
Employee Profile

Øyvind Lund Martinsen

Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


Oyvind L. Martinsen is professor in organizational psychology at BI-黑料专区 Business School in Oslo, Norway. He took his PhD in psychology at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen (also in Norway) in 1995 where he was employed full-time from 1990 until 1998 and in 20% position from 2004-2008.

He came to 黑料专区 Business School in 1998 as associate professor in organizational psychology. Here he was Associate Dean for BI's Master of Management programs from 2003 to 2006. In 2006/2007 he was on leave from BI to be the head of the 黑料专区 Army's Leadership Research Institute. He was adjunct professor in leadership at the same institution from 2011 to 2018. He is currently professor in organizational psychology and head of department at Department for Leadership and Organizational Behavior at 黑料专区 Business School.

Martinsen has written several articles in national and international research journals on leadership, personality, motivation, educational psychology, and creativity, and several book chapters and reports on the same topics. He is editor in chief for the Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

His current research projects are aimed at creative personality, personality testing in selection settings, military leadership, 360 degree leadership evaluations, self-leadership and empowerment, and motivational influences on insight and creativity.


Fosse, Thomas Hol; Martinussen, Monica, Sørlie, Henrik, Skogstad, Anders, Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne (2023)

Neuroticism as an antecedent of abusive supervision and laissez-faire leadership in emergent leaders: The role of facets and agreeableness as a moderator

Applied Psychology Doi: -

Academic interest in the relationship between leaders' personality and subordinates’ perception of destructive leadership behavior is increasing. However, results so far have been weak, contradictory, and inconsistent to theory. Here, we examine if using facets of neuroticism, rather than the broader trait, can be more informative and increases the predictive power. Next, we explore the interplay between personality dimensions by examining if the relationship between the facet angry hostility in neuroticism and destructive leadership behavior is moderated by the trait agreeableness. Four hundred and twenty emergent leaders were examined in a military selection context, combining the leaders' self-rated neuroticism (T1) with subordinates' subsequent perception of abusive supervision and laissez-faire leadership in a field exercise two weeks later (T2). The results indicated that using facets instead of the broad factor of neuroticism improved the prediction of examined outcomes. Only some of the facets of neuroticism were related to perceived leader behavior, with specific facets being identified for abusive supervision and laissez-faire leadership, respectively. Further, the relationship between angry hostility and both leadership styles was moderated by agreeableness.

Skoglund, Tom Hilding; Fosse, Thomas Hol, Lang-Ree, Ole Christian, Martinsen, Øyvind Lund & Martinussen, Monica (2021)

Candidate Personality Traits Associated with Ratings in a Military Officer Selection Setting

Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Doi: -

While studies of the relationship between applicant personality and selection assessment ratings are widespread within personnel psychology, studies on military samples are scarcer. The current study aimed to investigate the associations between the Five-Factor Model of personality and ratings in (1) a military selection interview and (2) a field selection exercise simulating a war-like scenario. Research participants were candidates attending a selection program for military officer schools in the 黑料专区 Armed Forces (N = 901). The study used the NEO-PI-3 for measuring personality, and a shorter military personality measure (NMPI) was added for purposes of convergent test validation. Military selection officers rated candidates based on mission command leadership competencies. After controlling for sex, age, and general mental ability, results demonstrated small predictive effects of extraversion (+) and openness (–) toward mean competency ratings in both the interview and the field selection exercise. Furthermore, the selection officers used somewhat global evaluations of candidates in their ratings due to high correlations between competencies. Based on the findings, we suggest that personality testing may be useful in the selection process and contribute to a more nuanced rating of competencies.

