Employee Profile

Erling S Andersen

Professor Emeritus - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Area of Expertise


Skriubakken, Jon; Flak, Leif Skiftenes & Andersen, Erling S. (2020)

Gevinstrealisering i digitaliseringsprosjekter

Magma forskning og viten, 23(0720), s. 70- 78.

Artikkelen tar for seg problematikken rundt gevinstrealiseringen ved fragmenterte tidsgevinster. Det er tidsgevinster som for en organisasjon samlet sett er store, men som må realiseres ved at mange medarbeidere må endre sin arbeidshverdag og dermed spare litt tid hver. Hvordan bør en organisasjon håndtere slike fragmenterte tidsgevinster? Hvordan bør ledelsen følge opp at de potensielle gevinstene blir realisert? Vi belyser spørsmålene gjennom et digitaliseringsprosjekt i videregående skoler i Telemark fylkeskommune. Det er en lovpålagt oppgave å utarbeide skriftlige varsler til elev og foresatte hvis det er tvil om hvorvidt eleven kan få karakter i et fag eller dårlig karakter i orden og oppførsel. I løpet av ett år ble det i Telemark produsert ca. 14 000 slike varsler. Prosessen med å produsere, sende ut og arkivere varslene tok mye tid. En digital tjenesteplattform ble innført for å redusere lærernes tidsbruk. Frigjort tid skulle brukes til økt elevoppfølging. Medarbeidere på ulike nivåer ble intervjuet for å undersøke gevinstrealiseringen. Den kvalitative casestudien viste at til tross for at man ikke slavisk fulgte metodene for gevinstrealisering, ble planlagte gevinster realisert. Til tross for fravær av detaljoppfølging benyttet lærerne den sparte tiden til det som var målet med gevinstrealiseringen – økt elevoppfølging. Studien viste at målforståelse – lærernes oppriktige ønske om at elevene skal lykkes, og ønsket om en enklere administrativ hverdag – var de viktigste driverne for realiseringen. Resultatene fra Telemark gjør at vi foreslår å forenkle metodene for gevinstrealisering for denne typen gevinster. Tydelig kommunikasjon om gevinstene bør erstatte et omfattende byråkrati med kvantitativ oppfølging.

Eskerod, Pernille; Ang, Karyne & Andersen, Erling S. (2018)

Increasing project benefits by project opportunity exploitation

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 11(1), s. 35- 52. Doi: -

Purpose: Exploitation of project opportunities may bring more benefits than stipulated in the initial business case, and even stakeholder benefits that nobody thought of at the project initiation. The purpose of this paper is to suggest a new research area for megaprojects, i.e. the phenomenon of project opportunity exploitation as a means to increase the project benefits. Design/methodology/approach: This is a single case study of an infrastructure megaproject, i.e. the construction and operation of a 50+ years old American bridge. Data cover information regarding 60+ years old historical documents, newspaper articles, interviews and video-recordings. Findings: The findings of this paper are as follows: exploiting all opportunities created by the project and increasing project benefits require involvement from many categories of stakeholders; stakeholders get more involved in exploiting the opportunities created by the project when they are proud of the project; for some of the project-related opportunities, it might take a long time before they can be exploited (and related benefits achieved); and celebrating achievements of the project stimulate stakeholders to exploit opportunities created by the project and contribute to further project benefits. Research limitations/implications: Only few interviews were conducted. Interviewees were biased as all were very proud of the bridge. This is a single case study of a “rare species”, not representing most megaprojects. Practical implications: To enhance project opportunity exploitation and increased benefits, the project owner (team) must continuously communicate about the project, also after project execution. Originality/value: This study contributes to a gap within the literature on the phenomenon “project opportunity exploitation”. This is a very rich case study and of a “rare species”.

Andersen, Erling S. & Grude, Kristoffer V. (2017)

Our tribute to Rodney – And the importance of Goal Directed Project Management

International Journal of Project Management, 36(1), s. 227- 230. Doi: -

The book “Goal Directed Project Management” has had great success over the years and contributed to the development of project management scholarship. However, the story behind the first English edition of the book is also important in explaining the role Rodney Turner has come to play in the project management community and his decision to choose an academic career in this field. Below, we trace these events and outline the main ideas at the heart of the book.

