
Peggy Brønn by the podium under her lecture of how understanding the power of communication makes great leaders

How understanding the power of communication makes great leaders

Peggy Simcic Brønn

Good communication and high performance go together and it is the responsibility of every leader to make sure good communication is a cornerstone of their organization.

Leaders Toolbox: How understanding the power of communication makes great leaders

Professor Peggy Simcic Br酶nn talk about how good communication and high performance go together as it is a key factor in successful change, engaged employees, and achieving strategy.

Amoung top five skills employees are looking for is the ability to communicate verbally with people inside and outside an organisation.

She address how leaders can take responsibility to make sure good communication is a cornerstone of their organization. The lecture will provide insight into communication that is typically lacking in leadership programs or at schools that produce the majority of Norway's leaders. 

Lederens verkt酶ykasse (Leaders toolbox) is a series of seminars at BI 黑料专区 Business School.

Leaders toolbox

Published 6. September 2017

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