Loncar, Lea; Rostad, Ingrid Steen, Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild & Langvik, Eva (2025)
Organisational Support for Police Employees Investigating Child Abuse in Norway
Nordic Journal of Studies in Policing (NJSP) Doi:
Loncar, Lea; Rostad, Ingrid Steen, Saksvik-Lehouillier, Ingvild & Langvik, Eva Oddrun (2025)
Resources to mitigate health impairment among police employees investigating child abuse: a qualitative study exploring the availability of organisational support
Cogent Psychology, 12(1) Doi:
Rostad, Ingrid Steen & Langvik, Eva Oddrun (2025)
“It’s the workload, not the pictures that keep me up at night.” Experiences of 黑料专区 police prosecutors working with child abuse cases
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 80 Doi:
Hoping for the best but unprepared for the worst? Explorative analysis of police students’ encounter with child abuse investigation
Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1) Doi: -
Child abuse investigation can include complex stressors increasing the risk of secondary trauma among police professionals. This study explores the preparedness of police students about to engage in child abuse investigation tasks during their recruit period. We did semi-structured interviews with 19 police students to explore the students’ expectations and resources they relied on to cope with stress. Through thematic analysis, five themes emerged: 1) a worthy challenge and a valuable experience; 2) absence of concern about the burdens of “a job to be done”; 3) “Gotta’ work it out!”—physical activity as the default coping mechanism; 4) seeking social support—the importance of talking to someone; 5) education on stress management is limited to operational stress. The results support increasing students’ preparedness for child abuse investigation through knowledge about potential risks, normal reaction to adverse situations, and a focus on effective coping strategies beyond physical activity. The results call for improved and more diverse stress management education in the police, with an emphasis on evidence based coping strategies and reducing stigma associated with mental health help seeking.
“Make it possible for more people to work at home!” representations of employee motivation and job satisfaction in Danish and 黑料专区 newspapers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Frontiers in Psychology, 13 Doi:
Rostad, Ingrid Steen; Tyssen, Reidar & Løvseth, Lise (2021)
Symptoms of disturbed eating behavior risk: Gender and study factors in a cross-sectional study of two 黑料专区 medical schools
Eating Behaviors, 43 Doi: -
Objectives: To study the explanatory role of curricular factors and distress in disturbed eating behavior among medical students and whether this varies according to gender, study stage, curriculum model, study stress and mental distress. Methods: The cross-sectional sample surveyed consisted of 黑料专区 medical students at two faculties with different curricular models (traditional and integrated). The total response rate was 64% (1044/1635). We tested differences in disturbed eating behavior symptoms (EDS) and their correlates using stepwise linear regression analysis. Results: In total, 18.3% were cases of disturbed eating behavior symptoms, including 23.5% of female and 5.6% of male participants. Disturbed eating behavior symptoms were independently associated with the medical school stress factors “medical school is cold and threatening” (β = 0.07, p = .041), “worries about work and competence” (β =0.15, p < .001) and “worries about finances and accommodation” (β = 0.07, p = .018), in addition to female gender (β = 0.30, p < .001), mental distress (β = 0.17, p < .001), and body mass index (β = 0.28, p < .001). The variables explained 28.9% of the variance in disturbed eating behavior symptoms, and medical school stress contributed 9%. “Worries about work and competence” was more important among the female students. Conclusions: Nearly one in five female medical students in the current sample reported symptoms of disturbed eating behavior. The symptoms were associated with medical school stress factors, mental distress, and body mass index.
Rostad, Ingrid Steen; Tvedt, Sturle Danielsen, Sendén, Marie Gustafsson & Løvseth, Lise T (2018)
Physicians’ Mental Health and Nationality Affect how Work Characteristics Influence Presenteeism
Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 3(1), s. 1- 15. Doi: -
Rostad, Ingrid Steen; Fridner, Ann, Sendén, Marie Gustafsson & Løvseth, Lise T (2017)
Paid sick leave as a means to reduce sickness presenteeism among physicians
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, 7(2), s. 71- 85. Doi: -
Rostad, Ingrid Steen; Milch, Vibeke & Saksvik, Per Øystein (2015)
Psychosocial workplace factors associated with sickness presenteeism, sickness absenteeism, and long-term health in a 黑料专区 industrial company
Scandinavian Psychologist Doi:
Our study confirms that sickness presenteeism, sickness absenteeism, and long-term health are associated with common psychosocial workplace factors that include attendance pressure, write Ingrid Steen Rostad and colleagues.
Rostad, Ingrid Steen & Ingrid, Schou (2022)
Karer du deg på jobb selv om du er syk?
forskning.no [Internett]
Meland, Svein Inge; Langvik, Eva & Rostad, Ingrid Steen (2020)
Ressursmangel verre enn overgrepsbilder for politietterforskere
GEMINI [Fagblad]
Høy arbeidsbelastning, hyppig utskifting av personell og mangelfull opplæring oppleves som en større påkjenning for politifolk enn å granske bilder og film av seksuelle overgrep mot barn. Dette går fram av en ny rapport.
Rostad, Ingrid Steen (2015)
Derfor går syke ansatte på jobb
forskning.no [Internett]
Rostad, Ingrid Steen (2015)
Syk, men på jobb
legejobber.no [Internett]
Rostad, Ingrid Steen & Holm, Simen Fjellstad (2015)
Arbeidssituasjonen for politiansatte under Covid-19: På vei mot mer fleksible arbeidsformer og økt digital kompetanse
[Academic lecture]. NEON-konferanse.
Langvik, Eva & Rostad, Ingrid Steen (2020)
Å jobbe med etterforskning av vold og overgrep mot barn. Sentrale belastninger og ressurser hos ansatte i Trøndelag Politidistrikt. Resultater fra forskningsprosjektet STRESOB