
Employee Profile

Svein S Andersen

Professor Emeritus - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


Andersen, Svein S. (2024)

Praktisk prestasjonsledelse i norsk toppidrett

N忙ss, Hans Erik (red.). Idrettsledelse i praksis

Andersen, Svein S; Hansen, Per Øystein & Houlihan, Barrie (2021)

Embedded multi-level leadership in a diverse world

Andersen, Svein S; Hansen, Per 脴ystein & Houlihan, Barrie (red.). Embedded Multi-Level Leadership in Elite Sport

Hansen, Per Øystein; Skirstad, Berit & Andersen, Svein S (2021)

Leading and Organising German Elite Biathlon

Andersen, Svein S; Hansen, Per 脴ystein & Houlihan, Barrie (red.). Embedded Multi-Level Leadership in Elite Sport

Andersen, Svein S; Hansen, Per Øystein & Houlihan, Barrie (2021)

Embedded Multi-Level Leadership in Diverse Elite Sport Systems

Andersen, Svein S; Hansen, Per 脴ystein & Houlihan, Barrie (red.). Embedded Multi-Level Leadership in Elite Sport

Andersen, Svein S; Hansen, Per Øystein & Houlihan, Barrie (2021)

Embedded Multi-Level Leadership in Elite Sport


Andersen, Svein S & Sitter, Nick (2018)

The EU’s Strategy Towards External Gas Suppliers and Their Responses: Norway, Russia, Algeria and LNG

Godzimirski, Jakub M. (red.). New Political Economy of Energy in Europe. Power to Project, Power to Adapt

Bjørndal, Christian T.; Andersen, Svein S & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2018)

Successful and unsuccessful transitions to the elite level: The youth national team pathways in 黑料专区 handball

International journal of sports science & coaching, 13(4), s. 533- 544. Doi: -

The aim of this study was to explore successful and unsuccessful transitions in 黑料专区 handball from the youth player level to the adult elite level. The nine youth players in our strategic sample were interviewed in-depth about their experiences. Five of the nine athletes had established themselves successfully at the adult elite level; four had either quit or continued to play at a lower level during the previous season. The data were first inductively analysed before the theoretical analysis was conducted. This enabled us to develop a comprehensive understanding of each athlete’s developmental path and transitions and enabled a comparison between the different outcomes. The lifespan model was used a basis for understanding the individual pathways of development and the transitions made. The ecology of games framework was used to contextualise the individual processes within the particular organisational context of 黑料专区 handball. The results show how the application of the talent development model used in 黑料专区 handball is frequently experienced as one which is exhausting for athletes. For a significant number, it may lead to injuries or burnout. Further, our findings demonstrate that there is a thin line separating two different outcomes: (a) a dropout due to a loss of motivation and meaning and (b) a successful transition to the elite level. We discuss how the organisational context of 黑料专区 handball leads to unintended consequences, both positive and negative, for athletes. Incidents and decisions beyond an athlete’s immediate environment can facilitate or inhibit successful transitions to the elite level.

Hansen, Per Øystein & Andersen, Svein S (2017)

Knowledge integration as co-creation in a high performance context. Ski-preparation as a knowledge intensive activity under uncertainty

Proceedings IFKAD...

The purpose of the present paper is to explore the process of knowledge integration and co-creation within an elite sport context characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity. The study was designed and carried out as a qualitative case study. Data were generated through documents and interviews with key actors within three ski-preparation teams (cross-country skiing, biathlon, Nordic combined) and the ski-preparation project led by the responsible organization for elite sports in Norway, Olympiatoppen. The study identifies three major types of knowledge co-creation. The first concern bridging scientific and experience-based knowledge, where scientists have a more optimistic view on cumulative knowledge development. The second highlight the role of shared testing procedures to compare and evaluate prototypes generated though scientific and practical knowledge. The third illustrate that the extent to which knowledge are used in the different teams depends on their strategies and is reflected in the gatekeeper role. A key finding is that close and trustful relationships are vital in order to allow for new ideas about how to improve. In highly competitive environments such as elite sport, where small variation in judgements matter, knowledge creation as co-creation has a fundament social dimension, where success depends on trustful interaction and shared values. However, the paradox is that although all ski-waxers have a strong commitment to continuous development and improvement, they demonstrate a strong need to control this process within the different teams. The control influence the degree to which close and trustful relationships are developed and hence the possibility for knowledge co-creation. Proceedings IFKAD 2017 St. Petersburg, Russia, 7-9 June 2017 ISBN 978-88-96687-10-9 ISSN 2280787X 1913 More precisely, they engage in an active search for fine-tuning within a set of assumption that are rarely questioned. Close relationships seem therefore to be important for rendering knowledge co-creation possible in ways that also questions fundamental assumptions.