Müller, Ralf; Turner, Rodney J., Andersen, Erling S., Shao, Jingting & Kvalnes, Øyvind (2017)

Governance and Ethics in Temporary Organizations: The Mediating Role of Corporate Governance

Project Management Journal, 47(6), s. 7- 23. Doi: -

Müller, Ralf; Andersen, Erling S., Klakegg, Ole Jonny & Volden, Gro Holst (2016)

Governance institutions

Müller, Ralf (red.). Governance and Governmentality for Projects: Enablers, Practices and Consequences

Andersen, Erling S. (2016)

Do project managers have different perspectives on project management?

International Journal of Project Management, 34(1), s. 58- 65. Doi:

Müller, Ralf; Turner, Rodney, Andersen, Erling S., Shao, Jingting & Kvalnes, Øyvind (2014)

Ethics, Trust, and Governance in Temporary Organziations

Project Management Journal, 45(4), s. 39- 54. Doi:

Andersen, Erling S. (2014)

Value creation using the mission breakdown structure

International Journal of Project Management, 32(5), s. 885- 892. Doi:

Andersen, Erling S. (2014)

Two Perspectives on Project management

Lundin, Rolf & Hällgren, Markus (red.). Advancing Research on Projects and Temporary Organizations

Alm, Kristian; Andersen, Erling S. & Kvalnes, Øyvind (2013)

Tillit i prosjekter

Magma forskning og viten, 16(3), s. 26- 33.

Müller, Ralf; Andersen, Erling S., Kvalnes, Øyvind, Shao, Jingting, Sankaran, Shankar, Turner, Rodney, Biesenthal, Christopher, Walker, Derek H.T. & Gudergan, Siegfried (2013)

The Interrelationship of Governance,Trust, and Ethics in Temporary Organizations

Project Management Journal, 44(4), s. 26- 44. Doi: -

Andersen, Erling S. (2012)

Illuminating the role of the project owner

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 5(1), s. 67- 85. Doi:

Andersen, Erling S. (2010)

Prosjektet som en temporær organisasjon

Magma forskning og viten, 13(2), s. 18- 26.

Andersen, Erling S. (2010)

Are We Getting Any Better? Comparing Project Management in the Years 2000 and 2008

Project Management Journal, 41(4), s. 4- 16. Doi:

Andersen, Erling S. (2010)

The X model - a tool for describing and assessing individual projects

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 3(3), s. 369- 386.

Andersen, Erling S.; Søderlund, Jonas & Vaagaasar, Anne-Live (2010)

Projects and politics: exploring the duality between action and politics in complex projects

International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 11(2), s. 121- 139.

Andersen, Erling S. & Vaagaasar, Anne-Live (2009)

Project Management Improvement Efforts-Creating Project Management Value By Uniqueness or Mainstream Thinking?

Project Management Journal, 40(1), s. 19- 27. Doi:

Andersen, Erling S.; Dysvik, Anders & Vaagaasar, Anne-Live (2009)

Organizational Rationality and Project Management

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2(4), s. 479- 498.

Söderlund, Jonas; Vaagaasar, Anne-Live & Andersen, Erling S. (2008)

Relating, reflecting and routinizing: Developing project competence in cooperation with others. International Journal of Project Management

International Journal of Project Management, 26(5)

Vaagaasar, Anne-Live & Andersen, Erling S. (2007)

On task evolvement in renewal projects

International Journal of Project Management, 25(4), s. 346- 353.

Andersen, Erling S. (2006)

IT Projects and the X Model

Ingeborg Baustad og Åge Sørsveen (red): X-modellen: Et universalverktøy for ledere og organisasjonsutviklere

Andersen, Erling S. (2006)

X-modellen i et teoretisk perspektiv

Ingeborg Baustad og Åge Sørsveen (red): X-modellen. Et universalverktøy for ledere og organisasjonsutviklere

Winter, Mark; Andersen, Erling S., Elvin, Roger & Levene, Ralph (2006)

Focusing on Business Projects as an Area for Future Research: An Exploratory Discussion of Four Different Perspectives

International Journal of Project Management, 24(8), s. 699- 709.

Andersen, Erling S. (2006)

Toward a Project Management Theory for Renewal Projects

Project Management Journal, 37(4), s. 15- 30.

Andersen, Erling S.; Birchall, David, Jessen, Svein Arne & Money, Arthur H. (2006)

Exploring Project Success

Baltic Journal of Management, 1(2), s. 127- 147.

Andersen, Erling S. & Sørsveen, Åge (2003)

IT Projects and the X Model

Bo Sundgren, Pär Mårtensson, Magnus Mähring, Kristina Nilsson (eds.): Exploring Patterns in Information Management

Andersen, Erling S. (2003)

Prosjektmodenhet - en strategisk fordel

?, s. 42- 44.

