
Employee Profile

Jon Bingen Sande

Associate Professor - Department of Marketing


Sande received his PhD from the 黑料专区 University of Life Sciences (NMBU), department of Natural Resource Management, in 2008, while also following the PhD-program at the 黑料专区 School of Economics and Business Administration. His dissertation dealt with the development and use of common ground in industrial buyer supplier relationships. Sande has also been a fellow at the World Forest Institute in Portland Oregon and a visiting scholar at Turku School of Economics in Turku, Finland.

Since 2008 Sande has worked as associate professor in the Department of Marketing at BI 黑料专区 Business School, teaching business-to-business marketing and international marketing.

Research areas
Sandes main research interests include
- marketing strategy - interorganizational relationships and contracting - business-to-business marketing - public procurement - distribution channels and sales force design
Sandes approach to these topic follows in general the logic of organizational economics, such as transaction cost economics and agency theory, as well as theories of relational exchange, communication, social psychology and problem solving. Organizational economics emphasize that parties to firms and individuals are often motivated solve problems and create value together, but various challenges make it difficult. These challenges include both cooperation challenges, arising due to conflicting interests, and coordination challenges, arising because the parties' actions are interdependent and should be coherent with one another. Organizations can overcome these challenges and maximize value creation by identifying appropriate contract designs, norms, incentive systems, and structures of shared knowledge.

Jon Bingen Sande is currently responsible for work-package 9 on public procurement at .

Teaching areas
MRK 3502 Bedriftsmarkedsføring, salg og forhandlinger
EXC 3602 International marketing.

GRA 6444 B2B Marketing

Area of Expertise


Sande, Jon Bingen & Ghosh, Mrinal (2018)

Endogeneity in survey research

International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35(2), s. 185- 204. Doi: -

Endogeneity is a crucial problem in survey-based empirical research on marketing strategy (MS) and inter-organizational relationships (IORs); if not addressed, it can cause researchers to arrive at flawed conclusions and to offer poor advice to practitioners. Although the field is increasingly cognizant of endogeneity-related issues, many authors fail to properly address it, particularly in survey-based research. Emphasizing the role of essential heterogeneity, this article develops an overarching framework to help improve the understanding of endogeneity problems and how to tackle them when researchers use cross-sectional survey-based data. The authors provide explanations of and advice for how MS and IOR researchers can address six “painful” and sometimes hidden decisions: 1) Do you have an endogeneity problem? 2) What technique/estimator is appropriate? 3) What instrumental variables (IVs) should be chosen? 4) How should IVs be evaluated empirically? 5) How should the results be interpreted and evaluated? and 6) What results should you report? The authors provide a practical flowchart to guide researchers in their efforts to address endogeneity-related concerns.

Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Sande, Jon Bingen (2016)

Improving customer knowledge transfer in industrial firms: how does previous work experience influence the effect of reward systems?

The journal of business & industrial marketing, 31(2), s. 232- 246. Doi:

Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven Arne (2015)

Strategic performance effects of misaligned formal contracting: The mediating role of relational contracting

International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32(2), s. 187- 194. Doi:

Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Sande, Jon Bingen (2014)

Getting the most out of cross-functional cooperation: Internal structural change as a trigger for customer information use

Industrial Marketing Management, 43(8), s. 1394- 1406. Doi:

Sande, Jon Bingen & Ghosh, Mrinal (2010)

Dealing With Endogeneity In Inter-Organizational And Marketing Strategy Research: A Review

EMAC Annual Conference proceedings

Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Sande, Jon Bingen (2010)

Reward systems for multiknowledge individuals: improving non-marketing managers? use of customer information

EMAC Annual Conference proceedings, 39

Svendsen, Mons Freng; Haugland, Sven A., Haugland, Sven A. & Sande, Jon Bingen (2009)

Transaction cost, strategic positioning, and institutional determinants of relationship governance in international business-to-business relationship

EMAC Annual Conference proceedings, 38

Nyrud, Anders Qvale; Roos, Anders & Sande, Jon Bingen (2008)

Residential bioenergy heating: A study of consumer perceptions of improved woodstoves

Energy Policy, 36(8), s. 3169- 3176. Doi:

Consumers' choices play a key role for the development of biomass heating in the residential sector. The city of Oslo has granted subsidies to households who change to new, improved low-emission woodstoves. The purpose of this study is to expand the knowledge about users' experiences and attitudes to residential biomass heating. An adapted model of the Theory of Planned Behavior was used to model households' inclination to continue using their woodstoves for heating. More than 800 questionnaires were collected from households that recently had invested in an improved woodstove. The respondents were satisfied with the new woodstoves. The respondents also considered themselves competent to use and maintain the stove and few had problems acquiring fuelwood. Further analyses showed that the intention to continue to use the new woodstove depends on economic benefits, heating performance, perceived time and effort to operate the stove, environmental effects of heating as well as perceived subjective norm. The results imply that when marketing a modern technology for bioenergy heating, both public authorities and producers should consider issues related to the users' perception of subjective norm, such as perceived status of using bioenergy or environmental concerns, when designing campaigns to promote the use of woodstoves. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Nyrud, Anders Qvale (2008)

Consumer preferences for wood surfaces - a latent variable approach

Scandinavian Forest Economics, 42, s. 195- 215.

Sande, Jon Bingen (2007)

Governance of supplier-customer relations: an empirical review

Schweizerische Zeitschrift f眉r Forstwesen = Swiss Forestry Journal, 158(12), s. 406- 416. Doi:

The forest industry is riddled with marketing exchange relationships. The parties to exchanges may have diverging goals and interests, but still depend upon each other due to non-redeployable specific assets. Formal and relational contracts may be used to deal with the resulting cooperation problems. This paper proposes a framework based on transaction cost economics and relational exchange theory, and examines to what extent empirical research has found formal and relational contracts to deal with three different governance problems. To that end, I review the results from 3 studies in a range of settings. These studies generally support the view that exchanges characterized by high degrees of specific assets should be supported by formal and relational contracts.

Baudin, Anders; Eliasson, Lars, Gustafsson, Åsa, Hagström, Lina, Helstad, Klara, Nyrud, Anders Qvale, Sande, Jon Bingen, Haartveit, Erlend Y. & Ziethén, Rune (2005)

ICT and the Wood Industry

Hetem盲ki, Lauri & Nilsson, Sten (red.). Information Technology and the Forest Sector

Nyrud, Anders Qvale; Michie, Bruce & Sande, Jon Bingen (2004)

Investigating globalization: The case of forest products markets

Scandinavian Forest Economics, 40, s. 315- 326.

Olsen, Per Ingvar; Sande, Jon Bingen & Abrahamsen, Morten H. (2020)

Tre tiltak som gir helsevesenet utstyret det trenger

Stavanger Aftenblad [Kronikk]

Farbrot, Audun; Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Sande, Jon Bingen (2015)

Lytter mer til kunden i urolige tider

forskning.no [Internett]

Jakobsen, Roar; Haugland, Sven Arne, Sande, Jon Bingen & Hvidsten, Oddgeir (2014)

Hindrer privatisering

Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]

Sande, Jon Bingen; Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Haugland, Sven Arne (1)

Hvordan lykkes med kunde—leverandørrelasjoner i skog- og trebasert industri?

Norsk Skogbruk [Kronikk]

Sande, Jon Bingen & Olsen, Lars Erling (1)

Grønn markedsføring og offentlige anskaffelser

Magma forskning og viten [Kronikk]

Sande, Jon Bingen (2023)

Hvordan bruke relasjonskontrakter i offentlige anskaffelser - Gode råd for et vellykket samarbeid mellom offentlige og private aktører

Kv忙rner, Kari Jorunn & Hoholm, Thomas (red.). H氓ndbok i helseinnovasjon. Forskningsbaserte r氓d og verkt酶y for 氓 forme fremtidens helsetjeneste

Sande, Jon Bingen (2023)

Guide til kompleks problemløsing i anskaffelser - Steg for steg for å lykkes

Kv忙rner, Kari Jorunn & Hoholm, Thomas (red.). H氓ndbok i helseinnovasjon. Forskningsbaserte r氓d og verkt酶y for 氓 forme fremtidens helsetjeneste

Sande, Jon Bingen (2023)

Hva er problemet med offentlige anskaffelser? Utfordringer og muligheter for gode samarsbeid med private leverandører

Kv忙rner, Kari Jorunn & Hoholm, Thomas (red.). H氓ndbok i helseinnovasjon. Forskningsbaserte r氓d og verkt酶y for 氓 forme fremtidens helsetjeneste

Sande, Jon Bingen; Abrahamsen, Morten H., Wathne, Kenneth Henning, Jensen, Henrik & Ghosh, Mrinal (2022)

