The Centre for Asset Pricing Research (CAPR) at BI 黑料专区 Business School is hosting the 2023 Annual Workshop on Investment- and Production-Based Asset Pricing.
See the programme down below.
Local organizers: Iván Alfaro and Paul Ehling.
The Centre for Asset Pricing Research (CAPR) at BI 黑料专区 Business School is hosting the 2023 Annual Workshop on Investment- and Production-Based Asset Pricing.
See the programme down below.
Local organizers: Iván Alfaro and Paul Ehling.
Each paper has 45 minutes, divided as follows:
Departure from the lobby of the Thon Hotel Storo at 17:10. For those going on their own, please be at Ekebergrestauranten Restaurant by 17:50 (see directions under Travel & Accommodation).
Chair: Iván Alfaro (BI)
08:30 - 09:15:
09:15 - 10:00: Productivity Shocks and Inflation in Incomplete Markets
Chair: Costas Xiouros (BI)
10:20 - 11:05: Production-Based Exchange Rates
11:05 - 11:50:
Chair: Paul Ehling (BI)
13:00 - 13:45:
13:45 - 14:30:
Chair: Thomas Poulsen (BI)
14:50 - 15:35:
15:35 - 16:20:
Chair: Tatyana Marchuk (BI)
16:40 - 17:25:
Departure from the lobby of the Thon Hotel Storo at 18:50. For those going on their own, please be at Solsiden Restaurant by 19:20 (see directions under Travel & Accommodation).