
Employee Profile

Amir Sasson

Professor - Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Area of Expertise


Sabel, Christopher Albert & Sasson, Amir (2023)

Different people, different pathways: Human capital redeployment in multi-business firms

Strategic Management Journal, 44(13), s. 3185- 3216. Doi: -

Multi-business firms redeploy human capital to strengthen individual business units. However, we know little about the antecedents of such redeployments and their effects on unit outcomes. Contributing to the resource redeployment and strategic human capital literatures, we test the relationships between parent–unit industry relatedness, the direction of redeployment (parent-to-unit and unit-to-parent), the type of human capital, the likelihood of redeployment, and post-redeployment unit closure. Using 黑料专区 population-level microdata of spinouts, we find that parent–unit industry relatedness increases the likelihood of human capital redeployment and that this effect is stronger for generalists than for specialists. Further, we find that parent-to-unit and unit-to-parent redeployment of generalists and specialists have distinct effects on unit closure, largely because of differences in post-redeployment unit performance.

Ostergaard, Charlotte; Sasson, Amir & Sørensen, Bent E. (2020)

Cash flow sensitivities and bank-finance shocks in non-listed firms

International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance, 11(1), s. 35- 70. Doi: -

We study how small firms manage cash flows by estimating cash flow sensitivities for all sources and uses of cash. Our data are 黑料专区 non-listed firms which can be matched to the banks they borrow from. Firms with low cash holdings mainly use external finance to offset cash flow fluctuations over the cycle, whereas firms with high cash holdings rely mainly on internal finance. Estimating how cash flow sensitivities change with exogenous bank shocks, we find that the cyclicality of cash-poor firms' investment is amplified because they do not substitute internal for external finance. Our results imply that for small firms, the transmission of financial shocks to the real economy is closely tied to their accumulation of cash.

Sasson, Amir (2018)

At the Forefront, Looking Ahead: Research-Based Answers to Contemporary Uncertainties of Management


This book presents research-based answers to some of the uncertainties that managers, investors, employees and policymakers face. On its 75th anniversary, BI 黑料专区 Business School is undoubtedly a researchbased school at the forefront of global research. Its research groups contribute excellent, original research that is at the international forefront appearing in top international journals, while its graduates, more than those of any other school, populate CEO positions. Being at the forefront requires that we look ahead, not merely celebrate past successes. This book does exactly that. It covers three themes: 1. The digital organization, including algorithm-based decision making and management, digital labour, business models, corporate reputation and branding 2. The governance of corporations, with specific reference to state-owned and family-owned firms and their auditing 3. Decision-making, incentives and innovation, covering issues such as employee motivation and creativity, environmental R&D, political decision-making and customer experience

O'Brien, Jonathan & Sasson, Amir (2017)

A contingency theory of entrepreneurial debt governance

Journal of Business Research, 81, s. 118- 129. Doi: -

Access to debt can be crucial for entrepreneurs who need capital. Embedding economic ties within a social relationship with the debt provider can ensure capital availability and attenuate opportunism. However, such a relationship requires substantial investments in time and effort. We advance a solution to this entrepreneurial conundrum by proposing a contingency theory which prescribes aligning the fundamental transactional properties (i.e., asset specificity, uncertainty and frequency) with the nature of the entrepreneur-bank relationship (i.e., embedded versus arm's length). Our theory predicts that transactional properties affect the optimal governance of the entrepreneur-bank relationship, and that social embeddedness can transform what looks like a market transaction (e.g., a debt transaction) into a hybrid form of governance more akin to a hierarchy. Using a sample of small businesses in the U.S., we find that congruence between the optimal governance structure and the actual governance structure results in higher firm performance

Sasson, Amir & Johnson, John Chandler (2016)

The 3D printing order: variability, supercenters and supply chain reconfigurations

International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 46(1), s. 82- 94. Doi:

Luzzi, Alessandra & Sasson, Amir (2016)

Individual Entrepreneurial Exit and Earnings in Subsequent Paid Employment

Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 40(2), s. 401- 420. Doi:

Iurkov, Viacheslav & Sasson, Amir (2015)

How Much Do Alliance Networks Matter?

