The Oslo case: Agile and adaptive responses to Covid-19 challenges by actors in local and globally extended health technology clusters
Engel, Jerome (red.). Clusters of Innovation in the Age of Disruption
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2018)
Venture Capital Systemic Synergies and Networked Management Control in Rapid Scaling Innovative New Business Ventures
Carlsson-Wall, Martin; H氓kansson, H氓kan, Kraus, Kalle, Lind, Johnny & Str枚msten, Torkel (red.). Accounting,Innovation and Inter-Organisational Relationships
Mikhailova, Olga & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2018)
The Role of Controversy in Medical Technology Adoption
Hoholm, Thomas; La Rocca, Antonella & Aanestad, Margunn (red.). Controversies in Healthcare Innovation. Service, Technology and Organization
Harrison, Debbie; Hoholm, Thomas, Prenkert, Frans & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2018)
Boundary objects in network interactions
Industrial Marketing Management Doi:
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating role of boundary objects in interaction processes within business networks. From a single case study in the grocery retail industry, we find that such objects are used within interaction processes for collaboration, but are also used extensively for handling conflict, facilitating economic negotiations, and power execution. As such, network-level boundary objects do not require broad consensus by all the involved actors, but instead narrow consensus in a particular interaction process.
Munksgaard, Kristin; Olsen, Per Ingvar & Prenkert, Frans (2017)
Boundaries of Business Actors and Networks - Theoretical and Methodological Reflections
H氓kansson, H氓kan & Snehota, Ivan (red.). No Business is an Island: Making Sense of the Interactive Business World
Olsen, Per Ingvar & Håkansson, Håkan (2017)
The roles of deals and business networks in innovation processes
The IMP Journal, 11(1), s. 25- 50. Doi: -
Mikhailova, Olga & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2016)
Internationalization of an academic invention through successive science-business networks: The case of TAVI
Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 14(3), s. 441- 471. Doi:
Nybakk, Erlend; Olsen, Per Ingvar & Pettersen, Ivar (2016)
Norsk matindustri: veier til framtidig forbedring av produktivitet og konkurranseevne
Hegrenes, Agnar; Mittenzwei, Klaus & Prestegard, Sjur Spildo (red.). Norsk jordbrukspolitikk: handlingsrom i endring
Håkansson, Håkan & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2015)
The roles of money and business deals in network structures
Industrial Marketing Management, 45(Feb 2015), s. 207- 217. Doi:
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2015)
Kjøpermakt i verdikjeden for mat
Bj酶rkhaug, Hilde; Alm氓s, Reidar & Vik, Jostein (red.). Norsk matmakt i endring
Olsen, Per Ingvar; Prenkert, Frans, Hoholm, Thomas & Harrison, Debbie (2014)
The Dynamics of Networked Power in a Concentrated Business Network
Journal of Business Research, 67(12), s. 2579- 2589. Doi:
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dynamics of networked power in a concentrated business network. Power is a long standing theme in inter-organizational research, yet there is a paucity of studies about how power emerges and is constructed over time at the network level. The paper adopts process, systems and network theory to interpret a rich single case study from the food industry. Three power mechanisms are identified, gatekeeping, decoupling and resource allocation, which form the basis of a model of networked power dynamics. Empirically tracing the dynamics of networked power highlights the economic contents of interactions. The paper extends current understandings of power as ‘conflict and coercion’ to include influencing, leveraging and strategic maneuvering in the actual performance of networked power.
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2013)
IMP theory in light of process- and system theories
The IMP Journal, 7(3), s. 159- 170.
Håkansson, Håkan; Olsen, Per Ingvar & Bakken, Tore (2013)
Agency and Economizing in Interacted Economies
The IMP Journal, Volume 7(2), s. 106- 111.
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2012)
Below the surface: How (seafood-) networks work - and how they change
The IMP Journal, 6(3), s. 186- 193.
Olsen, Per Ingvar & Håkansson, Håkan (2012)
Innovation management in networked economies
Journal of Business Market Management, 5(2), s. 79- 105.
Hoholm, Thomas & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2012)
The contrary forces of innovation: A conceptual model for studying networked innovation processes
Industrial Marketing Management, 41(2), s. 344- 356. Doi:
Olsen, Per Ingvar; Ojastu, Deniss & Chiu, Richard (2011)
Cognitive Model of Entrepreneurship and its Reflection in Education
Journal of Enterprising Culture, 19(4), s. 397- 434. Doi:
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2011)
Knowledge, transparency and power in business networks
The IMP Journal, 5(2), s. 94- 106.