Sitter, Nick; Andersen, Svein S & Goldthau, Andreas (2017)

An Odd Pro-Market Trio: Germany, the UK and Norway

Sitter, Nick; Andersen, Svein S & Goldthau, Andreas (red.). Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism?

Andersen, Svein S; Goldthau, Andreas & Sitter, Nick (2017)

From Low to High Politics? The EU’s Regulatory and Economic Power

Sitter, Nick; Andersen, Svein S & Goldthau, Andreas (red.). Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism?

Sitter, Nick; Andersen, Svein S & Goldthau, Andreas (2017)

Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism?

Palgrave Macmillan.

Andersen, Svein S; Goldthau, Andreas & Sitter, Nick (2016)

The EU Regulatory State, Commission Leadership and External Energy Governance

Godzimirski, Jakub M. (red.). EU Leadership in Energy and Environmental Governance: Global and Local Challenges and Responses

Andersen, Svein S & Sitter, Nick (2016)

Projecting the Regulatory State beyond the EU: Gas Markets and Energy Security

Peters, Ingo (red.). The European Union's Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective: Evaluating and generating hypotheses on 'actorness and power'

Bjørndal, Christian T.; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Andersen, Svein S (2015)

Talent development as an ecology of games: a case study of 黑料专区 handball

Sport, Education and Society Doi:

Structured talent identification and development, it has been argued, is one of the foundations of international sporting success and many modern elite sport systems have applied normative talent development (TD) models. The success of 黑料专区 handball, however, is based on an alternative approach to TD. 黑料专区 handball is characterized by a heterarchical organizational structure in which several key actors function highly autonomously. The aim of this article is three-fold: (a) to describe the organization of TD in 黑料专区 handball, (b) to identify how the inherent organizational characteristics of 黑料专区 handball have influenced the TD processes used and (c) to discuss if contemporary TD models provide an adequate conceptualization of the model used in 黑料专区 handball. This case study includes three units of analysis: (i) the overall organizational structure of 黑料专区 handball, (ii) the characteristics of the key actors involved and (iii) the intercommunication and collaborations of the key actors. The data sources were (a) documents and (b) interviews with 11 key informants. The informants were selected strategically to represent experienced coaches and professionals from multiple organizational units. The National Handball Federation uses a broad-based model for TD: 23% of male handball players and 15% of female handball players from the age of 13–17 years participate in regional-level initiatives in addition to practising daily in community-based volunteer sport clubs and sport schools. Findings reveal that the broad base of TD initiatives creates multiple access points to the talent pipeline for adolescents. However, because the heterarchical structure involves many actors, the unintended consequences are often related to (im)properly managing training and competition loads. There is a need therefore for welldeveloped coordination mechanisms and good communication between the key actors involved.

Andersen, Svein S; Hanstad, Dag Vidar & Plejdrup-Skillestad, Kari (2015)

The role of test events in major sporting events

Event Management, 19(2), s. 261- 273. Doi:

Test events are important in the preparation of major sporting events. Nevertheless, there are few studies of how such tests are carried out to combat risks and build capacities to manage the unexpected incidents during implementation. This article explores two questions: (1) What role did the test event in 2010 play in the preparation and execution of the FIS Nordic World Championships (SWC) in Oslo 2011? (2) To what extent can experiences from this project be viewed as a successful attempt to apply an overall model of mindful organization? The study is based on in-depth interviews with key leaders in the organizing committee of SWC as well as different documents and media coverage. Data collection and analysis is organized around key concepts from theories of mindful organizations. The study shows that even if project leaders had a conscious and consistent mindful approach to preparations, the test event demonstrated a number of important shortcomings relating to facilities, support, and the event organization itself. The way such shortcomings were analyzed and acted upon was essential for a successful world championship. An important aspect of this was the realization that the real challenge was to reorganize and fine tune the organization to combat risks and manage the unexpected.

