
Employee Profile

Bjørn Erik Mørk

Professor - Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship


Bjørn Erik Mørk is an organisational sociologist and Professor in innovation at BI 黑料专区 Business School. He is Research Center Leader for together with Thomas Hoholm, and Program Director for Healthcare Management at BI. From 2018-2020 he was the Associate Dean for the PhD specialization in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Prior to starting at BI in May 2017 Bjørn Erik was an Associate Professor of Information Systems and Management at Department of Informatics, University of Oslo (UiO), and Program Director for . Since 2012 he has been an Associate Fellow at the (WBS), and he is now a Honorary Associate Professor at WBS. In addition, he holds a part-time position as an Associate Partner in .

Bjørn Erik conducts practice-based studies of innovation processes, organising, learning, knowing and change in organisations. In particular he is interested in the development and introduction of new practices and new technologies in the health care sector. Hence, he is interested in topics such as cross-disciplinary collaboration, boundary work, ways of organising, power relations, and learning. Bjørn Erik was a Visiting Scholar at in 2005 and in 2012. His work has been published in journals such as , , , and . He is part of the Editorial Advisory Board for , and a regular reviewer for many international journals and conferences. In addition, he is a columnist for , and writes about topics related to organisation and leadership.

Bjørn Erik contributes to several international confererences. First, he has been member of the Executive Board for the International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) since 2014, and was Chairman of the Executive Board together with Cathrine Filstad from 2017-2019. Bjørn Erik was part of the Organising Committee when BI hosted the conference in 2014, and he has organised several teaching workshops, doctoral consortiums and various symposiums together with other faculty from the OLKC community. Second; Bjørn Erik is part of (SHOC) Executive Committee since 2022, and was part of the Scientific Committee for the in 2020 and 2022. Third, he has been a member of the (AoM HCM) Teaching Committee since August 2022.

Bjørn Erik is also an active member of (FAAN). He was member of the FAAN Board from 2014-2019, and President of FAAN from 2016-2019.

On a regular basis Bjørn Erik holds presentations at various national and international conferences and seminars.

Teaching and supervision
He teaches topics related to organisational theory, innovation management, learning, entrepreneurship and qualitative methods (in particular organizational ethnography). At BI he is responsible for the executive master programme for health care managers (), and responsible for the Top Management Program in Healthcare () together with Vegard Kolbjørnsrud. He is also co-responsible for the PhD course DRE 3008 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Perspectives. In addtion, he is involved in various executive master courses at UiO.

Bjørn Erik is member of the Executive Board for the (NORSI) for PhD students in Scandinavia.

He is supervising several master and PhD students at BI and at the University of Oslo.


Kislov, Roman; Burns, Diane, Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Montgomery, Kathleen (2021)

Managing Healthcare Organisations in Challenging Policy Contexts: Connections and Contradictions

Kislov, Roman; Burns, Diane, M酶rk, Bj酶rn Erik & Montgomery, Kathleen (red.). Managing Healthcare Organisations in Challenging Policy Contexts

Montgomery, Kathleen; Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Burns, Diane & Kislov, Roman (2021)

Concluding Comments: Voice as a Common Theme Across Studies of Healthcare Management in Challenging Policy Contexts

Kislov, Roman; Burns, Diane, M酶rk, Bj酶rn Erik & Montgomery, Kathleen (red.). Managing Healthcare Organisations in Challenging Policy Contexts

Kislov, Roman; Burns, Diane, Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Montgomery, Kathleen (2021)

Managing Healthcare Organisations in Challenging Policy Contexts

Palgrave Macmillan.