Martinsen, Øyvind Lund; Furnham, Adrian, Grover, Simmy, Arnulf, Jan Ketil & Horne, George (2021)

Dark- and bright-side reactions to government advice about Covid-19, and a test of a method to moderate such reactions

Personality and Individual Differences, 181 Doi: -

The aim of this paper was to study how individual differences in personality shape reactions to authorities' health advice during the COVID-19 pandemic and how such reactions can be modified. Three studies, with between 249 and 407 participants, investigated this. Study 1 used a longitudinal design, and included measures of personality (NEO-FFI3, SCATI), political orientation, age and gender as predictors of reactions toward COVID-19 advice and regulations. Studies 2 and 3 were randomised experiments testing effects of principles for behaviour modification on such reactions. In study 1, we found that being female, older, or having liberal political views, as well as neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness in the higher ranges, were associated with constructive reactions. Externalising personality disorders were related to opposite reactions. In study 2, we found that the experimental instructions had a significant positive impact on such reactions. These results were replicated in study 3. Implications and limitations are discussed.

Nilsen, Fredrik A.; Bang, Henning, Boe, Ole, Martinsen, Øyvind L., Lang-Ree, Ole Christian & Røysamb, Espen (2020)

The Multidimensional Self-Control Scale (MSCS): Development and validation

Psychological Assessment, 32(11), s. 1057- 1074. Doi: -

Trait self-control is important for well-being and mental and physical health. Most extant measures of self-control are limited in that they do not account for the multidimensionality and specificity of the trait. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a multidimensional and hierarchical scale of self-control in a full and a short version. The development of the Multidimensional Self-Control Scale (MSCS) and the Brief Multidimensional Self-Control Scale (BMSCS) was based on focus groups, a pilot, a main, and a validation sample (total N = 2,409). The 29-item MSCS consists of 6 first-order factors (Procrastination, Attentional Control, Impulse Control, Emotional Control, Goal Orientation, and Self-Control Strategies), 2 second-order factors (Inhibition and Initiation), and a third-order self-control factor. The 8 items in BMSCS provides a general trait self-control score. Findings from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported the structures across samples, and internal consistency was acceptable. Assessment for acquiescence and sex differences indicated no major impacts on the scales. Strong convergent validity was observed with the Self-Control Scale (SCS) and the Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS), as well as to other similar concepts. The MSCS subscales discriminated well between each other. Assessment of incremental validity of the MSCS over SCS, when controlling for sex and personality, showed significant increases in explained variance when predicting habits, hardiness, and life satisfaction. Similar significant results were observed for the BMSCS over the BSCS. Overall, results indicate that the new scales are useful measures that integrate recent theoretical and empirical findings of trait self-control. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved)

Sørlie, Henrik; Hetland, Jørn, Dysvik, Anders, Fosse, Thomas Hol & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2020)

Person-Organization Fit in a military selection context

Military Psychology, 32(3), s. 237- 246. Doi: -

The goal of personnel selection is to find predictors that, together, maximize the explained variance in important job outcomes such as Task Performance or Work Engagement. Common predictors include Intelligence and Big Five Personality. Using Person-Organization Fit (P-O Fit) for selection purposes has been discussed, but, beyond Intelligence and Personality, evidence of the incremental predictive validity of P-O Fit in relation to task performance and work engagement is scarce. This study examines the practical utility of indirectly measured P-O Fit as a selection tool in a military setting. Measures of objective P-O Fit were obtained from actual applicants in a military selection setting and combined with self-report measures of Work Engagement upon organizational entry, and supervisor-rated Task Performance approximately two weeks later. P-O Fit predicted both Task Performance (R2 = .041) and Work Engagement (R2 = .038). More importantly, P-O Fit yielded incremental predictive validity in relation to both outcomes, also after controlling for intelligence and personality traits. While our initial models (including age, gender, intelligence, and personality) explained 25.1% and 5.8% of the variance in work engagement and task performance, respectively, this increased to 26.3% and 6.3%, respectively, after the inclusion of P-O Fit. Implications for practical use in selection systems are discussed.

