
Employee Profile

Erik Bertin Nes

Professor Emeritus - Department of Marketing

Area of Expertise


Nes, Erik Bertin & Gripsrud, Geir (2014)

When does it pay off to link a brand name to a country?

Journal of Euromarketing, 23(1-2), s. 22- 36. Doi:

Nes, Erik Bertin (2014)

Antecedents and consequences of replacing international independent intermediaries

European Business Review, 26(3), s. 218- 237. Doi:

Nes, Erik Bertin; Yelkur, Rama & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2014)

Consumer affinity for foreign countries: Construct development, buying behavior consequences and animosity contrasts

International Business Review, 23(4), s. 774- 784. Doi:

Nes, Erik Bertin; Yelkur, Rama & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2012)

Exploring the animosity domain and the role of affect in a cross-national context

International Business Review, 21(5), s. 751- 765. Doi:

Nes, Erik B. (2010)

Bør leverandører bruke sin norske opprinnelse i markedsføringen?

Magma forskning og viten, 13(1), s. 50- 54.

Gripsrud, Geir; Nes, Erik B. & Olsson, Ulf Henning (2010)

Effects of Hosting a Mega-Sport Event on Country Image

Event Management, 14, s. 193- 204.

Auruskeviciene, Vilte; Pundziene, Asta, Skudiene, Vida, Gripsrud, Geir, Nes, Erik B. & Olsson, Ulf Henning (2010)

Change of Attitudes and Country Image after Hosting Major Sport Events

Engineering Economics, 21(1), s. 53- 59.

Nes, Erik B. & Papadopoulos, Nicolas (2007)

The Role of National Cultural Distance on Country Image-based Product Evaluations?

Country of origin Effects on Consumer Behavio, Khalid I. Sulaiti, ed

Nes, Erik B.; Solberg, Carl Arthur & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2007)

The impact of national culture and communication on exporter-distributor relations and on export performance

International Business Review, 16(4), s. 405- 424.

Bilkey, Warren J & Nes, Erik B. (2002)

Country of Origin Effects on Product Evaluations

Paul W. Beamish and Xioyue Chen (eds): An Anthology from Journal of International Business Studies (Chinese Translation),

Solberg, Carl Arthur & Nes, Erik B. (2002)

Exporter Trust, Commitment and Marketing Control in Integrated and Independent Export Channels

International Business Review, 11, s. 385- 405.

Nes, Erik B. (2001)

Norges profil som opprinnelsesland

?, 4(1)

Nes, Erik; Ghauri, Pervez & Samonis, Val (1998)

Country of Origin Effects on Products coming from Eastern Europe

Enterprise Restructuring and Foreign Investment in the Transforming East

Nes, Erik & Ghauri, Pervez (1998)

Country of Origin Effects on Products Coming From Eastern Europe

?, 4(1/2)

Nes, Erik B. (2000)

Et kostbart land med høy miljøprofil

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) [Kronikk]

Nes, Erik Bertin (1)

Perspectives on international business: Insights from the 1970-1985 JIBS Decade Award

Journal of International Business Studies [Kronikk]

Lanseng, Even Johan; Gripsrud, Geir & Nes, Erik Bertin (2021)

Perception of multiple country-of-brand origins and the effect of foreign-sounding brand names on attitude

[Academic lecture]. 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference.

Biong, Harald; Nes, Erik Bertin & Sande, Jon Bingen (2016)

Markedsføring på bedriftsmarkedet 4. utgave

[Textbook]. Universitetsforlaget.

Nes, Erik Bertin & Gripsrud, Geir (2010)

Country of origin image and brand image congruence: The impact on brand equity

[Academic lecture]. International Marketing Trends Conference.

Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nes, Erik Bertin (2010)

The concept of country affinity in consumer behavior

[Academic lecture]. Johan Arndt-Konferansen.

Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nes, Erik Bertin (2009)

Extending the Domain of Animosity in a Cross-National Context: The Effect of Psychosocial Outcomes on Buying Intentions

[Academic lecture]. Johan Arndt Marketing Conference 2009.

Gripsrud, Geir; Nes, Erik Bertin & Olsson, Ulf (2006)

Effects on country image by hosting a major sports event

[Academic lecture]. Anziba.

Biong, Harald & Nes, Erik B. (2003)

Markedsføring på bedriftsmarkedet : industri, tjenesteyting og offentlig virksomhet

[Scientific book]. Universitetsforlaget.

Nes, Erik B. & Solberg, Carl Arthur (2002)

Precursors of commitment and trust in exporter-distributor relations and the effects on export performance

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Marketing Science 2002. Multicultural Marketing Conference.

Nes, Erik B. & Solberg, Carl Arthur (2002)

Exporter-distributor relations and the effects on performance

[Academic lecture]. European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC).

Nes, Erike B. (2001)

Trust and Commitment in International Customer-Supplier Relations

[Academic lecture]. IMP Conference.

Solberg, Carl Arthur & Nes, Erik (2001)

Commitment and Trust in International Marketing Relations

[Academic lecture]. The IMP-Conference.

Solberg, Carl Srthur & Nes, Erik B. (2000)

Exporter Trust, Commitment and Marketing Control in Integrated and Independent Export Channels

[Academic lecture]. European International Business Association Conference (EIBA).

Heslop, Louise A.; Papadopoulos, Nicolas & Nes, Erik (2000)

Evidence of Home Country Bias in Evaluations of Products: A 15-Country Study

[Academic lecture]. European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC).

Heslop, Louise A.; Papadopoulos, Nicolas & Nes, Erik B. (2000)

A Cross-National and Longitudinal Study of Product-Country Images with a Focus on the U.S and Japan

[Report]. Marketing Science Institue (MSI).

Solberg, Carl Arthur & Nes, Erik B. (2000)

Exporter trust, commitment and marketing control in integrated and independent export channels

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Nes, Erik Bertin & Solberg, Carl Arthur (1999)

Commitment and Trust in International Markting Relations

[Academic lecture]. IMP Conference, Dubin 1999.

Nes, Erik B. & Biong, Harald (1999)

Markedsføring på Bedriftsmarkedet

[Textbook]. Tano Aschehoug.

Nes, Erik B. (1999)

Internasjonal markedsføring: Tillit og forpliktelse i kunde/ leverandør relasjoner; implikasjoner for bedriftens resultatoppnåelse. Bedriftkontaktprogrammet 1999

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
1981 University of Wisconsin-Madison Ph.D.
1972 University of Wisconsin-Madison M.B.A.
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2013 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Professor of Marketing
1993 - 2013 BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor of Marketing
1991 - 1993 Oslo Business School Associate Professor and Chair Marketing Department
1988 - 1991 Alcatel STK Bedriftssystemer AS Managing Director
1982 - 1988 Roneo Alcatel AS Managing Director
1981 - 1982 Gustav A. Ring System Maskiner AS Sales Director
1972 - 1977 Astra-Gruppen AS Product and Market Manager