Mæhle, Per Magnus; Hajdarevic, Senada, Håland, Erna, Aarhus, Rikke, Smeland, Sigbjørn & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2021)

Exploring the triggering process of a cancer care reform in three Scandinavian countries

International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 36(6), s. 2231- 2247. Doi: -

Cancer incidence is increasing, and cancer is a leading cause of death in the Scandinavian countries, and at the same time more efficient but very expensive new treatment options are available. Based on the increasing demand, high expectations and limited resources, crises in public legitimacy of cancer care evolved in the three Scandinavian countries. Similar cancer care reforms were introduced in the period 2007–2015 to address the crisis. In this article we explore processes triggering these reforms in countries with similar and well-developed health care systems. The common objective was the need to reduce time from referral to start treatment, and the tool introduced to accomplish this was integrated care pathways for cancer diagnosis, that is Cancer Patient Pathways. This study investigates the process by drawing on interviews with key actors and public documents. We identified three main logics in play; the economic-administrative, the medical and the patient-related logic and explored how institutional entrepreneurs skillfully aligned these logics. The article contributes by describing the triggering processes on politically initiated similar reforms in the three countries studied and also contributes to a better understanding on the orchestrating of politically initiated health care reforms with the intention to change medical practice in hospitals.

Wendt, Kjersti; Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Berg, Ole Trond & Fosse, Erik (2020)

Medicine and interest politics a study of decision-making processes in the area of vascular surgery in Norway

Journal of Health Organisation and Management, 34(4), s. 427- 447. Doi: -

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of organizational challenges when decision-makers try to comply with technological developments and increasing demands for a more rational distribution of health care services. This paper explores two decision-making processes from 2007–2019 in the area of vascular surgery at a regional and a local level in Norway. Design/methodology/approach – The study draws upon extensive document analyses, semi-structured interviews and field conversations. The empirical material was analyzed in several steps through an inductive approach and described and explained through a theoretical framework based on rational choice (i.e. bounded rationality), political behavior and institutionalism. These perspectives were used in a complementary way. Findings – Both decision-making processes were resource-intensive, long-lasting and produced few organizational changes for the provision of vascular services. Stakeholders at both levels outmaneuvered the health care planners, though by different means. Regionally, the decision-making ended up in a political process, while locally the decision-making proceeded as a strategic game between different departments and professional fields.Practical implications –Decision-makers need to prepare thoroughly for convincing others of the benefits of new ways of organizing clinical care. By providing meaningful opportunities for public involvement, by identifying and anticipating political agendas and by building alliances between stakeholders with divergent values and aims decision-makers may extend the realm of feasible solutions. Originality/value – This paper contributes to the understanding of why decision-making processes can be particularly challenging in a field characterized by rapid technological development, new treatment options and increasing demands for more rational distribution of services.

Langley, Ann; Lindberg, Kajsa, Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Nicolini, Davide, Raviola, Elena & Walter, Lars (2019)

Boundary Work among Groups, Occupations, and Organizations: From Cartography to Process

The Academy of Management Annals, 13(2), s. 704- 736. Doi: -

This article reviews scholarship dealing with the notion of “boundary work,” defined as purposeful individual and collective effort to influence the social, symbolic, material, or temporal boundaries, demarcations; and distinctions affecting groups, occupations, and organizations. We identify and explore the implications of three conceptually distinct but interrelated forms of boundary work emerging from the literature. Competitive boundary work involves mobilizing boundaries to establish some kind of advantage over others. In contrast, collaborative boundary work is concerned with aligning boundaries to enable collaboration. Finally, configurational boundary work involves manipulating patterns of differentiation and integration among groups to ensure that certain activities are brought together, whereas others are kept apart, orienting the domains of competition and collaboration. We argue that the notion of boundary work can contribute to the development of a uniquely processual view of organizational design as open-ended, and continually becoming, an orientation with significant future potential for understanding novel forms of organizing, and for integrating agency, power dynamics, materiality, and temporality into the study of organizing.

Lindberg, Kajsa; Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Walter, Lars (2019)

Emergent coordination and situated learning in a Hybrid OR: The mixed blessing of using radiation

Social Science and Medicine, 228, s. 232- 239. Doi: -

Mobilising knowledge and coordinating actions in order to make use of new innovations and technologies is a major challenge in the health care sector. Drawing upon a longitudinal, qualitative study of a Hybrid Operating Room in Sweden, we illustrate how the staff from a variety of medical specialties need to coordinate their tasks and competencies, and learn how to use the technology in a safe way. This study shows that learning across highly-professionalised communities is a recursive process of emergent coordination and situated learning, which includes the acknowledgement of others’ expertise, task interdependence, and the pragmatic accommodation of latitude and control. Moreover, there was continuous negotiations between the different communities about what should constitute approved practice based on the task being performed. This obstructed the development of a dominant community with the authority to independently exclude other communities. We thus conclude that emergent coordination of tasks and expertise is an important aspect of learning how to use technologies that break with conventions of established and previously separated practices.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Masovic, Jasmina, Greig, Gail, Nicolini, Davide & Hanseth, Ole (2018)