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Fosse, Thomas Hol & Johansen, Rino Bandlitz (2019)

Effektiv ledelse i militære organisasjoner

Johansen, Rino Bandlitz; Fosse, Thomas Hol & Boe, Ole (red.). Milit忙r ledelse

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Furnham, Adrian (2019)

Cognitive style and competence motivation in creative problem solving

Personality and Individual Differences, 139, s. 241- 246. Doi: -

This study was conceived by the idea that there exist different kinds of cognitive style-based, task competencies that have implications for task motivation and cognitive performance on creative problem-solving tasks/insight. Specifically, the relationships among the Assimilator–Explorer styles (Kaufmann, 1979), experimentally manipulated task competence for each style, and performance on insight tasks was examined. A total of 264 participants with a mean age of 17.4 years completed a cognitive style test, two measures of task motivation, and three practical construction-type insight tasks. Explorers with experimentally increased competence beliefs were hypothesized to perform less well on typical insight problems than Explorers with experimentally decreased competence beliefs, while Assimilators with increased levels of competence beliefs were expected to perform better than Assimilators with decreased competence beliefs. A randomized experiment with written instructions was conducted to test these hypotheses. The results supported the main hypothesis, yet an additional three-way interaction hypothesis among styles, experimentally manipulated task competence, and task structure was not supported. Limitations are discussed.

Sandvik, Alexander Madsen; Selart, Marcus, Schei, Vidar & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2019)

Setting the Scene: Partners’ Leadership Behavior and Employees’ Perceptions of Work Performance in Professional Service Firms

Journal of leadership & organizational studies, 26(4), s. 441- 453. Doi:

The effect of leadership behavior on work performance is highly context sensitive. We address this notion by investigating leadership behavior in one important but understudied organizational context—namely, professional service firms (PSFs). We examine how partners’ leadership behavior in a PSF relates to employee self-leadership, creative climate, and work performance (N = 442). The results show that partners’ consideration leadership behavior is positively related to employees’ perceived work performance. Moreover, partners’ consideration and intellectual stimulation leadership behavior are especially important drivers of self-leadership and creative climate in a PSF, which in turn are positively related to employees’ work performance. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2018)

Semantic algorithms can detect how media language shapes survey responses in organizational behaviour

PLOS ONE, 13(2) Doi:

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Arnulf, Jan Ketil, Furnham, Adrian & Lang-Ree, Ole Christian (2018)

Narcissism and creativity

Personality and Individual Differences Doi: -

In this study, we investigated the relationship between narcissism, creative personality traits, ideational fluency, and accomplishments in various creative activities. We measured narcissism with the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (Emmons, 1987), creative personality with the Creative Person Profile (Martinsen, 2011), creative potential with a figural measure of divergent thinking, and a biographical inventory was used to measure accomplishments in creative activities. The sample consisted of 1375 young adults, mainly men. The results showed that narcissism was associated with fluency, seven creative personality dispositions, and five measures of creative activities. The latter associations were in general significant even when controlling for traits and creative potential. The strongest relationship displayed with narcissism was with the creative personality traits, in particular ambition, agreeableness, and motivation. Implications and limitations are noted.

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2018)

Respondent Robotics: Simulating responses to Likert-scale survey items

Sage Open, 8(1), s. 1- 18. Doi: -

The semantic theory of survey responses (STSR) proposes that the prime source of statistical covariance in survey data is the degree of semantic similarity (overlap of meaning) among the items of the survey. Because semantic structures are possible to estimate using digital text algorithms, it is possible to predict the response structures of Likert-type scales a priori. The present study applies STSR in an experimental way by computing real survey responses using such semantic information. A sample of 153 randomly chosen respondents to the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used as target. We developed an algorithm based on unfolding theory, where data from digital text analysis of the survey items served as input. Upon deleting progressive numbers (from 20%-95%) of the real responses, we let the algorithm replace these with simulated ones, and then compared the simulated datasets with the real ones. The simulated scores displayed sum score levels, alphas, and factor structures highly resembling their real origins even if up to 86% were simulated. In contrast, this was not the case when the same algorithm was operating without access to semantic information. The procedure was briefly repeated on a different measurement instrument and a different sample. This not only yielded similar results but also pointed to need for further theoretical and practical developments. Our study opens for experimental research on the effect of semantics on survey responses using computational procedures.

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune, Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Egeland, Thore (2018)

The failing measurement of attitudes: How semantic determinants of individual survey responses come to replace measures of attitude strength.

