
Centres, groups and other initiatives

Centre for Business History

The Centre for Business History (CBH) is involved in research, teaching, reporting and other forms of communication within the field of economic and business history.

A review of selected themes in A Monetary History of Norway 1816-2016 (Cambridge University Press 2016), written by Øyvind Eitrheim, Jan Tore Klovland and Lars Fredrik Øksendal
Seminar with Professor II Harold James

Date: February 1st, 2018
Time: 14:30-16:30

After James’ presentation two of the authors of the book, Eitrheim and Øksendal will comment on the review.


IMF’s history in the wake of the financial crisis in 2008
Seminar with Professor II Harold James
Date: January 30th, 2018
Time: 14:00-16.00

After James’ presentation Audun Grønn will have a prepared comment. Grønn is an economist (cand,oecon) who has been working in several positions in Norges Bank since 1980 as well as two periods in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), most recently as Executive Director from 2013 to 2016.

Varieties in the conception of capitalism 
Seminar with Professor II Harold James
Date: January 29th, 2018
Time: 13:00-15:00

When asked what he means by "democratic socialism," presidential candidate Bernie Sanders typically points to the Nordic countries. In Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark, education is provided for free, social insurance is unimaginably generous, and times are good. We should follow their example, he says.

Sanders has a conception of capitalism and socialism that is probably shared by many politicians and economists in the US, both on the political right and the left. They doubt whether Norway and the other Nordic countries are genuinely capitalist.

In “The Cambridge History of Capitalism Volume 1”, four elements are mentioned to be common “in each variant of capitalism:
1. Private property rights.
2. Contracts enforceable by third parties.
3. Markets with responsive prices.
4. Supportive governments.

But how much of the economy must be in harmony with these criteria for being called “capitalist”? Since “capitalism” is used so broadly, it would be of interest to discuss the different theoretical sources of the concept, and its diverse applications.

Harold James is professor of History and International Affairs and the Director of the Program in Contemporary European Politics and Society at Princeton University. He has published extensively on economic and financial history and modern European history. June 8th

The democratisation of luxury and the expansion of the Japanese market, 1960–2010

Date: June 8th, 2017