational outcomes.

Andersen, Jørgen Juel & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2022)

The zero-rent society: Evidence from hydropower and petroleum windfalls in 黑料专区 local governments

Journal of Public Economics, 209 Doi:

Economic theory and evidence suggest that political leaders take advantage of government revenue windfalls – particularly from natural resource exploitation – to enrich themselves. We revisit this hypothesis by combining information on massive local government hydropower and petroleum revenues in Norway with five decades of registry data on individual mayors’ earnings and wealth. We find that, while the resource expansions massively boost local government revenues and spending, there is no evidence that mayors exploit the windfalls to enrich themselves. We attribute our precisely estimated zero-finding to characteristics of the 黑料专区 institutional and informational environment. First, we show that the revenue windfalls induce citizens to seek political information and raise their rates of electoral participation. Second, in the early sample period when local newspapers were more important, mayors’ wage responses were negatively related to newspaper coverage. In sum, our results suggest that voter information is a key disciplining accountability mechanism, potentially explaining our zero-rent result.

Geys, Benny; Heggedal, Tom-Reiel & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2022)

Age and vote choice: Is there a conservative shift among older voters?

Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy, 78 Doi: -

Geys, Benny & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2022)

Public Sector Employment and Voter Turnout

American Political Science Review, 116(1), s. 367- 373. Doi: -

Does working in the public rather than the private sector have a causal effect on electoral participation? Extant evidence using cross-sectional survey data remains unpersuasive due to data limitations and concerns posed by preference-based job selection. We address these challenges using population-wide individual-level register data on voter turnout covering four 黑料专区 local and national elections between 2013 and 2019. We identify causal effects by tracking the same individuals over time during (a) shifts between private- and public-sector employment, (b) relocations between municipalities, and (c) shifts into retirement. We find that local public-sector employees display 1–3 percentage points higher voter turnout compared with private-sector employees. These effects arise particularly when working in their residential municipality, but they largely dissipate upon retirement.

Cox, Gary W.; Fiva, Jon H., Smith, Daniel M. & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2021)

Moral hazard in electoral teams: List rank and campaign effort

Journal of Public Economics, 200 Doi: -

How do parties motivate candidates to exert effort in closed-list elections, where seat outcomes are uncertain only for candidates in marginal list positions? We argue that parties can solve this moral hazard problem by committing ex ante to allocate higher offices in government, such as cabinet portfolios, monotonically with list rank. Under this schedule of compensation, parties have incentives to rank candidates in order of quality (under some conditions) and candidates have incentives to increase the volume and geo-diversity of their campaign efforts as their rank improves. Using detailed data on 黑料专区 candidates and their use of mass and social media in recent elections, we confirm that (1) candidate quality increases with list rank, and (2) candidates in safer ranks shift from intra-district to extra-district and national media exposure—a composition of effort that can increase their party’s chance of entering government, and thus their own potential share of the spoils.

Geys, Benny; Murdoch, Zuzana & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2021)

Political (Over)Representation of Public Sector Employees and the Double-Motive Hypothesis: Evidence from 黑料专区 Register Data (2007-2019)

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART), 32(2), s. 326- 341. Doi: -

Fiva, Jon H.; Geys, Benny, Heggedal, Tom-Reiel & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2021)

Political Alignment and Bureaucratic Pay

Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory (JPART), 31(3), s. 596- 615. Doi: -

Building on agency-theoretical perspectives of public bureaucracies, we argue that politician–bureaucrat preference alignment can have important implications for bureaucrats’ pay. We study such private gains to bureaucrats from their political alignment with elected politicians using detailed data on all 1,632 top administrators active in all 黑料专区 municipalities over a period of 25 years (1991–2015). Whereas existing studies generally rely on proxies for politician–bureaucrat political alignment, a rare feature of our data allows measuring it directly since 27% of top bureaucrats ran for political office. We focus explicitly on individuals at the very top of the administrative hierarchy and are able to separate the intensive margin (i.e., wage increases) from any additional effects at the extensive margin (i.e., new appointments). Using close elections for inference in a regression discontinuity analysis, we find that politician–bureaucrat alignment significantly increases top bureaucrats’ wage even in the 黑料专区 civil service system. This has important implications also from a theoretical perspective. Our results indeed go against predictions from models with policymotivated bureaucrats, but are consistent with politically aligned principal–agent matches being more productive.

Geys, Benny & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2020)

Administrative Delegation in Budgetary Powers and Fiscal Performance

Kyklos (Basel), 73(4), s. 477- 499. Doi: -

Does delegation of the budget preparation process to top civil servants improve or worsen fiscal performance? We address this question by analyzing high‐quality data on budgetary procedures and fiscal performance over a 25‐year period in 黑料专区 local governments. This long time period allows exploiting substantial variation in budgetary procedures across time and space. The results show that administrative delegation decreases fiscal deficits as a share of current revenues. Compared to procedures relying on political coordination or the traditional ‘bottom‐up’ procedure, deficits are approximately 0.3 percentage points lower on average under administrative delegation. Still, this effect is conditional upon the presence of minority governments and fails to materialize when the mayor enjoys majority support in the local council. Our results thus indicate that administrative delegation in budgetary processes may constitute an important tool to alleviate poor fiscal performance arising due to political coordination failures and weak political decision‐making.

