
About BI

Procedure for Waste Management and Reuse

Campus Oslo

The goods reception

On 1 January 2019, BI entered into a new waste disposal agreement with Ragn Sells. As a result, new routines regarding waste sorting on the Oslo campus were established.

Only transparent waste bags should be used for waste. Black waste bags and green bio bags for food waste should no longer be used. Transparent waste bags ensure that our personnel in the goods reception easily can control if the waste is disposed of correctly, which in turn will secure good quality on the sorted waste. If there are too many deviations, Ragn-Sells might redefine the waste as residual waste, which naturally must be avoided.

The goods reception in P3 has 19 waste types available today:

Type of waste Symbol Where to deliver
Reuse Ombruk symbol.jpg Contact Greta Koch, who is responsible for the Eco-Lighthouse at BI.
Food waste Matavfall.jpg Discard directly in the waste compactor.  
Residual waste Restavfall.jpg Discard directly in the waste compactor.  
Paper Papir.jpg Discard in the container next to the waste compactor.
Beverage cartoons Kartong.jpg Discard in the container next to the waste compactor for paper (the grinder).
Mixed plastic blandet plast.jpg

For example: yoghurt cups, plastic packaging. Must be free of product residues. The plastic is put in transparent waste bags on the marked area in the goods reception. The staff sorts out dry plastic for the plastic press.

NB! Deposit bottles should not be placed here.

Glass and metal containers glass og metall.jpg Must be free of product residues. Discard in the correct container in the cold room. There is a separate stand for the discard of waste bags.
Ceramics and porcelain porselen.jpg Discard in the correct container in the cold room.
Small batteries batterier.jpg Discard in the cupboard for hazardous waste.
Fluorescent tubes and bulbs Pærer.jpg Discard in the correct box.
Toner cartridges and ink cartridges tonerkasetter.jpg Discard in the correct box.
Paint, glue, lacquer maling.jpg Discard in the cupboard for hazardous waste.
Spray can spraybokser.jpg Discard in the cupboard for hazardous waste.
Electric and electronic waste E-avfall.jpg Discard in the correct container.
Plastic wrap folie.jpg Discard in the stand that is marked with “folieplast”.
Cardboard isopor.jpg Discard in the paper press. Boxes must be emptied and folded. 
Styrofoam (XPS) Isopor2.jpg Discard in the correct container.
Wood waste treavfall.jpg

NB! Only untreated wood!
Discard in the marked area  for wood waste in the goods reception.

Iron jern.jpg Discard in the correct container.
Frying oil olje.jpg Empy into a separate barrel in the cold room.


For project waste (plaster, mineral wool, furniture, laminated glass and more) contact the personnel in the goods reception.

The map below illustrates where the various waste types are placed in the goods reception.


The goods reception is staffed between 08.00 and at 16.00 on weekdays. Contact personnel if you have questions, or if you wish to receive training in the use of waste compactors and/or how to sort the waste correctly. Usually, it is cleaning personnel, canteen staff and tenants who use the goods reception the most.

Contact persons in the goods reception

Inquiries can be made to Daniel Lizana, daniel.lizana@bi.no or Jan Jacobsen, jan.jacobsen@bi.no.