


After developing the entrepreneurial mindset, grasping the essence of innovation, and establishing their new ventures, entrepreneurs and managers will need to consider whether and how to scale up. This is an essential aspect, as most well-known entrepreneurs gain their reputation for successfully scaling up businesses. Put in an extreme way, scaling success is what distinguish between great entrepreneurs and mediocre ones. Entrepreneurs are rarely deemed great if they only establish a startup that survives in a constant small scale. Yet, scaling is a very complex process, with substantial uncertainty. This course focuses on key challenges and problems in the scaling phase, to improve the ability of course participants to diagnose problems in scaling and to recommend solutions.

This course builds on theoretical and empirical explanations to explore how entrepreneurs cope with developmental challenges in different aspects. It also dives into key contexts, in order to improve the competence of students to combine knowledge with practice.

Course content

The course content includes:

鈥⒙燬caleup: Overview

鈥⒙燬caleup: Internal Analysis

鈥⒙燬caleup: External Analysis

鈥⒙燬caleup: Competitive Dynamics

鈥⒙燬caleup: Strategy (1)

鈥⒙燬caleup: Strategy (2)

鈥⒙燬caleup: Organization

鈥⒙燬caleup: Team

鈥⒙燬caleup: HRM

鈥⒙燬caleup: Innovation and ESG


This is an excerpt from the complete course description for the course. If you are an active student at BI, you can find the complete course descriptions with information on eg. learning goals, learning process, curriculum and exam at portal.bi.no. We reserve the right to make changes to this description.