

The International Workshop on Lot Sizing

12th edition, in Oslo, Norway

As in the previous years, the goal of the workshop is to cover recent advances in lot sizing: New approaches for classical problems, new relevant problems, integration of lot sizing with other problems such as scheduling, distribution or vehicle routing, presentation of case studies, etc. The workshop also aims at favouring exchanges between researchers and enhancing fruitful collaboration.

A limited number of participants who are active in the field are invited. If you know any researcher that may be interested but did not get an invitation, please let us know. As in the previous years, we foresee to have approximately 25 presentations in a single track.

Please submit a short abstract (with a maximum of 1,000 characters) by May 22nd, and an extended abstract (at most 4 pages) by the end of June 2022.

Send your abstracts to the email address iwls2022@bi.no with the subject “IWLS2022 abstract submission”.

Please use the following Latex template for your submissions: IWLS2022 template

Feel free to contact iwls2022@bi.no for any questions or comments you might have.