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Skau, Irene & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2020)

Who dies early? Education, mortality and causes of death in Norway

Social Science and Medicine Doi: -

Geys, Benny; Heggedal, Tom-Reiel & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2020)

Popular support for environmental protection: A life-cycle perspective

British Journal of Political Science, 51(3), s. 1348- 1355. Doi: -

Support for environmental protection is generally perceived as driven by cohort or generational effects. We argue and empirically illustrate that such attitudes also fluctuate over the life cycle. Using rotating panels of the 黑料专区 Election Studies (1989-2013), our analysis is able to identify such life-cycle effects while controlling for cohort and period effects through a methodological innovation exploiting the first-derivative properties of the environmental concern function. Our main findings provide strong evidence of an inverted U-shape over the life cycle, which implies that substantial population aging in advanced economies may partially offset any generational shift towards a greater emphasis on protecting the environment.

Geys, Benny & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2019)

The Impact of Women above the Political Glass Ceiling: Evidence from a 黑料专区 Executive Gender Quota Reform

Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy, 60, s. 1- 10. Doi: -

Women have historically been underrepresented in democratic assemblies, particularly in top positions with executive powers. Most gender quota reforms address this by mandating a more equal gender representation on election lists. In contrast, a 1992 legislative reform in Norway required parties' candidate lists for the local executive board to comprise at least 40% politicians of each gender. This legal change was not only exogenously imposed by a higher-level government, but also generated distinct quota-induced constraints across 黑料专区 municipalities. We exploit the resulting variation in ‘quota shocks’ using a difference-in-differences design to identify the quota's effect on women's political representation as well as local public policies. We find that more women enter the executive board after the reform, though spill-overs on women's representation in the local council and on the probability of a female mayor or top administrator are weak. We also find no consistent evidence for shifts in public policies due to increased representation of women in positions with executive powers.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2019)

The impact of state television on voter turnout

British Journal of Political Science, 49(1), s. 257- 278. Doi:

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Skau, Irene, Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & Eskild, Anne (2018)

Does the Use of Diagnostic Technology Reduce Fetal Mortality?

Health Services Research (HSR), 53(6), s. 4437- 4459. Doi: -

Objective: To examine the effect that the introduction of new diagnostic technology in obstetric care has had on fetal death. Data Source The Medical Birth Registry of Norway provided detailed medical information for approximately 1.2 million deliveries from 1967 to 1995. Information about diagnostic technology was collected directly from the maternity units, using a questionnaire. Study Design: The data were analyzed using a hospital fixed‐effects regression with fetal mortality as the outcome measure. The key independent variables were the introduction of ultrasound and electronic fetal monitoring at each maternity ward. Hospital‐specific trends and risk factors of the mother were included as control variables. The richness of the data allowed us to perform several robustness tests. Principal Finding: The introduction of ultrasound caused a significant drop in fetal mortality rate, while the introduction of electronic fetal monitoring had no effect on the rate. In the population as a whole, ultrasound contributed to a reduction in fetal deaths of nearly 20 percent. For post‐term deliveries, the reduction was well over 50 percent. Conclusion: The introduction of ultrasound made a major contribution to the decline in fetal mortality at the end of the last century.

Geys, Benny & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2018)

Never Change a Winning Policy? Public Sector Performance and Politicians’ Preferences for Reforms

Public Administration Review, 78(2), s. 206- 216. Doi: -

Despite the increasing stress on performance in public sector organizations, there is still little empirical evidence on whether—and if so, how—politicians respond to performance information. This article addresses this research gap by linking registry statistics on school performance in Norway's 428 municipalities with data from an information experiment embedded in a survey of local politicians. Findings show that school performance bears only a weak relationship to politicians' preferences for resource-related reforms, but it strongly affects preferences for governance-related reforms, indicating the importance of accounting for heterogeneity across alternative types of (school) reforms. Moreover, local politicians are, on average, well informed about school performance. This reflects the force of local inhabitants' high information level on politicians' accountability.

Fiva, Jon H.; Folke, Olle & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2018)

The Power of Parties: Evidence From Close Municipal Elections in Norway

The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 120(1), s. 3- 30. Doi: -

We show that small shifts in representation can affect policy in proportional election systems. Using data from Norway, we find that a larger left-wing party leads to more property taxation, higher childcare spending, and lower elderly care spending, while local public goods appear to be a non-partisan issue. These effects are partly due to shifts in bloc majorities, and partly due to changes in the left–right position of the council, keeping the majority constant. The estimates on spending allocations are rather imprecise, but they are consistent with evidence on politicians' fiscal preferences and patterns in media attention.

