Ragnhild Silkoset is professor in marketing at BI 黑料专区 Business School.
Prior to this she was Dean for the Executive education and chair of the department of marketing. Silkoset has been a visiting scholar at College of Business at Florida Atlantic University, USA and Gatton Business School at the University of Kentucky, USA.She is also Adjunct Professor at School of Business and Economics at UiT Arctic University of Norway.
Silkoset received the degree of Dr. Economy from BI 黑料专区 Business School with the thesis "Collective Market Orientation in Co-producing networks". Before that she received the degree Cand Merc at Buskerud University College, majoring in marketing, minor in business administration and minor in educational theory and practice. Her research has been published in international journals such as Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Ethics, European Journal of Marketing, International Business Review and Journal of Business to Business Marketing, among others. In addition, Silkoset co-authored a research method book used by many 黑料专区 institutions.
In 2011 黑料专区 marketing research association appointed her to receive the price as this years marketing analytics for her pedagogical work with the research methodology course at BI. Silkoset has also been used as an expert witness in litigation for both the District Court and Court of Appeal.
Research areas
Blockchain, Fake products, Strategic Alliances, Social Networks, Market Orientation, Free Riding, Pricing Strategies, Inter-Organizational Relationships.
Teaching areas Research methodology
Pricing strategy
Market oriented management
Marketing channels
Applied quantitative analysis
Sustainable development and greenwashing: How blockchain technology information can empower green consumers
Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE) Doi:
The unethical behavior of greenwashing threatens the growth of sustainable products and markets. Greenwashing degrades essential efforts to reduce climate change and pollution and to promote social justice. False marketing communication that claims products are sustainable hurts the value of green products and weakens customer capability to prefer sustainable to nonsustainable products. Greenwashing also eliminates trust in “green” products. Markets infected by fake “green” products ultimately fail to provide the necessary sustainable transformation. Our study demonstrates that consumer access to reliable transparent, traceable, and tamperproof product information counteracts perceived greenwashing among consumers of ecological foods. Furthermore, our data indicate that blockchain information significantly more than certification systems safeguard consumers against the threat of greenwashing. Information validating authenticity promotes the development of sustainable products, protects intellectual property rights for suppliers of green products, and safeguards the supply of green products to consumers. Consumers need key information that ensures the provenance of green products. Conventional wisdom endorses certifications to constrain greenwashing. However, we find that blockchain information dimensions protect brands against perceived greenwashing more robustly than certification systems.
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2021)
Kunders deling av digitale atferdsdata: Muligheter og begrensninger gjennom blokkjedeteknologien
Magma forskning og viten, 2, s. 65- 74. -
Ny teknologi kan potensielt endre maktforholdet for datadeling mellom bedrifter og kunder. Frem til nå har store, internasjonale konsern som Facebook, Amazon og Google gjennom sin teknologi utnyttet kundenes digitale adferdsdata uten at brukerne er bevisste på dette. Vi er nå inne i et skifte hvor ny teknologi gjør det mulig å endre dette maktforholdet. Et eksempel er utviklingen av blokkjedeteknologiens applikasjon i mobiltelefoner, smartklokker og andre digitale enheter. Blokkjedeteknologien gir fremtidens kunder mulighet for å få kontroll med hvilke data de vil verifisere og dele, uten at man gir fri tilgang til alle rådataene, og uten at man går via en tredjepartsaktør. Muligheten for trygg deling av digitale, objektive adferdsdata betinger imidlertid at kundene er villige til å dele denne informasjonen direkte med bedriftene. Formålet med denne studien er derfor å kartlegge faktorer som påvirker kundenes vilje til å dele digitale, objektive adferdsdata med bedrifter. Hovedfunnene fra en preliminær kvantitativ studie blant 196 forsikringskunder viser at en sterk driver for datadeling er informasjonens sporbarhet. Kundene svarer at åpenhet rundt informasjonen (transparens) har en positiv, men svakere effekt på viljen til datadeling, mens bevaringen av opprinnelsen (originalitet) i dataene viser seg å ikke ha noen direkte effekt på viljen til å dele informasjon med forsikringsagentene. Av kompensasjonssystemer viser analysene at gavekort har en positiv effekt, mens kontantbetaling og rabatter ikke har noen effekt på viljen til å dele informasjon. Denne studien er et viktig første steg i å forstå hvordan ny teknologi i fremtiden kan endre måten bedrifter henter inn og behandler digitale objektive adferdsdata direkte fra kundene på.
Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2021)
Smarte kontrakter kan hindre grønnvasking
Magma forskning og viten, s. 21- 28. -
Biong, Harald & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2017)
Buying CSR with employees' pensions? The effect of social responsible investments on 黑料专区 SMEs' choice of pension fund management: A conjoint survey
International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(1), s. 56- 74. Doi:
Purpose Employees often expect an emphasis on financial aspects to be predominant when their employers choose a fund management company for the investment of employees’ pension fund deposits. By contrast, in an attempt to appear as socially responsible company managers may emphasize social responsibility (SR) in pension fund choices. The purpose of this paper is to examine to what extent managers for small- and medium-sized companies emphasize SR vs expected returns when choosing investment managers for their employees’ pension funds. Design/methodology/approach A conjoint experiment among 276 黑料专区 SMEs’ decision makers examines their trade-offs between social and financial goals in their choice of employees’ pension management. Furthermore, the study examines how the companies’ decision makers’ characteristics influence their pension fund management choices. Findings The findings show that the employers placed the greatest weight to suppliers providing funds adhering to socially responsible investment (SRI) practices, followed by the suppliers’ corporate brand credibility, the funds’ expected return, and the suppliers’ management fees. Second, employers with investment expertise emphasized expected returns and downplayed SR in their choice, whereas employers with stated CSR-strategies downplayed expected return and emphasized SR. Originality/value Choice of supplier to manage employees’ pension funds relates to a general discussion on whether companies should do well – maximizing value, or do good, – maximizing corporate SR. In this study, doing well means maximizing expected returns and minimizing costs of the pension investments, whereas doing good means emphasizing SRI in this choice. Unfortunately, the employees might pay a price for their companies’ ethicality as moral considerations may conflict with maximizing the employees’ pension fund value.
Nygaard, Arne; Biong, Harald, Silkoset, Ragnhild & Kidwell, Roland E. (2017)
Leading by example: values-based strategy to instill ethical conduct
Journal of Business Ethics, Published ahead of print Doi:
Silkoset, Ragnhild; Nygaard, Arne & Kidwell, Roland E. (2016)
Differential effects of plural ownership and governance mechanisms in limiting shirkers and free riders
Corporate Ownership and Control, 13(2), s. 113- 131. Doi: -
Nes, Erik Bertin; Yelkur, Rama & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2014)
Consumer affinity for foreign countries: Construct development, buying behavior consequences and animosity contrasts
International Business Review, 23(4), s. 774- 784. Doi:
Biong, Harald & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2014)
The ineffectiveness of corporate brand investments in creating price premiums
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 22(2), s. 169- 184. Doi:
Biong, Harald; Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2013)
Ledelse, lønnsomhet og etikk gjennom eksemplets makt
Magma forskning og viten, 16(2), s. 39- 46.
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2013)
Negative and Positive Effects of Social Capital on Co-located Firms’ Withholding Efforts
European Journal of Marketing, 47(1-2), s. 174- 197. Doi:
Nes, Erik Bertin; Yelkur, Rama & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2012)
Exploring the animosity domain and the role of affect in a cross-national context
International Business Review, 21(5), s. 751- 765. Doi:
Dahlstrøm, Robert; Silkoset, Ragnhild, Nilsen, Harald & Nygaard, Arne (2010)
Venner og kjente - hvordan hjelper de deg til bedre lønnsomhet i næringsklynger?
Magma forskning og viten, 13(5), s. 46- 53.
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2010)
Ti tips for prisstrategier i Krisetider
Magma forskning og viten, 13(1), s. 22- 25.