Academy of Management Proceedings, 1 Doi:

Luzzi, Alessandra & Sasson, Amir (2015)

Entrepreneurial skills or reward for success? Does entrepreneurship pay in future paid employment?

Academy of Management Proceedings, 1 Doi:

Reve, Torger & Sasson, Amir (2015)

Theoretical and methodological advances in cluster research

Competitiveness Review: an international business journal, 25(5), s. 524- 539. Doi:

Reve, Torger & Sasson, Amir (2015)

Complementing clusters: A competitiveness rationale for infrastructure investments

Competitiveness Review: an international business journal, 25(3), s. 242- 257. Doi:

McNamara, Peter; Peck, Simon I. & Sasson, Amir (2013)

Competing Business Models, Value Creation and Appropriation in English Football

Long Range Planning, 46(6), s. 475- 487. Doi:

Reve, Torger & Sasson, Amir (2012)

"Kunnskapsbasert næringslivsutvikling"

Magma forskning og viten, 15(0112), s. 16- 22.

Reve, Torger & Sasson, Amir (2012)

Et kunnskapsbasert Norge


Sasson, Amir & Minoja, Mario (2010)

Banking on Ambidexterity: A Longitudinal Study of Ambidexterity, Volatility, and Performance

Kellermanns, Franz W. & Mazzola, Pietro (red.). Handbook of Strategy Process Research

Fjeldstad, Øystein & Sasson, Amir (2010)

Membership Matters: On the Value of Being Embedded in Customer Networks

Journal of Management Studies, 47(6), s. 944- 966. Doi:

Sasson, Amir & Fjeldstad, Øystein (2009)

Information-mediated network effects: network composition and customer benefit in the presence of information asymmetry

Strategic Organization, 7(4), s. 355- 386. Doi:

Sasson, Amir (2008)

Exploring Mediators: Effects of the Composition of Organizational Affiliation on Organization Survival and Mediator Performance

Organization science, 19(6), s. 891- 906. Doi:

Eriksson, Kent; Fjeldstad, Øystein & Sasson, Amir (2007)

Knowledge of Inter-customer Relations as a Source of Value Creation and Commitment in Financial Service Firm's Intermediation

Service Industries Journal, 27(5), s. 563- 582.

Kustec, Irena; Ostergaard, Charlotte & Sasson, Amir (2021)

Underperformance in Family Successions: The Role of Outside Work Experience

[Academic lecture]. The Sixth Annual Global Corporate Governance Colloquium.

Sabel, Christopher Albert & Sasson, Amir (2020)

Human Capital and Spinout Growth: The Impact of Relatedness Ownership and Social Ties

[Academic lecture]. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Sabel, Christopher Albert & Sasson, Amir (2020)

Human Capital and Spinout Growth: The Impact of Relatedness Ownership and Social Ties

[Academic lecture]. 36th EGOS Colloquium (Virtual).

Ohlmer, Ilka Verena & Sasson, Amir (2018)

Showing your cards: Pay transparency and overall pay dispersion

[Academic lecture]. EGOS.

Johnson, Chandler & Sasson, Amir (2018)

Excavating Structural Holes: Formal Decomposition and Disconfirmation

[Academic lecture]. EGOS.

Ostergaard, Charlotte; Kustec, Irena & Sasson, Amir (2018)

Corporate Culture in Family Firms: How Inside CEO Succession Impedes Performance

[Academic lecture]. University of Hamburg.

Sabel, Christopher Albert & Sasson, Amir (2018)

Two Sides of the Same Coin: Transferability, Appropriability and External Corporate Venturing

[Academic lecture]. Special Conference (From Start-up to Scale-up) of the Academy of Management in Tel Aviv 2018.

Sabel, Christopher Albert & Sasson, Amir (2018)

Two Sides of the Same Coin: Transferability, Appropriability and External Corporate Venturing

[Academic lecture]. 38th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society in Paris 2018.

