Kjell A. Eliassen, born 1946, is a professor of Public Management and director of the Centre for European and Asian Studies at BI 黑料专区 School of Management and professor of European Studies at The Free University in Brussels. He has been professor at University of Aarhus, Denmark and a visiting professor at several European, American and Asian Universities. He is also an honorary professor at the Fudan University in Shanghai and at the Jiaotong Xian University.
Research areas
Eliassen’s main fields of research are: telecommunications and information society politics, egovernment, globalisation and regional integration, public management and privatisation, regulation and industry development in Europe and Asia.
Eliassen has published 18 books and several articles on telecommunications, public management, defence industry and armament procurement, globalisation, the European Union and European and Asian affairs, as well as worked as a consultant for major firms, governmental agencies and ministries regarding these issues. His most recent books are: European Telecom Liberalisation (1999), which is in 2002 published in Chinese, and a new edition of Making Policy in the European Union (2001).
Lately, his focus has been on the new information society and egovernment. Eliassen is involved in several projects in this area and has wide range contact with both academics and bureaucrats in this field. He has previously been the project leader of several Nordic, European and Asian-European research projects.
Eliassen has developed several programs and courses on telecommunication regulation and strategy, information society and egovernment and is responsible for a new program in this field at BI 黑料专区 School of Management. He is currently co-directing a large project on corporatisation and privatisation of national telecommunications monopolies.
Activities in China/East Asia
Eliassen has built up a part-time Master of Change Management program with Fudan and an Information industry management program for Ericsson representing BI 黑料专区 School of Management. He was the first chairman of the Nordic Centre at Fudan University.
He has been working closely with the Fudan University in Shanghai, Renmin University in Beijing and the Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, both within research and the development of management training programs. He has also earlier developed and run similar programs in the Central Europe. He is also, in cooperation with Renmin University, in charge of a Master of Public Administration “Training the trainers” program for professors involved in MPA programs at 24 Chinese universities. He is the editor of a new series of book in Chinese on Public Management.
Teaching areas Course development and training programs: Eliassen has been developing and conducting seminars, workshops and advanced management training programs for banks, telecom companies and industrial firms on issues concerning strategy development, regulation and globalisation, regional integration and European Union issues.
Eliassen has been working as a consultant for major firms, governmental institutions and ministries in Europe and Asia in management development, regulation, privatisation, telecommunications, defence policy and industry.