Ellen J. Eftestøl graduated as Candidate of Law from the University of Oslo where she also defended her thesis on Commercial Agency Law and earned the title Dr. Juris in 2005.
Eftetstøl works as Professor of Law at the Department of Law and Governance at BI 黑料专区 Business School and as Visiting Professor at the School of Business, Economics and law, Department of Law, University of Gothenburg .
She has prviously been Visiting Professor (professor II) at the Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law, University of Oslo and full Professor of Civil and Commercial Law at the University of Helsinki.
Ellen J. Eftestøl is subject editor for Karnov's Digital Law Commentary relating to the 黑料专区 Maritime Code as well as author of the same publisher's digital commentary to the 黑料专区 Act relating to Commercial Agents and Commercial Travellers. She is an Editorial Staff member for the journal European Transport Law (ETL)
Eftestøl takes a strong interest in international trade and transport and is affilated to the Helsinki based INTERTRAN research group, which she co-founded in 2010
She gives legal expert opinions and acts as arbitrator.
Birkeland, Kari; Br氓then, Gina & Viken, Monica (red.). Et selskapsliv : Festskrift til Tore Br氓then
Eftestøl, Ellen Johanne; Bask, Anu H. & Huemer, Maximilian (2024)
Towards a Zero-Emissions and Digitalized Transport Sector. Law, Regulation, and Logistics.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bringing together an interdisciplinary team of contributors, this book tackles the legal, logistical and supply chain challenges facing the transport sector in the context of climate change and technological development. In particular, it focuses on the European Union, which has placed a strong emphasis on ensuring future sustainability.
Eftestøl, Ellen J. (2023)
The proposed extension of the EU-ETS to shipping – BIMCO´s ETS – allowances (ETSA) clause for time charter parties 2022 filling a legal gap
Athanassiou, Lia I. (red.). Protecting maritime operators in a changing regulatory and technological environment
Eftestøl, Ellen J. & Yliheljo, Emilie (2023)
International Shipping: Who Levels the Playing Field?
Langlet, David (red.). Regulation of Risk Transport, Trade and Environment in Perspective
Eftestøl, Ellen J. & Yliheljo, Emilie (2022)
Paving the way for a European Emission Trading System for Shipping. EU and IMO on different paths.
Soyer, Bar谋艧 & Tettenborn, Andrew (red.). Disruptive Technologies, Climate Change and Shipping
Eftestøl, Ellen J. (2022)
"Fit for 55" and the Polluter Pays Principle. Who Pays under the proposed EU ETS for shipping?
European transport law, 57(2), s. 111- 125.
Eftestøl, Ellen J. (2021)
Kommentar til agenturloven
Karnov lovkommentarer
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2021)
Allt har sitt pris – också koldioxidutsläpp från fartyg?
Lindskog, Stefan; Andersen, Andr茅, Calissendorff, Axel & Sluijs, Jessika van der (red.). Festskrift till Jan Kleineman
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J.; Bärlund, Johan, Johansson, Janet, Lång, Karolina & Sisula-Tulokas, Lena (2020)
Nya trender och bärande principer i den nordiska förmögenhetsrätten.De 13:e nordiska förmögenhetsrättsdagarna i Helsingfors 8–10.5.2019
Juridiska fakulteten vid Helsingfors Universitet.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2019)
A sustainable behavioural change in the transport industry - the role of emission information
Eftest酶l-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J.; Sankari, Suvi & Bask, Anu H. (red.). Sustainable and efficient transport. Incentives for promoting a green transport market
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J.; Sankari, Suvi & Bask, Anu H. (2019)
Sustainable and efficient transport. Incentives for promoting a green transport market
Edward Elgar Publishing.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. & Sankari, Suvi (2019)
Nudging a behavioural change in maritime Carriage of goods - the role of information
Chuah, Jason (red.). Research handbook on maritime Law and regulation
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2019)
Yes, Jan - the law is lagging behind!
Karlsson-Tuula, Marie & Persson, Annina H. (red.). Skrifter till Jan Rambergs minne
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2017)
Kan man ta miljöhänsyn i avtalsrätten? Ett exempel från transporträtten.
Tidskrift utgiven av juridiska f枚reningen Finland, 153
Eftestøl, Ellen J. (2016)
European Sustainable Carriage of Goods. The Role of Contract Law.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J.; Bask, Anu H. & Rajahonka, M (2015)
Are liability systems of any interest in European multimodal transport?
MarIus, 459, s. 291- 324.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. & Bask, Anu H. (2014)
Is a harmonized liability system a necessary prerequiside for European multimodal transport? The Finnish logistics service provider`s point of view
M盲enp盲盲, Olli; Fr盲nde, Dan & Korpisaari, P盲ivi (red.). Oikeuden historiasta tulevaisuuden Eurooppaan
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J.; Bask, E. & Rajahonka, M (2014)
Intermodal transport Research - a Law and logistics literature review With EU focus
European transport law
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2014)
The European project on sustainable multimodal transport : is a harmonized liability system the right tool?
Soyer, Baris & Tettenborn, Andrew (red.). Carriage of goods by sea, land and air : unimodal and multimodal transport in the 21st century
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2013)
Handelsagentens rett til provisjon av avtaler inngått etter at agenturforholdet er opphørt - særlig om rammeavtaler
Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 126(4-5), s. 620- 637.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2011)
European sustainable freight. The role of contract law
Rak, Henrik & Wetterstein, Peter (red.). Environmental liabilities in ports and coastal areas. Focus on public authorities and other actors. Papers from a seminar 11-14 August 2010 Korpostr枚m, Finland
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2011)
Regulating European multimodal transport
MarIus, s. 27- 46.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2010)
The Rotterdam rules in a European context
Journal of International Maritime Law, 16(4), s. 274- 288.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2009)
Sustainable mobility - mot en grønn europeisk transportrett?