Behavior Research Methods, s. 1- 21. Doi: -

The traditional understanding of data from Likert scales is that the quantifications involved result from measures of attitude strength. Applying a recently proposed semantic theory of survey response (STSR), we claim that survey responses tap two different sources: a mixture of attitudes plus the semantic structure of the survey. Exploring the degree to which individual responses are influenced by semantics, we hypothesize that in many cases, information about attitude strength is actually filtered out as noise in the commonly used correlation matrix. We developed a procedure to separate the semantic influence from attitude strength in individual response patterns and compared these to the observed sample correlation matrices and the semantic similarity structures arising from text analysis algorithms, respectively. This was done with four datasets comprising a total of 7,787 subjects and 27,461,502 observed item pair responses. As argued, attitude strength seemed to account for much information about the individual respondents. However, this information did not seem to carry over into the observed sample correlation matrices. These seem to converge around the semantic structures offered by the survey items. This is potentially disturbing for the traditional understanding of what survey data represent. We argue that an enhanced understanding of how cognitive processes are necessary in responses to surveys is now within reach and could offer a valuable path for improvements in the use of survey data.

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Glasø, Lars, Andreassen, Annette Kristin Bøe & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2016)

The dark side of leadership development : an exploration of the possible downsides of leadership development

Scandinavian Psychologist, 3(e18), s. 1- 28. Doi:

Kopperud, Karoline & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2016)

Motiverende ledelse

Buch, Robert; Dysvik, Anders & Kuvaas, B氓rd (red.). Produktiv motivasjon i arbeidslivet

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Furnham, Adrian & Hærem, Thorvald (2016)

An Integrated Perspective on Insight

Journal of experimental psychology. General, 145(10), s. 1319- 1332. Doi:

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Furnham, Adrian (2016)

The Assimilator-Explorer styles and creativity

Personality and Individual Differences, 98, s. 297- 299. Doi:

Thompson, Geir; Glasø, Lars & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2016)

Antecedents and Consequences of Envy

Journal of Social Psychology, 156(2), s. 139- 153. Doi:

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Furnham, Adrian (2015)

Cognitive styles and performance on complex, structured tasks

Learning and Individual Differences, 42(Aug), s. 106- 109. Doi:

Langvik, Eva Oddrun & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2015)

En trekkteoretisk tilnærming til personlighet

Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen & Hagen, Roger (red.). Personlighetspsykologi

Thompson, Geir; Glasø, Lars & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2015)

The relationships between envy and attitudinal and behavioral outcomes at work

Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology, 7(1), s. 5- 18.

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune, Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Bong, Chih How (2015)

A new approach to psychological measures in leadership research.

Scandinavian Psychologist, 2(e4) Doi:

Amundsen, Stein & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2015)

Linking Empowering Leadership to Job Satisfaction, Work Effort, and Creativity: The Role of Self-Leadership and Psychological Empowerment

The Journal of leadership studies, 22(3), s. 304- 323. Doi:

This article reports the results from two studies (N = 233 and 161) on the role of self-leadership and psychological empowerment in linking empowering leadership to subordinates’ job satisfaction, work effort, and creativity. In addition, the studies investigated self-leadership as a mediator between empowering leadership and psychological empowerment. Results from structural equation modeling indicated that empowering leadership positively affects psychological empowerment both directly and indirectly, through self-leadership. Psychological empowerment influences both job satisfaction and work effort but not creativity, whereas self-leadership influences work effort and creativity but not job satisfaction. The article discusses the implications of these findings.

Buch, Robert; Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Kuvaas, Bård (2015)

The Destructiveness of Laissez-Faire Leadership Behavior: The Mediating Role of Economic Leader-Member Exchange Relationships

The Journal of leadership studies, 22(1), s. 115- 124. Doi:

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Glasø, Lars (2014)

Lederes personlighet: hva sier forskningen?

Magma forskning og viten, 17(5), s. 26- 34.