Andersen, Svein S; Bjørndal, Christian T. & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2015)

The ecology of talent development in the Nordic elite sport model

Andersen, Svein S; Houlihan, Barrie & Ronglan, Lars Tore (red.). Managing elite sport systems : research and practice

Andersen, Svein S; Houlihan, Barrie & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2015)

Systems and the development of elite athletes

Andersen, Svein S; Houlihan, Barrie & Ronglan, Lars Tore (red.). Managing elite sport systems : research and practice

Andersen, Svein S; Houlihan, Barrie & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2015)

Managing heterogenity and complexity

Andersen, Svein S; Houlihan, Barrie & Ronglan, Lars Tore (red.). Managing elite sport systems : research and practice

Andersen, Svein S; Hansen, Per Øystein & Hærem, Thorvald (2015)

How elite athletes reflect on their training: strong beliefs – ambiguous feedback signals

Reflective Practice, 16(3), s. 403- 417. Doi:

Elite sport organizations invest considerable efforts in continuous evaluation of training and development. A key challenge is to promote athletes’′ reliable learning. This requires critical reflection. In this paper we look at how highly successful elite cross-country skiers reflect on their training. The theoretical framework of organizational mindfulness and reliable learning directs attention to three key mechanisms that influence reflection: socialization, sensemaking and interpretation. We identified an inherent tension in the way athletes are socialized into elite athletes. On the one hand, they internalize strong beliefs in key success factors. Such beliefs serve as a normative framework that provides commitment and enthusiasm. However, strong beliefs may weaken the athletes’ ability to notice ambiguous feedback signals in complex training situations. We found four different styles of reflection, but only one of them is consistent with requirements for reliable learning.

Andersen, Svein S; Houlihan, Barrie & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2015)

Managing elite sport systems : research and practice


Andersen, Svein S & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2015)

Historical paths and policy change: institutional entrepreneurship in Nordic elite sport systems

International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 7(2), s. 197- 216. Doi:

Research on international elite sport emphasises the convergence of national systems. Such trends are reflected also in the Nordic countries. However, the national elite sport systems in these countries have developed quite differently over the last 30 years, despite strong historical similarities. This article directs the attention to a topic that has been largely ignored in the research on international elite sport systems – the role of institutional entrepreneurs. It builds on earlier research on Nordic elite sport. In addition, we have conducted comprehensive interviews with central leaders in the national Olympic Committees, national confederations of sport and national elite sport organisations in all four countries – a total of 16 informants. They were selected strategically, based on their roles and experiences. The point of departure for the theoretical coding was a model of institutional entrepreneurship with four key elements: field characteristics, the creation of a divergent vision, the mobilisation of allies and the mobilisation of resources. Our findings are consistent with the theoretical model, but introduce nuances and additions to the model. Entrepreneurial efforts take place within institutional fields that may enhance or limit the scope for successful change. The findings point to the significance of entrepreneurs’ active interpretation of challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, change processes take place in a context partly beyond the control of entrepreneurs, and as windows of opportunities come and go, the timing of initiatives may be decisive. The general argument put forward in this article may serve as a framework for identifying and explaining variations in policy changes and implementation across different countries within a broader trend of policy convergence.

Andersen, Svein S & Sitter, Nick (2015)

Managing Heterogeneity in the EU: Using Gas Market Liberalisation to Explore the Changing Mechanisms of Intergovernmental Governance

Journal of European Integration, 37(3), s. 319- 334. Doi: -

Hansen, Per Øystein & Andersen, Svein S (2014)

Coaching elite athletes: How coaches stimulate elite athletes' reflection

Sports Coaching Review, 3(1) Doi:

This article investigates the coaching behaviour of five 黑料专区 national elite team coaches in cross-country skiing. It identifies how they acted as ‘sensegivers’ towards the athletes. An important part of this is how coaches, assisted by support personnel, stimulated athletes' reflections in ways that improved the quality of everyday training. It draws upon social and relational aspects of learning within an organizational setting. The theory of mindful organizations, with its emphasis on sensemaking and sensegiving, is introduced to capture how coaches and support personnel can influence athletes' reflections. The article makes both an empirical and theoretical contribution. First, it directs attention to sensegiving as an important element of coaching behaviour. Second, it identifies key mechanisms of sensegiving not previously discussed in the literature.

