
Sustainability strategy

Sustainability research

Business, economics and management are crucial to reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals and our faculty publish research relevant to reaching all of the goals.

Research at BI especially contributes to five Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

  • SDG 3 – Good Health and Well Being

    Research topics include medical supply chains, healthcare management and health technology.

  • SDG 8 –Decent Work and Economic Growth

    Research topics include employee wellbeing, a good working environment, and marginalized workers. 

  • SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

    Research topics include sustainable supply chains, and marketing and consumer uptake of sustainable foods and other green products.

  • SDG 16 – Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Research topics include tax and accounting regulations, white-collar crime, effective bureaucracy, and elections.

  • SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

    Research topics include macroeconomic forecasting and crisis prevention.

Major ongoing initiative relevant to the SDG's

Research Centres:

Research Projects:

Report on sustainability research 2020-2021

The Report on sustainability research at BI 黑料专区 Business School gives an overview of BI research related to reaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Key findings:

  • In the period 2020-2021, about 30 percent of publications by BI affiliated researchers are relevant to reaching at least one SDG.
  • All nine departments publish on topics relevant to sustainability.
  • BI research covers all 17 SDGs.
  • 80 percent of the publications relevant to the SDGs are journal articles, 35 percent of these are in journals with ABS rank 3 or higher.

BI joins project on sustainable food production

Matilda Dorotic and Luk Warlop from BI´s Department of Marketing join new research project seeking to ensure sustainable food production in cities.


BI launches new global scale up program to accelerate digital transformation

BI launches a new Nordic scale up program called GlobalScaleX, which aims to assist companies to accelerate digital transformation and realize international growth ambitions.


Students show how to fix the global food system

Team Inbbictus from Porto Business School won of the Global Case Competition (GCC), which gathered a total of 84 teams from around the globe to promote game changing ideas to support the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021.


Self-determination in the digital economy

NCIS Led a Session on Digital Self-Determination and the Digital Economy with Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society