Contradictions as Opportunities for Innovation in the Case of TAVI

Hoholm, Thomas; La Rocca, Antonella & Aanestad, Margunn (red.). Controversies in Healthcare Innovation. Service, Technology and Organization

Christie, Werner H; Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2018)

Innovasjon og samhandling i helsevesenet En praksisbasert tilnærming

Praktisk 酶konomi & finans, 34 [i.e. 35](1), s. 32- 46. Doi:

Nicolini, Davide; Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Masovic, Jasmina & Hanseth, Ole (2018)

The changing nature of expertise: insights from the case of TAVI

Studies in Continuing Education, 40(3), s. 306- 322. Doi:

In this paper, we interrogate the current views on medical expertise, and expertise more in general, by building upon the study of an innovative medical procedure called transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). We find that phenomena like TAVI require that we modify our traditional views of expertise to acknowledge its social, material and distributed nature. We also find that in the case of TAVI expertise feeds upon the broad circuits of knowledge created by the combination of professional relationships, social ties and, increasingly, economic interests. Becoming and remaining an expert implies not only being socialised in a local regime of activity but increasingly also participating in, learning to navigate, and exploiting alternative and potentially competing circuits of knowledge, which may be controlled by private companies. The case of TAVI helps us to appreciate expertise as a translocal and connected phenomenon and foreground some of the implications of the emergence of proprietary circuits of knowledge.

Nicolini, Davide; Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Masovic, Jasmina & Hanseth, Ole (2017)

Expertise as trans-situated: the case of TAVI

Sandberg, J枚rgen; Rouleau, Linda, Langley, Ann & Tsoukas, Haridimos (red.). Skillful performance : enacting capabilities, knowledge, competence, and expertise in organizations

La Rocca, Antonella; Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2017)

Practice theory and the study of interaction in business relationships: Some methodological implications

Industrial Marketing Management, 60, s. 187- 195. Doi:

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Hoholm, Thomas (2016)

From breakthroughs in knowledge to integration in medical practices

艩kerlavaj, Miha; 膶erne, Matej, Dysvik, Anders & Carlsen, Arne (red.). Capitalizing on creativity at work: Fostering the implementation of creative ideas in organizations

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Aanestad, Margunn & Hoholm, Thomas (2013)

Tverrfaglig samhandling: En praksisbasert studie av utvikling og implementering av nye praksiser i sykehus

Tjora, Aksel Hagen & Melby, Line (red.). Samhandling for helse: Kunnskap, kommunikasjon og teknologi i helsetjenesten

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Hoholm, Thomas, Eva, Maaninen-Olsson & Aanestad, Margunn (2012)

Changing practice through boundary organizing: A case from medical R&D

Human Relations, 65(2), s. 263- 288. Doi:

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Hoholm, Thomas, Ellingsen, Gunnar Adelsten, Edwin, Bjørn & Aanestad, Margunn (2010)

Challenging expertise: On power relations within and across communities of practice in medical innovation

Management Learning, 41(5), s. 575- 592. Doi:

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Aanestad, Margunn, Hanseth, Ole & Grisot, Miria (2008)

Conflicting Epistemic Cultures and Obstacles for Learning across Communities of Practice

Knowledge and Process Management, 15(1), s. 12- 23. Doi:

Halvorsen, Fredrik H.; Elle, Ole Jakob, Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Sørhus, Vidar, Røtnes, Jan Sigurd & Fosse, Erik (2006)

Virtual reality simulator training equals mechanical robotic training in improving robot assisted basic suturing skills

Surgical Endoscopy, 20(10), s. 1565- 1569.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Hoholm, Thomas & Aanestad, Margunn (2006)

Constructing, enacting and packaging innovations

European Journal of Innovation Management, 9(4), s. 444- 465. Doi:

Mathisen, Lars; Andersen, MH, Hol, PK, Lingaas, PS, Lundblad, R, Rein, KA, Tønnessen, Tor Inge, Tønnesen, TI, Mørk, BE, Svennevig, JL, Wahl, Astrid, Hanestad, Berit Rokne, Hanestad, Berit Rokne & Fosse, Erik (2005)

Patient-reported outcome after randomization to on-pump versus off-pump coronary artery surgery

Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 79(5), s. 1584- 1589.