Kristiansen, Elsa; Andersen, Svein S & Hanstad, Dag Vidar (2013)

The mundanity of Olympic housing: 黑料专区 athletes at the 2010 Winter Games

International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 25(2), s. 147- 158. Doi:

National teams face organizational challenges when planning and preparing for Olympic accommodation. In Norway such efforts are coordinated by the Olympic Top Sport Organization, Olympiatoppen. The ability to deal systematically with the many mundane factors in preparations and competitions is crucial, for example minor and mundane issues related to housing conditions may easily impact athletes’ ability to perform. When discussing perceptions of stressors related to accommodations with ten 黑料专区 winter Olympians from the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games (OWG), they identified four areas of concern that may be central in comprehensive planning and preparation: accommodation and specific individual needs, the quality of recreation and food, managing security issues, and the regulation of press meetings. The most satisfied athletes belonged to sports where leaders took active part in discussions and spent time on details that would give the team an advantage like single room for clear medal candidates, 黑料专区 chefs, bringing their usual support personnel, extra recreational activities etc. Others were not that satisfied and felt that their needs (or sport) were not considered important enough. In conclusion, the 黑料专区 preparations for the 2010 OWG reflected a more conscious approach to quality control than previously, and even more important, the athletes felt that they had a say in the decision-making.

Andersen, Svein S & Hanstad, Dag Vidar (2013)

Knowledge development and transfer in a mindful project-organization

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 6(2), s. 236- 250. Doi:

Hanstad, Dag Vidar & Andersen, Svein S (2013)

A holistic approach to risk management : a participant perspective

Sotiriadou, Popi & De Bosscher, Veerle (red.). Managing high performance sport

Andersen, Svein S; Anker, Elisabeth, Hanstad, Dag Vidar & Sitter, Nick (2012)

Fra motspiller til medspiller : EU og norsk profesjonell fotball 1995-2010

Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 28(4), s. 213- 240.

I 1995 fastslo EU-domstolen at profesjonell fotball var en del av det indre marked. Dette førte til sterke negative reaksjoner fra fotballklubber og -forbund i hele Europa. Bosmandommen presset samtidig EU-kommisjonen til å klargjøre fotballens status som kommersiell aktivitet. De tre mest sentrale temaene var ordningene for spillernes overgang mellom klubber, kvoter for utenlandske spillere, og salg av medierettigheter. I denne artikkelen ser vi på norske reaksjoner på dommen, og utviklingen av et nytt regime for profesjonell fotball i de påfølgende år. Den første reaksjonen fra norsk fotball var at EUs krav utgjorde en trussel. Den videre utviklingen ble imidlertid preget av en dialog mellom EU-kommisjonen og UEFA. Denne prosessen førte frem til et kompromiss som ivaretok både EUs konkurranseregler og verdier som står sentralt i norsk og europeisk fotball. Norsk representasjon i UEFAs ledelse ga nasjonale fotballaktører informasjon og innsikt i lokale tilpasningsmuligheter. Artikkelen illustrerer en form for europeisering preget av gjensidig tilpasning som har fått relativt lite oppmerksomhet i studier av europeisering.

Andersen, Svein S & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2012)

Same ambitions – different tracks: a comparative perspective on Nordic elite sport

Managing Leisure, 17(2-3), s. 155- 169. Doi:

Studies of politics, welfare states and social issues often emphasize the commonalities that constitute a Nordic model. Similarly, research on international elite sport emphasize the convergence of elite sport systems. In the domain of Nordic elite sport commonalities exist, but the differences are more striking. Not only are there differences among the national elite sport systems, they also often run counter to dominant patterns of political and societal organizations within each country. This article explores how such differences have come about since the Second World War, and how they influence the way today's challenges are dealt within the different Nordic countries.

Andersen, Svein S (2012)

Prøve-VM 2010, en læringsarena for Oslo-VM 2011

Hanstad, Dag Vidar (red.). Ski-VM 2011 : planlegging og gjennomf酶ring

Andersen, Svein S & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2012)

A comparative perspective on Nordic elite sport : filling a gap

Andersen, Svein S & Ronglan, Lars Tore (red.). Nordic elite sport : same ambitions - different tracks

Andersen, Svein S (2012)

Olympiatoppen in the 黑料专区 sports cluster

Andersen, Svein S & Ronglan, Lars Tore (red.). Nordic elite sport : same ambitions - different tracks

Andersen, Svein S & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2012)

Elite sports in Nordic countries : perspectives and challenges

Andersen, Svein S & Ronglan, Lars Tore (red.). Nordic elite sport : same ambitions - different tracks

Andersen, Svein S & Ronglan, Lars Tore (2012)

Nordic elite sport : same ambitions - different tracks


Andersen, Svein S & Hanstad, Dag Vidar (2011)

"Den som er godt forberedt, har ikke uflaks" : norsk OL-deltakelse i Vancouver - risiko, forberedelse og resultater

Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum, 2, s. 75- 98.

