
Employee Profile

Sverre Tomassen

Associate Professor - Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship


Andersson, Ulf; Benito, Gabriel R G, Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2023)

Why Some are Less Willing to Share:Competitive Domains and Knowledge Transfer in Multi-Unit Organizations

Social Science Research Network (SSRN) Doi:

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2019)

Dealing with headquarters in the multinational corporation: a subsidiary perspective on organizing costs

Journal of Organization Design, 8(1), s. 1- 24. Doi: -

Tomassen, Sverre (2017)

Liabilities of distance: Governance cost dynamics in MNE headquarters-subsidiary relationships

Progress in International Business Research, 12, s. 445- 470. Doi:

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)

Exploring subsidiaries’ perceptions of corporate headquarters: Subsidiary initiatives and organizing costs

Research in Global Strategic Management, 17, s. 165- 189. Doi:

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)

Exploring Subsidiaries’ Perceptions of Corporate Headquarters: Subsidiary Initiatives and Organizing Costs

Ambos, Tina C; Ambos, Bj酶rn & Birkinshaw, Julian (red.). Perspectives on Headquarters 鈥 Subsidiary Relationships in the Contemporary MNC

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2014)

The virtue of in-between pragmatism-a balancing act between responsiveness and integration in a multinational company

Advances in International Management, 27, s. 75- 97. Doi:

Tomassen, Sverre; Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2012)

Governance costs in foreign direct investments: A MNC headquarters challenge

Journal of International Management, 18(3), s. 233- 246. Doi:

Lunnan, Randi; Benito, Gabriel R G & Tomassen, Sverre (2011)

Moving Abroad: Factors that motivate foreign location of headquarter activities

Advances in International Management, 24, s. 127- 152. Doi:

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2011)

Distant Encounters of the Third Kind: Multinational Companies Locating Divisional Headquarters Abroad

Journal of Management Studies, 48(2), s. 373- 394. Doi:

Benito, Gabriel & Tomassen, Sverre (2010)

Governance Costs in Headquarters-Subsidiary Relationships

Andersson, U. & Holm, U. (red.). Managing the Contemporary Multinational: The Role of Headquarters

Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R.G. (2009)

The costs of governance in international companies

International Business Review, 18(3), s. 292- 304. Doi:

Benito, Gabriel R.G. & Tomassen, Sverre (2005)

A transaction cost analysis of staffing decisions in internationaloperations

Scandinavian Journal of Management, s. 101- 126.

Benito, Gabriel R.G. & Tomassen, Sverre (2003)

The Micro-Mechanics of Foreign Operations’ Performance: An Analysis Based on the OLI Framework

J. Cantwell and R. Narula (eds.): International Business and the Eclectic Paradigm: Developing the OLI Framework

Tomassen, Sverre; Welch, Lawrence S. & Benito, Gabriel R. G. (1998)

黑料专区 Companies in India: Operation Mode Choice

Asian Journal of Business & Information Systems, 3(1), s. 1- 20.

Tomassen, S.; Benito, Gabriel R.G. & Welch, L.S. (1998)

黑料专区 companies in India: Operation mode choice

Asian Journal of Business & Information Systems, 3(1), s. 1- 19.

Adarkwah, Gilbert Kofi & Tomassen, Sverre (2024)


[Academic lecture]. EIBA.

Tomassen, Sverre & Adarkwah, Gilbert Kofi (2023)

Impact Investment Firms and Institutionalization in High-Risk Countries

[Academic lecture]. EIBA.

Adarkwah, Gilbert Kofi; Grøgaard, Birgitte & Tomassen, Sverre (2021)

Host Country Policy Risk and Foreign Investments: The Moderating Role of Firms’ Motives

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Virtual, October 2021.

Andersson, Ulf; Benito, Gabriel R G, Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2020)

The Puzzling Effects of Social Integration on Knowledge Transfer

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Virtual, October 2020.

Tomassen, Sverre; Dasi, Ángels, Pedersen, Torben & Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild (2019)

A Multilevel analysis of the Mechanisms for cross-unit knowledge adoption in MNCs.