Bergsland, Jacob; Hol, Per Kristian, Lingås, Per Snorre, Lundblad, Runar, Rein, Kjell Arne, Andersen, Rune, Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Halvorsen, Steinar, Mujanovic, Emir, Kabil, Emir, Svennevig, Jan Ludvig & Fosse, Erik (2004)

Intraoperative and intermediate-term angiographic results of coronary artery bypass surgery with Symmetry proximal anastomotic device

Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 128(5), s. 718- 724.

Hol, Per Kristian; Fosse, Erik, Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Lundblad, Runar, Rein, Kjell Arne, Lingaas, Per Snorre, Geiran, Odd, Svennevig, Jan Ludvig, Tønnessen, Tor Inge, Nitter-Hauge, Sigurd L, Due-Tønnessen, Paulina, Vatne, Karleif & Smith, Hans-Jørgen (2001)

Graft Control by Transit Time Flow Measurement and Intraoperative Angiography in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery

Heart Surgery Forum, 4(3), s. 254- 258.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2019)

Psykologisk trygghet er viktig for arbeidsklimaet

Dagens medisin [Kronikk]

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2019)

Samarbeid – for å skape resultater

Dagens medisin [Kronikk]

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (1)

Endringer fører til grensearbeid

Dagens medisin [Kronikk]

Andvik, Elisabeth & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2024)

Transforming Knowledge Across Boundaries in Interprofessional Teams

[Academic lecture]. EGOS European Group for Organizational Studies.

Hvidsten, Adeline; Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2024)

Playing the reform: Reconfiguring accountability and the emergence of ´boundary games´

[Academic lecture]. OBHC 2024, the 14th Organisational Behaviour in Health Care Conference.

Hvidsten, Adeline; Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2023)

Playing against the reform: Digitalizing boundary work

[Academic lecture]. 39th EGOS Colloquium 2023.

Hvidsten, Adeline; Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2021)

We cannot tell them": Timing patient pathways and the unexpected consequences for collaboration processes

[Academic lecture]. 12th International Process Symposium.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2021)

Å marsjere til ulike rytmer, Dagens Medisin, 3. March. https://www.dagensmedisin.no/artikler/2021/03/07/a-marsjere-etter-ulike-rytmer/

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Dagens medisin

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2021)

Risiko for digital slitasje, Dagens Medisin, 18. May https://www.dagensmedisin.no/artikler/2021/05/18/risiko-for-digital-slitasje/

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Dagens medisin

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2021)

Tilbakemeldinger gir psykologisk trygghet. Dagens Medisin, 11. October. https://www.dagensmedisin.no/artikler/2021/10/11/tilbakemeldinger-gir-psykologisk-trygghet/?fbclid=IwAR3fozTjGFCVrQenbq0K4UryMZ1NOuc2yNesH5NcnFgA2yAfVk1nDVH6U00

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Dagens medisin

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2021)

Prosess og virksomhetsforståelse - Grunnlag for samarbeid som skaper resultater

[Academic lecture]. Seminar for all employees in L氓nekassen.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2020)

Viktig å lytte til de ansattes forbedringsideer

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Dagens medisin

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2020)

Viktig å lære av både suksess og feil

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Dagens medisin

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2020)

Kunnskap handler om hva vi gjør

[Popular scientific article]. Dagens medisin

Oppen, Marit; Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Haus, Eirik (2020)

Kvantitative og kvalitative metoder i merkantile fag- en introduksjon

[Textbook]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Kuepers, Wendelin & Nicolini, Davide (2019)

Sub-theme 33: Disrupting Organizing Practices in Healthcare

[Academic lecture]. 35th EGOS Colloquium.

