Excerpt from course description

Negotiation and International Networks


As firms become increasingly embedded in international networks, the ability to develop and manage relationships has become essential to firm survival and success. This is particularly relevant for startups seeking to grow or firms trying to innovate while simultaneously protecting their innovations. However, managers frequently encounter issues in their international collaborations, such as those pertaining to conflicting objectives, cultural differences between partners, and intellectual property rights protection. This course aims to develop students’ understanding of the ways in which firms can collaborate, the challenges associated with collaboration in an international context, and the ways in which conflicts can be resolved. Participants will study a number of theories and processes aimed at developing their skills in forming relationships, and avoiding and resolving conflicts between organizations. Participants will learn through engaging in discussion and activities related to negotiation, mediation, arbitration and other dispute resolution processes.

Course content

The course will consist of two main parts:

  1. International networks. This part will focus on types of inter-organizational relationships (alliances, joint ventures, networks), theories that can be used to facilitate decision-making, and challenges often encountered in international networks.
  2. Negotiation and conflict management. This part will be aimed at developing the students’ understanding of common conflicts in international collaboration and the tools and skills necessary to successfully negotiate and resolve conflicts.

The course content includes:

  1. Formation: the relevance of global networks, how to form international networks, different forms of organizational relationships: alliances, joint ventures, networks
  2. Organization: How to organize interorganizational relations, the role of trust, and learning strategies and races
  3. International challenges: key challenges frequently found in international relationships, such as cultural differences, property rights protection, managing the portfolio, dynamic environments
  4. What is conflict: Understanding the nature of conflicts, assessment of conflict
  5. Getting what you want: Theories and strategies to successful negotiation including saving face, negotiation strategies
  6. Third-party intervention: Escalation of conflict, mediation, advocacy, arbitration
  7. Contextual factors: the role of culture, ethics, and power in (international) conflict


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.