
Employee Profile

Jon Erland Bonde Lervik

Associate Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


I am currently Associate Professor at the department of Leadership and organizational management at BI 黑料专区 School of Management. I previously held a lectureship at Lancaster University Management School. I did my PhD at the 黑料专区 School of Management, where I examined transfer and institutionalization of organizational practices in multinational enterprises.

My current research interests include how national institutional contexts affect the organization of globally distributed work practices and how innovative business models in customer supplier relationships emerge. My research is published inter alia in Handbook of Crosscultural Management Research, Academy of Management Executive, Human Resource Management Journal and Management Learning.
I have a MSc in industrial economics and technology management from the 黑料专区 University of Science and Technology. Prior to an academic career I worked as an OD consultant in the Oil & Energy sector. In consulting and executive education he has worked inter alia with Hydro, Statoil, ConocoPhillips Norway, Aker Maritime, Kongsberg Gruppen, Telenor, Nidar, Gilde, Det Norske Veritas, 黑料专区 Post and the Foreign tax affairs office of the Directorate for Taxation in Norway.


Fahy, Kathryn M.; Easterby-Smith, Mark & Lervik, Jon Erland Bonde (2014)

The power of spatial and temporal orderings in organizational learning

Management Learning, 45(2), s. 123- 144. Doi:

This article attends to the call for research on the often neglected spatial and temporal dynamics of organizational life. In particular, we examine the ways in which aspects of space and time facilitate or hinder learning and knowledge sharing in organizations. We draw on conceptual tools derived from work influenced largely by Henri Lefebvre to illustrate how a spatial–temporal lens throws new light on the problem of learning and knowledge sharing across organizational communities. We examine these dynamics in a qualitative study with four high-technology engineering companies in the energy conversion and automation and aerospace sectors. Building on a situated learning perspective, we argue that a spatial and temporal perspective contributes to our understanding of processes of identity construction and the power relations that influence access to forms of participation and learning across organizational communities.

Jonsen, Karsten; Butler, Chtistina L., Mäkelä, Kristina, Piekkari, Rebecca, Drogendijk, Rian, Lauring, Jakob, Lervik, Jon Erland Bonde, Pahlberg, Cecilia, Vodosek, Markus & Zander, Lena (2013)

Processes of international collaboration in management research: a reflexive, autoethnographic approach

Journal of Management Inquiry, 22(4), s. 394- 413. Doi:

Lervik, Jon Erland Bonde (2011)

The single MNC as a research site

Piekkari, Rebecca & Welch, Catherine (red.). Rethinking the case study in international business and management research

Lervik, Jon Erland; Fahy, Kathryn M. & Easterby-Smith, Mark (2010)

Temporal dynamics of situated learning in organizations

Management Learning, 41(3), s. 285- 301. Doi:

Lervik, Jon Erland; Amdam, Rolv Petter, Hennestad, Bjørn, Lunnan, Randi & Nilsen, Sølvi M. (2005)

Implementing Human Resource Development Best Practice: Replication or Re-creation?

Human Resource Development International, 8(3), s. 345- 360.

Lunnan, Randi; Lervik, Jon Erland, Traavik, Laura E Mercer, Nilsen, Sølvi M., Amdam, Rolv Petter & Hennestad, Bjørn (2005)

Global transfer of management practices across nations and MNC subcultures

Academy of Management Perspectives, 19(2), s. 77- 80.

The management practice we examine performance management (PM)-can be regarded as an extension of the traditional performance appraisal, linking individual performance to corporate strategy.1 Researchers separate calculative PM (focus on individual contributions and rewards) and collaborative PM (focus on creating a partnership culture between employer and employee, for example through competency development).2 In the United States, PM practices contain both calculative and collaborative elements, whereas in Scandinavia the calculative element is downplayed.3 黑料专区 firms have had a long tradition of holding annual "planning and development talks." This is, however, a single, once a year event intended to promote good working relations more than a managerial system for evaluating, developing and compensating employees.' We suggest that when introducing a "foreign best practice" into this setting, national values present initial barriers, whereas organizational capabilities and systems are crucial for the final shape of the practice.

Lervik, Jon Erland & Lunnan, Randi (2004)

Contrasting Perspectives on the Diffusion of Management Knowledge - Performance Management in a 黑料专区 Multinational

Management Learning, 35(3), s. 287- 302.

Nilsen, Sølvi M.; Hennestad, Bjørn, Fergestad, Ingvald, Lervik, Jon Erland, Lunnan, Randi & Traavik, Laura E Mercer (2004)

Handlingsförlamad av dubbla budskap - dubbelbindingar i organisationer

Ledmotiv : Id猫skrift om ledarskap, s. 29- 39.

Lunnan, Randi; Amdam, Rolv Petter, Hennestad, Bjørn, Lervik, Jon Erland & Nilsen, Sølvi M. (2002)

Standardised Leadership Tools in MNEs – Critical Reflections on the Conditions for Successful Implementations

Journal of European Industrial Training, 26(6), s. 274- 282.

Amdam, Rolv Petter; Hennestad, Bjørn, Lunnan, Randi, Nilsen, Sølvi M. & Lervik, Jon Erland (2001)

Standardisering - en hemsko for fornyelse?

Magma forskning og viten

Lervik, Jon Erland & Oorschot, Kim van (2020)

Fit for a different purpose? bricolage and business model reconfiguration in incumbent firms

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society annual conference.

Lervik, Jon Erland & Oorschot, Kim van (2020)

Fit for a different purpose? bricolage and business model reconfiguration in incumbent firms

[Academic lecture]. Weatherhead-Scancor seminar.