Peavy, Keith Herbert; Hoholm, Thomas, Olsen, Per Ingvar & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2019)

Emerging solidarities: A Collective articulation of relationally-based practices of care

[Academic lecture]. 11th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies.

Hanseth, Ole; Masovic, Jasmina & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2018)

The dynamics of complex sociomaterial assemblages: the case of Transcatheter aortic valve implantation

Calitz, F.; Batini, C & Magni, M (red.). Organizing for the Digital World. IT for individuals, communities and societies, Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation (LNISO)

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2018)

Når praksiser er situerte og trans-situerte - samarbeid og læring

[Academic lecture]. Kompetansedagene.

Peavy, Keith Herbert; Hoholm, Thomas, Olsen, Per Ingvar & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2018)

Emerging solidarities and the transformation of caring practices

[Academic lecture]. The 13th Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Nicolini, Davide & Masovic, Jasmina (2018)

The Role of Objects in Sustaining and Disrupting Professional Jurisdictions in Health Care

[Academic lecture]. OBHC (International Organizational Behavior in Healthcare Conference) 2018.

Olsen, Per Ingvar; Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Hoholm, Thomas & Nicolini, Davide (2018)

How global medical innovation processes evolve: The case of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2017)

Ekspertise, samarbeid og innovasjon i helsesektoren - implikasjoner for HR

[Academic lecture]. HR i helsesektoren.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2017)

Innovasjon som praksis: Tverrfaglig samarbeid og ekspertise

[Academic lecture]. Fagdag for digital l忙ring i Helse S酶r-脴st.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Olsen, Per Ingvar, Nicolini, Davide & Hoholm, Thomas (2017)

Tracing connections in action to understand how medical innovation processes unfold

[Academic lecture]. 9th International Process Symposium.

Lindberg, Kajsa; Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Walther, Lars (2017)

How the material matters in translating materiality

[Academic lecture]. 33rd EGOS Colloquium.

Hanseth, Ole; Masovic, Jasmina & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2017)

The dynamics of complex sociomaterial assemblages: the case of Transcatheter aortic valve implantation

[Academic lecture]. 14th conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (Association for Information Systems).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Greig, Gail, Masovic, Jasmina & Nicolini, Davide (2016)

Advancing learning and innovation across activity systems in healthcare: The potential of tensions and contradictions

[Academic lecture]. 32nd EGOS Colloquium.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Greig, Gail, Masovic, Jasmina & Nicolini, Davide (2016)

Contradictions in medical innovation processes

[Academic lecture]. 8th International Process Symposium (PROS).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Greig, Gail, Masovic, Jasmina & Nicolini, Davide (2016)

Entering unknown territories in healthcare: How emerging controversies and contradictions may facilitate learning and advance innovation

[Academic lecture]. 11th Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).

Nicolini, Davide; Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Masovic, Jasmina (2016)

Towards a Rhizomatic Understanding of Medical Expertise. Insights from the Case of TAVI (http://proceedings.aom.org/content/2016/1/14199.shortI)

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management 2016.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Nicolini, Davide & Masovic, Jasmina (2016)

The Role of Objects in Sustaining and Disrupting Professional Jurisdictions in Health Care (http://proceedings.aom.org/content/2016/1/14108.short)

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management 2016.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2016)

The role of social scientists in applied research projects: experiences from Norway

[Academic lecture]. Forskningsseminar.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2016)

Om læring (eller mangel på læring) i organisasjoner

[Academic lecture]. Intervensjonssenteret, Oslo Universitetssykehus.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2015)

Hvordan skal det norske helsevesen møte den økende pågang som følge av en aldrende befolkning? (paneldebatt)

[Academic lecture]. 黑料专区 Prostate Cancer Symposium.

Hanseth, Ole; Masovic, Jasmina, Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Nicolini, Davide (2015)

Practice as infrastructure: The case of transcatheter aortic valve implantation.

[Academic lecture]. 4th Innovation in Information Infrastructures (III).

Hanseth, Ole; Masovic, Jasmina, Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Nicolini, Davide (2015)

The role of path creating breakdowns in process innovations. The case of TAVI

[Academic lecture]. 7th International Process Symposium.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Nicolini, Davide, Masovic, Jasmina & Hanseth, Ole (2015)

Expertise as practice. The case of TAVI.

