
Employee Profile

Per-Magnus Thompson

Associate Professor - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


Per-Magnus Thompson is Associate Professor in Organizational Psychology at the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, BI 黑料专区 Business School. He received his Ph.D. from BI 黑料专区 Business School.

Thompson is a certified clinical psychologist from University of Oslo, and approved specialist in work- and organizational psychology (NPA). He has extensive experience working as an organizational consultant (e.g., leadership development programs and team development) and clinician (e.g., working with leaders in a therapeutic setting).

His research interests include 'attachment theory', 'leadership', 'the leader-follower relationship' and 'emotions at work'.

He teaches at the Executive MBA programme and the Master of science programme in Organizational Psychology. He also contributes as a consultant on BI Corporate projects.

Thompson is frequently hired to hold invited talks for practitioners on issues such as relational leadership, self-leadership and team development.


Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2025)

Increased span of supervision: an obstacle for effective leadership style?

Dynamic Relationships Management Journal

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Glasø, Lars, Matthiesen, Stig Berge, Farstad, Christian Winther & Haakonsen, Jon Magnus F (2023)

Attachment styles and leader–member exchange: Investigating the principle of attachment-system activation

Psychology of Leaders and Leadership Doi: -

From an attachment-theoretical perspective, one would expect insecure attachment styles to have a negative impact on leader–follower relationships. However, a recent review of the literature on attachment style and leader–member exchange (LMX) yielded mixed results. Examining this discrepancy, we applied the principle of attachment-system activation, proposing that when insecurely attached leaders or followers experience more distress at work, attachment style will be a stronger predictor of LMX. Data were gathered from 192 independent leader–follower dyads and analyzed using the actor–partner interdependence model. Like in other studies, investigating the direct link between attachment style and LMX yielded mixed results. However, the link between anxious style and LMX did get stronger when including attachment-system activation in our model, highlighting the relevance of applying key principles from the original theory when studying leadership through the lens of attachment.

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Fosse, Thomas Hol & Skouverøe, Joachim Berntsen (2021)

Leaders That Don’t Care: Investigating Leader Caregiving From an Attachment-Theoretical Perspective

The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 24(3), s. 141- 161. Doi: -

Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert, Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe & Glasø, Lars (2021)

The impact of transformational leadership and interactional justice on follower performance and organizational commitment in a business context

Journal of General Management (JGM), 46(4), s. 274- 283. Doi: -

The relationships between transformational leaders and several follower outcomes have been well investigated, but the mechanism through which these leadership behaviors relate to such outcomes is relatively unexplored. By investigating the mediating role of interactional justice, using structural equation modeling analyses, and data collected from supervisors and direct reports at various organizational levels, the present study provides insight into the psychological processes underlying transformational leadership and its effectiveness on follower outcomes. In line with social exchange theory, the main takeaway from the present study is suggesting that leaders, who display transformational leadership behavior in a manner perceived by followers as respectful, fair, and consistent with moral and ethical standards, may expect greater follower organizational attachment as an appropriate response to interactional justice.

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Glasø, Lars & Matthiesen, Stig Berge (2018)

The way I see you. Implicit followership theories explored through the lens of attachment

The Psychologist-Manager Journal, 21(2), s. 85- 105. Doi: -

Building on Bowlby’s (1969/1982) attachment theory, the present study examines the relationship between leaders’ attachment style, mirroring their relational experiences with significant others, and implicit followership theories (IFTs). Drawing on the principle of schema transference, it was hypothesized that both anxious and avoidant attachment styles were related to negative IFTs. Furthermore, investigating the phenomenon of defensive projection, it was proposed that leaders’ perception of own competence level would moderate the relationship between avoidant style and the IFT facet “incompetence,” so that avoidant leaders feeling less competent at work would view followers as more incompetent than other avoidant leaders. Survey data were collected from 258 leaders in a variety of work settings. Hierarchical regression analyses supported both hypotheses. Implications for theory and practice are discussed

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Glasø, Lars & Matthiesen, Stig Berge (2016)

Leader-follower dyads through the lens of attachement theory. Attachment style as a predictor of LMX

Academy of Management Proceedings Doi:

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2024)

Podcast: Pia og psyken Episode: TEMA SKOLE - hvor mye betyr lærerens innside?

Podcast [Internett]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe & Martine, Frich (2024)

Podcast: Bi - Innsikt Episode: Stress i arbeidslivet

Apple podcast [Internett]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Torsteinson, Stig & Brandtzæg, Ida (2021)

God fjernledelse er å kunne være nær

psykologisk.no [Fagblad]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2021)

Podcast: "Oppgradert" from BI 黑料专区 Business School Episode: Hvilke ferdigheter blir viktig i fremtiden?