Andersen, Erling S. (2003)

Understanding your project organization’s character

Project Management Journal, 34(4), s. 4- 11.

Andersen, Erling S. & Jessen, Svein Arne (2003)

Project Maturity in Organizations

International Journal of Project Management, 21, s. 457- 462.

Andersen, Erling S.; Dyrhaug, Qinli Xiao & Jessen, Svein Arne (2002)

Evaluation of Chinese Projects and Comparison with ºÚÁÏרÇø Projects

International Journal of Project Management, 20, s. 601- 609.

Karlsen, Jan T.; Gottschalk, Petter & Andersen, Erling S. (2002)

External or Internal Focus? A Comparison of IT Executive and IT Project Manager Roles

Engineering Management Journal (EMJ), 14(2), s. 5- 11.

Andersen, Erling S.; Dyrhaug, Qinli Xiao & Jessen, Svein Arne (2002)

Evaluation of Chinese Projects and Comparison with ºÚÁÏרÇø Projects

International Journal of Project Management, 20, s. 601- 609.

Andersen, Erling S. (1999)

Nye muligheter med prosjektarbeidsformen!


Andersen, Erling S. & Schwencke, Eva (2020)

Prosjektarbeid. En veiledning for studenter 5. utgave

[Non-fiction book]. Fagbokforlaget.

Andersen, Erling S. (2019)

Bli bedre med X-modellen

[Popular scientific article]. BI Leadership Magazine

Andersen, Erling S. (2017)

Operasuksessen ingen regnet med

[Popular scientific article]. BI Leadership Magazine, s. 36- 37.

Andersen, Erling S. & Eskerod, Pernille (2017)

Projektsucces - Hvad enhver leder bør vide om projekter og projektledelse

[Popular scientific book]. Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag.

Eskerod, Pernille; Ang, Karyne & Andersen, Erling S. (2017)

Increasing Project Benefits by Project Opportunity Exploitation – Investigating a Landmark Megaproject

[Academic lecture]. EURAM.

Andersen, Erling S.; Baustad, Ingeborg & Sørsveen, Åge (2017)

Vellykket forbedringsarbeid med X- og Y-modellene

Baustad, Ingeborg; Sørsveen, Åge & Åstvedt, Marit Sagen (red.). Vekst og utvikling : Ledelse på norsk 25 år

Andersen, Erling S.; Haug, Tor & Grude, Kristoffer V. (2016)

Målrettet prosjektstyring. 7. utgave

[Textbook]. NKI Forlaget.

Andersen, Erling S. (2016)

Prosjektledelse - Dette må alle ledere vite

[Popular scientific book]. NKI Forlaget.

Gottschalk, Petter & Andersen, Erling S. (2015)

White-Collar Criminals and their Lawyers as Knowledge Workers: A Principal-Agent Contemplation

[Academic lecture]. International Conference on Organization and Management.

Müller, Ralf; Turner, J. R., Andersen, Erling S., Shao, Jingting & Kvalnes, Øyvind (2015)

Governance and ethics in temporary organizations: how corporate governance influences the temporary organization

[Academic lecture]. IRNOP Conference (International Research Network for Organizing by Projects).

Müller, Ralf; Turner, Rodney J., Andersen, Erling S., Shao, Jingting & Kvalnes, Øyvind (2014)

Governance, trust and ethics in temporary organizations: how corporate governance influences the temporary organization

[Academic lecture]. EGOS Colloquium.

Andersen, Erling S. & Schwencke, Eva (2013)

Projektarbete: En vägledning för studenter

[Textbook]. Studentlitteratur.

Andersen, Erling S.; Grude, Kristoffer V. & Haug, Tor (2013)

Målinriktad projektstyrning, 4. upplagan

[Textbook]. Studentlitteratur.

Andersen, Erling S. (2013)

Forskjellige prosjektperspektiver

[Popular scientific article]. Prosjektledelse, s. 22- 23.

Müller, Ralf; Turner, Rodney J., Andersen, Erling S., Shao, Jingting & Kvalnes, Øyvind (2013)

Ethics, Trust and Governance in Temporary Organizations: Building trust through the governance paradigm

[Academic lecture]. IRNOP XI Conference (International Research Network for Organizing by Projects).

Kvalnes, Øyvind; Andersen, Erling S. & Müller, Ralf (2012)

På sporet av tillit i prosjektledelse

[Popular scientific article]. BI Leadership Magazine, 2011/2012

Andersen, Erling S. & Schwencke, Eva (2012)

Prosjektarbeid : en veiledning for studenter

[Textbook]. NKI Forlaget.

