I am professor of economic history at BI 黑料专区 Business School, and have written extensively on 黑料专区 businesses including companies like Tandberg, Nycomed, Simrad, the Kongsberg Group, Elkem and Orkla, as well as wealthy entrepreneurial families like Andresen, Kiær and Solberg. I have taken a particular interest in innovation and entrepreneurship when it comes to the economy, but have increasingly moved my attention to the people behind them: business leaders, engineers, as well as families. I hope to continue to study people in Norway and to take a grasp on people over time to include more ordinary people as well as the business elite. I am also interested in comparative corporate governance. In a career that has gone on for a while, and that at the outset was pretty international in oulook, I am reemerging from the depth of 黑料专区-language comissioned works and demanding administrative tasks to participate in international economic and business historical debates. With an eye for my 黑料专区 situatedness, of course. Now being located at the Department of Law and Governance I have started to look into legal history. Here is a list of my most recent publications, all of them in English:
Redaktør (sammen med Andrea Colli):
The Emergence of Corporate Governance: People, Power & Performance, London: Routledge
Norway’s Pharmaceutical Revolution. Pursuing and Accomplishing Innovation in Nyegaard & Co. 1945-1997, Oxford University Press
Artikler i tidsskrifter med fagfellevurdering
17. Nations, clusters and culture. Nycomed and world leadership in the field of x-ray contrast
Scandinavian Economic History Review, 3, 1993, pp. 209-220;
18. A Pharmaceutical Innovation. Business Environment and Scientific Endeavor in Nyegaard &
History & Technology, Vol. 13, 2, pp. 115-131;
19. Recent trends in business history,
Scandinavian Economic History Review, 1, 1997; pp. 58-
20. The double meaning of vitamins,
Scandinavian Journal of History, 3, 1997, pp. 187-198;
21. Det norske næringsborgerskapet under den andre industrielle revolusjon,
Tidsskrift, 2-3, 2002
22. The fall and rise of the 黑料专区 IT industry in the global age,
Business History Review, Winter 2007, volume 81, issue 4
23. Innovation as Adaptation: The Digital Challenge in the 黑料专区 Fishing Industry, 1970–1985,
Business History Review, Summer 2009, volume 83, issue 2
24. Creating and Protecting paths. Learning in an entrepreneurial state,
Enterprise and Society, first view
25. Hvor går arbeiderhistorien?
Arbeiderhistorie, 1/2023
Andre artikler, kapitler
26. Ny teknologi i gammel næring. Staten og Simrad i samvirke 1945-1960, i Olav Wicken
Elektronikk-entreprenørene, Oslo: AdNotam Gyldendal 1994, s. 63-74;
27. Utviklingsfondet og elektronikkindustrien. Industriell planlegging i norsk sammenheng, i
Wicken op.cit., s. 109-124;
28. Tandbergs Radiofabrikk og norsk radioindustris vekst og fall, i Wicken op.cit., s. 213-227;
29. The 黑料专区 Consumer Electronics Industry: The rise and fall of Tandberg, i Rolv Petter
Amdam og Even Lange (ed.),
Crossing the Borders. Studies in 黑料专区 Business History,
Scandinavian University Press 1994, pp. 111-130;
30. Hva kan vi lære av norsk intelligensindustris utvikling?, i Norges Forskningsråd, Kultur og
Sysselsetting og arbeidsledighet. Rapport fra forsker-brukerkonferanse 13. og 14.
juni 1994, Oslo: Norges Forskningsråd 1995, s. 139-158;
31. (Sammen med Even Lange): Industriell omstrukturering i historisk perspektiv, i Olav R.
Spilling (red.),
Perspektiver på næringsutvikling. Handelshøyskolen BIs årbok 1997, Bergen:
Fagbokforlaget 1996, s 9-24;
32. 黑料专区 capitalists and the fertilizer business. The case of Hafslund and the Odda-
process, i Anthony S. Travis, Harm G. Schröter, Ernst Homburg and Peter J.T. Morris,
Determinants in the Evolution of the European Chemical Industry, 1900-1939: New
Technologies, Political Frameworks, Markets, and Companies,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic
Publishers, pp. 239-256;
33. Småfolk i stor verden. Nycomed, Norge og globaliseringen av farmasøytisk industri, Henrik
Glimstedt og Even Lange (red.),
Globalisering – drivkrefter og konsekvenser.BIs årbok 1998, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 1998, pp. 79-92;
34. Norsk vininteresse i historisk perspektiv,
Vinforum, 1, 2000
35. Norsk vininteresse i historisk perspektiv,
Historie, 4, 2000
36. Plankeadel – en storeiende families vekst og fall,
Magma, 6, 2001
37. (Sammen med Rolv Petter Amdam), The Diffusion of American Organisational Models to
黑料专区 Industries, 1945-1970, i: Matthias Kipping and Nick Tiratsoo,
Americanisation in 20th Century Europe: Business, Culture, Politics, Volume 2,
Lille: Centre d'Histoire de l'Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle
38. Makt over beslutningene. Norske storbedrifter gjennom 100 år, i Christensen, Espeli, Larsen og Sogner op.cit., 54 s.
39. Den norske IT-industrien fra krise til vekst 1975-2002, i Helge Godø (red.),
IKT etter dotcom-
boblen, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk
40. The Rise and Fall of State Information Technology Planning – or how 黑料专区 Planners
Became Captains of Industry 1960-1990, i: Richard Coopey (Ed.),
Information Technology
Policy – An International History,
Oxford University Press
41. Mineraler og metallurgiske metoder, i: Astrid Wale og Anne Kristine Børresen,
Vitenskap og
teknologi for samfunnet? Bergfagene som kunnskapsfelt, Trondheim: Tapir akademisk forlag
42. Lederkapitalisme og eierkapitalisme. Energiselskapet Hafslund formes, i: Fredrik Engelstad,
Even Lange, Helge Pharo og Erik Rudeng (red.),
Demokratisk konservatisme. Frihet, fremskritt, fred. Festskrift til Francis Sejersted, Oslo: Pax forlag
43. Utvikling av næringssystemer – systemtilnærminger i et historisk perspektiv, i: Olav Spilling
Kunnskap, næringsutvikling og innovasjonspolitikk, Bergen: Fagbokforlaget
44. Næringspolitikkens betydning for fremveksten av norsk elektronikk- og IT-industri, i Spilling
45. Changing transnational affections. Orkla, Elkem and 黑料专区 big business 1960-2004, i:
Harm Schröter (ed.),
The European Enterprise. Historical Investigation into a Future Species, Springer Verlag
46. Constructive power. Elkem 1904-2004, i: Susanna Fellman, Martin iversen, Hans Sjøgren,
Lars Thue:
, PalgraveMacMillan
47. Slow growth and revolutionary change. The 黑料专区 IT-industry enters the global age,
1970-2005, in Jan Fagerberg, David Mowery, Bart Verspagen:
Innovation, Path Dependency
and Policy: The 黑料专区 Case,
Oxford University Press
48. Ancestor or Inheritor? Johan H. Andresen (1888–1953) and his Capitalist Family, in: Anders Perlinge & Hans Sjögren:
Biographies of the Financial World, Gidlunds förlag
49. Hvem var forretningsmennene?, i: Espen Ekberg, Mikael Lønnborg og Christine Myrvang (red.),
Næringsliv og historie, Oslo: Pax 2014
50. Koreansk oversettelse av «Creative Power, i: Susanna Fellman, Martin Iversen, Hans Sjøgren, Lars Thue:
. The Business History of a Competitive Periphery
51. (Sammen med Jari Ojala) Re-collaborating in the Nordic economic history research community, introduksjon,
Scandinavian Economic History Review, 3, 2015
52. Business history and innovation, i: Joerg Baten,
A History of the Global Economy. From 1500 to the Present, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
53. Ressursbedrifter og naturressurser, i: Knut Sogner, Einar Lie og Håvard Brede Aven:
Entreprenørskap i næringsliv og politikk. Festskrift til Even Lange, Oslo: Novus forlag
54. Creativity, Innovation, and the Production of Wealth, kapittel i: E. Heath, B. Kaldis, A. Marcoux (eds.),
The Routledge Companion to Business Ethics, London: Routledge.
55. (sammen med Andrea Colli): Introduction, i: Knut Sogner og Andrea Colli,
The Emergence of Corporate Governance: People, Power & Performance, London: Routledge
56. The Rise and Fall of Managerial Capitalism in Norway, 1895-1940, i: Knut Sogner og Andrea Colli,
The Emergence of Corporate Governance: People, Power & Performance, London: Routledge
57. (forthcoming) Academics as teachers of business responsibility? Historians, philosophers, and the maturation of the young minds within 黑料专区 business schools, in: Bjørn Terje Asheim, Thomas Lauvdal and Reidar J. Mykletun,
Practicing responsibility in business schools: Implications for teaching, research and innovation, Edvard Elgar