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune, Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Bong, Chih How (2014)

Predicting survey responses: How and why semantics shape survey statistics on Organizational Behaviour

PLOS ONE, 9(9:106361) Doi:

Some disciplines in social science rely heavily on collecting survey responses to detect empirical relationships among variables. We explored whether these relationships were predictable a priori from the semantic properties of the survey items, using language processing algorithms are now available as new research methods. Language processing algorithms were used to calculate the semantic similarity among all items in state-of-the-art surveys from organizational behavior research. These surveys covered areas such as transformational leadership, work motivation and work outcomes. This information was used to explain and predict the response patterns from real subjects. Semantic algorithms explained 60-86% of the variance in the response patterns and allowed remarkably precise prediction of survey responses from humans, except in a personality test. Even the relationships between independent and their purported dependent variables were accurately predicted. This raises concern about the empirical nature of data collected through some surveys if results are already given a priori through the way subjects are being asked. Survey response patterns seem heavily determined by semantics. Language algorithms may suggest these prior to administering the survey. This study suggests that semantic algorithms are becoming new tools for social science, and opens perspectives on survey responses that prevalent psychometric theory cannot explain.

Amundsen, Stein & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2014)

Self-other agreement in empowering leadership: Relationships with leader effectiveness and subordinates' job satisfaction and turnover intention

Leadership Quarterly, 25(4), s. 784- 800. Doi:

We investigated the effect of self–other agreement in empowering leadership on leader effectiveness, job satisfaction, and turnover intention using a sample of 50 黑料专区 municipal leaders (46 for leader effectiveness) and 168 (158) of their subordinates. The findings indicated that considering both self and subordinate ratings of empowering leadership was useful in predicting the outcome variables. In particular, subordinates of over-estimators reported lower job satisfaction and higher turnover intention. Moreover, leaders who underestimated their leadership were perceived as more effective by their superiors. For agreement (i.e., leader's self-ratings were in agreement with subordinates' ratings) the relationship between empowering leadership and leader effectiveness was curvilinear with an inverted U shape. Agreement in ratings of empowering leadership was not found to be related to subordinates' job satisfaction and turnover intention. The implications of these findings are discussed.

Kopperud, Karoline; Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Humborstad, Sut I Wong (2014)

Engaging leaders in the eyes of the beholder: On the relationship between transformational leadership, work engagement, service climate, and self-other agreement

The Journal of leadership studies, 21(1), s. 29- 42. Doi:

Amundsen, Stein & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2013)

Empowering leadership: Construct clarification, conceptualization, and validation of a new scale

Leadership Quarterly, 25(3), s. 487- 511. Doi:

In this paper we discuss key aspects of empowering leadership as a basis for conceptualizing and operationalizing the construct. The conceptualization resulted in eight behavioral manifestations arranged within three influence processes, which were investigated in a sample of 317 subordinates in Study 1. The results supported the validity and reliability of a two-dimensional, 18-item instrument, labeled the Empowering Leadership Scale (ELS). In Study 2 (N = 215) and Study 3 (N = 831) the factor structure of ELS was cross-validated in two independent samples from different work settings. Preliminary concurrent validation in Studies 1 and 2 found that ELS had a positive relationship to several subordinate variables, among others self-leadership and psychological empowerment. In Study 3 ELS was compared with scales measuring leader–member exchange (LMX) and transformational leadership. Discriminant validity was supported, and moreover, ELS showed incremental validity beyond LMX and transformational leadership when predicting psychological empowerment.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Glasø, Lars (2013)

Personlighet og ledelse

R酶nning, Rune; Brochs-Haukedal, William, Glas酶, Lars & Matthiesen, Stig Berge (red.). Livet som leder : Lederunders酶kelsen 3.0

Martinsen, Øyvind; Kaufmann, Geir & Furnham, Adrian (2011)

Cognitive Style and Creativity

Runco, Mark A. & Pritzker, Steven R. (red.). Encyclopedia of Creativity, Two-Volume Set, 2nd Edition

Martinsen, Øyvind; Nordvik, Hilmar & Østbø, Laila Eriksen (2011)

The NEO PI-R in a North European Context

Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Psychology, 3(2), s. 58- 75.