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Minneapolis, October 2019..

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2018)

The down side of social integration: A discussion of precarious HQ-subsidiary relations and knowledge transfer

[Academic lecture]. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting.

Adarkwah, Gilbert Kofi; Grøgaard, Birgitte & Tomassen, Sverre (2018)

The Effect of Institutional Distances and Government Assistance on Ownership Levels in Sub-Saharan African Countries

[Academic lecture]. 38th Annual Conference of the Strategic Management Society in Paris 2018.

We follow the prevalence of MNEs into Africa to examine the impact of institutional distance and governmental assistance on ownership levels across multiple home and host countries. Although recent studies have increasingly heightened the influence of institutional contextual factors on the ownership levels, we know very little about such decisions from the African context. This paper fills this gap by looking at ownership decisions within the uniqueness of the African context. We contribute to the international business literature by testing the theoretical boundaries of ownership decisions when MNEs expand into high risk areas. With 54 countries in our sample, this study throws light on the role of different institutional complexities on ownership decisions.

Tomassen, Sverre; Lunnan, Randi, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2017)

The Dark Side of Social Integration: Knowledge Transfer, Bargaining, and Social Integration Mechanisms

[Academic lecture]. SMS Special Conference Banff.

Tomassen, Sverre & Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild (2017)

The Effect of Coordination Mechanisms on Knowledge Adoption Across Types of Work in MNCs

[Academic lecture]. SMS Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Benito, Gabriel R G & Andersson, Ulf (2017)

The Darker Side of Social Integration: A Discussion of Bargaining Costs and Knowledge Transfer

[Academic lecture]. EIBA Annual Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)

A Subsidiary Perspective on Organizing Costs in Multinational Corporations: The Roles of Distance, Coordination and Relationship

[Academic lecture]. Academy of International Business Annual Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Tomassen, Sverre, Andersson, Ulf & Benito, Gabriel R G (2016)

Governance and the Roles of Distance, Coordination, and Relationship Atmosphere in the MNC: A View from the Periphery

[Academic lecture]. European International Business Academy Annual Conference.

Tomassen, Sverre (2015)

Elucidating the ‘Hidden Costs’ of Foreign Greenfields vs Foreign Acquisitions: Why should We Care?

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Conference.

Andersson, Ulf; Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R G (2015)

Management Costs Incurred by Headquarters Choice of Foreign Operation Method

[Academic lecture]. European International Business Academy Annual Conference.

Junni, Paulina; Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild & Tomassen, Sverre (2014)

Leadership culture for knowledge sharing in IPSFs: Do formal transmission channels help or hurt?

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Conference.

Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild & Tomassen, Sverre (2013)

Different Governance Mechanisms, Different Benefits: Knowledge Sharing in International Professional Service Firms

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2013)

The virtue of in-between pragmatism – A balancing act between responsiveness and integration in a multinational company

[Academic lecture]. Advances in International Management (AIM) Workshop 鈥淥rchestration of the Global Network Organization鈥.

Tomassen, Sverre & Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild (2012)

Different Governance Mechanisms, Different Benefits: Knowledge Sharing in International Professional Service Firms

[Academic lecture]. EIBA Conference.

Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild & Tomassen, Sverre (2011)

Coordination Mechanisms as Enablers of Knowledge Sharing in International Professional Service Firms

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society.

Tomassen, Sverre; Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2011)

Governance costs in foreign establishment modes: A MNC headquarters puzzle

[Academic lecture]. AIB Annual Conference.

Lunnan, Randi; Benito, Gabriel R G & Tomassen, Sverre (2011)

Foreign location and relocation of headquarter activities over time

[Academic lecture]. SMS Annual Conference.

Tomassen, Sverre; Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2011)

Governance costs in foreign establishment modes: A MNC headquarters puzzle

[Academic lecture]. EIBA Annual Conference.

Tomassen, Sverre & Kvålshaugen, Ragnhild (2010)

Coordination Mechanisms as Enablers of Knowledge Sharing in International Professional Service Firms

[Academic lecture]. 26th EGOS Colloquium 'Waves of Globalization: Repetition and difference in organizing over time and space'.