Borge, Lars-Erik; Fiva, Jon H., Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2017)

Frivillig kommunesammenslåing - betydningen av folketall, inntekt og politisk avstand

Frich, Jan C; Iversen, Tor & Tjerbo, Trond (red.). Helsepolitikkens faglige premisser

I denne artikkelen analyserer vi lokale folkeavstemninger om kommunesammenslåing. Det forventes at stor forskjell i folketall, inntektsnivå og politiske preferanser mellom kommuner vil gjøre sammenslåing vanskelig. Det foreligger data for 253 folkeavstemninger i den reformprosess som nå foregår. Mange kommuner har holdt flere avstemninger og har stilt spørsmål om flere alternativer. Analysen her baserer seg på forskjeller blant kommuner innen en aktuell sammenslåings-konstellasjonen og ser bare på symmetriske folkeavstemninger. Hovedresultatet er en positiv sammenheng mellom folketall og andel ja-stemmer til sammenslåing. Bekymringen for å bli overkjørt ser ut til å være større enn håpet om stordriftsgevinster for små kommuner. Analysen indikerer at politisk avstand betyr noe i tillegg – man ønsker ikke å bli styrt av et annet politisk flertall. Vi studerer også beslutningen om å holde avstemning og valgdeltagelsen. Små kommuner har høyere tilbøyelighet til å holde folkeavstemning. Små og rike kommuner innen konstellasjonen har høyere valgdeltagelse – de har mer å forsvare.

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Skau, Irene & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2017)

The impact of the mass media on obstetricians' behavior in Norway

Health Policy, 121(9), s. 986- 993. Doi: -

Little is known about how physicians and hospitals respond to the risk of being negatively exposed in the mass media. We assume that newspapers will cover events more closely in the areas where they have most of their circulation. Within such areas the likelihood of negative publicity increases. The research question is whether obstetricians respond to negative newspaper coverage by choosing the least risky method of delivery, i.e. Caesarean section. This was tested on a large set of data from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway for the period 2000–2011. The Registry contains detailed medical information about all deliveries, for both the mother and the infant. This set of data was merged with a set of data that contained information about newspaper coverage for the municipalities in which all hospitals were located. Altogether, more than 620 000 deliveries in 46 municipalities were included in the study. The data were analyzed using a hospital fixed effects regression. The main result was that newspaper coverage had a significant positive effect on the probability of having a Caesarean section. Several supplementary analyses supported the main finding. Altogether, our results indicate that obstetricians are sensitive to the risk of being exposed in the mass media. This is likely to be because obstetricians care about their reputation.

Geys, Benny; Heggedal, Tom-Reiel & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2017)

Are Bureaucrats Paid like CEOs? Performance Compensation and Turnover of Top Civil Servants

Journal of Public Economics, 152, s. 47- 54. Doi:

Recent research explores the effect of financial and career incentives on public-sector hiring processes and subsequent performance. The reverse relation between performance and bureaucrats’ compensation and turnover has received only limited attention. Due to the distinct features of public-sector organizations, bureaucrats are traditionally argued to require either permanent positions and fixed wages, or low-powered performance incentives. This article studies how the performance of top civil servants in 黑料专区 local governments affects their compensation and turnover. We thereby build on a unique new dataset over the period 1991-2014. Our results indicate that better performing top civil servants obtain a higher compensation and are less likely to be replaced. Nonetheless, these incentives remain low-powered in line with agency theory prescriptions.

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Monkerud, Lars Chr., Skau, Irene, Eskild, Anne, Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & Saugstad, Ola Didrik (2017)

Saving Newborn Babies – The Benefits of Interventions in Neonatal Care in Norway over More Than 40 Years

Health Economics, 26(3), s. 352- 370. Doi: -

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2016)

After the immigration shock: The causal effect of immigration on electoral preferences

Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy, 44, s. 1- 14. Doi:

Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2016)

Public–private political cleavage: what happens after retirement?

Public Choice, 166(3-4), s. 315- 333. Doi:

Geys, Benny & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2016)

Revenue scarcity and government outsourcing: Evidence from 黑料专区 local governments

Public Administration, 94(3), s. 769- 788. Doi: -

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Monkerud, Lars Christian & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2015)

Practice Guidelines and Practice Variation: Diagnostic Technology in Maternity Care

Health Services Research (HSR), s. 1- 14. Doi:

Helland, Leif & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2015)

Partisan bias, electoral volatility, and government efficiency

Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy, 39, s. 117- 128. Doi:

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2014)

Political competition, party polarization, and government performance

Public Choice, 161(3-4), s. 427- 450. Doi: -

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Skau, Irene & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2014)