Hanstad, Dag Vidar; Rønsen, Ola, Andersen, Svein S, Steffen, Kathrin & Engebretsen, Lars (2011)

Fit for the fight? : illnesses in the 黑料专区 team in the Vancouver Olympic Games

British Journal of Sports Medicine, 45(7), s. 571- 575. Doi:

Background: The development of strategies to prevent illnesses before and during Olympic Games provides a basis for improved health and Olympic results. Objective: (1) To document the efficacy of a prevention programme on illness in a national Olympic team before and during the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Winter Games (OWG), (2) to compare the illness incidence in the 黑料专区 team with 黑料专区 incidence data during the Turin 2006 OWG and (3) to compare the illness incidence in the 黑料专区 team with illness rates of other nations in the Vancouver OWG. Methods: Information on prevention measures of illnesses in the 黑料专区 Olympic team was based on interviews with the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and the Chief Nutrition and Sport Psychology Officers, and on a review of CMO reports before and after the 2010 OWG. The prevalence data on illness were obtained from the daily reports on injuries and illness to the International Olympic Committee. Results: The illness rate was 5.1% (five of 99 athletes) compared with 17.3% (13 out of 75 athletes) in Turin (p=0.008). A total of four athletes missed one competition during the Vancouver Games owing to illness, compared with eight in Turin. The average illness rate for all nations in the Vancouver OWG was 7.2%. Conclusions: Although no definite cause-and-effect link between the implementation of preventive measures and the prevalence of illness in the 2010 OWG could be established, the reduced illness rate compared with the 2006 OWG, and the low prevalence of illnesses compared with other nations in the Vancouver OWG suggest that the preparations were effective.

Andersen, Svein S & Sæther, Øyvind (2010)

Prestasjonskultur og kompetansemobilisering

Kristiansen, Hans-Ivar & Nordhaug, Odd (red.). Retorikk, idrett og samfunn

Andersen, Svein S. (2009)

The emergence of an EU energy policy paradigm

Carson, Marcus; Burns, Tom R. & Calvo, Dolores (red.). Paradigms in public policy : theory and practice of paradigm shifts in the EU

Andersen, Svein S. (2009)

Stor suksess gjennom små, intelligente feil. Erfaringsbasert kunnskapsutvikling i toppidretten

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS), 50(4), s. 427- 461.

Andersen, Svein S. & Kuvaas, Bård (2009)

Heroisk HR - pragmatiske praktikere: Hvordan HR kan bidra til bedre resultater

Magma forskning og viten, 12(2), s. 44- 50.

Andersen, Svein S. & Sitter, Nick (2009)

The European Union gas market : differentiated integration and fuzzy liberalization

Fermann, Gunnar (red.). Political economy of energy in Europe: forces of integration and fragmentation

Andersen, Svein S. (2008)

The Institutionalization of a Meta-order. The Energy Charter and Treaty negotiations

Helena Flam and Marcus Crason(eds.), Rule Systems Theory. Applications and Explorations

Andersen, Svein S. & Sæther, Øyvind (2008)

Kompetansemobilisering for prestasjonsutvikling. Hvordan oppnå fremragende resultater med vanlige mennesker?

Magma forskning og viten, 11(1), s. 38- 47.

Andersen, Svein S. (2006)

Aktiv informantintervjuing

Norsk statsvitenskapelig tidsskrift, 22(3), s. 278- 298.

Andersen, Svein S. (2006)

Kampen om energimarkede i EU - repolitisering og differensiert markedsbygging

Magma forskning og viten, 9(5/6)

Andersen, Svein S. (2006)

The Mosaic of Europeanisation: Coupling and De-Coupling in the EU-memeber State Relationship

From, J and Sitter N (eds), Europe's Nascent State? Public Policy in the European Union

Andersen, Svein S. & Sitter, Nick (2006)

Differentiated Integration: What Is It and How Much Can the EU Accommodate?

Journal of European Integration, 28(4), s. 313- 330.