[Academic lecture]. 7th International Process Symposium.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Nicolini, Davide, Masovic, Jasmina & Hanseth, Ole (2015)

Trans-situated expertise and local knowing in practice

[Academic lecture]. The Tenth Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Masovic, Jasmina & Hanseth, Ole (2014)

Practices in the making. Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)

[Academic lecture]. Analysing epistemic practices in professional work and learning.

Hoholm, Thomas; La Rocca, Antonella & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2014)

A practice-based approach for studying interactions in business relationships

[Academic lecture]. The IMP Conference.

Hungnes, Tonje; Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2014)

Understanding change through the lenses of practice-based studies and institutional theory – a case from 黑料专区 healthcare

[Academic lecture]. The Ninth Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Hanseth, Ole (2014)

From breakthroughs in knowledge to integration in medical practice (KINT) – The case of TAVI

[Academic lecture]. Research seminar.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Hanseth, Ole (2014)

Practices in the making: A socio-material view on Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)

[Academic lecture]. Research seminar.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Masovic, Jasmina (2014)

From breakthroughs in knowledge to integration in medical practice (KINT) – The case of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)

[Academic lecture]. Health care innovation seminar.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Hoholm, Thomas (2014)

Organising for reflective, reflexive learning ­ challenges of research-led teaching for newcomers and old timers in the OLKC research community

[Academic lecture]. International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Hoholm, Thomas (2014)

Ignorance and new medical procedures: generating knowledge across professions in the face of uncertainty

[Academic lecture]. Research seminar on theorising ignorance.

Shidende, Nima Herman; Aanestad, Margunn & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2014)

The Role of Information Artefacts in Organizing: An Empirical Study forn Tanzanian Health Care

[Academic lecture]. International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities.

Nielsen, Petter & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2013)

Dataprogram som ikke snakker samme språk

[Popular scientific article]. Aftenposten Viten

Rubach, Synnøve; Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2013)

Regional innovation: On boundary organizations and the interaction between industry, science and politics

[Academic lecture]. NEON konferansen.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Aanestad, Margunn & Hoholm, Thomas (2013)

Praksisbaserte perspektiver på teknologisk innovasjon i helsevesenet

[Academic lecture]. NEON konferansen.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Aanestad, Margunn, Hoholm, Thomas & Halvorsen, Per Steinar (2013)

"Høyteknologisk innovasjon, tverrfaglighet og ekspertise"

[Academic lecture]. Oslo Innovation Week.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2013)

Praksisbaserte perspektiver på innovasjon i helsevesenet

[Academic lecture]. Kurs i Innovasjonsledelse.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2013)

Erfaringer med å være Fulbright Scholar (i seminaret hadde jeg rolle som deltager i paneldebatt og gruppelærer for scholars som skal ha opphold i California)

[Academic lecture]. Fulbright orienteringsseminar.

Hoholm, Thomas; Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Rubach, Synnøve (2013)

Regional innovation: On boundary organizations and the interaction between industry, science and politics

[Academic lecture]. IMP.

Masovic, Jasmina; Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Nicolini, Davide (2013)

Innovative practices and professional jurisdictions in healthcare: the case of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)

[Academic lecture]. 29th EGOS Colloquium.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Hoholm, Thomas (2013)

'Managing Expectations - The Negotiation of Power Relations Within and Outside the Classroom'

[Academic lecture]. The Eight Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).

Masovic, Jasmina; Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Nicolini, Davide (2013)

Professional jurisdictions, inter-professional turfs, and professional knowledge: a socio-material view

[Academic lecture]. The Eight Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2012)

A practice-based approach for understanding medical innovation processes

[Academic lecture]. PhD-course in organisational theory applied on health care organisations.

Hoholm, Thomas; Rubach, Synnøve & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2012)

Policy practices and innovation in industrial networks: How can policy influence innovation and learning in networks?