Educated mothers, healthy infants. The impact of a school reform on the birth weight of 黑料专区 infants 1967-2005

Social Science and Medicine, 105, s. 84- 92. Doi:

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Monkerud, Lars Christian, Skau, Irene & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2014)

Regionalization and local Hospital closure in 黑料专区 maternity care - The effect on neonatal and infant mortality

Health Services Research (HSR), 49(4), s. 1184- 1204. Doi:

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2013)

Does aging affect preferences for welfare spending? A study of peoples' spending preferences in 22 countries, 1985-2006

European Journal of Political Economy, 29, s. 259- 271. Doi:

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Skau, Irene & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2013)

Do Mothers Decide? The Impact of Preferences in Healthcare

The Journal of human resources, 48(1), s. 142- 168. Doi:

Jakobsen, Mads & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2012)

Er offentligt ansatte blevet som de private? En analyse af arbejdsmotivation i den offentlige og private sektor over tid

Politica - Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab, 44(1) Doi:

Helland, Leif & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2012)

Persistent rent extraction

Public Choice, 153(1-2), s. 205- 213. Doi:

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Monkerud, Lars Christian & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2012)

Adoption of Diagnostic Technology and Variation in Caesarean Section Rates: A Test of the Practice Style Hypothesis in Norway

Health Services Research (HSR), 47(6), s. 2169- 2189. Doi:

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Monkerud, Lars Christian, Hagen, Terje P., Sørensen, Rune Jørgen, Eskild, Anne & Skau, Irene (2011)

The impact of hospital revenue on the increase in Caesarean sections in Norway. A panel data analysis of hospitals 1976-2005

BMC Health Services Research, 11 Doi:

Grytten, Jostein Ivar; Skau, Irene & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2011)

Do expert patients get better treatment than others? Agency discrimination and statistical discrimination in obstetrics

Journal of Health Economics, 30(1), s. 163- 180. Doi:

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2010)

Ustyrlige statsselskaper? En oversikt over faglitteraturen

Beta, s. 38- 58.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2010)

Ustyrlige statsselskaper? En oversikt over faglitteratur

Beta, 38(1), s. 38- 56.

Helland, Leif; Sørensen, Rune J. & Thorkildsen, Åge (2010)

Forsvaret 1986-2005. Hvorfor partiene favoriserer de overrepresenterte valgdistriktene

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS), s. 525- 548.

Monkerud, Lars C. & Sørensen, Rune J. (2010)

Smått og godt? Kommunestørrelse, ressurser og tilfredshet med det kommunale tjenestetilbudet

Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 26(4), s. 265- 295.

Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2010)

Grey power and public budgets: Family altruism helps children, but not the elderly

European Journal of Political Economy, 26(2), s. 222- 234. Doi:

The literature on intergenerational conflict and public budgets has shown that the demands of the elderly may crowd out educational spending. We extend this literature to take into account altruism within the family where individuals care about the welfare of family members. The conflicting claims to the public budget will reflect the political strength of age groups, but may also be influenced by whether middle-aged have children or elderly parents in the community. We investigate the role of family altruism using both survey data and demographic and local government budget data in Norway from 1992 to 2004. Family altruism matters for local government spending on primary education, but does not affect spending on old-age care and health services. The old must take care of their own interests themselves.

Helland, Leif & Sørensen, Rune J. (2009)

Hvorfor overlever politisk korrupsjon i representative demokratier?

Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 25(3), s. 219- 236.

Helland, Leif & Sørensen, Rune J. (2009)

Geographical redistribution with disproportional representation: a politico-economic model of 黑料专区 road projects

Public Choice, 139(1-2), s. 5- 19. Doi:

Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune J. (2009)

Patient choice and access to primary physician services in Norway

Health Economics, Policy and Law, 4(1), s. 11- 27.

Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2009)

Gråhåret makt og kommunale budsjetter : de eldre må stole på seg selv

Saglie, Jo (red.). Det n忙re demokratiet : lokalvalg og lokal deltakelse

Sørensen, Rune J. (2008)

Does public ownership impair efficiency in 黑料专区 Refuse Collection?

Dijkgraaf, E.; Gradus, R.H.J.M. (Eds.), The Waste Market: Institutional Developments in Europe

Helland, Leif & Sørensen, Rune J. (2008)

Demokrati og effektivitet


Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune J. (2008)

Pengerikelighetens utfordringer i offentlig sektor

Magma forskning og viten, 11(4), s. 28- 33.

Sørensen, Rune J.; Bjone, Ralph & Molden, Lars (2008)

Forsvaret på shopping: Usikkerhet, opportunisme og kontraktsutforming


Sørensen, Rune J. (2008)

Offentlig motivasjon i forfall? Arbeidsmotivasjon blant ansatte i offentlig og privat virksomhet, 1989-2007

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning

Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune J. (2008)

Busy Physicians

Journal of Health Economics, 27(2), s. 510- 518.