Results from four studies on three 黑料专区 translations of the NEO PI-R (Costa & McCrae, 1992) are reported. In the first study, 380 subjects with a mean age of 38 years completed the first translation. In the second study, 620 subjects with a mean age of 30 years completed the second translation. In our third study, 3447 subjects with a mean age of 31 years completed a version of the inventory based on the two former translations. The first three studies were generally based on data from research settings. Finally, in a fourth study, 4105 subjects with a mean age of 41 completed the “merged” NEO PI-R as part of the selection and counseling processes. The original five- factor structure was well replicated across studies but with minor exceptions for a few facet loadings. Congruence coefficients obtained were .97 and .98 in all four studies. Our findings show consistent support for the factorial stability of the five factor model as measured with the NEO PI-R.

Martinsen, Øyvind (2011)

The creative personality: A synthesis and development of the Creative Person Profile

Creativity Research Journal, 23(3), s. 185- 202. Doi:

Martinsen, Øyvind & Diseth, Åge (2011)

The assimilator–explorer cognitive styles: Factor structure, personality correlates, and relationship to inventiveness

Creativity Research Journal, 23(3), s. 273- 283. Doi:

Swanberg, Anne Berit & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2010)

Personality, approaches to learning and achievement

Educational Psychology, 30(1), s. 75- 88. Doi:

Diseth, Åge & Martinsen, Øyvind (2009)

Personality traits and achievement motives: Theoretical and empirical relations between the NEO Personality Inventory-revised and the Achievement Motives Scale

Psychological Reports, 104(2), s. 579- 592. Doi:

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Svaar, Øyvind D. (2008)

360 graders vurderinger av ledere

B. Kuv氓s (red.), L酶nnsomhet gjennom menneskelige ressurser : evidensbasert HRM

Dysvik, Anders & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2008)

The relationship between trainees' evaluation of teaching and trainee performance among 黑料专区 executive students

Educational Psychology, 28(7), s. 747- 756. Doi:

Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Martinsen, Øyvind & Einarsen, Ståle (2008)

The relationships between creative personality composition, innovative team climate, and team innovativeness; An input-process-output perspective

The Journal of creative behavior, 42(1), s. 13- 31.

This study investigates the relationship between creative personality composition, innovative team climate, and team innovation based on an input-process-output model. We measured personality with the Creative Person Profile, team climate with the Team Climate Inventory, and team innovation through team-member and supervisor reports of team innovativeness. The personality composition in each of 29 teams in a television production company was operationalized by mean scores for each creative personality variable, as well as the combination of different creative personality variables within a team. The team climate variable "vision" mediated the relationship between the mean level of associative orientation in teams and team innovation. The team climate variable "support of innovation" mediated the relationship between the joint variables of mean level of ambition x mean level of motivation and team innovation. The results indicated that when there are relationships between creative personality composition and team innovativeness, they are mediated by an innovative team climate.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2005)


Einarsen, St氓le & Skogstad, Anders (red.). S. Einarsen & A. Skogstad (red.), Den dyktige medarbeider

Martinsen, Øyvind; Nordvik, Hilmar & Østbø, Laila E. (2005)

Norske versjoner av NEO PI-R og NEO FFI

Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet), 42(5), s. 421- 423.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2003)

Strategier for å bedre egen mestringsevne

Geir Thompson (red.): Selvledelse. Menneskelig kapital i det nye arbeidslivet

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2003)

Introduction to special issue

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 47(3), s. 227- 233.

Diseth, Åge & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2003)

Approaches to learning, cognitive style, and motives as predictors of academic achievement

Educational Psychology, 23(2), s. 195- 207.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2001)

Ledelse og kompetansestyring

Perspektiver p氓 ledelse/脴.Martinsen (red.)

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2001)


Perspektiver p氓 ledelse/脴.Martinsen (red.)

