
The Nordic Alliance for Communication & Management

Breakfast Seminar: Crisis Readiness in Geopolitical Uncertainty

Exploring research insights and best practice strategies on communication in navigating geopolitical risks.

  • Starts:08:30, 29 November 2024
  • Ends:10:00, 29 November 2024
  • Location:BI - campus Oslo, room: A2-Blue 2
  • Contact:#NORA (nora@bi.no)

In today's intricately connected global economy, organizations face unprecedented challenges due to escalating geopolitical tensions, which have significant impacts on corporate reputation, stability and operational continuity.

This breakfast seminar will delve into the complexities of navigating geopolitical risks and learn how to enhance organizational crisis readiness. With the global business environment becoming increasingly volatile, this session offers critical strategies and insights for maintaining operational continuity, protecting reputation, and upholding stakeholder trust amidst geopolitical upheavals – in theory and practice.


Her research interests center on the intersection of communication, management, and business, particularly focusing on the communicative activities of organizations in global environments. Her specialized areas include crisis communication, digital media, and social change. Dr. Zhao has published extensively in international peer review journals in the field of public relations and communication such as the Journal of Public Relations Research, Public Relations Review, International Journal of Communication, and Business Horizon, among others. She has received several accolades, including seven best paper awards and the most downloaded paper awards from internationally acclaimed academic communities, including the International Communication Association (ICA). Additionally, she is the leader of the European Network of Emerging Scholars (EUNES) at EUPRERA and a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Public Relations Research and Asia in Focus

Her research interests include crisis management and crisis communication, social media, crisis consulting, internal crisis communication, environmental communication and strategic communication in private and public organizations. She is the co-editor of Organizational Crisis Communication: A Multivocal, Approach (Sage, 2017), International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication (Wiley-Blackwell, 2018), Crisis Communication (Handbook) (Mouton de Gruyter, 2020), and has published more than 85 scholarly articles or book chapters. Together with Finn Frandsen, she was awarded the KOM’Prisen 2019 by by the Danish Union of Journalists (Media & Communication) and Kforum (Danish community for communication professionals) for their contributions to the professionalization of corporate communication in education and business in Denmark, and for their internationally renowned crisis communication research.

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