Sørensen, Rune J.; Pettersen, Gry & Aambakk, J.I. (2007)

Militær Ledelse. En sammenligning av ledelse i Forsvaret med ledelse i privat og offentlig sektor

Magma forskning og viten, 10(5), s. 51- 62.

Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune J. (2007)

Region søker oppgaver

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS), 48, s. 565- 578.

Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune J. (2007)

Primary Physician Services - List size and Primary Physicians? Service Production

Journal of Health Economics, 26(4), s. 721- 741.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2007)

Does dispersed public ownership impair efficiency? The case of refuse collection in Norway

Public Administration, 85(4), s. 1045- 1058.

Sitter, Nick & Sørensen, Rune J. (2006)

Fiscal Federealism and Political Competition in the enlarged European Union: the Old Man's Burden?

Europe's Nascent State: Public Policy in the European Union, Essays in Honour of Kjell A. Eliassen , J. From & N. Sitter (eds)

Blom-Hansen, J.; Monkerud, Lars C. & Sørensen, Rune J. (2006)

Do parties matter for local revenue policies? A comparison of Denmark and Norway

European Journal of Political Research, 45, s. 445- 465.

This article investigates the impact of party ideology on revenue politics. Theoretically, claims can be made that party ideology should matter for revenue policies. First, leftist governments are more favourable towards government intervention and a large public sector. To accomplish this, leftist governments need more revenue than bourgeois governments. Second, revenue policy is a redistributive policy area well suited for ideological positioning. However, the claim that party ideology does not matter can also be made since raising revenue is unpopular and politicians may shy away from new initiatives. Empirically, the question is unsettled. The article investigates the problem by looking at three revenue policy areas (income and property taxation, and user charges) in two countries (Denmark and Norway). The data used is from the municipal level, providing several hundreds of units to compare. The evidence favours the 'parties matter' argument, particularly in the Danish case.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2006)

Local government consolidations: The impact of political transaction costs

Public Choice, 127, s. 75- 95.

We offer an explicit test of these propositions based on data for 黑料专区 local government. Elected politicians and administrative leaders are more interested in consolidating when efficiency gains are large. Local revenue disparities and to some extent dissimilar party preferences are significant impediments to voluntary mergers. Additionally, smaller municipalities are often prepared to sacrifice some efficiency gain to remain independent polities.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Monkerud, Lars C. (2005)

Lokaldemokrati og kommuneskatt. Velgerne stemmer på politiske partier, men spiller det noen rolle?

NOU 2005:6, Vedlegg 1

Sørensen, Rune J. (2005)

Friske penger til en syk kommunestruktur

Synspunkter p氓 dagens kommunestruktur

Grytten, Jostein; Skau, Irene & Sørensen, Rune J. (2005)

Kjennetegn ved solo- og gruppepraksis i norsk allmennmedisin

Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet), 125, s. 1357- 1360.

Grytten, Jostein; Skau, Irene & Sørensen, Rune J. (2005)

Fastlegereformen og folketrygdens utgifter til allmennlegetjenesten

Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet), 125, s. 2812- 4.

Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune J. (2005)

Fortsatt grådige fastleger med knapphet på listepasienter? statistiske illusjoner ved bruk av registerdata

脴konomisk forum, s. 12- 21.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Vabo, S. I. (2005)

Sentraliseringsparadokset: Hvorfor staten overtar styringen fra kommunene

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS), 46

Sørensen, Rune J. (2005)

Kommunenes frihet til å kreve skatt velgernes kontroll med skattenivået i Norge

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 8(脜rg. 8, nr 4), s. 215- 225.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2005)

Et folkestyre i fremgang demokratisk kontroll med brannalarmer og autopiloter

Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT), 22(脜rg. 22, nr 3), s. 258- 270.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2004)

Frivillige sammenslåinger av kommuner – en vakker, men håpløs idé

Samfunnsspeilet : Tidsskrift om levek氓r og livsstil, 2

Sørensen, Rune J. (2004)

Et forvitret demokrati? Makt- og demokratiutredningens misvisende konklusjon om det norske demokratiet

Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 20, s. 156- 176.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2004)

Markedsreformer i offentlig sektor: Elitistisk motebølge,velferdskoalisjonens interesser eller partienes konkurranse om velgere?

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS), s. 509- 546.

Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune J. (2004)

Public Employees as Swing Voters: Empirical Evidence on Opposition to Public Sector Reform

Public Choice, 119(3/4), s. 281- 310.

Grytten, Jostein; Skau, Irene, Sørensen, Rune J. & Aasland, O.G. (2004)

Endringer i tjenesteproduksjon og tilgjengelighet under fastlegeordningen

?, 124, s. 362- 364.

Grytten, Jostein; Skau, Irene, Sørensen, Rune J. & Aasland, O.G. (2004)

Legenes arbeidssituasjon etter ett år med fastlegeordningen

?, 124, s. 358- 361.

Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune J. (2004)

Grådige leger med knapphet på pasienter? En analyse av tilbudsindusert etterspørsel i allmennlegetjenesten

脴konomisk forum, 58, s. 32- 37.

Grytten, Jostein; Skau, Irene, Sørensen, Rune J. & Aasland, O.G. (2004)

Fastlegeordningen og endringer i legenes tjenesteproduksjon

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 7, s. 78- 89.

Monkerud, Lars C. & Sørensen, Rune J. (2004)

Hvorfor konkurranseutsette? En analyse av renovasjonstjenesten i Norge

Johnsen, 脜ge; Sletnes, Ingun & Vabo, Signy Irene (red.). Konkurranseutsetting i kommunene

Sørensen, Rune J. (2003)

The political economy of intergovernmental grants: the 黑料专区 Case

European Journal of Political Research, 42, s. 163- 195.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Ludvigsen, Stine (2003)

Når pengene skal følge brukeren. Kan kommunene ta ansvar for brukervalg og stykkpriser?

Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 19, s. 308- 333.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Grytten, Jostein (2003)

Service production and contract choice in primary physician services

Health Policy, 66, s. 73- 93.

Sørensen, Rune J.; Grytten, Jostein & Skau, Irene (2003)

Kontraktsvalg og tjenesteproduksjon i allmennlegetjenesten

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS), 44, s. 147- 168.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Grytten, Jostein (2003)

Myke eller harde inntektsrammer? Er det mulig å etablere et finansieringssystem for spesialisthelsetjenesten?

脴konomisk forum, 57(1), s. 18- 22.

Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune J. (2003)

Practice variation and physician-specific effects

Journal of Health Economics, 22, s. 403- 418.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2002)

Er det nok å la ledere lede – eller må de presses? Bruk av eierskap, kontrakter og konkurranse i offentlig tjenesteyting

Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, s. 380- 397.

Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune J. (2002)

Betydningen av eierskap, finansiering og konkurranse i sykehussektoren

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 5, s. 133- 152.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2002)

Kommunepenger i distriktspolitikken: Virker de?

?, 3(1), s. 60- 77.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Bay, Ann-Helén (2002)

Competitive tendering in the welfare state: perceptions and preferences among local politicians

Scandinavian Political Studies, 25(4), s. 357- 384. Doi:

Borge, Lars-Erik & Sørensen, Rune J. (2002)

Aggregating Spending Preferences: An Empirical Analysis of Party Preferences in 黑料专区 Local Governments

Public Choice, 110, s. 225- 243.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Grytten, Jostein (2001)

Type of contract and supplier-induced demand for primary physicians in Norway

Journal of Health Economics, 20, s. 379- 393.

Rattsø, J. & Sørensen, Rune J. (2000)

Utfordringer og reformer i offentlig sektor

NOU 2000:21, En strategi for sysselsetting og verdiskaping, Vedlegg 5

Sørensen, Rune J. (2000)

Samfunnsforskning og statistikk

Samfunnsspeilet : Tidsskrift om levek氓r og livsstil

Sørensen, Rune J. & Grytten, J. (2000)

Erfaringer med markedsstyring i norsk helsetjeneste

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 3, s. 3- 15.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2000)

Fristilling av sykehus – flere bivirkninger og sterkere vridningseffekter?

Sosial酶konomen, 54, s. 8- 12.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2000)

Mjøsutvalgets styringsmodell – et svar på noe av kritikken

Sosial酶konomen, 54, s. 42- 49.

Grytten, J.; Sørensen, Rune J., Aasland, O.G. & Skau, I. (2000)

Hva påvirker allmennlegenes kontraktsvalg og flytteplaner?

?, 120, s. 3134- 3139.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Grytten, J. (2000)

Contract design for primary care physicians: Physician location and practice behaviour in small communities

?, 3, s. 151- 157.

Grytten, J. & Sørensen, Rune (2000)

Competition and Dental Services

Health Economics, 9, s. 447- 461.

Sørensen, Rune J. (1999)

Hva driver endringene i den norske velferdsmodellen?

Velferdsstaten: Fornyelse eller forvitring

Sørensen, Rune J. & Grytten, Jostein (1999)

Competition and supplier induced demand in a health care system with fixed fees

Health Economics, 8, s. 497- 508.

Sørensen, Rune J.; Baldersheim, ukjent-for-g128506 & Hagen, T.P. (1998)

Lokaldemokrati uten fremtid? Partistyre i kommuner og fylkeskommuner

Har fylkeskommunen ei framtid?

Hagen, T.P.; Sørensen, Rune J., Klausen, K.K. & Ståhlberg, K. (1998)

Fornyelse av kommunal organisering: Aktiv stat, reaktive kommuner?