Müller, Ralf; Andersen, Erling S., Kvalnes, Øyvind, Shao, Jingting, Shankar, Sankaran, Turner, Rodney J., Biesenthal, Chris, Walker, Derek H.T. & Gudergan, Siegfried (2012)

The Interrelationship between Governance, Trust and Ethics in Temporary Organizations

[Academic lecture]. PMI Research & Education Conference.

Andersen, Erling S. (2010)

The two perspectives of project management

[Academic lecture]. The first Business Project Workshop.

Andersen, Erling S. (2010)

Illuminating the role of the project owner

[Academic lecture]. Asian Pacific Research Conference on Project Management.

Andersen, Erling S. (2010)

Forskningsprosjekt om prosjekteierrollen

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Prosjektledelse, s. 8- 10.

Andersen, Erling S. (2010)

Are we getting any better? Comparing project management in the years 2000 and 2008

[Academic lecture]. PMI Research and Education Conference 2010.

Andersen, Erling S.; Grude, Kristoffer V. & Haug, Tor (2009)

Målrettet prosjekstyring, 6. utgave

[Textbook]. NKI Forlaget.

Andersen, Erling S.; Grude, Kristoffer V. & Haug, Tor (2009)

Goal Directed Project Management:Effective Techniques and Strategies, 4th Edition

[Textbook]. Kogan Page.

Andersen, Erling S. (2009)

Two perspectives of project management

[Academic lecture]. EURAM 2009.

Andersen, Erling S. (2009)

Describing and assessing projects: The X model

[Academic lecture]. 23rd IPMA World Congress.

Andersen, Erling S. (2009)

Illuminating the role of the project owner

[Academic lecture]. NEON.

Andersen, Erling S.; Dysvik, Anders & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2008)

Explaining Different Project Perspectives

[Academic lecture]. EURAM Annual Conference 2008 Ljubljana.

Andersen, Erling S. (2008)

Rethinking Project Management - An Organizational Perspective

[Scientific book]. Prentice-Hall.

Andersen, Erling S. (2005)

Prosjektledelse - et organisasjonsperspektiv

[Scientific book]. NIK Forlaget.

Andersen, Erling S. (2003)

IS Professional Commitment – Influencing Factors

[Academic lecture]. ACIS (Australasian Conference on Information Systems).

Dyrhaug, Qinli Xiao & Andersen, Erling S. (2003)

A Generalized Critical Success Factor Process Model For Managing Offshore Development Projects In Norway

[Academic lecture]. 7-th IPMA World Congress on Project Management.

Andersen, Erling S.; Kolltveit, Bjørn Johs. & Rolstadås, Asbjørn (2003)

Oil Development Projects in Norway - Some Lessons Learned

[Academic lecture]. PMI Conference.

Dyrhaug, Qinli Xiao & Andersen, Erling S. (2003)

A Generalized Critical Success Factor Process Model For Managing Offshore Development Projects In Norway

[Academic lecture]. 7-th IPMA World Congress on Project Management.

Andersen, Erling S.; Kolltveit, Bjørn Johs. & Rolstadås, Asbjørn (2003)

Oil Development Projects in Norway - Some Lessons Learned

[Academic lecture]. PMI Conference.

Andersen, Erling S. & Rolstadås, Asbjørn (2002)

ºÚÁÏרÇø Center for Project Management - A National Research Initiative

[Academic lecture]. pm days ’02 – research conference.

Andersen, Erling S. & Rolstadås, Asbjørn (2002)

High Attention ºÚÁÏרÇø Projects with Substantial Cost/Time Overrun – Lessons to be Learned

[Academic lecture]. pm days ’02.

Andersen, Erling S. (2002)

Purpose Breakdown Structure – Increased focus on value creation

[Academic lecture]. Nordnet 2002.

Andersen, Erling S. (2002)

“Never the twain shall meet” – Exploring the differences between Japanese and ºÚÁÏרÇø IS professionals

[Academic lecture]. ACM SIGCPR (Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer Personnel Research).

Andersen, Erling S. & Jessen, Svein Arne (2002)

Project maturity in organisations

[Academic lecture]. Irnop 5 (International Research Network on Organizing by Projects).

Andersen, Erling S. (2002)

Describing and assessing projects – the X model

[Academic lecture]. PMI Research Conference 2002.

Karlsen, Jan T.; Gottschalk, Petter & Andersen, Erling S. (2002)

InformationTechnology Management Roles: A Comparison of IT executives and IT project managers

[Academic lecture]. Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences.