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2011)
The Relevance and Applicability of Process Metaphysics to Organizational Research
Philosophy of Management, 10(2), s. 53- 74. Doi:
Hernes, Tor; Bakken, Tore & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2006)
Spaces as processes: Developing a recursive perspective on organizational space
Steward Clegg and Martin Kronberger (eds.) Space, Organizations and Management Theory
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2005)
The re-formatting of electricity, and the making of a market
B. Czarniawska & T. Hernes (eds.): Actor-Network Theory and Organizing
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2000)
Risk Management in the New Electricity Trade
Kunne ikke finne tidsskrift Midttun,
Halseth, Arve & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2000)
Competition and Market Power
Kunne ikke finne tidsskrift Midttun,
Olsen, Per Ingvar; Sande, Jon Bingen & Abrahamsen, Morten H. (2020)
Tre tiltak som gir helsevesenet utstyret det trenger
Stortinget skal nå ta stilling til ny e-helselov. Lovforslaget høstet mye kritikk i høringsrunden, men fremmes så godt som uendret. Vi mener at forslaget er mangelfullt på flere måter og bør forbedres før loven vedtas.
Olsen, Per Ingvar & Abrahamsen, Morten Høie (2023)
Hvordan skalere nye digitale helsetjenester i krisetider - Lærdommer fra covid-19 pandemien i Oslo Kommune
Kv忙rner, Kari Jorunn & Hoholm, Thomas (red.). H氓ndbok i helseinnovasjon. Forskningsbaserte r氓d og verkt酶y for 氓 forme fremtidens helsetjeneste
Abrahamsen, Morten Høie & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2023)
Innovasjonspartnerskap - Hva det kan og ikke kan bidra med
Kv忙rner, Kari Jorunn & Hoholm, Thomas (red.). H氓ndbok i helseinnovasjon. Forskningsbaserte r氓d og verkt酶y for 氓 forme fremtidens helsetjeneste
Abrahamsen, Morten H. & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2021)
The role of innovation partnerships as a policy tool in healthcare innovation
[Academic lecture]. Nordic Workshop on Public Private Innovation.
Abrahamsen, Morten H. & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2020)
The role of innovation partnerships as a public innovation policy tool
[Academic lecture]. Nordic Public Procurement of Innovation Workshop.
Peavy, Keith Herbert; Hoholm, Thomas, Olsen, Per Ingvar & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2019)
Emerging solidarities: A Collective articulation of relationally-based practices of care
[Academic lecture]. 11th International Symposium on Process Organization Studies.
Peavy, Keith Herbert; Hoholm, Thomas, Olsen, Per Ingvar & Mørk, Bjørn Erik (2018)
Emerging solidarities and the transformation of caring practices
[Academic lecture]. The 13th Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities Conference (OLKC).
Olsen, Per Ingvar; Mørk, Bjørn Erik, Hoholm, Thomas & Nicolini, Davide (2018)
How global medical innovation processes evolve: The case of Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management.
Kvaerner, Kari Jorunn; Olsen, Per Ingvar & Sampietro-Colom, Laura (2018)
Innovative procurement with early decisional support: Accelerating value-based health.The HTAi Conference in Vancouver
[Academic lecture]. The HTAi Conference in Vancouver.
Mørk, Bjørn Erik; Olsen, Per Ingvar, Nicolini, Davide & Hoholm, Thomas (2017)
Tracing connections in action to understand how medical innovation processes unfold
[Academic lecture]. 9th International Process Symposium.
Olsen, Per Ingvar; Nicolini, Davide, Mørk, Bjørn Erik & Hoholm, Thomas (2017)
Tracing connections in action to under stand how medical innovations unfold
[Academic lecture]. 9th International Process Symposium.
Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Harrison, Debbie, Hoholm, Thomas, La Rocca, Antonella & Olsen, Per Ingvar (2015)
Interaction as a process: An expanded view of the ‘spiral’?
[Academic lecture]. Theory and methods implications of industrial network research.
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2014)
Innovation in medical technology and medical procedures - in between global innovation drivers and complex local settings
[Academic lecture]. The IMP Conference 2014.
Olsen, Per Ingvar (2013)
Implementation of new technologies in advanced medical procedures