Biong, Harald; Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2010)
The Influence of Retail Management's Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment, and Performance
Journal of Business Ethics, 97(3), s. 341- 363. Doi:
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2009)
Market Orientation Capabilities: A Study of Learning Processes in Market-oriented Companies
VDM Verlag Dr. M眉ller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2009)
Prisstrategier til norske bedrifter
Magma forskning og viten, 12(4)
Biong, Harald & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2008)
Samarbeid eller konkurranse: to alternative veier til lavere priser og kostnader
Magma forskning og viten, 11(2), s. 59- 65.
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2007)
Tjenesteproduksjon og innovasjon
Innovasjonsprosesser ? om innovasjoners odyss茅, Hernes og Koefoed (red)
Kidwell Jr, Roland E.; Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2007)
Antecedents and Effects of Free Riding in the Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship
Journal of Business Venturing, 22(4), s. 522- 544.
Nes, Erik B.; Solberg, Carl Arthur & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2007)
The impact of national culture and communication on exporter-distributor relations and on export performance
International Business Review, 16(4), s. 405- 424.
Biong, Harald & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2006)
Extendedness as a relationship governance mechanism for securing cooperation in marketing relationships
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 13
Traditionally, buyers encourage fierce price competition among suppliers. Such price competition has been the dominating strategy for purchase of commodities in business markets. Undoubtedly, this practice has been effective in many cases. Unfortunately, transactional purchasing practices could have negative effects because they demotivate suppliers to engage in value creating activities and incur substantial transaction costs. In contrast to competition, buyer-seller cooperation can also bring prices and total costs down. One problem of cooperation is that the parties can realize individual gains by defection while the other continues to cooperate. This article examines how industrial buyers of a commodity can overcome this problem and realize cost savings and low prices by motivating the supplier to cooperate by offering an extended time frame for purchases. The authors test the research hypotheses in a sample of 347 industrial buyers of electricity. The empirical tests provide general support for their predictions. The implications of the findings for marketing theory and practice are discussed.
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2006)
En empirisk kartlegging av norske bedrifters forventninger til egen krisehåndtering
Magma forskning og viten, 9(4), s. 72- 87.
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2005)
Failure of collective action: The role of co-market orientation
Anthology for Kjell Gr酶nhaug in celebration of his 70th birthday. Anna Mette Fuglseth and Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe (eds)
Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2021)
«Smarte Kontrakter er Veien til Grønnere og mer Lønnsomme Forsyningskjeder,
Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]
Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2021)
«Hva kan Nortura lære av Walmart? Mer tilsyn er ikke veien til bedre dyrevelferd,»
Nationen [Kronikk]
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2021)
«Smarte Kontrakter er Veien til Grønnere og mer Lønnsomme Forsyningskjeder,»
Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]
Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2020)
Korona-profitørene De samme kriminelle aktørene som produserer falske luksusvarer omstilte seg raskt til Covid-19 produksjon
NRK Ytring [Kronikk]
Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2020)
Gode eksempler og tillit til eksperter trumfer tvang og restriksjoner
Dagens n忙ringsliv [Kronikk]
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2011)
VG [Avis]
Silkoset, Ragnhild; Nygaard, Arne & Biong, Harald (2011)
Eksempelets makt
Ukeavisen Ledelse [Avis]
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2011)
Slakter treningstrendene
VG [Avis]
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2011)
Vil bli smartere i å tjene penger
Dagligvarehandelen [Avis]
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2011)
Fra slakt til suksess
DN [Avis]
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2011)
Nisjenes død
Aftenposten [Avis]
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2011)
P4, Nyheter [Radio]
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2011)
Om nettverk
NRK Kvelds氓pent [Radio]
Nygaard, Arne & Silkoset, Ragnhild (1)
En perfekt storm: Pandemien og falske produkter
BI Marketing Magazine [Kronikk]
Silkoset, Ragnhild (1)
Dilter du etter?
