
Employee Profile

Federico Gavazzoni

Associate Professor - Department of Finance


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I work in the field of macrofinance and I am particularly interested in its international aspects. I study the relation between equilibrium economic allocations, technology and asset prices, the dynamics of risk sharing and the sources of risk premia. My papers have been published in the Journal of Finance and in the Journal of Financial Economics and has been presented in top finance and economics conferences around the world including, among others, the meetings of the American Finance Association, the American Economic Association, the Western Finance Association, the Society for Economic Dynamics, the European Finance Association, the European Economic Association, the National Bureau of Economic Research, and the Center for Economic Policy Research. For a detailed list of presentations, seminars and discussions I personally gave, please refer to my .

I currently teach International Finance in the Master of Finance program and in the PhD Program. Before joining BI, I was Assistant Professor of Finance at INSEAD, where I taught Financial Markets and Valuation, Business Foundations, International Finance, and Fintech in the MBA program, Macroeconomics in Executive Education, and Foundations for Financial Economics and International Finance in the PhD Program.


Andrews, Spencer; Colacito, Riccardo, Croce, Mariano M. & Gavazzoni, Federico (2024)

Concealed carry

Journal of Financial Economics, 159 Doi: -

The slope carry takes a long (short) position in the long-term bonds of countries with steeper (flatter) yield curves. The traditional carry takes a long (short) position in countries with high (low) short-term rates. We document that: (i) the slope carry return is slightly negative (strongly positive) in the pre (post) 2008 period, whereas it is concealed over longer samples; (ii) the traditional carry return is lower post-2008; and (iii) expected global growth and inflation declined post-2008. We connect these findings through an equilibrium model in which countries feature heterogeneous exposure to news shocks about global output and global inflation.

Gavazzoni, Federico & Santacreu, Ana Maria (2020)

International R&D Spillovers and Asset Prices

Journal of Financial Economics, 136(2) Doi:

We study the international propagation of long-run risk in the context of a general equilibrium model with endogenous growth. Innovation and international diffusion of technologies are the channels at the core of our mechanism. A calibrated version of the model matches several asset pricing and macroeconomic quantity moments, alleviating some of the puzzles highlighted in the international macro-finance literature. Our model predicts that country pairs that share more research and development (R&D) have less volatile exchange rates and more correlated stock market returns. Using data from a sample of 19 developed countries, we provide suggestive empirical evidence in favor of our model’s predictions.

Colacito, Riccardo; Croce, Mariano Massimiliano, Gavazzoni, Federico & Ready, Robert (2018)

Currency Risk Factors in a Recursive Multi-Country Economy

Journal of Finance, 73(6) Doi:

Focusing on the 10 most traded currencies, we provide empirical evidence regarding a significant heterogeneous exposure to global growth news shocks. We incorporate this empirical fact in a frictionless risk-sharing model with recursive preferences, multiple countries, and multiple consumption goods whose supply features both global and local short- and long-run shocks. Since news shocks are priced, heterogeneous exposure to long-lasting global growth shocks results in a relevant reallocation of international resources and currency adjustments. Our unified framework replicates the properties of the HML-FX and HML-NFA carry-trade strategies studied by Lustig, Roussanov, and Verdelhan and Della Corte, Riddiough, and Sarno.

Backus, David K.; Gavazzoni, Federico, Telmer, Christopher I & Zin, Stanley E. (2010)

Monetary Policy and the Uncovered Interest Rate Parity Puzzle

Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Doi:

High interest rate currencies tend to appreciate. This is the uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) puzzle. It is primarily a statement about short-term interest rates and how they are related to exchange rates. Short-term interest rates are strongly affected by monetary policy. The UIP puzzle, therefore, can be restated in terms of monetary policy. Do foreign and domestic monetary policies imply exchange rates that violate UIP? We represent monetary policy as foreign and domestic Taylor rules. Foreign and domestic pricing kernels determine the relationship between these Taylor rules and exchange rates. We examine different specifications for the Taylor rule and ask which can resolve the UIP puzzle. We find evidence in favor of a particular asymmetry. If the foreign Taylor rule responds to exchange rate variation but the domestic Taylor rule does not, the model performs better. A calibrated version of our model is consistent with many empirical observations on real and nominal exchange rates, including Fama-84 negative correlation between interest rate differentials and currency depreciation rates.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2012 Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University Ph.D.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2021 - Present BI - 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor of Finance
2012 - 2021 INSEAD Assistant Professor of Finance