[Academic lecture]. The IMP 2012 conference.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Per Ingvar, Olsen (2012)

Pågående forskningsprosjekter på innovasjon i helsesektoren - Felles forskningsaktiviteter UiO, OUS og BI

[Academic lecture]. Workshop for 氓 diskutere p氓g氓ende forskning ved hhv Ahus og BI.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Hoholm, Thomas (2011)

OLKC Teaching Workshop

[Academic lecture]. The Fifth International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC).

Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2010)

Hindrer profesjonsmakt nytenking i sykehus?

[Academic lecture]. Innovasjonsseminar med en rekke sentrale akt酶rer i helse-Norge.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Hoholm, Thomas, Aanestad, Margunn, Ellingsen, Gunnar & Edwin, Bjørn (2010)

Challenging expertise – a case study of how laparoscopy challenged established power relations

[Academic lecture]. Fagseminar.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2010)

Doing qualitative research

[Academic lecture]. Mastergradskurs i metode.

Hoholm, Thomas; Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Vince, Russ (2010)

New ways of using technology for organizational learning: classroom explorations

[Academic lecture]. The Fifth International Conference on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC).

Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2009)

Stabilizing New Practices: A case study of innovation and networked learning

[Academic lecture]. The Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2009)

Changing practices - a practice-based study of cross-disciplinary technology development in hospitals

[Academic lecture]. Disputas.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2009)

How could theories of power contribute in explaining variations in health care organisations?

[Academic lecture]. Pr酶veforelesning.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2009)

Changing practice through boundary organising

[Academic lecture]. Mastergradskurs i innovasjon og entrepren酶rskap.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Ellingsen, Gunnar (2009)

Workshop on qualitative methods

[Academic lecture]. Mastergradskurs i metode.

Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2009)

Stabilizing new practices: A case study of networked learning

[Academic lecture]. The Fourth Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).

Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2008)

Changing practice through boundary organising

[Academic lecture]. the annual Conference on Organization, Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities,.

Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2008)

Making sense of nonsense: an ethnography of cross-industrial practice

[Academic lecture]. annual Conference for Organization, Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities,.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2008)

Doing High Quality Qualitative Studies

[Academic lecture]. Mastergradskurs i metode.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Hoholm, Thomas (2008)

Changing practice through boundary organising: A case from medical R&D

[Academic lecture]. The Third Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).

Hoholm, Thomas & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2008)

Making nonsense sensible - An ethnography of innovation and cross-industrial practice in the food sector

[Academic lecture]. The Third Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2007)

Forskningsdrevet endring av praksis - Interaktiv innovasjon og kunnskapsproduksjon i norske sykehus

[Academic lecture]. Mastergradskurs i innovasjon og entrepren酶rskap.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2006)

Changing Medical Practice – A Study of Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration, Learning and Innovation in a 黑料专区 University Hospital

[Academic lecture]. IKON research centre arrangerte fagseminar.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Hoholm, Thomas & Aanestad, Margunn (2006)

Negotiating practice in innovation projects – A longitudinal study from medical R&D

[Academic lecture]. The First International Conference on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Hoholm, Thomas & Aanestad, Margunn (2006)

Constructing, enacting and packaging innovations – on innovation and learning processes in health care

[Academic lecture]. Mastergradskurs ved Universitetet i Troms酶.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2006)

Same procedure as last year – On learning and innovation processes in health care

[Academic lecture]. Master Course 鈥淚nnovation as Strategic Business Processes鈥.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2005)

Endring av (medisinsk) praksis – En studie av tverrfaglig samarbeid, læring og innovasjon (ved et norsk Universitetssykehus)

[Academic lecture]. Fagseminar Statoil.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2005)

Changing medical practices – A study of cross disciplinary collaboration,learning and innovation in a 黑料专区 University hospital

[Academic lecture]. PhD Days.