Relasjonskontrakter i offentlige anskaffelser på e-helsefeltet

[Report]. BI 黑料专区 Business School.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Astvansh, Vivek (2022)

Endogeneity Correction and Text Mining in B2B Research (SS & Workshop)

[Academic lecture]. ISMB Academic Conference 2022 Advances in B2B Markets.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Haugland, Sven Arne (2022)

Market Governance In Ongoing Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Antecedents, Governance, Complementarities, and Performance Consequences

[Academic lecture]. ISBM Academic Conference 2022 Advances in B2B Markets.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Haugland, Sven Arne (2022)

Understanding shared knowledge in buyer-supplier relationships

[Academic lecture]. Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning, Ghosh, Mrinal & Jensen, Henrik (2021)

The role of cross-understanding in complex problem solving in interorganizational relationships

[Academic lecture]. B2B Marketing Research Online Seminar Series (BROSS).

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning, Ghosh, Mrinal & Jensen, Henrik (2021)

The role of cross-understanding in complex problem solving in interorganizational relationships

[Academic lecture]. 2021 AMA Winter Academic Conference.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning & Ghosh, Mrinal (2019)

A problem-finding and problem-solving perspective to customer solutions: the role of cross-understanding and relational contracting

[Academic lecture]. 2019 AMA Winter Academic Conference.

Jensen, Henrik & Sande, Jon Bingen (2018)

The Importance of Business-to-Government Contracts and Why They Often Fail (To Meet Expectations)

[Academic lecture]. ISBM Academic Conference 2018 Advances in Business-to-Business Marketing.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Haugland, Sven Arne (2018)

Deploying Market Price Governance and Relational Norms for Improving Cost Reduction Outcomes in Buyer-Supplier Exchanges

[Academic lecture]. ISBM Academic Conference 2018 Advances in Business-to-Business Marketing.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Haugland, Sven Arne (2018)

Deploying Price Governance and Relational Norms for Improving Cost Reduction Outcomes in Buyer-supplier Exchanges

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Oslo Conference.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning & Ghosh, Mrinal (2017)

Microfoundations of Value Creation and Relational Contracting in B2B Relationships: the Role Cross-understanding

[Academic lecture]. SIOE 2017 (Society for institutional & organizational economics).

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning & Ghosh, Mrinal (2017)

Microfoundations of value creation and relational contracting in B2B relationships: The role of cross-understanding

[Academic lecture]. Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research.

Korhonen-Sande, Silja; Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven Arne (2017)

The joint effect of shared organizational knowledge and purchasing centralization on buyer's cost reduction outcomes and innovativeness

[Academic lecture]. EMAC 2017 Conference.

Korhonen-Sande, Silja; Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven Arne (2017)

Being effectively efficient in mature industries - How do price governance and relational norms influence cost reduction and innovation outcomes?

[Academic lecture]. 23rd Nordic Workshop in Interorganisational Studies.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning & Ghosh, Mrinal (2016)

The Micro-Foundations of Value Creation in B2B Relationships: The Role of Cross-Understanding

[Academic lecture]. ISBM Academic Conference 2016: Advances in Business-to-Business Marketing.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Wathne, Kenneth Henning & Ghosh, Mrinal (2016)

Does interorganizational cross-understanding matter in buyer-supplier relationships?

[Academic lecture]. EMAC.

Biong, Harald; Nes, Erik Bertin & Sande, Jon Bingen (2016)

Markedsføring på bedriftsmarkedet 4. utgave

[Textbook]. Universitetsforlaget.

Sande, Jon Bingen (2013)

The second-generation empirical research on transaction cost economics – A review of the approaches

[Academic lecture]. Johan Arndt-konferansen.

Korhonen-Sande, Silja & Sande, Jon Bingen (2013)


[Academic lecture]. EURAM-conference.

Jakobsen, Roar; Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven Arne (2013)

Service procurement in public sector: The influence of the institutional context on the decision makers' attentiveness to transaction cost considerations

[Academic lecture]. 17th Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics.

Jakobsen, Roar; Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven Arne (2013)

Service procurement in service sector: The influence of the institutional context on the decision makers' attentiveness to transaction cost considerations

[Academic lecture]. International Conference "Contracts, Procurements, and Public-Private Arrangements".