New public management i Norden. Nye organisations- og ledelsesformer i den decentrale verferdsstat

Sørensen, Rune J. & Rattsø, J. (1998)

Local Governments Integrated in a Welfare State: A Review of 黑料专区 Local Government Performance

Fiscal Federalism and State-Local Finance. The Scandinavian Perspective

Rattsø, J. & Sørensen, Rune J. (1998)

Om kommuners tjenestetilbud og politisk økonomi

Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning, 1(4)

Sørensen, Rune J. & Hagen, T. (1998)

Local government without taxing authority: A viable party democracy?


Sørensen, Rune J. (1998)

Targeting the Lobbying Effort: The Importance of Local Government Lobbying

?, 34(2)

Borge, Lars-Erik; Sørensen, Rune & Rattsø, Jørn (1998)

Local government service production: The politics of allocative sluggishness

Fiscal federalism and state-local finance: The scandinavian perspective

Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2015)

Kommunereform uten ambisjoner

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Sørensen, Rune J. (2000)

Beskylder de radikale for å være konsevative

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]

Sørensen, Rune J. (2000)

Rikspolitikernes kommunetiltak virker mot hensikten. Vil skape likhet, men skaper ulikhet

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]

Arntzen, Sigurd Storehaug; Fiva, Jon Hernes & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (1)

Politikerne er mer lovlydige enn folk flest

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]

Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (1)

Kommunereform uten ambisjoner, se http://www.dn.no/meninger/debatt/2015/08/14/2149/Politikk/kommunereform-uten-ambisjoner

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (1)

Kultur påvirker økonomien, se http://www.nrk.no/ytring/kultur-pavirker-okonomien-1.12615813

www.nrk.no/ytring [Kronikk]

Sørensen, Rune J. (1)

Markedet som styringsmiddel i helsevesenet

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Murdoch, Zuzana; Geys, Benny & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2023)

Political Representation of Public Sector Employees

[Popular scientific article]. DemoTrans Policy Brief

Borge, Lars-Erik; Krehic, Lana, Nyhus, Ole Henning, Rattsø, Jørn, Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & Leyen, Kaja von der (2022)

Inntektssystemet for kommunene : Lokale skatteinntekter

[Report]. NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS.

Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet som et underlag for Inntektssystemutvalgets vurderinger av lokal beskatning, beskatningsfrihet og utforming av skatteutjevningen ved beskatningsfrihet.

Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2022)

Utfordringer i offentlig sektor – styring, ressursbruk, resultater

S酶gaard, Fridthjof; Offerdal, Kristine & Bjerga, Kjell Inge (red.). Norsk byr氓krati - kan det bli bedre? Tekster om arbeidet i regjeringskontorene

Fiva, Jon H.; Hagen, Terje P. & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2021)

Kommunal organisering

[Textbook]. Universitetsforlaget.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & From, Johan (2018)

Osloskolen opp én divisjon – mer tid til læring og oppfølging

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI, Senter for innovasjon i utdanning.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & Thomsen, Carlo (2018)

En effektiv offentlig sektor Organisering, styring og ledelse i stat og kommune

[Popular scientific book]. Universitetsforlaget.

Andersen, Jørgen Juel & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2018)

Accounting for the Resource Blessing

[Academic lecture]. Political economy workshop.

Fiva, Jon H.; Folke, Olle & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2013)

The Power of Parties

[Report]. CESifo Working Paper Series.

Fiva, Jon H.; Folke, Olle & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2013)

The Power of Parties: Evidence From Close Municipal Elections in Norway

[Academic lecture]. Journ茅es d'Economie Publique Louis-Andr茅 G茅rard-Varet.

Fiva, Jon H.; Folke, Olle & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2013)

The Power of Parties: Evidence From Close Municipal Elections in Norway

[Academic lecture]. MiT Political Economy Breakfast.

Fiva, Jon H.; Folke, Olle & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2013)

The Power of Parties: Evidence From Close Municipal Elections in Norway

[Academic lecture]. Harvard Political Economy Workshop.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2012)

Hvorfor har vi så mange små kommuner? Foredrag på NHOs Årskonferanse, 5. januar 2012

[Popular scientific article]. Magma forskning og viten, 15(5) Doi:

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & Thomsen, Carlo (2012)

Norske departementer i skjæringspunktet mellom politikk og fag

[Popular scientific article]. Administrativ Debat, s. 22- 24.

Rattsø, Jørn & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2011)

Statlige selskaper med sektorpolitiske mål: En evaluering av statlig styring

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & Rattsø, J. (2010)

Statlige selskaper med sektorpolitiske mål. En evaluering av statlig styring

[Report]. Administrasjonsdepartementet.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2010)

A swing-voter modell of age-related distribution. Social security and health care spending 1980-2003

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2010)

Aging reduces support for the welfare state. A cross-national analysis on the impact of aging on public spending preferences, 1985-2006

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & Helland, Leif (2009)

Persistent rent-taking when voters are fully informed

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2009)

A swing-voter model of age-related distribution. Social security and health care spending 1980-2003

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Helland, Leif & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2009)

Persistent rent extraction

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2009)

En effektiv offentlig sektor: Organisering, styring og ledelse i offentlig virksomhet

[Scientific book]. Universitetsforlaget.