Martinsen, Øyvind; Kaufmann, Geir, Riding, R. & Raynor, S. (2000)

The assimilator-explorer cognitive styles and their relationship to affective-motivational orientations and cognitive performances

International perspectives on individual differences. Vol. I: New developments in cognitive/learning styles

Martinsen, Øyvind; Kaufmann, Geir, Runco, M. & Pritzker, S. (1999)

Cognitive style and creativity

Encyclopedia of creativity

Martinsen, Øyvind (1998)


Berg, M.; Martinsen, 脴. & Thompson, G. (red.). Ledelse, kompetanse og omstilling

Martinsen, Øyvind (1997)

The construct of cognitive styles and its implications for creativity

High Ability Studies, 8, s. 135- 158.

Martinsen, Øyvind (1997)

Conducting evaluation surveys using internet

Sanchez-Meza, D.; Lambert, J., Apollon, Daniel & Van Den Branden, J. (red.). Crosscultural and linguistic perspectives in European distance learning

Martinsen, Øyvind (1997)

Kompetanseanskaffelse gjennom rekruttering

Lai, Linda (red.). Strategisk kompetansestyring

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Arnulf, Jan Ketil & Furnham, Adrian (2020)

Covid-19:Personligheten din har en overraskende stor effekt på hvordan du reagerer på myndighetenes smittevernregler

Forskning.no [Kronikk]

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Hærem, Thorvald (2017)


Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Amundsen, Stein & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2016)

Gi makt til de ansatte

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Amundsen, Stein & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2016)

‘Empowering leadership’ improves firm productivity

LSE Business Review [Kronikk]

Arnulf, Jan Ketil & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2011)


Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune, Martinsen, Øyvind Lund & Nimon, Kim (1)

Editorial: Semantic Algorithms in the Assessment of Attitudes and Personality

Frontiers in Psychology [Kronikk]

The methodological tools available for psychological and organizational assessment are rapidly advancing through natural language processing (NLP). Computerized analyses of texts are increasingly available as extensions of traditional psychometric approaches. The present Research Topic is recognizing the contributions but also the challenges in publishing such inter-disciplinary research. We therefore sought to provide an open-access avenue for cutting-edge research to introduce and illustrate the various applications of semantics in the assessment of attitudes and personality. The result is a collection of empirical contributions spanning from assessment of psychological states through methodological biases to construct identity detection.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (1)

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 60th Anniversary

Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research [Kronikk]

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Amundsen, Stein (1)

Power to the people: Empowering leadership increases job satisfaction, effort and creativity and thus improves firm productivity

BI Leadership Magazine [Kronikk]

Einarsen, Ståle Valvatne; Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Skogstad, Anders (2023)

Organisasjon og ledelse

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Fosse, Thomas Hol, Johansen, rino & Venemyr, Geir Ove (2020)

A New Perspective on Military Leadership

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2020(1):17616.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Furnham, Adrian (2019)

The nomological net of personality constructs, creative personality constructs, intelligence, and creative potential.

[Academic lecture]. 3rd World Conference on Personality (WAPP 2019).

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2019)


Martinsen, 脴yvind L. (red.). Perspektiver p氓 ledelse. 5 utgave

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2019)

Perspektiver på ledelse. 5 utgave

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Glasø, Lars & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2018)

Forskning på selvledelse

Glas酶, Lars & Thompson, Geir (red.). Selvledelse: Teori, forskning og praksis

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Lai, Linda (2017)

Problemløsning, beslutninger og kreativitet i organisasjoner.

Einarsen, St氓le; Martinsen, 脴yvind L. & Skogstad, Anders (red.). Organisasjon og ledelse

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Arnulf, Jan Ketil, Larsen, Kai Rune, Olsson, Ulf Henning & Satorra, Albert (2017)

Semantic influence on the measurement of leadership: A multi trait-multisource perspective.

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management.

Einarsen, Ståle; Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Skogstad, Anders (2017)

Organisasjon og ledelse

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Thompson, Geir; Glasø, Lars & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2016)

Antecedents and consequences of envy in organizations

[Academic lecture]. International Congress of Psychology.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2016)

The relationship between prior experience and creative problem solving performance

[Academic lecture]. International Congress of Psychology 2016.