Lervik, Jon Erland & Fahy, Kathryn M. (2020)

Temporal structuring and global coordination in multinational enterprises

[Academic lecture]. Scancor-Weatherhead annual conference.

Lervik, Jon Erland & Saka-helmhout, Ayse (2018)

Transforming Subsidiary Institutional Distinctiveness into Non-Location Bound Capabilities: A Societal Embeddedness View

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management conference.

The differentiated MNE hinges on specialized subsidiaries that tap into and leverage localized capabilities in host countries. The rich literature on knowledge creating subsidiaries and subsidiary initiative recognizes the localized nature of capabilities but does not fully develop the implications of subsidiary capabilities as supplied by, shaped by, and adapted to host country institutions. In this study, we contribute to a more contextual and processual account of how subsidiaries can transform institutionally distinct and context-specific capabilities into non-location-bound advantage. We report from a longitudinal, comparative study of the development trajectories of two engineering subsidiaries of a 黑料专区 shipbuilding group. We find that subsidiaries differ in their ability to mobilize institutionally derived resources to gradually adapt their capabilities to diverse market requirements and, at the same time, align their capabilities with headquarters’ expectations to secure recognition and support. We summarize implications of a societal embeddedness view on subsidiary development.

Lervik, Jon Erland (2018)

Coupling processes and the power of associations in implementing performance management

[Academic lecture]. European Group of Organization Studies.

Lervik, Jon Erland (2017)

Coupling processes and the power of associations in implementing performance management

[Academic lecture]. Ninth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies.

Lervik, Jon Erland (2017)

Networks of routines in foreign waters: Cascading misalignments and routine adaptations in global production networks

[Academic lecture]. European Group of Organization Studies.

Organizations get work done through a large number of interdependent routines (Nigam, Huising, & Golden, 2016). Over time, connections and interactions between routines are reinforced, complementarities are strengthened, and interdependent routines become more attuned to one another (Kremser & Schreyögg, 2016), with routines working in sync. Birnholtz et al. (2007) describe ecologies of routines as coherent and persistent, creating a stable organizational character. How networks of routines are replicated or changed in different context is an important question when we acknowledge that routines are are not stable collective entities to be transferred but rather are composed of interdependent, dynamic elements that are continuously recreated (Feldman & Pentland, 2003; Salvato & Rerup, 2010). In this paper we trace changes in nested networks of routines in geographically distributed shipbuilding projects, examining how partial relocation of interdependent activities trigger cascading changes to networks of interdependent production routines.

Lervik, Jon Erland & Traavik, Laura E. Mercer (2016)

HRM i multinasjonale selskaper

Laudal, Thomas & Mikkelsen, Aslaug (red.). Strategisk HRM 2

Lervik, Jon Erland & Fahy, Kathryn M. (2016)

Material objects in inter-organizational coordination: balancing common understanding and divergent interests

[Academic lecture]. OLKC conference.

Lervik, Jon Erland & Saka-helmhout, Ayse (2016)

Institutions as enablers of subsidiary initiative

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management.

Lervik, Jon Erland & Saka-helmhout, Ayse (2014)


[Academic lecture]. Academy of International Business.

Lervik, Jon Erland & Traavik, Laura E. Mercer (2014)

HRM i multinasjonale selskaper

Mikkelsen, Aslaug & Laudal, Thomas (red.). Strategisk HRM 2

Lervik, Jon Erland (2013)

When offshoring backfires - relocating fabrication and repercussions for activity configurations and value propositions

[Academic lecture]. Faculty seminar.

Saka-helmhout, Ayse & Lervik, Jon Erland Bonde (2013)

Subsidiary initiative in ship engineering: the institutional-embeddedness perspective

[Academic lecture]. European Group of Organization Studies.

Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild & Lervik, Jon Erland Bonde (2011)

Learning International Servicing: Simultaneously Creating Knowledge and Value. Insight from the research project Terrella

[Report]. BI 黑料专区 School of Management.

Amdam, Rolv Petter Storvik; Lervik, Jon Erland Bonde & Ove, Bjarnar (2010)

Regional innovasjonspolitikk i et internasjonalt vakuum?

[Report]. H酶gskolen i Molde.

Lervik, Jon Erland Bonde (2010)

The single multinational as a research site

[Academic lecture]. EIBA Annual Conference.

Olsen, Per Ingvar & Lervik, Jon Erland (2006)

Eierstyring, innovasjon og internasjonalisering i integrerte samvirkekonsern

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Lervik, Jon Erland; Huse, Morten, Hansen, Cathrine & Svendsen, Jon Erik (2005)

Beskrivelse av norske styrer

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Traavik, Laura E. Mercer; Lervik, Jon Erland Bonde, Lunnan, Randi & Amdam, Rolv Petter Storvik (2001)

What is repatriate competence?

[Academic lecture]. Global Human Resource Management Conference.

Lervik, Jon Erland; Amdam, Rolv Petter, Lunnan, Randi & Mercer Traavik, Laura (2000)

Organizational recipes and Management Practice in Multinational Corporations

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Nilsen, Sølvi & Lervik, Jon Erland (2000)

Standardiserte lederutviklingsmetoder og verktøy

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2005 BI 黑料专区 Business School Ph.D.
1996 黑料专区 University of Science and Technology Master of Science
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2010 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor
2008 - 2010 BI 黑料专区 Business School Postdoc.
2006 - 2008 Lancaster University Management School Lecturer
2004 - 2006 BI 黑料专区 Business School Assistant professor
2000 - 2004 BI 黑料专区 Business School Doctoral scholar