Costas Xiouros Associate Professor Department of Finance +4746410840 costas.xiouros@bi.no -
Espen Henriksen Associate Professor Department of Finance +4746410646 espen.henriksen@bi.no -
Ilan Cooper Professor Department of Finance +4746410000 ilan.cooper@bi.no -
Kjell Jørgensen Associate Professor Department of Finance +4746410510 kjell.jorgensen@bi.no -
Morten Kinander Professor Department of Law and Governance +4797166641 morten.kinander@bi.no -
Pål E. Korsvold Professor Emeritus Department of Finance pal.e.korsvold@bi.no -
Richard Priestley Research Professor Department of Finance +4746410515 richard.priestley@bi.no -
Tore Bråthen Professor Department of Law and Governance +4746410415 tore.brathen@bi.no