Andersen, Svein S. & Sæther, Øyvind (2005)

Når bedrifter blir prosjekter

Magma forskning og viten

Eliassen, Kjell A. & Andersen, Svein S. (2003)

Lobbying in a World of Tensions

Steve John (ed.): New Activism and the Corporate Response

Andersen, Svein S. (2003)

Spiller EU-medlemskap noen rolle for en energinasjon?


From, Johan; Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Kjell A. (2001)

Policy on Justice and Home Affairs: From High to Low Politics

Making Policy in Europe

Andersen, Svein S.; Eliassen, Kjell A. & Sitter, Nick (2001)

Formal processes : EU institutions and actors

Making policy in Europe/Svein Andersen og Kjell Eliassen (eds.)

Andersen, Svein S.; Tranøy, Bent Sofus & Østerud, Øyvind (2001)

Politisk styring eller markedstilpasning av olje i Norge

Tran酶y, Bent Sofus & 脴sterud, 脴yvind (red.). Den fragmenterte staten : reformer, makt og styring

Austvik, Ole Gunnar & Andersen, Svein S. (2001)

Norge som petroleumsland - modent for endring

Norge som petroleumsland - modent for endring

Andersen, Svein S. (2001)

Norsk petroleum og internasjonale rammer - behov for reform

Tran酶y, Bent Sofus & 脴sterud, 脴yvind (red.). Makt- og demokratiutredningen

Andersen, Svein S. (2000)

Hvordan er EU mulig?

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS)

Andersen, Svein S. (2000)

Norge og EU: Utenforlandet i EU

Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT)

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Kjell A. (2000)

Democratic Modernity And Social Quality

Kunne ikke finne tidsskrift Walker, A

Andersen, Svein S. (2000)

Hvordan er EU mulig?

Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning (TfS)

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (2000)

The EU as a new political system

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (red.). Making Policy in Europe

Andersen, Svein S.; Eliassen, Knut A. & Sitter, N. (2000)

Policy-making and institutions in the European Union

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (red.). Making Policy in Europe

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (2000)

Complex policy-making: Lobbying the EU

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (red.). Making Policy in Europe

Andersen, Svein S. (2000)

Towards a common Eu energy policy

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (red.). Making Policy in Europe

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (2000)

Policy-making in the new Europe

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (red.). Making Policy in Europe

Andersen, Svein S. (2000)

Norway: Insider AND Outsider

ARENA Conference Report

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (2000)

Democratic modernity

Becker, Wulf & Maesen, G. L. van der (red.). Questioning the social quality in Europe

Andersen, Svein S. (1999)

Norway ¿ A disadvantaged member?

ARENA Report

Andersen, Svein S.; Noreng, Ø. & Nilsen, P.A. (1998)

Klima for alle pengene


Andersen, Svein S. & Burns, T.R. (1998)

L'Unione e la politica postparlamentare


Eliassen, Kjell A.; Andersen, Svein S., Claeys, Paul-H, Gobine, Corinne, Smets, Isabelle & Winand, Pascaline (1998)

EU-Lobbying: Towards Political Segmentation in the European Union?

Lobbyisme, pluralisme et int茅gration Europ茅enne (Collection"La Cit茅 europ茅enne"), Series "European Policy" no 16

Isachsen, Arne Jon & Andersen, Svein S (1987)

Oljepris og sårbarhet i vår lille forhandlingsøkonomi

Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift (NNT), s. 27- 38.

Andersen, Svein S (2011)

Ikke som andre ledere – kan næringslivet lære av toppidretten?

Ukeavisen ledelse [Avis]

Andersen, Svein S; Hærem, Thorvald & Kost, Dominique (2019)

Appendix G: Cognitive and organizational challenges in a navigation team. In: Report on the collision between the Frigate HMNS Helge Ingstad and the oil tanker TS Sola outside the Sture Terminal in the Heltefjord in Hordaland county.

[Report]. Statens Havarikommisjon.

Sitter, Nick; Andersen, Svein S & Goldthau, Andreas (2017)

Conclusion: Liberal Mercantilism?

Sitter, Nick; Andersen, Svein S & Goldthau, Andreas (red.). Energy Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism?

Bjørndal, Christian T.; Ronglan, Lars Tore & Andersen, Svein S (2016)

The diversity of developmental paths among youth athletes: A 3-year longitudinal study of 黑料专区 handball players

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Talent Development and Excellence, 8(2), s. 20- 32.

