Alexander Buhmann Associate Professor Department of Communication and Culture +4746410182 alexander.buhmann@bi.no -
Cecilie Staude Lecturer Department of Marketing +4746410190 cecilie.staude@bi.no -
Christian Fieseler Professor Department of Communication and Culture +4746410088 christian.fieseler@bi.no -
Christoph Lutz Professor Department of Communication and Culture +4746410206 christoph.lutz@bi.no -
Dicle Berfin Köse Assistant Professor Department of Communication and Culture +4745501481 dicle.b.kose@bi.no -
Espen Andersen Associate Professor Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship +4746410452 espen.andersen@bi.no -
Jan-Michael Becker Associate Professor Department of Marketing jan-michael.becker@bi.no -
Øyvind Kvalnes Professor Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour +4795204496 oyvind.kvalnes@bi.no -
Ragnvald Sannes Senior Lecturer Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship +4746410752 ragnvald.sannes@bi.no -
Thomas Hoholm Provost Academic Resources Staff +4746410619 thomas.hoholm@bi.no