Helland, Leif & Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2008)

The Agency Costs of Partisan Dominance and Electoral Uncertainty

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen & Helland, Leif (2008)

Hvorfor overlever politisk korrupsjon i representative demokratier?

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen; Eskild, Anne, Grytten, Jostein Ivar, Hagen, Terje P., Skau, Irene & Moen, Helga (2008)

The impact of hospital financing systems on cesarean births in Norway, 1970-2006

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune J. (2007)

Omstilling og utvikling i norske kommuner: Mye skrik og lite ull?

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Grytten, Jostein; Sørensen, Rune J. & Skau, Irene (2005)

Fastlegeordningen - marked, legedekning og tilgjengelighet

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Hagen, Terje P. & Sørensen, Rune J. (2005)

Kommunal Organisering

[Textbook]. Universitetsforlaget.

Grytten, Jostein; Skau, Irene, Sørensen, Rune J. & Aasland, O.G. (2003)

Fastlegereformen - en analyse av fastlegenes arbeidsbelastning og tjenestetilbud

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Dalen, Dag Morten; Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune J. (2002)

Mer penger eller mer for pengene? Organisering og finansiering av norske sykehus

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Nerland, S. M; Hagen, Terje P., Ludvigsen, Sten & Sørensen, Rune J. (2002)

Finansierings-modeller og brukervalg i kommunene

[Report]. Universitet i Oslo, Senter for helseadministrasjon (UiO)..

Sørensen, Rune J. & Dalen, Dag Morten (2001)

Eierskap og tilknytningsformer i offentlig sektor. En diskusjon av teori og empiriske resultater i internasjonal forskning

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Hagen, Terje P. & Sørensen, Rune J. (2001)

Kommunal organisering : effektivitet, styring og demokrati

[Scientific book]. Universitetsforlaget.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Hagen, Terje P. (2000)

Hvor stort er effektivitetstapet ved statlig regulering av kommuner og fylkeskommuner?

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Hagen, T.P.; Rattsø, J. & Sørensen, Rune (2000)

Monopoly and competition in government service production: Economic and political determinants of reform

[Academic lecture]. The European Public Choice Meeting.

Sørensen, Rune Jørgen (2)

En kapitalintensiv, desentralisert og innovativ forvaltning

[Popular scientific article]. Stat og styring, s. 26- 29.

Sørensen, Rune & Grytten, Jostein (1999)

Er det plass for markedet i helsetjenesten?

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune (1999)

Konkurranse og tannhelsetjenester

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Bay, Ann-Helén; Hagen, Kåre, Riis, Christian & Sørensen, Rune (1999)

Konkurranseutsetting av velferds-staten? Konsekvenser av anbudskonkurranser og fritt forbrukervalg

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Grytten, Jostein; Skau, Irene, Sørensen, Rune J. & Aasland, Olaf (1999)

Kontraktsvalg, tjenesteproduksjon og stabilitet i allmennlegetjenesten

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune J.; Borge, Lars-Erik & Hagen, Terje P. (1999)

Effektivitet i offentlig tjenesteyting

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Sørensen, Rune & Grytten, Jostein (1998)

Konkurranse og induksjon i primærlegetjenesten: Allokeringseffektivitet i et regulert helsemarked

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune J. (1998)

Konkurranse og incentiver i helsetjenesten

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Grytten, Jostein & Sørensen, Rune J. (1998)

Kontraktsformer og tilbudsinduksjon: En sammenligning av private allmennleger med og uten kommunal driftsavtale

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune J. & Grytten, Jostein (1998)

Gjennomføring av fastlegereformen: Bør basistilskuddet bestemmes lokalt?

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sørensen, Rune J.; Borge, L.E. & Hagen, T.P. (1998)

Effektivitet i offentlig tjenesteyting. Hva vi vet - og hva vi bør vite

[Report]. BI.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1986 University of Oslo Ph.D Dr. Philos.
1982 University of Oslo Master Cand. Polit.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
1989 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Professor
2016 - 2025 Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriets Benchmarkingenhed Bestyrelsesformand
2016 - 2020 黑料专区 University of Science and Technology/ SØF (Senter for Økonomisk Forskning) Researcher
2006 - 2013 The 黑料专区 Defence University College (NDUC) Adjunct professor
2001 - 2003 BI 黑料专区 Business School Head of Department
1997 - 2000 BI 黑料专区 Business School Professor
1993 - 1999 BI 黑料专区 Business School Provost
1982 - 1989 University of Oslo Associate professor