About BI
Sustainability strategy
BI鈥檚 strategy towards 2025 determines that we shall prepare people and companies for an international, digital and sustainable future. This page shows how we approach sustainability in our research, teaching and within our own organisation.
Tidligere arrangementer
- 2 February: Green Bag Lunch - Training the Future Leaders Society Needs
- 2 March: Green Bag Lunch - On Teaching Sustainability That Business Needs
- 4 May: Green Bag Lunch - How to Integrate Sustainability in Curriculum
- 25 May:
- 30 May:
- 1 June: How to Develop Sustainability Teaching Through Student Feedback
- 11 January:
- 27 January:
- 4 April: Pushing the bounderies of sustainability reporting
- 5 April:
- 13 May: Preparing a battle plan for growth
- 19 May: BI Green Growth Conference
- 1 June:
- 9 June: Green Bag Lunch on Sustainability: Training the future leaders society needs
- 17 August:
- 29 August:
- 30 August:
- 30 August:
- 31 August:
- 15 September: A quarter century of corporate sustainability
- 23 September:
- 18 October:
- 24 October: Five extraordinary turnarounds to save the world
- 22 November: Alumni Advisory Board Meeting
- 1 December:
- 1 December: Green Bag Lunch: Training the future leaders society needs
- 9 March: Inspire to impact
- 26 May: Norsk bærekraftbarometer 2021
- 14 September: Sustainable finance - What´s the deal?
- 15 October: Mange veier til bærekraft - Hva forskning forteller oss om muligheter
- 9 January: Circular economy in the new decade
- 9 March: Inspire to impact
- 19 March: Offshore fornybar energiproduksjon; Forutsetninger for å skape en ny norsk eksportindustri
- 14 May: Sirkulærøkonomi - Dilemmaer og muligheter
- 29 May: Lederens verktøykasse: Fra grønnvasking til grønn vekst
- 3 June: Norsk bærekraftbarometer 2020
- 13 August: Sinker i bærekraft - Hvorfor er politikerne så trege?
- 19 August: Webinar om ansettelsen av ny oljefondsjef
- 16 September: Sustainable finance, responsible investments, and ESG related risk
- 30 September: Styrets ansvar og bærekraftig corporate governance
- 8 October: Den Europeiske Stiftelsesdagen