Luzzi, Alessandra & Sasson, Amir (2016)

Rich and King? Why do entrepreneurs leave their throne?

[Academic lecture]. Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Decision Making, CEDAG Paris Descartes Sorbonne Paris Cit茅.

Luzzi, Alessandra & Sasson, Amir (2015)

Entrepreneurial skills or reward for success? Does entrepreneurship pay in future paid employment?

[Academic lecture]. Invited Seminar Speaker, Ca' Foscari University, Department of Management, Venice.

Luzzi, Alessandra & Sasson, Amir (2015)

Entrepreneurial skills or reward for success? Does entrepreneurship pay in future paid employment?

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Conference.

Iurkov, Viacheslav & Sasson, Amir (2015)

How much do alliance networks matter?

[Academic lecture]. The 6th Israel Strategy Conference.

Iurkov, Viacheslav & Sasson, Amir (2015)

Alliance networks and firm performance: A variance decomposition study

[Academic lecture]. The 35th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society (SMS).

Iurkov, Viacheslav & Sasson, Amir (2015)

How much do alliance networks matter?

[Academic lecture]. The 75th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM).

Reve, Torger & Sasson, Amir (2014)

"Complementing Clusters: A competitiveness Rationale for Infrastructural Investments"

[Academic lecture]. MOC Research Workshop.

Reve, Torger; Sasson, Amir & Nordkvelde, Marius (2014)

"Ferjefri E39: Næringsøkonomiske gevinster ved fjordkryssing"

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Fjeldstad, Øystein D.; Phan, Binh & Sasson, Amir (2014)

Intra-firm Structure and Performance

[Academic lecture]. SMS conference.

Phan, Binh; Fjeldstad, Øystein D. & Sasson, Amir (2014)

Network Service Innovation: Mobile Broadband, Clustering and Organization Performance

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Reve, Torger & Sasson, Amir (2012)

Kunnskapsbasert Næringslivsutvikling

[Popular scientific article]. Magma, 15, s. 16- 22.

Reve, Torger & Sasson, Amir (2012)

"Competitiveness as Industrial Attractiveness: Operationalizing the Emerald Model"

[Academic lecture]. MOC Research Workshop.

Østergaard, Charlotte; Sasson, Amir & Sørensen, Bent E. (2011)

The Marginal Value of Cash, Cash Flow Sensitivities, and Bank-Finance Shocks in Non-Listed Firms

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sasson, Amir (2011)

Knowledge-based metals & materials

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sasson, Amir (2011)

Knowledge Based Health

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sasson, Amir & Blomgren, Atle (2011)

Knowledge Based Oil and Gas Industry

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Sasson, Amir (2010)

Knowledge-based Grenland

[Report]. Grenland.

Sasson, Amir (2010)

Global Knowledge Hub

[Academic lecture]. MOC Network Cluster Research Workshop.

O'Brien, J. & Sasson, Amir (2010)

The wisdom of entrepreneur-Bank Ties: A synthesis of transaction cost and Embeddedness perspectives

[Academic lecture]. 70th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management.

Sasson, Amir & Minoja, Mario (2008)

Banking on Ambidexterity: A Longitudinal Study of Ambidexterity, Ambisinistrousness and Performance

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Conference.

Sasson, Amir; Burkay, Ulas & Fjeldstad, Øystein D. (2008)

Expectation Formation and Market Growth in Mobile Communication Services

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Conference..

Burkay, Ulas; Fjeldstad, Øystein D. & Sasson, Amir (2008)

Expectation Formationa and Growth

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Conference.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2005 BI 黑料专区 Business School Ph.D.
2000 BI 黑料专区 Business School Master of Science
1998 The University of Liverpool, UK. Bachelor
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2015 - Present BI, 黑料专区 School of Management Professor
2008 - 2016 BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor
2012 - 2013 Technion, Israeli Institute of Technology Visiting Scholar
2006 - 2008 University College Dublin, Ireland Lecturer
2005 - 2006 BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor
2004 - 2004 Stanford University, CA, USA Visiting Scholar