Ellingsen, Gunnar & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2005)

Controlling knowledge-based IS projects in the context of ambiguity and diversity

[Academic lecture]. The Fifth Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference (OKLC).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Hoholm, Thomas, Aanestad, Margunn & Ellingsen, Gunnar (2005)

"The greatest barrier for innovation in health care is the scared old men" - a study of actor's interpretations of knowledge sharing and innovation

[Academic lecture]. OKLC2006.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Hoholm, Thomas & Aanestad, Margunn (2005)

Constructing, enacting and packaging innovations - a study of a 黑料专区 medical technology project

[Academic lecture]. EGOS.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2004)

Endring av medisinsk praksis – En studie av tverrfaglig samarbeid, læring og innovasjon ved et norsk Universitetssykehus

[Academic lecture]. NEON.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Hoholm, Thomas, Aanestad, Margunn & Ellingsen, Gunnar (2004)

The greatest barrier for innovation in health care is “the scared old men” – A study of actors’ interpretations of knowledge sharing and innovation

[Academic lecture]. 1st national conference on leadership and organisation of the health care sector.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2004)

Changing medical practices – A study of cross disciplinary collaboration,learning and innovation in a 黑料专区 University hospital

[Academic lecture]. PhD Days.

Hoholm, Thomas; Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Aanestad, Margunn (2004)

Learning and innovating in innovation projects: Negotiating project identity

[Academic lecture]. 1st International Conference 鈥 Professional Learning in a Changing Society, University of Oslo.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Aanestad, Margunn & Ellingsen, Gunnar (2004)

Research Protocols as a vehicle for the (re)production of knowledge

[Academic lecture]. The Fifth Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference (OKLC).

Ellingsen, Gunnar & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2004)

Conversation, Organisation and Identity

[Academic lecture]. The Fifth Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference (OKLC).

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2003)

Organising for Learning and Innovation in 黑料专区 Hospitals - How new technologies challenge existing organisational structures and cultures

[Academic lecture]. PhD Days.

Aanestad, Margunn; Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Grisot, Miria, Hanseth, Ole & Syversten, Carsten (2003)

Knowledge as a barrier to learning: a case study from medical R&D

[Academic lecture]. Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities Conference.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2002)

Organising for Learning and Innovation in 黑料专区 Hospitals - How new technologies challenge existing organisational structures and cultures

[Academic lecture]. PhD Days.

Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2002)

Organising for Learning and Innovation in 黑料专区 Hospitals - How new technologies challenge existing organisational structures and cultures

[Academic lecture]. Seminar UiO og LSE.

Hol, Per Kristian; Fosse, Erik, Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Lundblad, Runar, Rein, Kjell Arne, Lingaas, Per Snorre, Hoel, Tom Nielsen, Geiran, Odd, Svennevig, Jan Ludvig, Vatne, Karleif & Endresen, Knut (2000)

Nytte av blodstrømsmålinger ved coronar bypass kirurgi

[Academic lecture]. Kirurgisk forening h酶stm酶te.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2009 Universitetet i Oslo PhD
2001 University of Oslo Master Cand. Polit.
1998 University of Oslo Cand.Mag
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2021 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Professor in Innovation
2017 - Present IKON Research Unit, Warwick Business School Honorary Associate Professor
2012 - Present IKON Research Unit, Warwick Business School Associate Fellow
2017 - 2021 BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor in Innovation
2017 - 2018 EY, People Advisory Services Executive Director
2015 - 2017 University of Oslo, Department of Informatics Associate Professor of Information Systems and Management
2015 - 2017 University of Oslo, Department of Informatics Program Director for executive master in IT and management
2012 - 2017 EY, People Advisory Services Senior Manager
2011 - 2015 University of Oslo, Department of Informatics Postdoctoral Fellow
2014 - 2014 IKON Research Unit, Warwick Business School Visiting scholar
2012 - 2012 UC Berkeley, Department of Sociology Fulbright visiting scholar
2008 - 2012 EY, People, Organization and Change Manager
2007 - 2008 EY Senior consultant
2006 - 2007 Intervention Centre, Rikshospitalet University Hospital Research fellow
2006 - 2006 IKON Research Unit, Warwick Business School Visiting scholar
2006 - 2006 BI 黑料专区 Business School Research fellow
2005 - 2006 University of Oslo, Department of health management and health economics Research fellow
2005 - 2005 UC Berkeley, Institute for Labour and Employment Visiting scholar
2002 - 2005 Intervention Centre, Rikshospitalet University Hospital Research fellow
2000 - 2002 Intervention Centre, Rikshospitalet University Hospital Research project coordinator