
About BI


This page provide information about how to get here, parking and hotels for our visiting guests.


These sites provide information about arrival, parking and hotels near our campus.

Receipt of goods at BI - campus Oslo

Opening hours: Monday - Friday 08:00-16:00.

Reach us at tel: 46 41 03 83 or use the calling at arrival.

Delivery of goods to BI (Nydalsveien 25) and tenants have access from Nydalsveien 23

The receipt of goods does not have loading ramps. A truck is used to unload cars. Larger trucks (semi and lorries) can not drive under the building, and must be unloaded outside the building.

It is not permitted to use jack trolleys in the building from floor U1 to 7th.  This is to reduce damage to floors, doors, door frames, lifts and walls. All transport must take place on four-wheels trolley with soft wheels that does not leave marks. You can borrow a trolley at our office.