Employee Profile

Even Johan Lanseng

Associate Professor - Department of Marketing


Even J. Lanseng is an associate professor at BI, ºÚÁÏרÇø business School. He has published several articles in academic journals such as the European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Service Management, Journal of Brand Management, and Food Quality and Preference. His research interests primarily focus on consumer research, branding, and marketing communication.


Lanseng, Even & Sivertsen, Hanne Kristine (2018)

The roles of schema incongruity and expertise in consumers’ wine judgment

Food Quality and Preference, 71(Januar), s. 261- 269. Doi: -

Schjøll, Alexander; Alfnes, Frode & Lanseng, Even (2018)

Reklame i blogger – forbrukeres holdninger og reaksjoner

Storm-Mathisen, Ardis; Jacobsen, Eivind, Tangen, Karl-Fredrik & Helle-Valle, Jo (red.). Markedsføring og forbrukerne – samfunnsvitenskapelige blikk

Lanseng, Even (2016)

Relevant sex appeals in advertising: Gender and commitment context differences

Frontiers in Psychology, 7(September) Doi:

Lanseng, Even Johan (2014)

A typology of consumption value : teasing out the unique properties of utilitarian, symbolic, experiential, and aesthetic consumption value

Beta, 28(2), s. 107- 117.

Lanseng, Even Johan (2014)

Consumption Value: Teasing out the Unique Properties of Utilitarian, Symbolic, Experiential, and Aesthetic Consumption Value

Beta, 28(2), s. 107- 117.

Augensen, Helene; Moen, Maren & Lanseng, Even Johan (2014)

Ærlighet varer lengst : åpen bloggsponsing er mer effektiv enn skjult

Magma forskning og viten, 17(3), s. 58- 63.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Majoor, Maarten (2013)

The relative importance of advertising elements and the roles of sex (gender) and involvement :

Beta, 27(2), s. 97- 112.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Olsen, Lars Erling (2012)

Brand alliances: the role of brand concept consistency

European Journal of Marketing, 46(9), s. 1108- 1126. Doi:

Olsen, Lars Erling & Lanseng, Even Johan (2012)

Brands in texts: Attitudinal effects of brand placements in narrative fiction

Journal of Brand Management, 19(8), s. 702- 711. Doi:

Andreassen, Tor Wallin & Lanseng, Even Johan (2010)

Service differentiation A self-image congruency perspective on brand building in the labor market

Journal of Service Management (JOSM), 21(2), s. 212- 236. Doi:

Andreassen, Tor W. & Lanseng, Even J. (2010)

Service differentiation: A self-image congruency perspective on brand building in the labor market

International Journal of Service Industry Management, 21(2), s. 212- 236.

Lanseng, Even J. & Andreassen, Tor W. (2007)

Electronic Healthcare? A Study of Peoples Readiness and Attitude Toward Performing Self-Diagnosis

International Journal of Service Industry Management, 18(4), s. 394- 417.

Lanseng, Even J.; Lanseng, Even J. & Wanebo, Tor Arne (2007)

Pionermerke eller etterfølgermerke - fordeler og ulemper

Magma forskning og viten, 10(2), s. 53- 59.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Andreassen, Tor Wallin (1997)

The principal’s and agents’ contribution to customer loyalty within an integrated service distribution channel: An external perspective

European Journal of Marketing, 31(7), s. 487- 503.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Selnes, Fred Erling (2024)

Markedsføringsledelse et kundesentrisk perspektiv

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Selnes, Fred Erling & Lanseng, Even Johan (2024)

Marketing Management: A Customer-Centric Approach

[Textbook]. Sage Publications.

Lanseng, Even Johan (2024)

Exploring the influence of the influencer

[Academic lecture]. 18th International Research Conference in Service Management.

Lanseng, Even Johan (2022)

Under influence of the influencer: what mechanism explains an influencer’s influence on consumers’ product evaluations?

[Academic lecture]. Johan Arnt Markedsføringskonferanse.

Lanseng, Even Johan; Gripsrud, Geir & Nes, Erik Bertin (2021)

Perception of multiple country-of-brand origins and the effect of foreign-sounding brand names on attitude

[Academic lecture]. 2021 AMA Global Marketing SIG Conference.

Lanseng, Even (2018)

The roles of cognitive load and brand knowledge in brand value co-creation

[Academic lecture]. 15th international research conference in service management.

Lanseng, Even (2016)

Incumbent versus Newcomer Advantages: A Fundamental Motives Explanation

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Marketing Science WMC 2016.

Lanseng, Even; Alfnes, Frode & Schjøll, Alexander (2015)

Forbrukernes holdninger og bevissthet rundt skjult reklame i blogger og i nettbutikker

[Report]. Sifo.

Selnes, Fred & Lanseng, Even Johan (2014)

Markedsføringsledelse : med digitale verktøy

[Non-fiction book]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Andreassen, Tor Wallin (2013)

From Healthcare to e-Healthcare: Are People Ready?

Kandampully, Jay (red.). Service Management in Health and Wellness Services

Lanseng, Even Johan (2013)

Unknowingly Ready or Knowingly Unready? The Roles of Implicit Memory (prime) and Menstrual Cycle in Women’s Brand Evaluation

[Academic lecture]. Fibe 2013.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Majoor, Maarten (2012)

Attractive versus Popular:Men and Women’s Reactions to Male and Female Models in Advertising

[Academic lecture]. 2012 Asia-Pacific Association for Consumer Research Conference.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Sivertsen, Hanne Kristine (2011)

Rethinking the Incongruity Effect in Consumer Judgments

[Academic lecture]. Johan Arndt Konferansen.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Sivertsen, Hanne Kristine (2011)

Rethinking the Schema-Incongruity Effect in Consumer Judgments

[Academic lecture]. Association for Consumer Research North-American annual conference.

Lanseng, Even Johan (2010)

A Typology of Consumption Value: Teasing out the Unique Properties of Utilitarian, Symbolic, Experiential, and Aesthetic Consumption Qualities

[Academic lecture]. European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research.

Olsen, Lars Erling; Lanseng, Even Johan, Baalerud, H & Holtmoen, H (2009)

Brands in Text - Attitudinal Effects of Brand Placements in Narrative Fiction

[Academic lecture]. World Marketing Congress.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Holtmoen, Å. (2009)

Brands in Text—Attitudinal Effects of Brand Placements in Narrative Fiction

[Academic lecture]. Fourteenth Biennial World Marketing Congress.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Wanebo, Tor Arne (2009)

Pioneering (Dis)advantage and Later Entrant (Dis)advantage: The Role of Consumer Goals in Pioneer and Later Entrant Brand Advantages

[Academic lecture]. Association for Consumer Research Annual North American Conference.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Supphellen, Magne (2008)

Using Ideals and Typicality Measures to Enhance the Attitude-Behavior Relationship

[Academic lecture]. Johan Arndts Markedføringskonferanse.

Lanseng, Even Johan & Andreassen, Tor Wallin (2008)

A Service-Dominant Logic for Branding

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Marketing conference.

Lanseng, Even Johan (2008)


[Academic lecture]. FIBE - Fagkonferanse i bedriftsøkonomiske emner.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2002 ºÚÁÏרÇø University of Life Sciences (UMB) Ph.D Dr. Scient.
1993 BI ºÚÁÏרÇø Business School Master of Science in Business
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2006 - Present BI ºÚÁÏרÇø Business School Associate Professor
2009 - 2011 Lillehammer University College Lecturer
2008 - 2009 University of Melbourne Visiting Associate Professor
1999 - 2005 ºÚÁÏרÇø University of Life Sciences (UMB) Associate Professor