Versatile Teacher and Researcher, with a strong international focus and a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry in Canada, China, and Norway. Teaching in organizational psychology, organizational behavior, and micro human resource management, and targeted at bachelor/master/PhD students and executives. Current research in the areas of organizational socialization, employee-supervisor relationship (e.g., supervisory mentoring, LMX) and employee-organization relationship (e.g., employee commitment, psychological contract). Published academic articles in top journals such as Human Relations, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and international conference papers.
The development of a calling by hospitality employees during an extreme event
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 122 Doi: -
This study explores the development of a calling by hospitality employees during extreme events. Despite the importance of a calling in the hospitality industry, the process of its cultivation has not been explored. Using event system theory and research on sensegiving and sensemaking, we explore the evolution of employee perceptions of an extreme event and the impact of this evolution on the development of a calling. Our interviews with hotel employees who worked during a lockdown due to COVID-19 demonstrate that extreme events can stimulate and develop a calling among employees, particularly when their perceptions of the event converge. This study contributes to the literature on hospitality and organizational behavior by revealing that an extreme event can shape, transmit, and communalize a calling among employees.
Lapointe, Émilie & Vandenberghe, Christian (2021)
Psychological contract breach and voluntary turnover among newcomers: The role of supervisor trustworthiness and negative affectivity
Journal of Management & Organization Doi: -
This article looks at the relationship between psychological contract breach and voluntary turnover among newcomers, using supervisor trustworthiness as a mediator and negative affectivity as a moderator. Relying on data from 243 newcomers, psychological contract breach was found to be negatively related to the three dimensions of supervisor trustworthiness, i.e., ability, benevolence, and integrity. Supervisor integrity further mediated a positive relationship between psychological contract breach and voluntary turnover measured 8 months later. Psychological contract breach interacted with negative affectivity such that it was less negatively related to dimensions of supervisor trustworthiness at high levels of negative affectivity. The indirect relationship of psychological contract breach to voluntary turnover as mediated by supervisor integrity was also weaker at high levels of negative affectivity. We discuss the implications of these findings for research and practice.
Lapointe, Émilie; Vandenberghe, Christian & Fan, Shea X. (2020)
Psychological contract breach and organizational cynicism and commitment among self-initiated expatriates vs. host country nationals in the Chinese and Malaysian transnational education sector
Asia Pacific Journal of Management Doi: -
In today’s global economy, self-initiated expatriates (SIEs) and host country nationals (HCNs) both represent critical human resources for organizations operating globally. Yet, because these two groups of employees have been studied separately, little is known about how SIEs’ and HCNs’ perceptions of, and attitudes towards the organization compare and diverge (vs. converge) in terms of implications for human resource management. This study aims to contribute to fill this gap by examining psychological contract breach, organizational cynicism, and organizational commitment components (i.e., affective, normative, and continuance) among a sample of 156 SIEs and HCNs working in the Chinese and Malaysian transnational education sector. Using a one-year time-lagged study, we found that compared to HCNs, SIEs experienced more organizational cynicism and less affective, normative, and continuance commitment. Moreover, the breach-organizational cynicism relationship was stronger (i.e., more positive) among SIEs than HCNs. The indirect relationships between breach and affective and continuance commitment, as mediated by organizational cynicism, were also stronger (i.e., more negative) among SIEs than HCNs. Implications for human resource management are discussed under the lens of Conservation of Resources theory.
Solberg, Elizabeth; Lapointe, Émilie & Dysvik, Anders (2020)
You care about me, but can I count on you? Applying a psychological contract perspective to investigate what makes employees willing to be internally employable
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(9), s. 1157- 1179. Doi: -
For this study, we adopted a psychological contract-based perspective to investigate whether the fulfillment of perceived developmental promises made to employees is positively related to their willingness to accept internal job-related changes when needed by the organization, a construct we refer to as the willingness to be internally employable. We also examined the role played by line managers in facilitating employees’ willingness to be internally employable by fulfilling perceived developmental promises. We tested our conceptual model with data collected from ninety-eight recently hired employees in a 黑料专区 organization under an initiative emphasizing employee development. We found that developmental promise fulfillment is more important for employees’ willingness to be internally employable in this context than any perceived provision of developmental inducements in isolation. Further, we found that employee perceptions of the developmental support provided by their line manager related positively to their willingness to be internally employable by way of developmental promise fulfillment; however, this was not the case with perceived developmental inducements. Our findings support the importance of developmental promise fulfillment in fostering employee willingness to be internally employable and the critical role played by line managers in fulfilling developmental promises that employees believe have been made by their organization.
Lapointe, Émilie; Vandenberghe, Christian, Ben Ayed, Ahmed K, Schwarz, Gary, Tremblay, Michel & Chenevert, Denis (2020)
Leader-member exchange, social comparison, and work outcomes: Employee and perceived supervisor self-concept levels as contingencies.
Journal of business and psychology, 35, s. 381- 402. Doi:
Fouquereau, Evelyne; Morin, Alexandre J S, Lapointe, Émilie, Mokounkolo, René & Gillet, Nicolas (2019)
Emotional labour profiles: Associations with key predictors and outcomes
Work & Stress - An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations Doi:
Development and validation of a commitment to organizational career scale: At the crossroads of organizational needs and individuals’ career aspirations.
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Doi:
Why do employees speak up? Examining the roles of LMX, perceived risk and perceived leader power in predicting voice behavior
Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34(8), s. 560- 572. Doi: -
The purpose of this paper is to understand better why employees voice. Drawing on social information processing theory and insights derived from the literature on power, the authors suggest that leader–member exchange (LMX) fosters voice by reducing the perceived risk of voicing. The authors further contend that high perceived leader power will strengthen this mediated relationship.
Lapointe, Émilie & Vandenberghe, Christian (2018)
Examination of the relationships between servant leadership, organizational commitment, and voice and antisocial behaviors.
Journal of Business Ethics, 148, s. 99- 115. Doi:
Lapointe, Émilie & Vandenberghe, Christian (2018)
Trust in the supervisor and the development of employees’ social capital during organizational entry: A conservation of resources approach
International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29, s. 2503- 2523. Doi:
Zhou, Abby Jingzi; Lapointe, Émilie & Zhou, Steven Shijin (2018)
Understanding mentoring relationships in China: Towards a Confucian model
Asia Pacific Journal of Management Doi:
Lapointe, Émilie & Vandenberghe, Christian (2017)
Supervisory mentoring and employee affective commitment and turnover: The critical role of contextual factors
Journal of Vocational Behavior, 98, s. 98- 107. Doi:
Lapointe, Émilie; Vandenberghe, Christian & Boudrias, Jean-Sebastien (2014)
Organizational socialization tactics and newcomer adjustment: The mediating role of role clarity and affect-based trust relationships
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 87, s. 599- 624. Doi:
No space for mistrust: exploring the role of place in repairing trust
[Academic lecture]. PDW Academy of Management.
Zhou, Steven Shijin; Zhou, Abby Jingzi, Lapointe, Émilie & Zhou, Chao Yang (2017)
从导师到师父:中国企业更需要师徒制. [From mentor to "Shifu":A better fit for Chinese companies]
[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. 商业评论 [Business Review]
Whitter, Ben & Lapointe, Émilie (2017)
在中国的全球性公司: 为什么企业和人力资源部门需要把重点重新放在中方员工的经验上 [The global company in a Chinese world: Why organisations and HR need to re-focus on the Chinese employee experience]
[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. 商业评论 [Business Review]