

Students win essay competition

10 May 2022

BI’s Master students are challenged to state their opinions about sustainability.

Instead of just writing another assignment, the master course Ethics and Sustainability in Organizations has an opinion essay competition each semester.

“We ask the students to apply what they have learned in the course, critically reflect about corporate sustainability, and take a personal stand of companies' attempts to become more sustainable, says Caroline Ditlev-Simonsen, one of the Professors responsible for this compulsory master course. Now the winner essay for this semester is selected. 

Critical reflections of companies’ sustainability efforts

While many corporations are actively pursuing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, there are still numerous examples of companies misusing the SDGs for greenwashing.  

The winning team asks if Philip Morris, the multinational cigarette and tobacco manufacturing company, actually can positively contribute towards a sustainable future, in line with the UN's Sustainable Development goals. The winners receive a prize of NOK 10,000 and their essay "Is being less bad, good enough?" is also published at BI Business Review.

International winner team

The students agree that it was fun and insightful to write an opinion essay about sustainability.

“It is a major world problem, and it is exciting to discuss solutions to contribute to a more sustainable world. In addition, it was fun to work with others representing different countries”, says the winning team.

Sustainability opinion essay Winner team 2022

The four authors of the winner essay are all students based at Campus Oslo (from left in photo): Tianyi Zhu (China), Nicolette Conradis (South Africa), Katarina Ugland (Norway), and Maria Elena Martelli (Italy). (Photo by Ella Stalenget)

A generation that must make an impact

They think it is important that young people take part in the public debate about sustainability.

“It is our generation that will take part in new challenges and tasks. Young people have an impact on what kind of choices are made, which is why it's important to base our choices on what's best for our planet”, says the engaged students.

The jury of the Opinion Essay Competition includes Andreas Friis, Founder & Executive Director of Sustainability Hub Norway (S-HUB), Yngve Kveine, BIs Executive Vice President Communication, and Caroline Dale Ditlev-Simonsen, Professor of sustainability and corporate responsibility.


You can also see all news here .