Sande, Jon Bingen & Wathne, Kenneth Henning (2012)

Measuring relational norms as higher-order belief structures

[Academic lecture]. Johan Arndt Konferansen.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven A (2012)

Antecedents and performance implications of misaligned formal contracting in industrial buyer-supplier relationships

[Academic lecture]. 2012 ISBM Biennial Academic Conference.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven Arne (2012)

The consequences of misaligned formal contracting for relational contracting

[Academic lecture]. 34th ISMS Marketing Science Conference.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven A (2010)

Formal contractual governance, relational norms and relationship performance in industrial buyer-supplier relationships

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Ghosh, Mrinal (2010)

Tackling endogeneity in marketing strategy and inter-organizational research: A review

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven A (2010)

Detailed contract drafting in industrial buyer-supplier relationships: consequences of misaligned governance

[Academic lecture]. Johan Arndt Konferansen.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Haugland, Sven A (2010)

Detailed contract drafting in industrial buyer-supplier relationships: consequences of misaligned governance

[Academic lecture]. International Society for New Institutional Economics Conference.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Hauglan, Sven A. (2009)

A knowledge-based view of relational norms – what is the role of common knowledge in shaping relational norms?

[Academic lecture]. Johan Arndt Conference.

Sande, Jon Bingen & Korhonen-Sande, Silja (2009)

Customer information use by non-marketing managers: the impact of high structural flux and resource inadequacy

[Academic lecture]. EMAC (European Marketing Academy) conference 2009.

Sande, Jon Bingen (2008)

The Role of Common Knowledge in Buyer-Supplier Relationships

[Academic lecture]. ISNIE 2008. The International Society for New Institutional Economics 13th Annual Conference.

Sande, Jon Bingen (2008)

Strategisk utvikling av kundeleverandørforhold i skog- og trebasert industri

[Report]. Universitetet for milj酶- og biovitenskap.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Haugland, Sven A. & Haugland, Sven A. (2008)

Common knowledge in buyer-supplier relationships and its moderating effect on the relationship between environmental uncertainty and relational contracts

[Academic lecture]. FIBE 2008.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Haugland, Sven A. & Haugland, Sven A. (2008)

Common knowledge in buyer-supplier relationships and its moderating effect on the relationship between environmental uncertainty and relational contracts

[Academic lecture]. 2008 AMS Annual Conference.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Haugland, Sven A. & Haugland, Sven A. (2007)

The role of common knowledge in governing buyer-supplier relationships

[Academic lecture]. The 17th Nordic Workshop of Inter-organizational Research.

Common knowledge, the knowledge that people share and know that they share, has re-ceived little attention in research on buyer-supplier relationships. We develop in this study a theoretical model linking common knowledge in buyer-supplier relationships to key relation-ship variables such as specific assets, formal and relational contracts, and relationship out-comes. The model is tested on a sample of relationships within the Scandinavian wood in-dustry. Common knowledge was found to be important for achieving relationship outcomes, and strongly impacted relational contracts. We also found that formal contracts serve an im-portant role in developing common knowledge in relationships.

Sande, Jon Bingen; Haugland, Sven A. & Haugland, Sven A. (2007)

The role of common knowledge in governing buyer-supplier relationships

[Academic lecture]. The 36th European Academy of Marketing Conference.

Common knowledge, the knowledge that people share and know that they share, has received little attention in research on buyer-supplier relationships. We develop in this study a theoretical model linking common knowledge in buyer-supplier relationships to key relationship variables such as specific assets, formal and relational contracts, and relationship outcomes. The model is tested on a sample of relationships within the Scandinavian wood industry. Common knowledge was found to be important for achieving relationship outcomes, and strongly impacted relational contracts. We also found that formal contracts serve an important role in developing common knowledge in relationships.

Sande, Jon Bingen (2006)

Gjensidig kunnskap i leverandør-kunde relasjoner ? implikasjoner for strategi, styring og prestasjoner

[Academic lecture]. Stipendiatsamling for skog- og tre-stipendiater.

Sande, Jon Bingen (2006)

Governance of supplier-customer relationships in the forest industry

[Academic lecture]. 3rd Swiss Seminar on Forest Economics.

Sande, Jon Bingen (2005)

When should a forest industry company own forest?

[Academic lecture]. International Perspectives on Forestry.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2008 黑料专区 University of Life Sciences Ph.D.
2000 黑料专区 Univeristy of Life Sciences Master of Science
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2008 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor
2004 - 2008 黑料专区 University of Life Sciences PhD Candidate
2002 - 2004 黑料专区 University of Life Sciences Researcher
2000 - 2001 World Forest Institute Fellow