Sandvik, Alexander Madsen; Martinsen, Øyvind L., Schei, Vidar & Selart, Marcus (2015)

Two Kinds of Leadership and the Role of Self-leadership and Creative Climate on Work Performance

[Academic lecture]. 17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2015)

Perspektiver på ledelse

[Scientific book]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Larsen, Kai Rune & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2015)

Leadership in language: Differential impact of media language on leadership survey responses

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management meeting 2015.

Glasø, Lars & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2015)

Personlighet og ledelse

Kennair, Leif Edward Ottesen & Hagen, Roger (red.). Personlighetspsykologi

Sandvik, Alexander Madsen; Martinsen, Øyvind L., Schei, Vidar & Selart, Marcus (2014)

Two kinds of leadership: The role of self-leadership and creativity in leadership on work performance.

[Academic lecture]. NEON konferansen.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2013)

Forskning på transformasjonsledelse

Glas酶, Lars & Thompson, Geir (red.). Transformasjonsledelse

Farstad, Christian; Arnulf, Jan Ketil & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2012)

Narcissism As Antecedent To Motivation To Lead

[Academic lecture]. European Academy of Management Conference.

Sandvik, Alexander Madsen & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2011)

The leadership of knowledge workers: mediating and moderating effects

[Academic lecture]. Academy of management annual meeting.

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Andreassen, Anette, K. B. & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2010)

Dark Side of Leadership Development: Can Leadership Development Be Harmful?

[Academic lecture]. 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association.

Arnulf, Jan Ketil; Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Gimsø, Christian Enger (2010)

A study on the creative personality, narcissism, and creativity

[Academic lecture]. APA Annual Convention.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2009)

Self leadership

[Academic lecture]. 14th European Congress on Work and Organizational Psychology.

Martinsen, Øyvind L.; Lang-Ree, Ole Christian, Almås-Sørensen, A.L & Arnulf, Jan Ketil (2009)

The validity of a five factor model of personality under two different testing conditions

[Academic lecture]. ECP Congress.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Kopperud, Karoline (2008)

Leading the good working life. Positive impacts of transformational leadership and self leadership

[Academic lecture]. European Conference on Positive Psychology.

Swanberg, Anne Berit & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2008)

Mediator effects of approaches to studying and learning

[Academic lecture]. European Learning Style Information Network, ELSIN Annual conference.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2005)

Lederskap - spiller det noen rolle

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Martinsen, Øyvind (2004)

Martinsen, Ø (red): Perspektiver på ledelse

[Report]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2004)

Lederprosesser. Brukerhåndbok

[Report]. Psi-Assessment as.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2004)

Selvledelse. Brukerhåndbok

[Report]. Psi- Assessment as.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2004)

A new 360 degree measure of leadership processes

[Academic lecture]. Forskning ved Institutt for samfunnspsykologi 2004.

Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2001)

Perspektiver på ledelse

[Scientific book]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Diseth, Åge & Martinsen, Øyvind (2000)

Approaches to learning, cognitive style and motivation as predictors of acadamic achievement

[Academic lecture]. ELSIN 2000.

Martinsen, Øyvind (1998)

Nyhetssøkende problemløsning

[Popular scientific article]. Bergens Tidende

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1995 University of Bergen Ph.D Dr. Philos.
1989 University of Oslo Master Cand. Polit.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2015 - Present 黑料专区 Business School Head of department. Department for Leadership and Organizational behavior
2011 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Professor
2011 - 2018 黑料专区 Defence University College Adjunct professor in Leadership
2007 - 2015 黑料专区 Business School Section Leader for the research group in Organizational Psychology. Department of leadership and Organizational behavior
1998 - 2011 BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor
2004 - 2008 University of bergen Adjunct associate professor. Department of Psychosocial Science
2006 - 2007 黑料专区 Defense University College Research Director. Dept of Leadership Research
2003 - 2006 黑料专区 Business School Associate Dean. Master of Management
1995 - 1998 University of Bergen Associate Professor
1994 - 1995 University of Bergen Assistant Professor
1990 - 1994 University of Bergen Research Fellow