Andersen, Erling S. & Rolstadås, Asbjørn (2002)

ºÚÁÏרÇø Center for Project Management - A National Research Initiative

[Academic lecture]. pm days �02 � research conference.

Andersen, Erling S. & Rolstadås, Asbjørn (2002)

High Attention ºÚÁÏרÇø Projects with Substantial Cost/Time Overrun � Lessons to be Learned

[Academic lecture]. pm days �02.

Andersen, Erling S. & Gottschalk, Petter (2001)

Information technology management

[Scientific book]. Scandinavian University Press.

Andersen, Erling S. & Schwencke, Eva (2001)

Projektarbejde : en vejledning for studerende

[Textbook]. Studentlitteratur.

Andersen, Erling S. & Schwencke, Eva (2001)

Prosjektarbeid : en veiledning for studenter

[Textbook]. NKI forlag.

Andersen, Erling S. (1999)

Systemutvikling i Solveig Bjørnestad: "Introduksjon til informasjonsvitensap"

[Report]. Institutt for informasjonsvitenskap, Universitetet i Bergen.

Andersen, Erling S.; Grude, Kristoffer & Haug, Tor (1998)

Målrettet prosjektstyring

[Textbook]. NKI Forlaget.

Andersen, Erling S. & Schwencke, Eva (1998)

Prosjektarbete - en vägledning for studenter

[Textbook]. Studentlitteratur.

Andersen, Erling S. & Opdahl, Andreas Lothe (1996)

Supporting IS Architecture Work: Progress Report from the RAISA Project

[Report]. Department of Information Science.

Andersen, Erling S. & Opdahl, Andreas L. (1995)

A metamodel for is-architecture representation

[Report]. UiB-SV: Institutt for informasjonsvitenskap.

Andersen, Erling S. & Opdahl, Andreas L. (1995)

IS architecture assessment for requirements engineering

[Report]. UiB-SV: Institutt for informasjonsvitenskap.

Andersen, Erling S.; Opdahl, Andreas L., Andersen, Egil, Bjørnøy, Nina, Kallas, Nikolas, Luenga, Nazir G.P., Pettersvold, Gry & Skrugstad, Irene (1995)

RAISA: Representation and assessment of information systems architecture, prosjektstatus 1/9-95

[Report]. UiB-SV: Institutt for informasjonsvitenskap.

Andersen, Erling S. & Opdahl, Andreas L. (1995)

Systemutvikling'95 - Rapport fra et forskerutdanningsseminar i systemutvikling

[Report]. UiB.

Andersen, Erling S.; Baustad, Ingeborg, Sørsveen, Åge & Dahlbom, Bo (1995)

The concept of information precedence relation. In: The infological equation. Essays in honor of B@ørje Langefors

[Report]. [Mangler utgivernavn].

Andersen, Erling S.; Grude, Kristoffer V. & Haug, Tor (1995)

Goal directed project management (2nd. edition)

[Scientific book]. Kogan Page, London.

Andersen, Erling S. (1994)

Systemutvikling, 2. utgave

[Scientific book]. NKI Forlaget, Bekkestua.

Andersen, Erling S. (1994)

Systemutveckling. Principer, metoder og tekniker (Orginaltittel: Systemutvikling)

[Scientific book]. Studentlitteratur, Lund.

Andersen, Erling S.; Baustad, Ingeborg & Sørseen, Åge (1994)

Ledelse på norsk. Prinsipper, arbeidsmåter og resultater

[Scientific book]. Ad Notam Gyldendal, Oslo.

Andersen, Erling S. (1993)

Systemutviklingsfaget gjennom 40 år

[Report]. [Mangler utgivernavn].

Bjørnestad, Solveig; Soleim, Gunnar & Andersen, Erling S. (1993)


[Report]. [Mangler utgivernavn].

Andersen, Erling S.; Haug, Tor & Grunde, Kristoffer (1993)

Målrettet prosjektstyring. 3. utg

[Scientific book]. NKI Forlaget.

Andersen, Erling S.; Aurbakken, Erik, Barca, Eivind, Engebretsen, Jan & Strømme, Helga M. (1993)

Data gjennom 40 år - miljøet, faget, foreningen

[Scientific book]. Ad Notam, Gyldendal, Oslo.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1966 University of Oslo Master Cand. Oecon
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2011 - Present BI ºÚÁÏרÇø Business School Professor emeritus
1996 - 2011 BI ºÚÁÏרÇø Business School Professor