Lunnan, Randi; Benito, Gabriel R G & Tomassen, Sverre (2009)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large 黑料专区 Companies, 2000-2006

[Academic lecture]. The second IB conference at Reading.

Tomassen, Sverre & Lunnan, Randi (2009)

Knowledge Transfer and Role Changes

[Academic lecture]. SMS Washington DC Conference.

Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R G (2009)

Governance Costs in Headquarter-Subsidiary Relationships

[Academic lecture]. SMS Conference 2009, Washington DC.

Tomassen, Sverre (2009)

Desperately seeking the right model - subsidiary role changes

[Academic lecture]. 35th EIBA Annual Conference in Valencia.

Hydle, Katja Maria; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2008)

Activity linkages in a service MNE: Control,coordination and location

[Academic lecture]. EIBA conference.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi, Tomassen, Sverre & Listra, Enn (2008)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large 黑料专区 Companies, 2000-2006", International Business and the Catching-up Economies: Challenges and Opportunities

[Academic lecture]. 34th EIBA Annual Conference.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2008)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large 黑料专区 Companies, 2000-2006

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Annual MeetingAnnual Meeting.

Benito, Gabriel R G; Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2008)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large 黑料专区 Companies, 2000-2006

[Academic lecture]. Nordic Workshop in International Business.

Tomassen, Sverre; Benito, Gabriel R G & Lunnan, Randi (2008)

Leaving the Periphery: The Location of Division Headquarters among Large 黑料专区 Companies, 2000-2006

[Academic lecture]. 34th EIBA Annual Conference.

Tomassen, Sverre & Lunnan, Randi (2008)

Knowledge transfer, role changes, and social capital - a case study of an international professional service firm

[Academic lecture]. Second Annual Workshop on Enactment and Development of Social Capital in International and Multinational Firms.

Tomassen, Sverre; Lunnan, Randi & Hydle, Katja Maria (2008)

Global Management in Service Firms - The Role of Linkages

[Academic lecture]. EIBA 2008 conference.

Benito, Gabriel R.G.; Christensen, Sverre, Lunnan, Randi & Tomassen, Sverre (2008)

Fra operativ til strategisk internasjonalisering: En studie av store norske selskapers utflytting av divisjonshovedkontorer

[Report]. Handelsh酶yskolen BI.

Tomassen, Sverre & Benito, Gabriel R.G. (2005)

The Costs of Governance in International Companies: A Study of their Effects on the Performance of Foreign Operations

[Academic lecture]. 31st Annual EIBA Conference.

Benito, Gabriel R.G.; Bonache-Pérez, Jaime, Pla-Barber, José & Tomassen, Sverre (2003)

A Transaction Cost Analysis of Staffing Decisions in International Operations

[Academic lecture]. 29th Annual EIBA Conference.

Academic Degrees
Year Academic Department Degree
2004 BI 黑料专区 Business School Ph.D Dr. Oecon.
1996 BI 黑料专区 Business School Master of Science
1992 BI 黑料专区 Business School Bachelor
1982 Oslo Metropolitan University Bachelor
Work Experience
Year Employer Job Title
2003 - Present BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Professor, Department of Strategy and Logistics
2023 - 2024 Visiting Scholar, The University of Hong Kong Associate Professor
2017 - 2017 The University of Hong Kong Visiting Scholar
2011 - 2015 BI 黑料专区 Business School Associate Dean Executive Master of Management
2014 - 2014 University of Hong Kong Visiting Scholar
2008 - 2008 BI 黑料专区 Business School Head of Department, Department of Strategy and Logistics
1995 - 2003 BI 黑料专区 Business School Lecturer
1999 - 2002 BI 黑料专区 Business School Doctoral Fellow, Department of Strategy (50%)
1999 - 2002 BI 黑料专区 Business School Lecturer (50%)
1988 - 1994 BI 黑料专区 Business School Administration Manager
1982 - 1987 City of Oslo, Oslo Kommune Social Worker and Social Therapist
1978 - 1980 City of Oslo, Oslo Kommune Social Worker and Social Therapist