
Employee Profile

Trond Stiklestad

Adjunct Lecturer - Campus Trondheim

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour


Heldal, Frode & Stiklestad, Trond (2022)

Snowflakes – team learning as tool; you are not better than your group.

Falch, Torberg & Zavodna, Lucie Sara (red.). Teaching generation snowflakes: New challenges and opportunities

Erichsen, Morten; Stiklestad, Trond, Holum, Marthe & Jakobsen, Tor Georg (2021)

Added Value for Sponsors: A Study of Network in Football 2011–2018

Sport, Business and Management Doi: -

Purpose – This study identifies the outcomes prioritised by the sponsors of a sport, specifically football. The authors’ novel thesis is that the network collaboration between sponsors as well as with the sponsorship object (i.e. the football club) is a significant determinant of sponsor satisfaction and the likelihood of renewing the sponsorship deal. This perspective has not been adequately addressed in existing sponsorship research. Design/methodology/approach – The authors use an original dataset to empirically analyse networks and their business value for football sponsors. Our data covers sponsors of the 黑料专区 football club Rosenborg Ballklub (RBK) from 2011 to 2018, which we analyse using regression models. Findings – The results indicate that network effects are extremely important for sponsors in the RBK network. The authors’ analyses also indicate that network effects are more important than exposure. Practical implications – When planning, sponsors must analyse their motives for being a sponsor and assess how well their network functions by exploring its cohesiveness and scope. It is also very important that the sponsorship object be aware of the value of the network and enable interaction between the sponsors. Originality/value –This study confirms that functioning networks contribute to the satisfaction and renewal of sponsorships and can attract a growing number of sponsors for sports clubs, thus serving as an important source of income.

Stiklestad, Trond; Westeren, Knut Ingar & Yeong, Michelle (2019)

Knowledge utilization, communication and innovations in aquaculture in an international perspective

Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, ICICKM, 1, s. 322- 330. Doi: -

Stiklestad, Trond & Heldal, Frode (2017)

Fra formelle lover og regler til magefølelse: Hva kan vi lære av politiet?

Antonsen, Stian; Heldal, Frode & Kvalheim, Sverre Andreas (red.). Sikkerhet og ledelse

Stiklestad, Trond (2011)

Den store julematbløffen

Dagbladet Magasinet [Avis]

Stiklestad, Trond (2008)

Tour de France er god markedsføring


Sponsing av tv-sendingene fra Tour de France bidrar til god merkevarebygging av universitetet. NTNU har en sterk merkevare, og de må bruke midler for å ivareta og utvikle merkevaren.

Stiklestad, Trond (2007)

Syv gode råd for klubber på sponsorjakt


Tror ikke klubbene kommer utenom en profesjonalisering.

Stiklestad, Trond (2007)

En klubb i panikk


Medierådgivere er svært lite imponerte over taushetsplikterklæringen i Rosenborg, fordi åpenhet og folkelighet er blant de grunnleggende verdiene i klubben.

Stiklestad, Trond (2004)

Tvilsom markedsføring


Salg til private over telefon er en stor bransje, ikke alle aktører er like seriøse. Et triks for å komme inn i ditt private hjem er å forkle salget som en spørreundersøkelse.

Eriksen, Morten & Stiklestad, Trond (2020)

The added value for sponsors: A study of network and business partnership in soccer 2011-2018

[Academic lecture]. NTNU Business School Conference 2020.

Solberg, Frode; Eriksen, Morten & Stiklestad, Trond (2018)

Ledelse i små og mellomstore virksomheter. 2 utgave.

[Non-fiction book]. Fagbokforlaget.

Stiklestad, Trond; Solberg, Frode & Erichsen, Morten (2015)

Ledelse i små og mellomstore virksomheter

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Stiklestad, Trond & Solberg, Frode (2004)

KIFT Trøndelag. Sluttrapport pilotprosjekt og sluttrapport videreføring. Gjennomføring pilotproajhekt 2001 - 2002. Gjennomføringsperiode videreføring 2003 - 2004.

[Report]. Innovasjon Norge.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2009 BI 黑料专区 Business School Master of Management
1997 黑料专区 University of Science and Technology Master Cand. Polit.
1990 Växjö University College Master of Science in Business
1990 University of Trondheim Ped. Seminar
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2001 - Present Trondheim Business School Senior Lecturer
1994 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Adjunct lecturer
2006 - 2007 Better Business AS Manager
2001 - 2003 Posisjon AS Manager
2000 - 2001 TI-Trøndelag Consultant