INNSATS [Kronikk]
Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2024)
I kampen mot grønnvasking, kan blokkjede-teknologi være løsningen
How blockchain technology can effectively combat greenwashing OPINION: By ensuring transparency, it could reduce the impact of greenwashing and support genuine practices.
[Popular scientific article]. sciencenorway.no
Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2024)
How blockchain technology can effectively combat greenwashing in sustainable markets
[Popular scientific article]. The Academic
Silkoset, Ragnhild & Nygaard, Arne (2024)
I kampen mot grønnvasking kan blokk-kjedeteknologi være løsningen
[Popular scientific article]. www.digi.no
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2023)
Pricing: A Guide to Pricing Decisions
[Non-fiction book]. De Greuyter Verlag.
Johansen, Odd Erik; Høiberg, Mikkel Peter & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2023)
Identifying Factors Influencing Intention to Use and Willingness to Pay for Weight Reducing Products
[Academic lecture]. Obesity Week.
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2022)
Pris. En bok om prissätting
[Non-fiction book]. Studentlitteratur AB.
Till ett företags absolut svåraste uppgifter hör att prissätta sina produkter. Sätts priset för lågt riskerar företaget att inte få sina kostnader täckta eller gå med förlust, sätts det för högt riskerar företaget att förlora potentiella kunder. Prisstrategi är ett område inom vilket företagsledare måste vara framgångsrika. Trots detta är det ett område där de har dålig kompetens och är dåligt rustade för att göra goda och långsiktiga val. Företagsledare prioriterar oftast att använda företagets resurser på design, varumärkesbyggande, strategiplaner och produktutveckling i stället för att lära sig mer om och satsa på prisstrategi. Boken presenterar ett grundläggande prisstrategiverktyg som kan användas av företag och entreprenörer i alla faser.
Silkoset, Ragnhild; Olsson, Ulf H. & Gripsrud, Geir (2021)
Metode, dataanalyse og innsikt
[Non-fiction book]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Silkoset, Ragnhild (2021)
Pris: En håndbok i prisbeslutninger
[Non-fiction book]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Sallis, James E; Gripsrud, Geir, Olsson, Ulf H. & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2021)
Research Methods and Data Analysis for Business Decisions A Primer Using SPSS
Nygaard, Arne; Silkoset, Ragnhild & Kidwell, Roland E. (2020)
Government Coercion Backfires in FightingCOVID-19 Their draconian measures and hypocrisy in following them come ata cost.
[Popular scientific article]. The American Spectator
Influence, persuasion, and communication are complicated matters that politicians must navigate to limit the spread of COVID-19. Most people feel a strong responsibility to reduce the spread of infection. This has given authorities legitimacy to introduce strict measures, such as harsh restrictions and punitive penalties aimed at companies, organizations, and individuals. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and other politicians don’t obey the intrusive restrictions they place on others. Yet the coercive power displayed through such restrictions as business lockdowns and stay-at-home orders frequently leads to increases in drug use, suicide rates, depression, unemployment, and economic ruin.
Silkoset, Ragnhild; Dahlstrøm, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (2018)
The End of Organizations? The Disruptive Impact of Blockchain Technology on Trust, Opportunism and Transactions
[Academic lecture]. SMS Special Conference.
Silkoset, Ragnhild; Dahlstrøm, Robert & Nygaard, Arne (2018)
The Blockchain Disruption: From Lemons to Peach Markets
[Academic lecture]. Blockchain Technology & Organizational Research Symposium.
Silkoset, Ragnhild; Nygaard, Arne & Kidwell, Roland E* (2012)
Differential Effects of Governance Mechanisms on Franchisor-Franchisee Unit Opportunism
[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
Biong, Harald & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2011)
Will companies pay for clean conscience? The effect of social responsible investments on SMEs' choice of pension funds?
[Academic lecture]. Johan Arndt Memorial Conference.
Gripsrud, Geir & Silkoset, Ragnhild (2010)
Metode og Dataanalyse: Beslutingsstøtte for bedrifter ved bruk av JMP. Oppgavesamling