Kost, Dominique; Hærem, Thorvald, Arnulf, Jan Ketil, Andersen, Svein S & Valaker, Sigmund (2015)

Emerging Transactive Memory System Structure in Virtual Teams: A Qualitative Analysis

[Academic lecture]. Frontiers in Managerial and Organizational Cognition.

Andersen, Svein S (2013)

Casestudier. Forskningsstrategi, generalisering og forklaring

[Scientific book]. Fagbokforlaget.

Andersen, Svein S (2010)

Organizing for optimal performance. Norway's particiaption in the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010

[Academic lecture]. XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology: Sociology On The Move.

Andersen, Svein S (2010)

Nordic elite sport - is organization and leadership the key?

[Academic lecture]. The 18th Conference of the European Association for Sport Management.

Andersen, Svein S (2008)

Big wins throug a strategy of small losses. Experience base learning in top sports

[Academic lecture]. 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Andersen, Svein Sundvall (2004)

The Mosaic of Europeanization. An Organizational Perspective on National Re-contextualization

[Report]. ARENA Centre for European Studies.

EU-integration is increasing in scope, depth and geographical space. It affects virtually all aspects of policy-making in EU member states. However, at the national level the impact varies widely across countries and sectors. This duality is likely to increase with the enlargement to the East. How can this contradictory picture be accounted for, and what does it imply for our understanding of European integration? The article proposes an organizational perspective on national re-contextualization, drawing upon institutional theory in sociology. It challenges integration theory as well as theories that try to explain different impact at the national level. First, a major part of EU-level integration does not always reflect rational or functional needs for increased efficiency. Second, a major part of integration taking place on the national level is outside the scope of traditional theories of integration. Third, consequently convergence and divergence are not necessarily opposites. And, fourth, degree of initial match or mismatch, or fit, is not a good indicator of, or explanation for, convergence or divergence.

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Kjell A. (2003)

Making Policy in Europe (Chinese translation)

[Scientific book]. China Publishing House.

Andersen, Svein S. & Sæther, Øyvind (2002)

Prestasjonskultur i kunnskapsadhokratier.Motivasjon, koordinering og effektivitet i moderne kunnskapsvirksomheter

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Andersen, Svein S. (2001)

How is EU possible?

[Academic lecture]. ARENA-konferansen "Institutional approaches to the EU".

Andersen, Svein S. (2001)

Institutional approaches to the EU: Towards an agenda

[Academic lecture]. ARENA-konferansen "Institutional approaches to the EU".

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Kjell A. (2001)

Making Policy in Europe

[Scientific book]. Sage.

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (2001)

Making Policy in Europe

[Scientific book]. Sage Publications, London.

Andersen, Svein S. (2000)

Petroleum, nasjonal handlefrihet - nye internasjonale rammebetingelser

[Report]. Makt- og demokratiutredningen.

Andersen, Svein S. & Eliassen, Knut A. (2000)

Making Policy in Europe

[Scientific book]. Sage: London.

Andersen, Svein S. & Mallakh, H.E. (1999)

Household Energy Use in the Perspective of Living Conditions, Life-Styles and Tiome Cost: Theoretical and Analytical Issues in Energy Sociology

[Academic lecture]. International Specialist Conference on Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances.

Andersen, Svein S & Revang, Øivind (1997)

Bankstrategier i personkundemarkedet - Visjoner eller dynamisk konservatisme?

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Andersen, Svein S & Revang, Øivind (1996)

Nye produkter og tjenester i bankenes personkundemarked: Trender drivkrefter og strategi

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Andersen, Svein S & Revang, Øivind (1995)

Teknologibasert samarbeid og kundedrevet konkurranse - Banknæringen i en brytningstid

[Report]. Forskningssenteret BI.

Andersen, Svein S & Eliassen, Kjell Arnold (1992)

Det nye Europa. Den europeiske unions institusjoner og politikk

[Textbook]. TANO.

Olaisen, Johan; Revang, Øivind, Larsen, Tor Jermund & Andersen, Svein S (1991)

The Dynamic Learning Organization: Creative Management in Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS)

[Academic lecture]. EIBA. 17th International Conference: An Enlarged Europe.

Andersen, Svein S & Revang, Øivind (1990)

Strategisk ledelse og omstilling - Når bedriftsøkonomiske kriterier ikke strekker til

[Academic lecture]. FIBE IIV.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1986 Standford University Ph.D Dr. Philos.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2006 - Present 黑料专区 School of Sport Sciences Professor
1985 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Professor