

AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium 2023

The AMA-Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium is the premier consortium in the marketing discipline, bringing together the very best doctoral students and faculty from business schools across the world.


  • Time
  • Title
  • Coffee

    Between A and D building, .

  • Small Group Research Session

  • Refreshment Break

    Between A and D building.

  • Plenary Session: Meet the Editors*

    Room: C1-020
    * Please see details below. 

  • Plenary Session: Closure

    Room: C1-020

    Marilyn Stone, American Marketing Association and Angela Y Lee, Sheth Foundation
    Anders Gustafsson, Nina Veflen and Line Lervik-Olsen

  • Boxed Lunches

    Between A and D building.


Room: A1-030
Moderators: Hannah Snyder and Anders Gustafsson

Journal of Marketing Vanitha Swaminathan
Journal of Marketing Research Rebecka Hamilton
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing  Beth Vallen
Journal of International Marketing Kelly Hewett
Journal of Interactive Marketing Sonja Gensler
Journal of Academy of Marketing John Hulland
Journal of Consumer Research Bernd Schmitt 
International Journal of Research in Marketing Martin Schreier
Journal of Consumer Psychology Lauren Block
Journal of Service Research  Ming-Hui Huang
Journal of Retailing Katrijn Gielens
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research  Vicki G. Morwitz
Journal of Business Research Dip Biswas
Psychology and Marketing Giampaolo Viglia
Journal of Advertising Sara Rosengren
Quantitative Marketing and Economics Thomas Otter