Tidskrift utgiven av juridiska f枚reningen Finland, s. 225- 234.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. & Johansson, Bror Svante O. (2009)
Den nya europeiska transporträtten - fortfarande lex specialis?
Tidskrift utgiven av juridiska f枚reningen Finland, s. 801- 825.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2007)
EU intermodal transport and carrier liability - content and context
MarIus, s. 133- 166.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2006)
EC agency law and intermediaries in shipping
MarIus, 346, s. 141- 178.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2006)
Rettsvitenskapens oppgaver i dagens samfunn
Lov og Rett, 45(1/2), s. 83- 97.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. & Wilhelmsson, Thomas (2005)
Acquis communautaire som källa för utformningen av en europeisk kontraktsrätt - med handelsagentdirektivets godtgjörelsesregel som eksempel. (Feskriftsartikkel till Lena Sisula-Tulokas)
Tidskrift utgiven av juridiska f枚reningen Finland, s. 434- 451.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2005)
Eneforhandlerens, franchisetagerens og tjenesteagentens rett til et økonomisk sluttoppgjør - om dagens rettstilstand og et nytt sluttoppgjør
Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap, 118(4/5), s. 608- 628.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2005)
Konkurranseklausuler og avgangsvederlag
Flodgren, Boel; Gorton, Lars, Lindell-Frantz, Eva & Samuelsson, Per (red.). Avtalslagen 90 氓r. Aktuell nordisk r盲ttspraxis
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2005)
Fra etterprovisjon til avgangsvederlag. Handelsagentens sluttoppgjør i et historisk og komparativ perspektiv
Gyldendal Akademisk.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (1998)
Agenturloven, med kommentarer
Ad Notam Gyldendal.
Eftestøl, Ellen J. (2022)
"Fit for 55" - shipping i dag, aktuelle spørsmål - rettslige implikasjoner
[Academic lecture]. Det 29 nordiske nordiske sj酶rettsseminaret.
Eftestøl, Ellen J. (2022)
Force Majeure i praksis - noen sjørettslige eksempler
[Academic lecture]. Nordiske formuerettsdager.
Eftestøl, Ellen J. (2022)
Greening shipping - EU and IMO on different paths?
[Academic lecture]. International conference of maritime law.
Eftestøl, Ellen J. (2020)
Finsk skadeståndsrätt i nordiskt perspektiv: En introduktion
[Textbook]. Juridiska fakulteten vid Helsingfors universitet.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2011)
Presentation of the InterTran group - ideas for collaboration
[Academic lecture]. Initiative on E-freight collaboration.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2011)
Multimodal waybill. Is a predictable EU liability system an achievable alternative to international conventions?
[Academic lecture]. International conference on paperless freight transport logistics. E-freight-project conference.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2011)
Sustainability in context of the European transport policy on carriage of goods. The legal discourse
[Academic lecture]. Sustainability ac a scientific concept in European law and logistics.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2011)
Sustainability in private transport law. The European effort on greening transport
[Academic lecture]. UiO. The research group in natural resources law.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2010)
Legal perspectives on supply chain management. Focus on international transport of goods
[Academic lecture]. Seminar.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2010)
The Feasibility of a regional legal framework on European multimodal transport in the light of the Rotterdam rules
[Academic lecture]. Nordic transport law and logistics research & European multimodal transport in the light of the Rotterdam rules.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2010)
Presentation of the InterTran research group
[Academic lecture]. Nordic transport law and logistics research & European multimodal transport in the light of the Rotterdam rules.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2010)
Transportørens oppgaver under en multimodal transport etter Rotterdamreglene og sett i en EU-kontekst
[Academic lecture]. 24. Nordiske sj酶rettsseminar.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2010)
Environmental liabilities of freight forwarders and multimodal transport integrators
[Academic lecture]. Seminar on Environmental Liabilities in Ports and Coastal Areas.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2010)
The Rotterdam rules in a multimodal European context
[Academic lecture]. Sixth European Collocuium on maritime law research.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2009)
Handelsagenten og den handelsreisende. Det økonomiske sluttoppgjøret i lys av europeisk rettsutvikling
[Academic lecture]. Seminar.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2009)
The European transport integrator, new green challenges
[Academic lecture]. Seminar.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2009)
Grønn transportrett i EU?
[Academic lecture]. Faglunsj.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2009)
Den nye europeiske transportretten, fremdeles lex specialis?
[Academic lecture]. Nordiske formuerettsdager.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2009)
The European transport policy - legal and logistical impacts on the transport industry
[Academic lecture]. Seminar.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2008)
Internasjonal godstransport i et EU-perspektiv.
[Academic lecture]. Seminar.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2008)
The European transport policy
[Academic lecture]. Seminar.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2007)
EU-multimodal transportation and carrier liability
[Academic lecture]. Gjesteforelesning.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2007)
EU-multimodal transportation and carrier liability
[Academic lecture]. Gjesteforelesning.
Eftestøl-Wilhelmsson, Ellen J. (2005)
Vilka forskningsfrågor kan behandlas med juridisk metod? Eksempel från egen avhandling