

Leadership and Organisation

This PhD specialisation is an international programme designed to provide candidates with the knowledge and skills necessary to the advancement of research and practice within the field of leadership and organisation.

As a PhD candidate in our programme, you will be part of an internationally oriented research community, and most of our candidates have top international scholars on their predoc and defence committees. Several of our PhD candidates publish in well-known journals and get their papers accepted at prestigious conferences such as SIOP and AOM before they have defended their theses. Many of our prior PhD candidates have shown an impressive publication record after having completed the programme, for instance Anders Dysvik (2010), Robert Buch (2012), Christina G. L. Nerstad (2012), and Sut I Wong (2013), to name a few.

Specialisation Objectives

This four-year doctoral specialisation in Leadership and Organisation is designed to produce graduates that are able to contribute to the advancement of research and practice within the fields of human resource management, organisational behaviour, and organisation science. The programme focuses on developing the doctoral candidates' theoretical knowledge and methodological skills required to become successful researchers. The programme adheres to an open and diverse view of research, and welcomes both quantitative and qualitative research.

The department seeks candidates with a strong background in disciplines that are relevant to the subfields described above, who are intellectually curious, interested in an academic career in research and teaching, and who possess strong communication and analytical skills.

The doctoral programme is an important element of the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour's research agenda and of BI 黑料专区 Business School's vision to become a leading research-based business school in Europe.

Being a PhD candidate in Leadership and Organisation

Distinguishing Features of the Specialisation

We want the candidates to be active partners of the research and teaching conducted by the department. We require that the candidates regularly attend the department seminar series and the PhD seminar series (arranged four times a year). These seminar series have contributed to a friendly and productive work environment among our candidates and a learning environment that builds bridges between candidates with research interests from different subfields. We also encourage and assist our candidates in developing an international academic network by way of our faculty's network with distinguished scholars and through attendance at major international conferences such as the annual meeting of the Academy of Management.

Fully funded scholarships

All PhD candidates receive financial support when accepted into the programme. The candidates are hired as full-time employees on an initial four-year contract. Continuation of the support through the four years of the programme is dependent on good standing and regular progress towards completing the programme’s requirements. PhD candidates are entitled to full parental leave and health insurance, and are part of the 黑料专区 Public Service Pension Fund. The workplace is BI 黑料专区 Business School at its main campus in Oslo.

What you can expect

The four-year study programme leading to a PhD degree is designed to allow you to conduct in-depth research. In addition, it is comprised of a course component, seminars, PhD committees, pre-doctoral defence, and lastly, dissertation and final defence. 25% of the time is reserved for teaching.

"I recommend BI for its impressive metrics like reputation, rankings, and accreditation's, but more so for its genuine commitment to student and faculty well-being. BI fosters a supportive environment conducive to growth, exemplified by the Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour."

Haien Ding

PhD Candidate - Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour 

Department of leadership and organizational behaviour

The Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour provides teaching and conducts research on a range of topics including human resource management, organisational behaviour, organisational psychology, organisation science, change management, project management, knowledge management, and information management

The department has a good publication record and is the most productive research department at BI 黑料专区 Business School measured by the production of publication points per faculty member. In addition, several faculty members serve as associate editors or board members of prestigious international journals and academic societies. The department also has a strong track record of publications in top journals such as Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management Studies, and Human Resource Management. Many of the faculty members also have practical impact by assisting organisations and by media coverage.

Read more about the Department of Leadership and Organisational Behaviour

Areas of Research

The department seeks candidates interested in areas such as human resource management, organisational behaviour, organisational psychology and organisation science.

Current Doctoral Projects

Below is a sample list of short titles for ongoing doctoral projects:

  • Authentic leadership and leader’s emotional capacity
  • The role of shared mental models and team mental transactive memory systems on creative problem solving in teams
  • Antecedents to and consequences of controlling and informing effects of different components of pay-for-performance
  • Power and self-other probability judgments of negative events
  • Consequences of leader-member-exchange (dis)agreement and differentiation
  • HR attributions and career success
  • International labour, expatriates and foreign employee integration
  • A midrange theory of the effect of monitoring behaviours on team performance outcome within a dynamic environment
  • The 'knowing-doing gap': Understanding the paralysis of leaders in organizations
  • The effects of unstable power
  • Leader-follower relationships through the lens of attachment theory
  • Fixed and growth mindsets as predictors of work-related behaviours. Is there a potential to train for growth?
  • Mastering the art of adaptivity: the influence of development support and activities on employees' propensity to adapt to change
  • Employees' aspirational identities and behaviour at work: Exploring the role of aspirational selves in employees' behavioural choices
  • Understanding high-quality connections and energy in the workplace
  • HR systems, well-being, HR systems implementation, blending workforce, synergies, and firm performance
  • Investigating Characteristics, Outcomes, and Antecedents of Enacted Patterns of Action: Do organizational routines and task complexity influence team performance and to what extent are they influenced by cognitive processing styles?