Spotify - Podcast [Radio]

Haarde, Margrethe Zacho & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2021)


Dagens N忙ringsliv, DN Magasinet [Avis]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe & Haakonsen, Jon Magnus F (2021)

Når det er vanskelig å vise følelser på jobb

Leadership Magazine 2021 by BI 黑料专区 Business School [Fagblad]

Dybdahl, Linn & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2021)

Aksept, forståelse og vennlighet trumfer det meste

https://forskning.no/ [Fagblad]

Dybdahl, Linn & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2021)

Superkraften du kan lære deg

https://www.bi.no/forskning/business-review/articles/2021/01 [Fagblad]

Lindvoll, Eilin & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2020)

Økonomiske problemer Mer tabu enn ekteskapsproblemer


Brugrand, Camilla Skjær & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2020)

– Ledere må validere frykten til ansatte og ikke forsøke å fikse problemene


Evensen, Mona Sæther & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2020)

Er det greit å bruke uvitenskapelige tester til å endre ansattes oppgaver eller roller på jobb? Og er det lov?


Thompson, Per-Magnus (1)

Får du styre din egen jobbhverdag?

e24 (internett) [Kronikk]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (1)

Trøst til ensomme ledere

E24 [Kronikk]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (1)

Nytten av skam og misunnelse

E24 [Kronikk]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (1)

Når kollegaen trenger din medfølelse

E24 [Kronikk]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (1)

Slik skaper du trygge ansatte

E24 [Kronikk]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (1)

Hvorfor er lederes barndom et tema i lederutvikling?

HR Norges nyhetsbrev [Kronikk]

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (1)

Tre steg for å bli likt på arbeidsplassen: Særlig unge bør investerei relasjoner

Teknisk Ukeblad [Kronikk]

Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2023)

Span of supervision, follower outcomes, and the mediating role of leadership

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress.

Farstad, Christian Winther & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2023)

Who wants to lead: Relationships between the five-factor model of personality traits, lower-level facets, and Motivation to Lead

[Academic lecture]. The 2023 European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Conference.

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe & Farstad, Christian Winther (2023)

Social baseline theory and the leader-follower relationship. Investigating the principle of load sharing

[Academic lecture]. The 2023 European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Conference.

Ho, Hoang; Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe, Andersen, Ingvild, Kuvaas, Bård, Dysvik, Anders, Guest, David E. & Arthur, J B (2023)

Human Resource Systems Implementation from Resource Orchestration Perspective: Do Top and Middle Managers’ HR Philosophies Matter?

[Academic lecture]. The 2023 European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Conference.

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe & Sæter, Linda Vestnes (2022)

When time is not a healer: Investigating persistent low-quality leader-follower relationship from an attachment theory perspective

[Academic lecture]. The 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Thompson, Geir; Buch, Robert & Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe (2022)

Why less is more: Span of supervision, follower outcomes, and the mediating role of leadership

[Academic lecture]. The 20th EAWOP congress.

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Fosse, Thomas Hol & Skouverøe, Joachim (2019)

Investigating leader caregiving through the lens of attachment theory: A moderated mediation analysis

[Academic lecture]. EAWOP Conference 2019.

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe & Glasø, Lars (2018)

Selvledelse i praksis

Glas酶, Lars & Thompson, Geir (red.). Selvledelse: Teori, forskning og praksis

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe & Glasø, Lars (2018)

Selvledelse i praksis

Glas酶, Lars & Thompson, Geir (red.). Selvledelse: Teori, forskning og praksis

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe & Farstad, Christian Winther (2017)

Veier inn i ledelse – et livsløpsperspektiv på lederen

[Academic lecture]. Psykologikongressen 2017.

Thompson, Per-Magnus Moe; Glasø, Lars & Matthiesen, Stig Berge (2017)


[Academic lecture]. EAWOP Conference 2017.

Thompson, Per-Magnus; Glasø, Lars & Matthiesen, Stig Berge (2016)


[Academic lecture]. Annual Meeting - Academy of Management 2016.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2019 BI 黑料专区 Business School PhD
2009 Universitetet i Oslo Master Cand. Psychol.
2004 University of Oslo Bachelor of Arts
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2019 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor
2013 - 2019 BI 黑料专区 Business School PhD Candidate
2010 - 2013 Psykologbistand Organizational psychologist / Consultant